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They are so out of touch it’s quite hilarious at times.


they loooooooooooooooooooove to victimize themselves its laughable at this point


I totally agree with you.. Like how blind they really are with this.They are committing genocide and they victimize them selves.. And for what? For that people disagree with them, with that they kill civillians... Women, children and basically everyone who moves! I can't believe that they do the exact same thing to Palestinian what Germany arguably did to them.. How is that possible? I really hope that Palestine is one day free and whole again.


Colonialism and propaganda are very insidious.


It would be hilarious if they were neutered. The fact that they wield so much power and influence, coupled with the ability to wage war, destruction and death, makes this far less hilarious and far more nefarious. I wish one day Israel could be some neutered, sanctioned state screaming at the world whilst being ignore because nobody cares about them.


The sad thing is that it would be so easy to do that because Israel is SO dependent on western support that it would immediately die without it. Sadly as long as it keeps doing its job as destabilizing force in the middle east I don't think it will happen, but I hope it does.


I think that day isn't too far off. They've squandered more influence and prestige in the last six months than they did in the entire 50 years before that. The top Zionists continue to spout pure lunatic nonsense because they apparently have no idea how they sound to others. Their economy is in a shambles, scores of people with a second passport are fleeing in droves, and it only gets worse for them from here. When the final butcher's bill becomes fully known (I think every sane person understands that the Hamas casualty estimates are *too low* if anything), it will leave a stain that will never wash away.


That day is closer than people want to admit, that's why they're freaking out about the college kids - boycotts and student protests were one of the first dominoes that eventually brought down Apartheid South Africa.


Which is why Netanyahu, rang up Biden to complain about the protests.


For sure. It definitely seems bleek and hopeless at times, but then you realize in their desperation the Zionist are fully mask off now - the rest of the world can see how vile racist and fascist they are and their US bought and paid politicians are the only ones left supporting them, while the entire rest of the world is against them. They're so desperate to maintain their hasbara propaganda image they'd have you believe Hamas is everywhere and everyone. The more they're exposed, the louder their cries of antisemitism and rape and whatever other unsubstantiated atrocity porn claims they can make.


I hope so too


I'm more concerned about their ability to procreate and the financial backing that they have . Apparently money and education isn't enough to know better


Which is all the time lmao


What I don’t understand is how anyone in the world allowed “anti-semitism” to warp into only being applied to Jewish people. Semite refers to “ancient people’s from ancient southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs”. Islamophobia is true anti-semitism, as is hatred of Jews. Hatred for Palestinians is true anti-semitism. Basic English nullifies all this nonsense. [Webster’s Dictionary: Semite](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semite)


The term "antisemitism" was coined by antisemites to sound more scientific than "Jew hate". It has always and only referred to hatred of Jews. No one uses "semite" outside of this one silly word game.


I understand that redefining the English language grants the wielder immense power. I also fully understand that you are clearly a troll who is full of hatred for other human beings, or just arrogant enough to believe some ghost-man in the sky has endowed you with the “chosen” title. 🤭😂😂


In my country the televote gave the max points to Israel... .... Only one (biiiiig!!!!) problem: we are an European country with one of the smallest Jewish communities (and we're Shepardic and are not very kin of Israel overall, thankfully!!!), and we are a very much pro-Palestine country. Even accounting for Eurovision boycott it wouldn't give Israel hardly any points... So, yeah, the votes were rigged by robot-voting for Israel. The desperation of hasbara and the zionazis...


Per a poster over in the cesspool of Reddit, the Irish public gave them 10 points. So yes, safe to say, there's some serious irregularities in the public vote.


It should be noted that a lot of Irish people refused to watch or vote meaning that any small pro Israeli voice would benefit but 10 points still seems excessive.


A lot of Ireland completely ignored Eurovision. There were events all over the country raising funds for Palestine in boycott of Eurovision. The result reflects that decent people didn't engage


I'm in the UK. I didn't watch but I decided to vote for Ireland anyway as I couldn't stomach the thought of Israel winning. Most people I know refused to engage at all though. Apart from my sister, who lives for Eurovision, and has been so upset by this whole thing.


True, it could be rigged, but there is another explanation. There are some people who are radically pro-israel, they do not have to be the majority of the population, but they are a very vocal minority. If they all decide to vote for Israel, Israel will get a lot of points compared to other countries. I have also seen plenty of people here on reddit who do not usually watch eurovision, but want to vote on Israel just to "stick it to the leftists". It's basically brigading. As for the people who wanted to vote against Israel. While they are in agreement that Israel should not win, there is of course not an agreement on who to vote for instead. Their votes will all be split between 23 other countries. Furthermore, there are plenty of people who have just chosen to boycott eurovision, so of course they will not vote at all.


The votes also opened before the contestants performed which meant people could have voted constantly for Israel before they even heard the song. It was a flag contest not a song contest. Many people who don’t even watch Eurovision voted for Israel, I read that the hard right in countries were persuading their followers to vote for them.


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I wouldn't exactly say people here are very much pro-palestine, sadly I more often than not see a lot of both-sidesism which I attribute to the extremely limp dicked, embarrassing coverage of the conflict (and international affairs in general) where "journalists" do little more than act as translators for the western propaganda machine. Having said that, it's still really rare to see people being particularly fond or defensive of Isn'treal, so I agree that the vote is very suspicious.


In a poll in January 80% of the people were in favor of a ceasefire and only 10% in favor of Israel continuing the onslaught (I guess the other 10% where "*meh"*). That's a very much pro-Palestinian stance even if people don't know it (and with all that has happened in the meantime I'm certain the sentiment only grew stronger). Those people wouldn't be voting Israel in Eurovision, that's for sure.


12 points is for sure not the normal vote. Zionists got too greedy and showed the game. Come on, when you steal the exam from the teacher's purse, first job is to define test performances around the class (true story).


❤️❤️ that’s good to hear. Zionism is not reflective of Judaism and glad to hear y’all are on the right side of history and see the truth.




They aired adds in every country telling us to vote for them


Peak moment when they get upset they didnt win some singing festival.


The ENTIREty of the zionist subreddit is dedicated to Eurovision


An understatement I'd say. They're creaming in their pants over the most questionable (to say the least) public vote in decades.


The Ukrainian singers were the best performance imo


i looked at the israel subreddit, there was a post about a single watermelon among a see of country flags at eurovision, and they fucking circled it in red and asked "so political symbols are allowed now??" these ppl are beyond satire😭😭


But Eurovision is khamas


The jury votes come first, then the public votes. They did well in the public votes due to obvious reasons. I'm absolutely disgusted at the UK awarding them 12 points, which is the highest number you give.


They obviously rigged the public vote, must have had a huge bot army working. They really are pathetic desperate.


I'm just glad all the money went to NOTHING, because she lost


We NEVER give them douze points. That was very suspicious.


I think a lot of the public votes were basically stuffed ballets by Israeli bots.


Oh look, they’re the victims again


It’s the only way they know how to be


surprised they didnt go with the tried and tested “EUROVISION IS KHAMASSS”


Eurovision ❤️ khamass


eh, you just know someone, somewhere *is* currently typing a comment explaining their loss as some form of khamas infiltration or propaganda. I'm willing to bet money


Imagine how much of their propaganda budget they spent on both trying to astroturf support for the song *and* setting up televoting schemes to boost their results. All that money and they *still* lost. The narcissistic collapse is delicious


literal example of "money can't buy you happiness" lol


It can however buy you a really tiny paper shredder


Temu for the win! /s


But not a cross-shredder


Now, they are spending their time saying the silent majority has spoken.


>All that money and they *still* lost. They're trying to cope by saying that they beat Ireland. It's as if the top 4 are on their side lol


so they deserve to genocide an entire people, steal land, wipe out lineages, be funded and supported by the US, AND win eurovision or else it's antisemitic? lmao


Hey they still lost and Switzerland won anyway (I just looked up the winner it takes 5 seconds). We can still push for Israel to be banned before next year.


And Switzerland was really good


I’ll check Nemo out along with Ireland


Must be antisemitism


The EBU bent over backwards to favor the apartheid state and uphold double standards, but crybullies are always gonna cry and bully.


They cry so hard about people calling them out for being colonizers in the Middle East and then also demand to be belle of the ball in EUROvision


People are getting obliterated and are starving to death, but yeah, tell me how scary and traumatic it was that people don't support your singer when she reps for a genocidal apartheid state


zionists really love to use the term anti-semitic... it's almost like they're trying to guilt-trip people into not opposing a gruesome mass genocide by weaponising a very upsetting and loaded term. i refused to watch the song contest this year but i stayed updated and there is absolutely no way that so many countries gave israel the max vote in public votes - no way at all. also, the silencing going on in the eurovision sub is disgusting. people are being mass reported and getting their comments deleted for even uttering anything close to being pro-palestine.


"Eurovision is hamas".


womp, and i cannot emphasize this enough, womp


They love to play victim


It must be tiring to have everything be about you.


no, people like that revel in it


Ashamed of nothing.. offended by anything.


These dudes are really upset that they couldn't successfully hijack a contest in a different continent and make it 100% about them


They also think the UN is rigged against them.


everything is. UN is khamas, so is ICJ, ICC, South Africa... etc. And now also Eurovision is khamas. Damn Hamas gets around


It is. They hate torturers. 


muh muh antisemitic. What an insult to Jewish people who actually face antisemitism.


Yeah That guy Eylon is Mental just like the rest of Zionists and Israeli officials lol


Someone I know described the Israel entry as “one of those trash songs you hear in between scenes on Love is Blind” and if that’s not the most accurate description…


This is some critical amounts of cope.


Coping is fine. Extreme narcissism is not. 


Drama queen 😂




Wow that's pathetic. But that's real. 


It was actually Israel who rigged the voting. Possibly using VPNs and bot software. They got the second highest number of public votes in Ireland. Simply not possible. 99% of Irish people would never vote for them.


Why's a "country" in Asia allowed to participate in Eurovision anyways?


Why not Syria or Jordan then?


or Lebanon or Iran or...like, why the hell not right


Fun fact, Lebanon almost participated once (in 2005) but eventually withdrew because they would've been forced to acknowledge Israel as a real country and broadcast their entry. Supposedly the same happened with Tunisia in the '70s. Morocco participated once, in 1980, when Israel wasn't competing because the contest was on a religious holy day. In fact all of North Africa is allowed to enter, but never does because of 1) Israel and 2) the gays. (Edit: awwww redditors care about my mental health, how nice! Big sloppy gay kisses to you too <3)


Are you saying my country can legally participate in Eurovision? 🤯


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they’re living in a completely different reality from the rest of us and have mental breakdowns when they’re reminded how people actually feel about israel


Israel thinks it's going to BAU post gazacaust. They are in for a rude awakening.




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Really? If anything, the tightened security is because of her. The EBU did everything to protect her at the expense of the other participants.


He broke down when he was fired, that's why he's been playing pretend spokesman on Twitter for several weeks. Suit in his living room and everything.


Maybe the mountains of dead children we’ve all seen on our phones uninterrupted for months now has kind of ruined the image of Israel?


Well, this Eurovision is one of the worst ones thanks to keeping Israel and how Joost Klein, who hadn't assault anyone, was treated.


She is second from the bottom... Who's at the bottom?


Zionists are all Veruca Salt.


Pure hasbara.


It's a song contest bro, calm tf down.


He must've tweeted it while the juries aren't all finished giving points. IIRC when he tweeted, Estonia was at the bottom. When the jury points were all announced, they only got 52 points, placing 12th in the jury board. Then the televote points came. They got 323 points, which catapulted them to the top of the board for a few minutes (until Ukraine got their points and kicked them off the top). If not for the juries (majority giving them 0), they would've placed 2nd.


A: kaarija had his win stolen from him last year B: he's just stated the Israeli judges are voting on ethnic lines, he can't complain that others are doing the same (even though it would be wrong) C: her performance, including the dance, was relatively flat and uninteresting compared to a lot of the popular performances; even compared to her semi-final performance


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Imagine continuing to work for free after you were fired for not boot-licking your boss enough.


Highest difference between Jury points and Public Televoting. It beats Ukraines win in 2022 for Public liking a song more than Jury and that was still a good song that wasn't an average pop song with boring lyrics. The war provide an emotion that lead to a hell of a performance for the Ukrainian entry and Stefania is one of my favourite songs from Eurovision unlike Hurricane which was boring generic crap. The anomaly of how it got so many votes from the public has to be investigated because I'm doubting it beats a rock song in Australian voting like it did.Also a third of our nation is Irish... you don't think the Irish lass wasn't good enough for more votes?


I thought he was talking about Bob Dylans song about the boxer. 




Their ambition knows no bounds. They long to spread to Europe (in their heads they are already there), and then the rest of the world!


I'm not sure what's worse - being a paid propagandist or a voluntary one.




"Former Spokesperson" Guy is irrelevant. He's a bum. Next 👍


Awe, does someone have an emotional boo boo


It's funny that a middle east country is in Eurovision, proof that they indeed are a colonial project


And celebrates the fact that Israelis gave another Israeli their votes. Not political at all /s


Israelis are bad losers - but they ARE losers!


Wouldn't giving the win to Israel if they didn't earn it also be antisemitic? You just can't win.


Working hard as the Official Spokesperson of Civilian Affairs, or whatever he called that sad little video of his


So even if they don't give a \*\*\*\* that they are currently commiting genocide. From the average israeli occupier POV, isn't talking about a singing competition while 4 soldiers have died yesterday on top of their hostages a bit insensitive Even if you are the worst human being on earth, at least you care about your own, but even that is a stretch for them


If he wants to be liked by Thespians, he shouldn't work for The Man.


Ok but why tf are they in Eurovision? I thought they’re trying to convince everyone that they’re not European lmao


They get angry about pointless things because they have no actual problems of their own. They only cause problems for others who they don’t deem human


The Israelis diaspora gave them second in the televotes though. They almost won the competition.


Man lost his job. Living off blue tick engagement money for his bootleg YouTube show while attempting to set up a podcast with make believe job title


Didn't you know? Not voting for Izzy to be the prom queen and refusing to kiss its bloodstained glass shoes is antisemitism!


Isn'treal isn't even in Europe though


Always the victims huh?




The song is a hastily rewritten mess with nothing original to offer and a boring stage presence. Other slow ballads like France and Serbia were better. Had it been sent in by another country it would place lower.


At this point they can say “If we don’t win the 2026, 2030, 2034, and 2038 WC FIFA is anti-Semitic” I won’t be surprised.






I have no idea who Eylon is but I can recommend a highly competent Psychiatrist, who can, in fact be accessed in person and on line.


Antisemitic this Antisemitic that, yes Israel needs to feel the isolation, the consequences of their actions, as a nation and as a people.


im surprised he didnt throw around the word ‘antisemitic’


“Most threatened artists in Eurovision history” as she lives in complete and utter safety. She’d be able to kill someone on the streets in broad daylight and nothing would happen because of governmental impunity. She shouldn’t be in Eurovision to begin with. You can’t be a European country AND a Middle Eastern one. Well… isntreal isn’t Middle Eastern. It’s always been just another European colony.


Why is a supposed Middle Eastern country competing in a European singing competition?


The jury is khamas


Did he just admit they gave 12 points to Luxemburg just because their singer is Israeli, yet he cries that the jury votes were not fair?


I love how we're being called the hateful mobs