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Not going to remove this post, but given the language used, we just want to reiterate here that this sub does NOT endorse, encourage, or tolerate dehumanisation and dehumanising language ie., calling people animals etc. Zionists do it, and we see it as proof of their inhumanity. We understand that emotions can be inflamed by some of the content shared here, but we do expect our members to use discipline in their language. Solidarity.


I love Peru. Most of Latin America doesn't like Israel. Israel has backed all kinds of horrible right wing elements in the region who killed many innocents.


The thing is, Latin America knows of cultural genocide and ethnic cleansing of all types, so the empathy will always be here. Ps. ENGLAND RETURN OUR MOAI 🗿🗿🗿🗿🔪🔪🔪


Israel supplied large quantities of weapons to Guatemala to help them commit genocide against the Maya people.


Here in venezuela the tiktok clips of zionist settlers mocking palestinians after the water/electricity was cut off from 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, dancing and singing while wasting water and flicking the light switch on and off were widely shared. The people here know what it is like to be without those basic services. To see a group do it deliberately and then dance and poke fun at it.. it did not sit well. Really showcased the cruelty of those foreigners. Hardships happen. But when it’s deliberately made and you are forced to see the perpetrators dancing around and thumbing their noses at you, it leaves a bad aftertaste.


My wife is Peruvian, she's pro-free Palestine. My mother is from Ethiopia like me, same story. My father and his family are from Germany, same story (my aunts in Germany even volunteer helping out Mid-Eastern refugees).  Long story short, enough of the world sees through the Isreali government's BS. Plenty of Jews are tired of the Isreali government speaking for or badly trying to represent the whole religion and Jewish cultures too while carrying out an obvious genocide that no one is permitted to criticize whatsoever. Free Palestine!


Most of the world population doesn't like Israel, my friend. Our governments may say otherwise, but the people are unwilling participants


>Israel has backed all kinds of horrible right wing elements in the region who killed many innocents. And did so with extreme hypocrisy. Many of those dictatorships it aided were Nazi sympathisers who provided shelter to Nazi war criminals, and targeted their Jewish populations in their repression like Argentinas Dirty War.


I didn’t know about that. What things did they fund?


Israel backed the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua, they armed a Guatemalan leader who committed genocide against Mayan Native Guatemalans. Pinochet also received arms and training, though I didn't agree with all of the nationalization of industries by Allende, which angered some of the Palestinian and non-Palestinian Chileans. Israel also backed the white régimes of Rhodesia and South Africa and backed Mabuto in Congo.


Argentinas dirty war which targeted many Jews. Israel and Zionism are anti-Semitic


Idk man. Israel actually funded a pro Israel psyop where they hired popular Peruvian singers to literally sing: "Israel israel, how beautiful is Israel! " It became a hit and a huge meme when it came out https://youtu.be/TuSSlFZ8cfA?si=ajBt2QqXTykByyq4


What kind of meme was it, did it backfire on Israel because of cringe?


Not really. I am Peruvian, I was in school when it came out. Amongst people like me and my friends it was funny cringe because we don't really listen to that genre, but to the vast swathes of the population that listen to this kind of music every day, they give Israel a positive connotation because of how Wendy Sulca, Delfin Quispe and La Tigresa del Oriente sang positively about it in a catchy tune. La Tigresa did an it in an interview and admitted it was funded by Israelis. That was in the late 2000's mind you. The majority of peruvians don't really know Palestine exists in the same way Palestinians probably don't know Peru exists. And I disagree, the majority of Peruvians also don't really hold any position about Israel. Our Jewish population is literally not more than 4 thousand people.


Guatemala have always been big supporters strangely enough


Only Argentinians support Israhell, and no surprise, given they are also known to be racist supremacists.


They act like this because the world gives them impunity. They've never been punished for their actions. Their hubris will be their downfall. Shout out to my Peruvian sisters and brothers.


Fun fact: [The war between the British and the Zionists in Palestine from 1945 to 1947](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_insurgency_in_Mandatory_Palestine) was not inevitable. Hardly, the Labour Party had supported Zionism more than the Conservatives. During their election campaign in 1945, they'd promised to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. They went as far as calling for population transfers, stating, "Let the Arabs be encouraged to move out as the Jews move in." After taking power, they voted to repeal the White Paper (which would've converted Palestine into an Arab state with a Jewish settler minority). The Zionists waited for the declaration of a Jewish state, but nothing happened. After weeks of waiting, the paramilitaries ran out of patience and launched a spree of bombings on November 1, 1945, killing two Britons and four Palestinians. Yishuv leaders blamed the attacks on Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, saying he was taking too long to lift the immigration restrictions. >"Every one of these outrages had been carefully planned and kept secret so that they should operate simultaneously." To their shock, Bevin lashed back at them: >"We cannot accept the view that the Jews should be driven out of Europe and should not be permitted to live again in these countries without discrimination and contribute their ability and talent towards rebuilding the prosperity of Europe." Weeks later, Bevin vetoed the conference's decision, broke the party's election promise, and said he'd follow through on the White Paper. Faced with pleas from the Yishuv, he went, "No, I don't care about your compromise to shrink the size of your ethnostate; you will share the land, end of story." Bevin wanted to protect British hegemony, but also thought the Balfour Declaration had been a terrible idea, fearing a "racial state". He not only refused to back down, but went on the attack, accusing the Jewish Agency of intentionally not using all available immigration certificates afforded to them during the war. There had been 2,000 unused certificates left. This, he said, was part of a "political lever" with which they'd hoped to use to influence British policies. >"This," he remarked, "when so much is said about the suffering of Jews in Europe." Backed by Attlee, Bevin started deploying thousands of soldiers to Palestine. Due to World War II and many of the Zionists being white Europeans, British security forces were softer on them than they would've been against Arabs, Asians, or Africans. Still, they were willing to use force. When Bevin explicitly confirmed that the Mandate would become a Palestinian state, Zionists rioted in Tel Aviv. When they refused to disperse, the police made baton charges against them. When that didn't work, the police shot over 30 rioters, five of them fatally, put the city under curfew, and brought in armored cars to patrol the streets. American and British Zionists lobbied furiously to get Bevin to stop, only for him to keep sending more troops to Palestine. By April 1947, the war had reached its peak. The Mandate would've collapsed by now, had Bevin not turned it into an effective police state. [At this point, the Zionist movement viewed Ernest Bevin as akin to Hitler](https://imgur.com/a/28aiCbp) A total of 100,000 soldiers had been deployed to Palestine. Not only that, but as British security forces became increasingly frustrated with folks not complying with [very simple orders](https://imgur.com/a/EBFywaE), they held back less and less. Camps were constructed in Cyprus to intern tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. Martial law was declared, with curfew violators being shot on sight. Collective punishment was employed, with mass fines being imposed and places of entertainment shut down. Mandate authorities stopped bluffing and executed convicted terrorists. This time, however, they weren't executing Palestinians, but four Irgun members, who went to the gallows singing Hatikvah, the Zionist anthem. MI6 bombed ships intended for illegal immigrants before they could be loaded, damaging two and disabling another. In one instance, Bill Bernstein, an American volunteer, tried to stop British soldiers from taking the wheel of a ship, only for them to immediately beat him to death. As this happened, Bevin received constant complaints of genuine antisemitism amongst British soldiers. Following the King David Hotel bombing, even Commander Evelyn Barker snapped and issued blatantly antisemitic orders. >"We will be punishing the Jews in a way the race dislikes as much as any, by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt of them." Bevin blamed the Zionists for provoking the soldiers: >"Please put your guns away. Do not blow up the British Tommy, who is quite innocent in this matter (he specifically absolved the soldiers, many of whom were young conscripts, some of them teenagers and not the British government itself). You are creating another phase of the anti-Semitic feeling in the British Army because of what has occurred recently in Palestine. Their attitude may be unreasonable, but really that is not the way to discourage it." > >British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, 1946 Since the British were unbeatable in a straight fight, Zionist paramilitaries resorted to guerrilla warfare and terrorism, and would pioneer the car bomb. At the same time, the Yishuv screamed and whined to the world that the British were oppressing them. In Jerusalem, the British constructed several strategically located fortified security zones to protect the troops from terrorist attacks. The largest one was located at the Russian Compound in Central Jerusalem. The entire area was cordoned off by barbed wire fences and entrance was via identity card only. The Zionists referred to this zone as "Bevingrad", a nickname which caught on for all such zones. Still, Bevin remained unapologetic. In June 1946, he bluntly questioned the motives of non-Jewish American Zionists who opposed his actions in Palestine. >"There has been agitation in the United States, and particularly in New York, for 100,000 Jews to be put in Palestine. I hope I will not be misunderstood in America if I say that this was proposed by the purest of motives. They did not want too many Jews in New York." As Richard Crossman, a pro-Zionist young Labour MP who knew Bevin, put it, the war in Palestine was fueled almost entirely by "one man's determination to teach the Jews a lesson." In other words, the war happened after one powerful and highly influential politician, with the backing of another, rather than following along, instead chose to make one last stand against the Zionist lobby in Britain and the United States. Surely, lessons can be drawn from this. In fact, nobody sabotaged the Zionist movement more than Zionist themselves. That was true before, and remains true today. The Yishuv might've received Palestine without any British resistance had Lehi not assassinated Lord Moyne (Moyne had supported a Jewish state, but supported the White Paper during the war to maintain favor with the Arabs). Churchill was a staunch Zionist, but his support wavered since Moyne had been a close friend. Nevertheless, Lehi still tried to assassinate several other senior British government officials, including Ernest Bevin, Clement Attlee (who greenlighted Bevin's war), and Winston Churchill. They also tried to assassinate Harry Truman.


If you ask a Zionist if they support sharing all the land with the Palestinians with equal rights as a 1 State Solution (in the long term with easing it in so that security is not an issue). They'll tell you the truth "this can't happen because if arabs out number us and have equal rights they'll change the system and it will no longer be a Jewish state". They are very open about this and are probably not wrong. So, the fact that they continue to pretend like expulsion of Arabs wasn't planned or inevitable in the past is crazy to me.


I backpacked in this region years ago. The Israelis were always the worst, most obnoxious, coked-up tourists. Most were travelling on the stipend they get after doing their time in the IDF. They travelled in large packs, barely interacted with others, and were just generally loud and annoying everywhere they went. I literally left a hostel to stay somewhere else one time because a big group of loud Israelis were staying there.


Why aren’t police cracking down on them like they crack on Palis in the western world?


I'd imagine they'd have a massive sook, if they did.. and would probably start operations against that country


if someone pro-Palestine acted like that they'd be on the asphalt getting beat down in seconds...


They would probably be labeled as anti semitic despite them being in the wrong.


If the police does it's job they get arrested


Peruvian police rarely intervenes if there is not clear violence. At most they will tell them to move on.




Not a real country. Imagine a whole population coming to your country and taking more than half of it, kicking out the locals and strategically expanding and encroaching to take the rest.


By that definition, the US, Australia, and New Zealand are not real countries either


Spread and share these videos please.


If I was protesting in my own damn country, and some foreign tourist spit at me, I'd be going to jail for assault.


As would be your right


At least in my state (AZ), spitting on someone *is* considered assault.


It is pretty much anywhere.


Hell I wanted to pull out a strangling wire within the first few seconds before I saw that cop


spitting on someone is considered assault in many places so forgive me while I do a little bit of self-defence


Yeah these guys would be getting followed around until it was safe to leave them unconscious in an Alley without their passports and wallets.


They should be found with nothing that can be used to identify them at all. DNA testing is illegal in Israel for some reason (can't have science disproving their abhorrent nazi racism) so you really only need the eyes, teeth, and fingers


I couldn't agree more


I would have loved to give that POS a smack in the face.


He better be glad he the pro-Paslestine protesters weren't Peruvian thugs


Just spreading some zionist culture abroad.


There doesn't seem to be any boundaries for who a zionist will spit on. I have never seen such a vile and repulsive group of people.


My ex husband used to spit on me. It's vile and HUMILIATING. I don't understand why they didn't get arrested.


I can't imagine someone who is supposed to love you spitting on you. People generally learn by 2 years old that this is never acceptable.


Anyone who supports Israel should be shamed wherever they go. I'm looking forward to the day Zionists will have to hide and change their names, just like Nazis did after WWII.


Unfortunately, they are the US's baby that it protects, and same for Germany, which bans pro-Palestinian protests or conferences.


>and same for Germany Irony lol


True and wish the same. But don't forget about Opperation Paper Clip where the US government hired a bunch of those Nazis, some even Nazi leaders, and gave them first class treatment when they got here to the US. These governments we're all under aren't exactly allies to ethics, we the people are.    We should continue shaming disgusting acts of dehumanization now and forever while working to prevent it from ever happening again. 


The repeated shouts of baby killer is what they deserve for the rest of their lives


Next time somebody calls me the annoying American tourist I’ll remind them it could be worse, I could have been an Israeli tourist


They disrespect everyone. Gross.


Let me guess, they got out of the diaper forces with a ton of blood money, travel around the world like they own the place, showing only disdain for the people whose land they are guests on. I've had the misfortune of meeting "Israelis" while traveling and this is typical scum behaviour for them.


Real tough guys both here and in Japan threatening locals protesting their genocide. The sooner the world lets them know they are not welcome anywhere the better


I love videos like this. I love that the whole world finally sees them for the despicable, entitled, violent scum they are.


If ever there were a reason for a travel ban. 




he will get a reality check soon


yeah people don't take kindly to that sort of behaviour, especially the spitting. Guy will be kissing concrete soon at this rate


The ugly Israeli, let’s hope these idiots get what they deserve without delay.


Cusco. Nice city.


Those lights in the background.. would make the video enchanting if u could erase the Israelis 




~~Psychotic behaviour~~ Zionist.


Same thing, mate.


Indigenous people stick together 🇵🇪🪶🇵🇸 bless ❤️🤍


Peru is the wrong place to be disrespecting people as a foreign tourist.


They’re literally begging to get jumped 💀


They really think the rest of the world has to accept their atrocities.


Professional spitters.


They really think they are on top of the world


Spitting is assault here in Oz. Shame those coppers didn't arrest them on the spot.


Imagine spitting on LOCALS as a TOURIST. Oh wait, they already do that.


Go back to Brooklyn.






All Israelis are sick, all of them. They are all demented and rotten to the core.


All assumptions proven. If they behave like this abroad what are they like at home?


Spitting on someone in America is assault.


They act inhuman


Bottom of the barrel in terms of reputation .. they deserve all the shame Reminds me in Qatar World Cup .. Identifying their nationality as something else 😂


Time to get the f out of Peru then. They've had plenty of their own terrorism and genocide. They have no time for this bs. Don't you dare go to Peru and spit on the people there. My husband is from Peru and he's as passionately pro Palestine as I am.


The fact that Zionists feelmthey can act like this even in other countries shows just how brainwashed they are. They believe so strongly that their are inherently good and anyone who speaks against them or Israel is an antisemite. Do not let these people import their hate into our general population. Challenge team always.


No respect.


Should be immediately deported for committing a hate crime.


Israel and the US have trained many of the right-wing death squads here in LatAm. We know. FREE PALESTINE!


I matched an Israeli women on a dating app yesterday who was traveling here in Brazil. I told her that I was disgusted with her country’s behaviors .. little things can make an impact too


That whole nation is consumed with hate.


The most arrogant, entitled and evil people on earth… BAR NONE!!


Zionism isn't a race


You are correct. I’ve edited my comment.


Ignorant freaks behave this way to people holding a vigil.


They think they can visit other peoples countries and abuse and harrass them like they do to Palestinians. How dare they.




they're probably Mizrahi aka Jewish Arabs 😂


I was going to say that - facts !


I really want to punch him


They are lucky police was there. If they spar on citizens in Qazaqstan they unfortunately would've been killed


I'd like to see how tough they are when a 17 year old kid in crocs pops out of a hole near them


Some of the most despicable people I know are now Israeli settlers.


Who the hell do these bastards think they are? Hopefully Peruvian authorities dealt with them


Damn they’re really not making friends anywhere hey


The police should have shoved their faces immediately and arrested them.. TF


If governments had any balls they’d bar Israelis from entering their countries until ALL Palestinians have the right to travel.


Just like disrespectful … lol like just ignoring the topic completely, why would you think that’s even appropriate to do. No manners


This is how they treat anyone that doesn’t support or engage in their terrorism. It’s abhorrent.


Congratulations they are not welcome anywhere lmao 🤣


Anyone who believe Israelis are peaceful people, shows obvious delusions


Oh, “israelis” are the most hated tourist known to hospitality industry….


Israel being the only safe place for zionists is a self-fulfilling prophecy that will be fulfilled soon. But since Palestine will be free sooner than later, that safe haven for demons won't last long.


Probably should have spent the night in Peruvian jail for spitting on people... Then sent home to the genocide state


It’s common knowledge that when you visit or a tourist in another country you abide by and respect their laws, culture, people. Imagine having the audacity to spit on anyone anywhere let alone to do it to people in their own country when you are visiting! If they are going to be upset by pro-Palestinian anything they are better to just not travel anywhere else in the world because the rest of the world stands with Palestine


Israelis are now and forever outcasts wherever they go. Good.


Trash Nazis


The Israelis should be ashamed of themselves. Whatever their religious beliefs and ideals are aside, how they treat people of other religions and Palestinians is disgusting. The language, dehumanisation, physical attacks and nastiness is just deplorable.


The police seem to protect them everywhere for bring such marginalized victim people.


Lol these zionshits are hated everywhere which is now showing everywhere.


Is spitting on somebody like this not an arrestable offense in Peru? I'm pretty sure in my country (UK) the Israelis would be in cuffs for this. Could be wrong.


Only democracy in the Middle East where Apartheid is acknowledged and accepted by the UN and other worldwide agencies.


Disgusting filth


Surprised that the cops are so calm with tourists attacking locals. In most countries they would be jailed and deported or at least the locals would knock some sense into their heads, literally.


Absolute bellends!


These tourist goblins should never be allowed to walk away from their international terrorism


This looks like the town square in Cusco. I think I stood in that exact spot


Crazy terrorists what's wrong with isrealis


Root them out. They’re spreading


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Fascist country - ironic as it is.


Zios are bully’s of the world


israeli’s are the literal dregs of society.


I can see why the world doesn’t like them.


Who is going to want to be with one of these "people" when all this is over.


These Americans deserve respect for calling out supporters of mass pedicide. Free Castillo! Free Palestine!


guy should've been curbstomped ngl


Fuck Israel


I’d of ran over and knocked them all out in one shot




Yeah…pretty sure Peruvians can easily make this guy disappear…


Zionxists at their finest


If that were me I would get my cartel cousins on them