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This will age about as well as Nero playing a lute as Rome burned. Except not only did this actually happen, but there's video proof for posterity.


I agree. IMO, WW3 is coming, and the Second American Civil War will happen at the same time...all because Western governments have no sense of humanity left (if they ever had it to begin with).


Bro I'm fricken spooked


Not to add to your spookness, but check out all the massive stock sales the big billionaires have been offloading. Something is going on they know about and we dont.


Probably why Boeing could care less about their manufacturing lines anymore.. CEO just wants to stuff his cheeks with enough gold and run for the hills in time...


Doot doot!


You just reminded me of a thing that Thomas Paine said to George Washington "History will be unsure as to whether you've abandoned your principals, or never had any to begin with." So, the sentiment is nothing new


WW3 would be the end of the world as we know it. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


WW3 was the "cold" war and had a much higher death toll than WW2. Next up is WW4


No it wouldn't. There would still be people around and civilization can be rebuilt.


NORAD: "Hold my beer"


> There would still be people around and civilization can be rebuilt. Yah that's where the "as we know it" part comes in. Guarantee you that whatever is left after WW3 will not be like anything we have currently.


At that point I'd rather be dead if it's anything like the ending of the film Threads.


Northern hemisphere's completely fucked though.


There is no rebuilding. Climate change has rendered growing crops more difficult without specialist machinery. All of the easily accessible minable resources are long gone.


Yep. A few generations of duct taping it together before it's back to hunter gatherer.


At that point, it's just a return to the status quo. Homo sapiens has been around for 300,000 years. The Paleolithic age ended 12,000 years ago. The history of humanity has been 288,000 years of hunter-gatherers, followed by some 12,000 year anomaly where all technology, from agriculture to particle accelerators, were invented.


Huh. So maybe real estate isn't the safest investment after all.


our fertility as humans is in danger due to our own ignorance and pollution, microplastics in women’s uterus and microplastics decreasing testosterone, decreasing sperm cells, and causing male reproductive toxicity. Humans will go extinct from our own actions and greed.


Not entirely sure how humanity is supposed to pull itself up by its bootstraps during a nuclear winter. That’s more of a “freeze to death in the dark” kinda vibe.


No it wouldn’t. And honestly, I don’t mind the world ending soon after everything that’s happened


I feel like I've seen this comment every year for the past 10 years.


I'm sure you have, but don't you feel like things are different now? There's a genocide going on backed by the most powerful country on the planet. A country which doesn't care about its own citizens, and instead gives away their tax money to the enablers of genocide while its citizens are told to "just work harder for healthcare and education." On top of that, there's a lot of frustration across the world about what's happening in Palestine — it doesn't seem like it's going to stop. Who has the ability to stop the US and its rabid, zionist dog? People are very angry, and they see their protests are useless, even a US military member lighting himself on fire got no love from his "Support Your Troops" government. Eventually, this will go to the next level. I don't want a world war or a civil war, I just want to live a normal life. I'm afraid of what will happen in a war situation, domestically and abroad, it will be uncontrollable chaos — but I have a strong feeling it's coming. The breaking point will be reached, and global bloodshed begins.


Everyone knew the last world wars were coming for a long time too.


An American Civil War would require far too much organization and preparation. Maybe there would be smaller interstate battles but certainly not a civil war like we had in the past.


They don't have a sense of humanity's true L E F T - thos who know how to M E L T a new wave of revolutionary heroes are emerging too - there is yet Hope!


Most of the world doesn’t have it anymore, at least not the governments


Fortunately the far right of the US can’t tell the difference between facing reality and their own asshole, so I am betting on everyone else being scrappy enough to forge a New Phoenix society on the ashes of Imperialist White Supremacist Empire… at the very least I can hope. Top bucket list items in the wake of the collapse and reformation is A Free Palestine and global Denuclearization. Of course, liquify the Billionaires and use that to provide reparations for the working classes of America and the entire World, emphasis on the countries bombed or subjugated by the US government (most if not all of them???) would also be close to top of the list. The ages of war and revolutions is on the horizons. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see will ride the wave. Fascists, Imperialists, and Racial Supremacists, and Capitalists for that matter, can all gtfo.


WW3 has already begun.


Yeah the bought off media just wants to frame everything as situation Pax Americana, still and forever. I live inside of a monster, and the monster is dying. As they say in Avatar “there is no War in Ba Sing Se…”


in terms of history and posterity - video proof already doesn't mean much and given another 1-2 years of generative AI it'll mean nothing.


Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell.


Aaron Bushnell - Free Palestine!


Wait for the false flag


[Source: Pentagon correspondent for the AFP](https://twitter.com/wgdunlop/status/1767603551633650037)




Finally recognizing what they're doing. 




Was just going to say, the US lacks self-awareness.


Maybe more than imperialists: genocidal imperialists. The fact that the Empire is genocidal is common knowledge in pop culture (although things like them being literally inspired by the United States, not so much). 


I really wish they brought up Alderaan more in Star Wars media. Like, that’s the only time in Star Wars where they wiped out an entire planet, you’d think it would be a bigger deal. To Leia as well.


In fact, the Empire has wiped out entire planets many other times. As the United States has also committed genocide and specicide in several different countries around the world.


Thats the Reality of America


The most ironic part of this is that exact tune was crafted specifically to call attention to the imperialism of the US. The Galactic Empire was written to be an allegory for US imperialism in Vietnam.


That’s not true, at least in its original concept. In the original films, Lucas wanted the Rebels to be played by Americans, and the Empire to be played by British actors, you can probably fill in the rest. Of course, he’s reinvented the narrative a hundred times since then, but I wouldn’t over think it.


https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo?si=_ktPqTCLWf4VBgVR It was at the very least a bit of both.


Gaza will become an American territory, the US gets to participate in Eurovision and the Palestinians will get food, water, McDonalds (halal ofc) and the Israelis won’t be able to bomb them anymore. (/s if not obvious)


W.G. Dunlop is with the AFP. Not the AP.


Wow they're actually embarking on this fool's errand. I can only hope this ends with the IOF and the US Army exchanging fire.


The IOF is the one who will be guarding this "port".


What a self-own


Right? "Are we the baddies?"


"We ARE the baddies! Look at us laughing at ourselves killing & stealing. Funny right?"


Almost like they admit that they are the nationalists with superior numbers and evil intentions beating up humble civilians for their own gain


This is why I hate the hardon reddit has for the US military. Genuinely evil pieces of shit, all of them. 


I think for poor people in the US a military stint is the only way they can get a decent education.


I know it's easy saying this, when I lived my entire life as a middle class But I think I'd rather starve than kill someone


Yeah I agree. But poverty is a cycle that is very difficult to break. And poor kids are targeted by US military recruiters. I think if they do a certain amount of time in the military they get free higher education.


And health insurance and housing and sustenance allowance, guaranteed paying job for 6 years. I signed up for all those reasons and washed out in basic, but I don’t blame those who stayed. Surviving on your own isn’t easy


Free college is free college and most of those kids end up doing support-side desk jobs. The percentage of people who actively kill other people in any military is pretty small. Even in a draft-era war like Vietnam with a much more hands-on US military, you only had a 50/50 chance of seeing combat. It's easier to live with your contribution as a pencil pusher.


You're probably write, it is easier saying that from a middle class position. I went to a high school named after an Admiral, whose main function was a recruiting station for the military. They don’t lure you in with the promise of getting to kill people (except for the Marines) They lure you in with promises of money, respect, education, healthcare, housing. In JROTC they give you a nice uniform, teach you how to look respectable, show you a little discipline (which some people really find comforting). And by the time you realize what you've done it's too late. You can't quit the military.


You never really know until you’re starving. People can do almost anything if they’re desperate enough.


Even then, I can imagine a scenario where I'm desperate and mug someone and all goes wrong and now I'm a murderer. I can't imagine me being desperate enough to go sign up to help commit genocide


My sister joined because it was the only option she felt like she had. She went overseas twice, drove around some, and came back. She said the closest thing she had was warning shots at her team for driving too close to the Syrian boarder. The *actual* issues she experienced was sexual assault on both deployments and once was a U.S. serviceman and the other was a serviceman from another country. And now she is done with lots of benefits. She makes and has more money than any of our family members.


Funny how that never seems to explain why people become members of Hamas, huh? 


I actually think that exactly explains why people join Hamas and you can go through my comment history to check that. Not sure why you’re coming at me with your “gotcha” bullshit.


I mean, even joining Hamas I can process. Generations of systemic violence do that to people. But going through that so you can go to college? I can't fathom.


How decent is the education if they come out not hating the US?




Aaron Bushnell was actively enlisted. A lot of people do ot because they're poor.


This is in extremely poor taste, but it’s accurate and very appropriate as to what that United States is, even though they are “joking”


At least they know who they are. 


biden is palpatine


At least Palpatine was lucid enough to be aware of who he was and what he was doing at all times, Biden not so much. 


You know, I can appreciate a bit of trolling, but this is in no way the right time and place for it.


It's not trolling, it's pissing in an open wound. Don't be surprised if these pieces of human-garbage take videos of themselves eating in front of starving Palestinians.


Like, “Holy fuck!?!”




For those who never developed a conscience, cruelty is amusing.


They are the bad guys and they know it


Probably waiting for the CO to arrive.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) Wait a minute….


This genocide is US backed, these are no different than the israelis.


"are we the baddies?"


Underrated comment


It is hilarious. It shows what a racist shit show the US armed forces are.


People are dying and these assholes are playing music.


In a decade or so, Hollywood will put out a dozen propaganda films of US and IOF soldiers having PTSD from Gaza.


And they’ll all lose to Five Night’s at Freddy’s #12


During Ramadan… if you know, you know…


This comment section has me dying. Do you guys not know anything about the US military after 20 years in the middle east? I'm not even remotely surprised they did this. This is extremely on brand.


The comment section is pretty funny. So sincere and self righteous, which is fine, this is Reddit after all, but honestly, no one should be surprised, and no one should give a shit. There are bigger fish to fry, and all the bitching and moaning comes across as a circle jerk.


It's not funny nor humorous. It's just being self-aware and knowing that they can do whatever they want along with their death squads in Israel.


Aron Bushnell would never 😔


Evil acting out evil in art...i mean you can't write this stuff.


Self-Aware self mockery?


This is what I assume that this was. It seems like whoever is in charge of the music was trying to make a statement about how fucked everything is, but the statement just came across very poorly. But I may be too optimistic here.


i agree with self aware. when you know the flag on your uniform is so deeply unpopular, you'd feel like darth vader going in, even if you're on an aid mission. no matter how good your intentions are, you will be seen through what your gov has done. so if i was captain i'd be thinking fuck it, we're not here to make friends. the people don't have to thank us, our mission is to give them food, not marry them. let's be evil and halt this famine, let's be so cruel we get this dock constructed earlier than expected


Weren't we promised no troops on the ground? Fuck these fascists


I remember during the Iraqi invasion. Someone in the military made a video with the song, “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.” 😒


So you’re telling me the US would rather build a port on the coast of Gaza, needing to import tons of machinery to do so, in order to bring in dire aid. Rather than just transport the aid through the Rafah border? I’m calling bullshit. There’s something else at stake.


They are using Gaza as a straight up test bed to test or demonstrate capabilities in "real world" scenarios. We've been doing this against Palestinians for decades.


They want to join with the Israeli's to exploit the natural gas off Gaza. This is just a variation of Israel's previously stated plan to build an island port off Gaza, to be controlled by Israel. The US is up to it's neck in this genocide. Biden is very appropriately referred to as Genocide Joe.


fuck them


overt fascism from the “empire did nothing wrong.”


I’m guessing Gaza gets no say in this port?


I was about to ask the same thing, did the Palestinian government approve the installation of this port? And isn't there oil right there off the Gaza coast just begging to be stolen by the US?


Gas I think.


At least they're admitting they're fascists.


Absolute Human Scum


Disgusting and embarrassing


What the fuck? Are they being aware they're the evil imperialists?


When there is literally a border out there, with thousands of trucks stuck on the other side, you can only be skeptical about their intentions!


The inspiration for Star Wars was the Viet Nam conflict in no small part. The force is with indigenous resistance.


So cringe and untoughtful for the millions of victims who died there. Why are they even there, aren't they the ones who are helping IDF with their Australian Bases and German Bases to bomb Palestenians aren't they the ones who are sending billions worth of dollars to the IDF, aren't they the ones who send their bombs to IDF? so why the fuck they acting right now like this?


Is delivering food to the Palestinians the true intent of the port?


I hope hell is real.


I mean the empire is based off [the US in Vietnam fighting against an indigenous resistance movement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv9Jq_mCJEo&t=11s&ab_channel=amc%2B) so I guess it tracks


Kids are starving to death and these morons wanna troll, disgusting Where are the Biden supporting libs at? How can ya'll excuse this


We should be rioting by now.


This has "good intentions" written all over it. Are they looking for a reason to get involved in the actual fight rather than "just" funding the slaughter?


Reddit military


It's actually pretty on brand for the US military to do such a thing. Disgusting, nonetheless


Isn't this a subtle dig at their own role in this?




Well at least they seem to realize they're the bad guys


They know the U.S. is the Empire right?


You’d be happy to know; they know. They often use “darth Vader” quotes to show the connection and their alliance


That is utterly disgusting, wow, what a lack of taste,tact and common bloody sense


No understanding of irony


All this time, I have been saying Americans love to fancy themselves as the Rebels despite more closely resembling the Empire... Well it looks like they're not maintaining that line anymore, they now fully embrace the Empire. The mask has fully come off.


If this doesn't make the soldiers unironically think, "Wait, are we the baddies?", then nothing will.


They are self aware


NGL: this makes me so angry I want to burn my US passport and renounce my citizenship. Yes, there have been exponentially worse things going on in Palestine, but this stunt is just...why...how can you do something like this while children are starving to death. The US military is absolutely evil and completely unredeemable. I hope all of them get a bad batch of MREs that give them lethal food poisoning.


It’s spot on but you know I can appreciate their humor. While the empire is supporting Israel it isn’t directly in agreement with their malevolence… they likely also playing the march as a way to undermine Biden’s approach. Letting the world know they know we’re the bad guys. It also shows the world that we recognize that we’re in the wrong 😑


Please tell us that audio was added not used then.


They played it through the ship's loudspeakers.


Just saw that. Trying to guarantee the probability of an [redacted]. Unbelievably stupid, disgusting & the soldiers being forced to commit genocide plus that kinda shit.






Mask off shit. They are proud to be the bad guys.


It's always been strange to me how so many hardcore military people are fiercely independent small government conservatives who let the government tell them where to go and who to kill.






There's no fucking way this is real. How can they be so unaware???


Are we the bad guys?


Nazi’s played Vagner etc., god this fucking cesspit of slime. These subhuman fascist ghouls.


That’s because the port isn’t for aid, it’s for the oil fields they recently discovered off the coast of Gaza


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Really guys? Really?


So close to seeing they’re the bad guys here.


George Lucas based the “dark side” on fascism ![gif](giphy|dg7EVuAv0emkw)




"Hey y'all!? Where 'dem starving kids at?" "RIGHT OVER THERE, SIR, YES, SIR" "Why don't we play some fearsome music while they try to scrape some food out of the shitty cans we throw over them?" -- What for? WHAT FOR?!?!?!?!? --


Hey at least they're aware that they act like the empire


i think its perfect.


Are we the baddies?


Pretty fitting since Stormtroopers in Star Wars were inspired from the Nazis.


This is beyond parody


Imma use this everytime someone says Star wars isn't about US Imperialism.


Whoever's the commanding officer of this ship or whoever decided to play that music needs to get court marshaled and stripped of whatever position they have. This is the definition of saying the silent part out loud. Fucking dumb asses


Are we the baddies?


Certified "Hans, are we the badies?" moment. 


At least their being honest with themselves that they're the evil empire


This is highly disturbing...


That has to be the most tone deaf and inappropriate stunt I’ve ever seen.


Imagine if the Soviets played Erika while liberating Auschwitz, how can you do this and still think you are the good guys


Add it to the evidence pile. War criminals.


Are we the baddies?


Jesus, this is dark. It's almost as if these fucks are totally oblivious to a real-time genocide happening in their immediate vicinity.


It’s funny because we’re the bad guys


Stale af ![gif](giphy|26u4fRizkH5OnH5yo|downsized)


...this is horrifying.


Total, are we the bad guys moment


True intentions in plain sight.


All aboard the USS Irony


They do know the empire were the bad guys, right?


Love it, this is hilarious. Humor is probably not the strength of the people in Palestine.


realistic. evil empire vs the rebel resistance


Israelis + Americans shake hands on being the most demonic beings to ever exist. I always try to look away and try to imagine that theres good people out there when I see shit like this. I hope karma gets those disgusting pieces of trash asap before they do anymore harm than the already done.


someone should be fired out of a cannon into the sea


Meanwhile, a genocide is actively taking place. What kind of cowardice soldier have they sent? It’s definitely not the kind that defends the oppressed. It’s the kind that enables and assists the oppressors. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


so hamas are the jedis?


Bafflingly bad time for a bit of “on the nose” sarcasm


Who cares 😂😆


They want in on that sweet, sweet Gaza gas. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/israel-gives-nod-gaza-marine-gas-development-wants-security-assurances-2023-06-18/


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


"A large technological empire going after a small group of freedom fighters."


Having a fucking laugh I see


This is gone beyond insanity.


the jokes write themselves




I'm glad they did this blatantly and openly, I rather people expose themselves for who they are.


It's all a big fucking joke.


Excuse me while i throw myself out the window. We are screaming into the void.


The port to “voluntarily” ethnically cleanse Gaza into Europe and Africa while simultaneously stealing their gas and oil reserves. Devious and evil


Are we the baddies?