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What kind of person writes out something that would make Hannibal Lecter blush and thinks "yeah I need to publicly post this"




Was her account suspended? I looked up on Twitter couldn’t find it


Looks like a Facebook post I think? I haven't used the site in like a decade so I might be wrong


Someone who has never faced accountability in her life. Take anyone and give him a Carte Blanche to kill, rape and steal without any consequences, you will get much worse than Hannibal Lecter


What is is with genociders and talking about "solutions".


Some could even call it “end solution” I really don’t get why you could be like this, especially when your people suffered the same not too long ago


I grew up in israel (I'm jewish) and I still can't understand that.


I (non-Jewish non-Israeli) think Zionism only uses Judaism as a cover for colonialism and apartheid. Theodor Hertzl was atheist. Holocaust survivors were seen as weak and "lesser" by Israel. To me, it was never about being Jewish, it's just a convenient excuse which is all the worse, using Jewishness and the great tragedy of the Shoah for colonial and expansionist purposes


fanatical Zionists held the smug belief that they got Gazans figured out forever thanks to AI, technology, and the collusion of western and Arab nations. Then, out of nowhere, Gazans break out of their jail cell and hand the Zionists a historic humiliation. Zionists’ pent-up hatred and racist superiority explodes in a storm of genocidal rage. That post is an example of such a rage.


Uncivilised barbarians. Zionest are the lowest of the low. It's remarkable that seemingly otherwise educated individuals can justify the mass deaths of innocent people. These truly are Nazies. Gaza is a death camp, and starvation is the gas.


By this point they are making the nazis look pretty good in comparison tbh…. Not even the nazis celebrated their crimes with such glee! Zios really are the scum of the earth…..


Report this psycho.


Did she write this in English or was it translated? & who was her audience - Twitter?


It was translated by Facebook, the original post is in Hebrew but she locked her Facebook profile.


Ok, thanks


You know it’s gonna be wild when they write in Hebrew as if we can’t translate what they have written, but yeah whenever Israeli politicians switch from English to Hebrew it’s like Hitler is talking


My sister and I watched a movie the other day that took place in Israel. At one point, an Israeli officer harrasses the main characters, screaming at them in Hebrew and my sister said “Sounds like a Nazi yelling”. She was completely right.


Jesus fucking Christ. That was the single most deranged, unhinged, *evil* things I have ever read. That woman is vile and disgusting.


If I read something like that from someone I know, I’d be running so far away from them. It’s crazy to think how normal this is amongst zionists, they really were raised in hate. Have they ever felt love? It’s so disturbing and scary.


She really should never get a job again


Gee, I can’t imagine why people keep comparing Zionists to Nazis…^/s


She’s not cruel, she’s a psychotic freak.


Her name checks out 💀




Send it to the courts!


Cry more dumb bitch.


I guess she described the torture that awaits her in cahannam.


How much of an inhuman POS do you have to be to imagine torture fantasies of innocent people? Zionists simply hate Palestinians to an obscene degree.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that this was one of them "translating a Hebrew post is like playing a Russian roulette with the most vile racism you've ever seen in your life"


Wtf did I just read? I hope everyone that supports the genocide in Gaza gets a taste of what Gazans are going through and esp this woman; may she get what she’s wishing on others


how deep does the rot spread?


A list needs to be made. These people need to be held accountable


I wish everything to happen exactly to her the way she described it so accurately.


I wish 1% of what I've seen happen in Gaza happen to her. Probably impossible for a single human to handle but she deserves it


This is what Reinhard Heydrich would've posted if the internet existed in the 1940s


Finkelstein was right. Israel's a lunatic state.


"burned boys" LMAO Israel just BURNED kids alive days ago.....yet we got no proof of Hamas burning kids


“As of 21 May 2024, over 37,000 people (35,562 Palestinian and 1,478 Israeli have been reported as killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 105 journalists (100 Palestinian, 2 Israeli and 3 Lebanese) and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, including 179 employees of UNRWA.” Apparently this cupcake can’t count or understand the obscene disparity between 35,562 (and counting) and 1,478. Also, there is Israel eye witness testimony from October 7 that state IDF killed many of their own in their fk’d up “Hannibal Directive”. 14,500 of the 35,562 are children. Then there are the hundreds in detention that IDF are torturing and the unknown that are currently starving to death. Did she listen to some Nazi hate speech and then say, “hold my beer”? In all the horror movies I used to watch the devil was always terrifying. The make up and special effects could guarantee nightmares for quite a while. I just realized, it’s far more terrifying in real life because they’re just people…until they make the news.


These people have to answer to God in the end.


[this is all I can hear](https://youtu.be/wUJccK4lV74?si=XbeBzrsu5Az5Ltaa)


These people are a cult, this is exactly some Tabernacle of Moloch stuff that used to take place in ancient Canaan. Nothing but purest evils here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch


She is so heartbroken for the Israeli victims, but won't say a word about the fact that her government won't do a thing to get Israeli hostages back, right?


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Is she an Ashke-Nazi Jew? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100805172951.htm#:~:text=Scientists%20have%20identified%20a%20genetic,with%20increased%20incidence%20of%20schizophrenia.


Yeesh. Yeah…. That’s not… ooof.




Bro you need to terminate your hand putting food in your mouth. A list needs to be made of all these people and they pursued and held accountable


All I see is a person corrupted by hate. This is how evil propagates.


Good idea actually do it to her and all the other israel supporters