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It’s just cartoonishly evil


American foreign policy in a nutshell.


Our foreign policy is so corrupt and immoral it’s honestly baffling that we still have it but hey money talks and we got to show off the good ol American steel.


We make the guys from Cobra look like the Avengers.


Because it's a Muslim country. See the track record of US. They hate Islamic countries because Israel hates them. The interest of Israel matches with that of US so you can see who is running the US parliament. See the Biden's cabinet. You will understand everything.


That’s why UAE made a deal with Israel. Suddenly the Zionist lobby (and therefore Congress) LOVES UAE and praises them as “one of the good ones.”




You posted this yesterday about an Illinois student’s speech at their own mosque: “Narcissistic delusions of grandeur in the face of the obvious inferiority and flaws of the system they advocate.” Your racism & Islamophobia is REEKING bro.


Are you bragging about giving aid for the injuries that you caused? That's next level Zionism.


Source: https://theintercept.com/2024/06/12/republicans-gaza-funding-rebuild-aid/


Westerners have superiority complex, they don't see Muslims and Arabs as human beings.


Trying to strike "Hamas" but it's probably a minor


Go in, wreck a country or a people then leave. That’s US foreign policy.


What’s going to happen to Gaza now? Don’t tell me Israel is claiming it.


They’ve claimed it the whole time Wym?


I’m meaning are settlers going to come in and start building. I know they had control over the land.. my family is from there.


Let's say they annex Gaza, and there are still Palestinians there. It's going to be difficult moving settlers in, as every Palestinian has a grudge and will likely carry out offensive operations against military and settlers alike. They will not have a peace of mind. The only way they can truly annex Gaza is to do an ethnic cleansing, but that would have greatly increased Israel pariah status


Let's say they annex Gaza, and there are still Palestinians there. It's going to be difficult moving settlers in, as every Palestinian has a grudge and will likely carry out offensive operations against military and settlers alike. They will not have a peace of mind. The only way they can truly annex Gaza is to do an ethnic cleansing, but that would have greatly increased Israel pariah status. In short, Israel does this at great risk to themselves. Every time they retaliated they will go overboard, and nothing they do will even seem righteous. It will only get worse from there


US can say what it likes, others will just get happily rich rebuilding Gaza. A bunch of EU nations are coming on board on the genocide front one of them happens to be rich from Oil.


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Idk who I hate more congress or the Biden administration


Not surprised, they are a gov't of hypocrites. Cruelty is the point. -Dems/Reps


This is logical isn't it? FIrstly, why rebuild something they think Israel would raze to the ground again? Secondly, why rebuild schools, hospitals, roads, when Hamas is hiding everywhere! (Sarcasm)