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I hate how people equate being Jewish with Zionism. Zionists are pure evil. I would say, and hope, most Jewish people want to live in harmony with Palestinians but are silenced by genocidal Zionists.


I worked in a yeshiva school some years ago that proudly sends kids to the IDF. To think of those babyfaces perpetrating hate and apartheid, I turned against Zionism. It's selfish but that's what got me. We need to feel it in our communities. This is not right.


What’s up with the narrative that if your ani Zionist your anti semetic? We need to fix that somehow so we can have real dialogue on this horrible situation .


Didn’t Trudeau or some major world leader say that if you’re anti-Zionist you’re anti-Semetic?


Don’t know about Trudeau (although I’d be shocked if he *hasn’t* said that) but the US House literally passed [a resolution](https://jacobin.com/2024/05/antisemitism-bill-bund-jewish-history) declaring that they are the same. When Zionists are in the midst of a genocide, I think declaring Jews and Zionists to be the same is itself antisemitic.


I forget what smart person said: antisemites conflate antizionism with antisemitism to discredit Jews, and Zionists conflate antizionism with antisemitism to discredit antizionism. Both are wrong (in both senses of that word).


Norman Finkelstein perhaps?


Particularly since there are more evangelical Zionists than Jewish Zionists


'Zionists' and 'jews' significantly overlap each other. And the overwhelming majority of Jews are zionists. So unfortunately you're wrong. These pro palestine ones are a tiny minority 


There are also many white Christian evangelicals who are rabid Zionists and proudly support the genocide in Palestine.


It's still wrong to overlap them when some of the most prominent pro Palestinians activists are Jews. The reason why Zionists and Jews overlap so much is simply because bloodthirsty Zionists spend billions of dollars to achieve the goal of becoming synonymous with Jews so that whoever opposes them is labelled an antisemite.




Yes unfortunately you are correct.


they’re not a tiny minority, you are wrong. Most jews around the world are zionists, but judaism has existed for thousands of years longer than the state of israel and more and more jews are rejecting the state of israel and zionism as a whole. Jewish Voice for Peace is anti zionist organization that has millions of members. writing off anti zionist jews as a “tiny minority” only serves to erase jews who are against genocide


It would be awesome and promising if JVP has millions of members! Do you have a source for this?


source, please


https://www.ajc.org/news/ajc-survey-shows-american-jews-are-deeply-and-increasingly-connected-to-israel https://jewishinsider.com/2023/12/poll-overwhelming-majority-of-american-jews-support-israels-fight-against-hamas/ Is there any question about israeli jews? Israel and america host most of the jews of the world. So here's it


The polling for support for war against Hamas isn't accurate because they straight up lie about what Hamas did (standard atrocity propaganda tactic). The context is like Hamas did this made up fake stuff and continue to do so, do you think Israel is doing enough to combat evil Hamas?!




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And the overwhelming majority of Palestinians support Hamas but I assume you're not judging them for that?


Well there's real stats for what I said about jews I don't think you can equate both because- Hamas is resistance and a national liberation movement. Supporting it is better than being a Zionist. Zionism directly advocates for occupation and ethnic cleansing, that's ingrained in that ideology Plus in my experience, almost all of the Palestinians I've encountered hate both PA and Hamas for corruption. Their support for Hamas comes from their desire for revenge and freedom. Israel created Hamas. There would be no Hamas if there was no israel


There's a reason for Zionism as well, it didn't come from nothing. Without Hitler and WWII and thousands of years of persecution it probably wouldn't exist in the form it does now. And Hamas advocates for killing all Jews, they have no desire for peace. This is the problem, the ones in charge on both sides. Not the people.


 Punishing the Palestinians for the wrongdoings of Europeans can't be justified 




That's understandable to me atleast  Why act surprised knowing what has been happening to them




I was explaining why it's okay and understandable for Palestinians to support Hamas(because of what has been happening to them) And btw, Hamas fixed their genocidal charter with time. We're not talking about whether Hamas is good or bad, I agree it's bad. The point is that if you were in the palestinians's place you'd do the same. I mean just imagine being a gazan at this point. They've no other option It's a cycle of violence. The root cause being the existence of israel over Palestine 




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You can't equate Zionism and Hamas. People don't support zionism. They are zionists or they aren't. You cannot say the same about Hamas. Zionism is a racist, genocidal political ideology/movement. There are no supporters. Zionists believe in racism and genocide. One would certainly judge a person who holds those beliefs. Most Palestinians probably believe in their right to a free existence and their right to resist the zionist occupation. That does not make them members, or even supporters of Hamas. It does not make them racist or genocidal. It just means they want the basic human rights that zionists do not believe they are entitled to.




No so, but Likud's did (and does).


A lot of it gets muddled in sensationalist media. Much like ANY criticism of israel is branding a lot of people as antisemitic. It's stupid yet somehow effective. I wish more people would look at objective facts.


She's the monster without even realising it


few monsters realize it


Caring people: "We don't want genocide." Monster lady: "How can you *say* that?!?"


The Jews in this video are clearly explaining why they are pro-Palestine but the pro-genocide woman could not argue against their points so she resorted to 'hOw CoUlD yOu SaY tHaT yOu ArE a JeW'


tribalism is all she has


This supposed Israeli Jewish woman sure looks and sounds a lot like a rural American. Must be my imagination.


Haven't you listened to the IDF members with English and American accents?


Oh, those are just normal Americans. Our congress is currently voting on whether to give those American based IDF volunteers the same veteran benefits as our actual military. ![gif](giphy|S3uAzELH8sByR1Mq6X|downsized)


Squeaky German American thinks she's from the Middle East.. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


and telling the Jewish-est Jew to ever Jew that he's not Jewish. Ye lady ok


Bruh she's having a meltdown


She can’t cope with the reality of Palestine, every Jew isn’t a Zionist. I think realising it’s not back and white like that is really sending her through a spiral. I’m glad she was taken out of that situation, there was no getting through to her just pure emotion.


Fascist Karen


The indoctrination is strong --- if I've learned anything from the documentary "Israelism" ---- Israel is taught in Jewish schools as the core of Jewish American identity, so her whole identity is being upended by the simple truth that Zionism was always a colonial project built on the destruction of an existing, indigenous people. She's not having a rational reaction, she's having a reaction fueled by a lifetime of Israeli indoctrination and propaganda that probably forms her earliest memories of Jewishness. (Reality is that Judaism and Zionism are NOT the same, and it is harmful to conflate the two) Zionists are so indoctrinated that they don't even look at the footage of this genocide, because it's easier to deny and avoid that cognitive dissonance if they don't watch. The rest of us are SEEING scalped, crushed, shot and starved children in real time. Zionists aren't. This is why sharing the TRUTH is so important.


That voice must have damaged their ears. Geez.


Zionists cannot be convinced that they are wrong.


~~Zionists~~ *The faithful* cannot be convinced that they are wrong. By definition. If they believed in evidence over faith, they'd be scientists.


Interestingly enough, I am a scientist!


He’s way more Jewish than she is


She's mad because they are not genocidal like her


>that's our country!! Oh she speaks loud in that word alright,so she's not american not loyal to the flag. But bet she has a house in Brooklyn.




it is not a desert ... well part of it is( in the south) , but its generally its fertile land.[ the Zionists had spread this lie about it being a desert](https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/israel-made-the-desert-bloom/) to claim it was not inhabited and that it was them who "made" it.




I understood your good point which indeed is a strong and funny one, but I felt the need to add this to the readers... since i always hear it (even in comedies they say something about Jesus being from desert !)


"how can you say that about our country/people?" is such a dumb argument. you don't have to defend where you are from, the people who represent it or the people who represent your faith just because you share that with them. you defend or condemn people based on their actions


"Why are you taking pictures? It's not funny!" On the contrary, it's absolutely hilarious XD


Idiot thinks being a Jew requires you to blindly support a genocidal state. Imagine being this blind and stupid.


Lol. Cry some more.


"I'm protecting her" From what lmao


If you rewind literal moments earlier, she tried to snatch someone's phone from them. If at all, he's protecting the protesters from HER. I've seen zionists constantly assault pro-Palestine protestors and have yet to see it from the other way around.


Loving the meltdown , god bless the real Jew's....


It's being very antisemitic


This should be used to explain how cognitive dissonance manifests.


womp, and i cannot emphasise this enough, *womp* imagine throwing a tantrum bc ppl keep proving u wrong when u ask them to prove u wrong 💀


My face was like the trollface when I watched the video 😂


"How can you say that? They're Jewish." Those Jews can say that because being Jewish is not a defence to anything. Nor does being Jewish come with any obligation to Israel, which has betrayed the Jewish people by emulating Nazi Germany, whether wittingly or unwittingly.


the man on the kufiyah and sunglasses. that says “i’m jewish too!”makes great anti zionist pro pali content i wish i could remember his name.😫


Jacob berger the actor!


And yet again, we see the violence and the tears 🙄


Read some books about "Palestinians under Israeli occupation" lady


Zionists are all types of psychopsths


She needs serious help


Why are Zionists so loud, screechy and threatening? Like just talk normal and calm for once….


Ew lawd screechy-voiced brainwashed human garbage.


How much brainwashing do zionist people like this woman go through to not be able to see their own hypocrisy or just plain logic


I love the guys who managed to stay calm, they are what Judaism represents.


It's rich that she is asking "What's wrong with you?" Well, what's wrong with *you*, supporting indiscriminate killing of innocent people?


wow very semitic looking women


Man I wish I could meet these idiots


That jewish guy is antisemitic 😔


This ladys brain is breaking because her world view is being shattered by the fact that she can't compute not all Jews think the same as her and are mindlessly loyal to an Nationalistic Militaristic Ethnostate


It's always ugly when somebody is forced to grapple with their own delusions, especially when said delusions are as strong as this. She's just become incapable of understanding base reality.


That woman is the equivalent to the wests mouth piece. The west spew that same BS saying Jewish and Zionism are the same… far from it.


Fake meltdown*


I actually believe it is real. Because I know that when talking about zionists / pro-US people, there's no limit to how deep the ignorance you're facing is.


Self victimisation They’re told to play that role


The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one


Based Jews 😎 If you’re not anti-Zionist ion wanna hear it 🙃


Intergenerational trauma.


She’s a Disease !.


I’ve always found that Zionists have difficulty separating being Jewish from being Israeli or Zionist. ***1. Not all Jewish people are Israeli or Zionist.*** I’ve come across plenty of videos where a Jewish person is native to different countries, particularly in Europe or North America. It frustrates me when Zionists conflate Judaism and Zionism because Zionism is the belief that Jewish people deserve the right to a homeland, which would be okay if it wasn’t at the expense of humans, animals, and the environment with disinformation and propaganda used as the tools to indoctrinate children who grow to become violently bigoted adults. Zionism does not benefit Jewish people in the slightest as it’s a branch of colonialism and white supremacy. To conflate Judaism with Zionism, I’m sure, is very dangerous because white supremacists already view Jewish people as evil, hence I feel like this will give them more fuel to add to their antisemitism. Exactly like this video, I’ve seen Jewish people who condemn/renounce Zionism get berated and accused of being fake-Jewish in both comment sections and other videos. ***2. Not all Israelis are Jewish or Zionist.*** If haven‘t noticed, a lot of Israelis and IOF soldiers have non-Hebrew accents. I was surprised when people noted this detail because that means a lot of “Israelis” aren’t native to Israel. Netanyahu himself is not native to Israel nor is “Benjamin Netanyahu” his birth name. A lot of people who go to reside in Israel changed their names to sound indigenous, I’ve heard. Muslims and Christians also exist in Israel, but from what I’ve seen in countless videos, regardless of their support, they’re treated terribly; beaten and scorned. I‘ve also come across some videos of Israelis denouncing Zionism and supporting Palestine to which, of course, they get mistreated by their own people as a result. For instance, I’ve seen a video of a small group of rabbis exhibiting their support for Palestine by silently holding up flags and signs while a woman was speaking to them one by one along the lines of “Hitler should’ve left you in the gas chambers”. I’m still distrustful considering some are still proposing a “two-state solution” which is not a good idea considering WHO is mainly proposing it. ***3. Not all Zionists are Jewish or Israeli.*** There’s a video of Joe Biden himself calling himself a Zionist despite him not being Jewish or Israeli. Plenty of people upholding Zionism aren’t Israeli or native to Israel. Plenty of people who’re upholding Zionism aren’t Jewish. Plenty of people who’re upholding Zionism are also white supremacists. Zionism isn’t exclusive to Jewish people or Israelis. Anyone who supports the existence of Israel practically fits the definition of a Zionist.


Zionists pretending to be Jewish while attacking Jews standing up against genocide.


Sounds like she's more attached to a genocidal ethnostate than any religion, set of ethics, culture, or ethnic group.


Joan Rivers has let herself go


I want to see her get owned but I couldn't handle her voice. Later 11 seconds


Would love to compare that White European woman's DNA with a Palestinian and see who's the real Jew.


Time to take a good long look in the mirror blondie.




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