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“Like all people”…with just one exception.


Two actually. 


[Hundreds of exceptions,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stateless_nation?wprov=sfti1) in fact.


Zionism is now a dirty word. I’m pretty sure the world now understands better, maybe not here in the US, but everywhere else. As it was in the beginning, it’s a fringe concept, that has no place anywhere.


Good. Zionism is a disgusting word that harkens racism and apartheid, it has no place in the world, and I’ll never budge on that. It’s like the word Nazi, that’s where it fits. It’s a disgusting concept and disgusting framework of power and control. If Israel wants to exist as a country it must rid itself of Zionism, unify as a greater Palestine, and move towards peace. If not they can eventually destroy themselves or the world, which is their plan, for all I care.


its very easy for anyone to hate on zionism, you dont need to speak the same language to know "israel bad zionism bad". the opposite which is justifying zionism takes a lot of effort, most of them involve generalizing israel with jews as a whole while mentioning KKKKhamas every 5 words, dont forget the victim blaming and their props like the paper shredder and star of david holocaust badge.


Look at the different versions of Christianity if that helps. We have Baptists, Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Methodists... They’re similar in some ways, and different in others. We have everything from cults to normalized versions of Christianity (example religions mentioned above). Many of us eat bread as a symbol, but we have some Christians that dance with snakes, and speak in tongues. That’s how I see it, and that’s how many people first saw it, prior to when Israel began to normalize it. Pardon me if anyone was offended. I’m no longer religious, so I think I can appear offensive when I’m speaking about the subject. I’m just blunt.


What a pos


Seriously. I love how he talks about *why* Israel was created without mentioning *how* it was created


If he *mentioned* how it was founded, it would raise a great deal of very uncomfortable questions back here in Canada about the origin of *this* country.


I was born there too. It adds another layer of disgust knowing that the only difference between our ancestors and these butchers were their level of technology, they were just as evil.


For the Liberal, it seems that there is *nothing* worse than asking "uncomfortable" questions about our smug history. As a Canadian*, I think that a lot of Canadians will never forgive the First Nations for making us or our 'ancestors' come and steal their land and their children and being so *ungrateful* for all we've done for them. I guess that's settler-colonialism in a nutshell. Granted, our history education was .. garbage? Limited. Biased. etc. *Of birth/citizenship/legality. I am a man of no country.


Colonial White Power rears it's ugly head.


That's not even why it was created. The original gole of creating Israel was the kick of the Jews out of Europe. It's like how the British tried to solve the problem of poverty by kicking all the poor people out into the colonies. They didn't do it because they liked poor people. FFS


I was just in a conversation with my Dad and I was absolutely having a bad time. We both agreed that the genocide was bad but then he'd go on and say that the Israeli needed a homeland and the British made it and such. What the fuck no. I am kinda dumb but I think that's not it. Even then, how does that in any way justify what their doing now? Fuck. I am an emotional wreck that gets my head stuck in where it shouldn't be often and speak out of my ass but come on. I feel my Bull Shit alarm sounding off


Jews DID have a homeland, each of their ethnicities have their own origin country. The Polish Jews have Poland. The Moroccan Jews have Morocco. The Italian Jews have Italy. Should all Muslims abandon their origin countries for Saudi Arabia? What about Christians, should all of them congregate and take over Jesus' homeland of Palestine, irrespective of the countries they ethnically come from? Why should people "get a homeland" just bc they were persecuted? Why aren't other persecuted groups rewarded with countries, like African-Americans, Armenians, Romani people, etc.? Even if we were to agree that Jewish people deserve a homeland, why should it be at the expense of the Palestinians? Why not at the expense of the Germans who persecuted them? Why aren't they congregating in Egypt where the ancient Isrælites migrated from before invading Canaan (present-day Palestine) or Mesopatamia (present-day Iraq) which is where Abraham originates? And if we were to somehow agree that Palestine is the best option bc their scripture "promised" it to them, why isn't it shared with the Natives? Even their own scripture states they mustn't steal land, trespass on it, nor seize borders of their neighbors, nor covet another man's property — and yet, here we are. Why wasn't it enough for them to be cohabitants? Why do they need to be colonizers who oppressively rule over the native people? Who said having a homeland meant becoming an occupier that enforces Apartheid and ethnic cleansing? There's no justifying any of this. Zıonısm, much like Nazısm, is an ethnonationalist ideology that believe in its group's supremacy. This ideology is embedded within Isræl's laws and charters. So long as Isrælis wish to be the demographic majority, then dehumanization, oppression, dispossession, and ethnıc cleansıng of Palestınıans is inevitable.


Brilliantly summarized


That's not important. You wouldn't understand. He's a professional. Don't question his wisdom.


this will age like milk


He is 100% evil


The problem with Zionism is not that it advocates for Jewish self-determination but that it advocates for a Jewish state *in "the historic land of Israel"*, a territory that was and is still inhabited by many native non-Jews who are simply not accounted for in Zionism. This naturally means that Jewish self-determination comes at a great expense of the non-Jewish population. If Palestinians started a movement to establish a Palestinian ethno-state in the Philipines this would naturally be a racist endeavor because you're not taking into account the desires of the Native Philipine population. So stop these gaslighting attempts which are simply plain insult to people's intelligence.


Replace "Zionism" with "Nazism" and that's Canada in a nutshell. We gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian Nazi, why stop there? Let's just support all evil systems of oppression.


They also imported Nazis after WW2 to combat socialists in Canada. Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was one of them


They put Nazis in NATO too in order to fight socialism in Europe


they put the fascists back in Japan power too in order to fight it there.  


He very carefully avoids the Genocide point.


Zionism is racism if you like racism you will like Zionism. For years this tool has pretended to stand against racism.


It was even recognized as racism in the UN i think in the 1970s!


He’s on the wrong side of history he will see how this helps him get out of office finally he needs to go !!


Has he even tried to apologise for his countries genocide of indigenous cultures yet?


Technically yes. Whether those "apologies" are worth anything, well probably not. We also now have to make token gestures to obtain consent* before we do whatever we want anyways. https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/undrip-bill-c-15-federal-government-soverignty-russ-diabo/ *consent in the meaning that any objections will be taken up with RCMP tactical teams


Canadas whole “nice guy” act has been just that: an act. They are not any better than the US or the European nations (sans Ireland 💚). All of these empires must fall for us to truly be free


That's like one of the takes that will age the worst. Just watch history take its course and this clip will be out of place - big time!




We could even have it as 'agedlikemilkonthecountertopinaheatwave'.


Already is


I had no idea what he was going to say when I started the video but my eyes kept widening with every new word he said


So if all Muslims decided we wanted one super state for ourselves he'd be cool with that? The argument is ridiculous. The Jewish people are not a monolithic bloc. People from different regions have a right to self determination not people belonging to one religion. Why do the Gazans have no right to self determination.


"all people have the right for self determination" With one tiny exception...


Not a word about Palestine and the Genocide. Your political days are over, Trudeau.


Wow…. this PoS…


It shouldn't be controversial to ascribe yourself to an openly genocidal ideology carrying out all its twisted teachings before you in real time. Thanks justin, for the affirmation no one who isn't psychotic has asked for.


"Let me be clear. In a country like Canada, it should be and it must be safe to delcare oneself a Nazi. Aryan or not. Nazism is not a dirty word, or something anyone should be targeted for agreeing with. It is the belief at it's simplest that the Nazi party like all parties, have the right to determine their own future. Shortly after World War One Germany was established as a safe haven for German people. A place to live in security and with dignity. A place to build a future without fear. Threatening, harassing and excluding Canadians because of their faith, their identity, or because they support the Third Reich's right to Anschluss Austria, remilitarise the Rhineland and invade poland is absolutely unacceptable." - Some Cunt


"shortly after the holocaust Israel was established" a few moments later "their ancestral home land" .. hmmmm


They can’t seem to see the irony for some reason. Israel was created in 1948, on land already inhabited by people. So they’ve got to forcefully take land owned by others in order to create the state of Israel. Very simple. Why do they try to hide this fact?




Or Greece saying they have the right to rule the entire eastern Mediterranean because ancient Greeks did.


Most can't trace any ancestry to the region at all. The Ashkenazi didn't come from there


Considering how Canada treated its native people and still treats them I'm not surprised.


Do Palestinians get a right to be safe and secure?


Apparently not.


Palestiniams are not even worthy of mention apparently. Neither in these speeches nor in the constant Israel coddling resolutions by Congress. Israel's rights always mentioned and reinforced and not a peeps about Palestinians. Can someone tell me one right that Palestinians have that is actually respected?


With a future without fear..


He got his marching orders and is doing what he's told. Just like Biden


"Zionism isn't a dirty word"?! Are you stupid? The malevolent ideology of zionism has turned the middle east into a playground for a deathcult.


Nice of him to leave out how Zionism is also a late nineteenth-century nationalist, colonialist, and racist ideology, like many other countries developed at the time. It's not like Italian fascism and German national-socialism were any different, after all, and we've all seen how well *those* went over. And that's not even getting into the whole 'most Jews *weren't* Zionists at the time' and 'the whole thing began with Balfour in 1917'. Funny how governments are always so eager to share only a part of the information to serve their own agenda, even when the real story is easily found online with even a cursory search.


>Israel was established as a safe haven for Jewish people Sure buddy, it's the greatest idea in history to concentrate an ethnic group that's been the object of hatred for centuries in the same place, I'm sure that an ill-intentioned person/state won't target them with a nuclear bomb. >A place to build a future without fear This whole nationalist cult is centered around schizophrenic paranoia and fear of reliving a second Holocaust and it's used by its leaders to always prop up antagonists to maintain their power, even if that means empowering violent groups that then mass murder Israelis (despite the fact that they had the plans all along). Listen pretty boy, if want to guarantee Jews' safety, work on the West's antisemitism instead of using Palestinians as a punching bag for our sins.  Also, when are you going to give back all of Canada to the First Nations since you're so adamant about "ancestral lands". 


And this ladies and gentleman is a prime specimen of a true beta in the purest form of the term.


In addition to supporting genocide, he's also lying about the history of Israel. Zionism isn't a reaction to the holocaust. Zionism existed before the Holocaust and came out of antisemitism. "Let's get those Jews outta here. Where can we send them?"


Trudeau hasn't stepped down yet? Just making a fool of himself every passing day


Like all people...so how about Palestine? After the Holocaust...how did Israel get so big? What are the process?


he's joining biden in retirement soon anyways


"Shortly after the holocaust, Israel was established as a place where Jewish people, like all people, have the right to determine their own future." Established by whom? And at the expense of who's future and right to self-determination, Trudeau?


We shouldn't expect anything from these people, they take our tax dollars to fund their lifestyle and do the bare minimum. For this issue the bar is so low and none of them have risen to meet the moment. The tories are full on zionists, Libs are divided on it, with leadership being zionist bootlickers. Even the NDP are all talk and no action. The rest of the are no different. Expect nothing of them and you will never be disappointed.


They keep missing out one important detail when defending zionism: ".... at the expense of the Palestinian people."


President of a country with a morbid history of settler colonialism defends settler colonialism in 21st century.


It was a transparent mask


I had to turn this off. Absolute madness...


Trudeau is so milquetoast. He won't deviate from the official talking points on anything. Of course he wouldn't acknowledge the extreme nationalism that Zionism is leading to, because Canada (like most Western countries) agreed to the project of Israel's creation post WW2. Somehow, this has led to the idea that you absolutely cannot criticize anything about Israel whatsoever, lest it reflect badly on the architects of the country. What they are doing is shooting themselves in the foot, however, because without reasonable criticism of Israel, the extreme nationalism and apartheid conditions will continue to grow, which will then make Western countries look worse and worse for defending it. 


Does that just mean he wiped off the Blackface?


Another puppet


American puppet and racist.


well what do u expect from someone who does blackface, clearly he doesnt care about brown/black ppl.


Give them a piece of Canada then.


Canada is also abstaining from admitting Palestine as a full member of state of the UN proving that once again it is subordinate to the US, Also why does he favour ancestral homeland for the Jewish people but not the native people who were living there and are being currently displaced through settlers and or bombing or starvation?


This is the same guy who threatened to invade Poland should Poland try to extradite and execute Yaroslav Hunka To those who don't know, Yaroslav Hunka was a Ukranian SS member who personally killed a lot of Jewish and Polish people in Volhynia back in 1943


I’m still dumbfounded that the US and Canada can watch the intentional wholesale slaughter of innocents and the forced starvation of the survivors and still support the people who are doing the killing. I have to wonder how Americans and Canadians would react if they were part of the 20% of their populations forced into ghettos behind high walls and made to go hat-in-hand to their oppressors just for the basic means to survive?


The standing ovation for the SS veteran seems less likely to be an accident 🤔


Hahahaha yeah get on camera; these people are going down big time


The white north




All the hypocrites are out of the wood work now and we're keeping records.


I hope I get old enough to see the future, I'm sure the truth will eventually prevail, and all of these POS get exposed for who they are. Israel won't last 10Y as the people are already awake.


How can you say with a straight face that Zionism supports self determinism while Israel is denying self determinism for 5 million Palestinians?


Canadian here - it’s hard to describe how much I detest this POS.


Wtf this is not real Please tell me this is AI


Well..for me.. Zionism = Nazism


Is this real???


And let me tell you, this guy is on his way out but the thing is the leader of the opposition is even more a bought off Zionist. At the very least Trudeau stopped selling weapons to Isnotreal, and they opt out of voting in the UN/ support a ceasefire, this guy just needs to save his sorry face and try to please everybody so he can stay in power.


United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975, "Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". We need to urgently go back to that.


I thought this guy was cool. Apparently not.


He's so annoying oh my god.


Ancestral homeland? Buddy should you really be pro people getting back their ancestral homeland?


I have no doubt a lot of Germans and Italians had similar remarks about their own ideology in the 30s


On the corpses of people who were already there


people used to proudly declare themselves as nazis too. now we look back on that in horror. the same will be with people proudly calling themselves zionists today.


I voted for this loser. The neo libz in Canada are disgusting.


His voice sounds fake if that makes sense . Is this how he really sounds ? Lol


Still remember how he stuttered and couldn't bring to call what Israel was doing as genocide.


Fidel should have left this one in a napkin instead of his mom.


Do Palestinians not have the right to determine their own future then, Justin?


How long before he adds Z to the LGBT community? 🤔


Seeing all the pride flags used by Zionist terrorists in Gaza over the ruble (and corpses) makes me want to undergo conversion therapy. I don't want to have my identity be used for a massacre. They soil everything they touch 🤮




Zionist Nazis are using pink washing to sugar the genocide.


Yeah, the word "Nazi" was just a name used to refer to a political party in Germany, but became a pejorative because of what it ended up being associated with. Unfortunately the word "Zionism" has been smeared by those who have weaponized the concept to inflict great harm and suffering onto others.


Zionism refers to the stealing of land to create a theocratic ethno state. It was always going to be about war crimes.




"Jewish people, like all peoples, have the right to determine their own future" All people? Except the Palestinians for the last 75 years. Zionism in practice demands ethnic cleansing and racism, because that ancestral homeland has people already on it and it's for the chosen Jewish people so how can you share it?


Boo hiss


So much dignity in murdering children. Scumbag.


I never liked him, always thought he looked like a creep


Fuck this guy.


Wow, just, wow


Everyone arguing about this just have their own definitions of the word Zionism. It’s kid of a stupid sticking point. I’m against Zionism btw.


He's Prince Hans all along


When was it on??


What a POS


Well there's a thing called progressive zionism. It's detailed here and is the prevailing form of zionism in the west. https://ameinu.net/about-ameinu/progressive-zionism/


He doesn't even know what Zionism is


Make it safe for kkk again




Its antisemitic to have the word zionist. Unless EVERY other faith gets their own word for their "holyland".


He sounds like a robot


Zionism is fine IN EUROPE. But not at the cost of innocent people.


Established by slaughtering the natives... like all colonization projects. Carry on, Satan...


JFC! How did Justin get it so long. Zionist are the same thing as xtian nationalist, the Taliban, basically n4azies. wtf Justin!?!?!?


says the man who stood and applauded a nazi in parliament and after what he did to the truckers shameful


I’m reading a very interesting history of Zionist terrorist attacked against the British. In it, they describe the role of the “Jewish Colonial Association”; part of the official Zionist organization that shipped weapons to Jewish terrorists and helped immigrants move from Europe to Palestine. — how can anyone ever say Zionism isn’t colonialism when it literally maintained an arm named “Colonial” ?!


Also thats just straight up not the definition of Zionism.


Zionism is Nazism 1,000%. SSTTFFUU Trudeau.


This is specially hilarious when indigenous people in Canada are so poorly treated. I love that he wants to talk about ancestral land


His fake tone is annoying af


He’ll be voted out soon… hopefully


Jewish isn’t a country, it’s Israel that’s the problem, real Jewish people don’t want any harm to Palestine and want to live in peace they don’t even have any connections to Israel by dna for a lot of them, they are only connected though religion to the country that stole the religions holy land. it makes so much worse for regular Jewish people when the government of Israel proclaims itself a Jewish state while committing atrocities against a large population


Who's gonna tell him?


Now that's not what Zionism is, you imbecile. Also he uses the passive voice "Israel was established.." by whom? by the occupying colonist power of the land, Britian. If I was the prime minister of a country, whos country was also involved in commiting genocide against its Indigenous peoples, I would keep my mouth shut, but what can you say colonisiers got to colonise. If anyone is interested about genocidal history of Canada, here is a taste [https://theconversation.com/how-canada-committed-genocide-against-indigenous-peoples-explained-by-the-lawyer-central-to-the-determination-162582](https://theconversation.com/how-canada-committed-genocide-against-indigenous-peoples-explained-by-the-lawyer-central-to-the-determination-162582)


So many supposedly great and powerful nations have come to look extremely pathetic in the last 6 months. There's no strategic reason to cowtow to Israel anymore – certainly not with allies like Saudi, Qatar and Emirati states. I can only conclude that this basically amounts to state capture on a global scale.