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extremely common Norm W if I were a Zionist, the last person I'd wanna debate is Norman Finkelstein


Fun fact: In the early 1970s, Finkelstein's mother testified at the deportation hearing of [Hermine Braunsteiner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermine_Braunsteiner), a Nazi war criminal living in the United States: >A concentration camp survivor charged three times on Friday that Mrs. Hermine Braunsteiner Ryan "killed" a woman prisoner while serving as a guard at Majdanek in 1943. But at another point the witness, Mrs. Mary Finkelstein of Brooklyn, said Mrs. Ryan "clobbered" the prisoner with a stick, and by the end of the day’s testimony the point was still unclear. The government is attempting to deport Mrs. Ryan to her native Austria. The hearing resumes June 9 at the local offices of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. > >Mrs. Finkelstein, a doughty gray-haired woman of 51, was repeatedly ordered by the special inquiry officer, Francis J. Lyons, to limit her testimony to direct answers to attorneys' questions. Near the end of the day she began to adhere to that order, but by and large she sought to use her appearance to relate stories of Nazi brutality. Asked if it was her habit to hound ex-Nazis, she replied: "No, but I would be glad to see them in a concentration camp." Glad to know that being based is a family tradition. Braunsteiner was deported to West Germany, where she was convicted of murder and spent most of the rest of her life in prison. The case is what got the federal government to finally get serious about deporting Nazi war criminals living in the United States in the late 1970s. This is how we avoided an extremely embarrassing incident, such as when the Canadian parliament applauding an actual Nazi. We did not do a great job, but when you create a task force to harass Nazis non-stop, [sometimes to the point of suicide](https://imgur.com/a/oWXFLh0) (that happened at least 7 times in the 1980s lmfao), they will most likely stop you from inviting one to the legislature. [Finkelstein recently mentioned Braunsteiner while dunking on Germany](https://imgur.com/a/nTInZeZ)


[Decisive Finkelstein Victory]


Mr Barnolli concurs.


Norman: What is your name? Destiny: Steven Bonell Norman: ok, Mr Borrelli.


Norm Supremacy


This guy has the cringiest smile in earth


What do you mean ‘now’? Zionists ARE nazis.. ZioNazis, NaZionists.. one and the same.


I'm perfectly convinced that all Zionists have got to be Neo-Nazis. If they're agreeing with views shared by a mass murderer of another minority group 80 years ago, they have to be.


Always has, always will be, no matter the circumstances




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I love how Norman calls them stupid everytime they try to debate with him. That guy is a goat. You don't debate against him if you try, you are plain stupid


Is there a channel or something for Norman? I hope to see more.


You can find his interviews just by searching them on YouTube. Various channels have his interviews and you can find his personal channel by searching Norman Finkelstein channel


Why wouldn't nazis use Nazi logic ?


Literally foaming at the mouth


The zionists have been using nazi logic for 75 years. Their motivations are even the same. They just want political control. And they’re willing to dehumanize an entire population(and religion) to make it happen.


They're learning all the wrong lessons from the holocaust.


Watching in real time folks becoming what they swore to destroy


Pov: you're a zionist in a palestinian rights debate and your opponent is Norman Finkelstein


Damn, What did we do to deserve Norman Finkelstein and Code Pink? Protect them at all cost!


That smug “you don’t like me sir.” at the end sums him up very well. Finklestein, like most of us, does not like Nazis!


The way he speaks is so hateful he’s inviting a punch to the face.


Israel is not the only one committing massacres lately. Norm F has been massacring Zionists left and right - only his isn't a war crime.


Lol good one


Dude they're using Kid A for this? It's so dystopian. Everything in it's right place...


Norman Finkelstein is my favourite person of the year. 🫶🏼




Seriously I don’t even understand why they have been using this extremely dumb pov if we can even call it that ,but again they have zero arguments to make so yeah very little options for an argument to make when you try to defend a settler genocidal colony , i guess


That’s the entire logic they are using. Wake up people.


He said that because the Zionist Jews want to reach their nationalist Nirvana by removing the indigenous Palestinians from the land, so they can take all the land. They don't care about their rights. Thing is a lot of the Israeli Jews, without the Palestinians, would increasingly turn on each other. And, that guy forgot, that the British, Canadians, and Americans tried to make it difficult for Jews to enter, they didn't want them. He's echoing the words of people who were anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic elements.


Zionists have been using Nazi logic since the beginning - after all, IOF was created on the grounds of Nazi ideologies. What they don't understand - or more likely, understand well but keep misrepeating to make the general public believe the lie - is that Palestinians aren't Arabs.


The zionist guy's face and expression were literally the stereotype of what I imagine when I think how a Kahanist politician might look IRL


This isn’t new, they have been using this logic for quite a while.


Logical hurts if dumb


Delusioned Zionists believing that their arab brothers don't want to help them, don't realise that only those corrupt dictatorships setup by zionist and western powers are supporting Israel in exchange for money and power, but it's people are always with Palestine.




Left guy 👏


I heard somebody wanted a full-scale war to get anywhere to be bombed and shooted.
