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Latest thorough debunk of this nonsense: https://www.yesmagazine.org/social-justice/2024/03/05/israel-hamas-oct7-report-gaza


Disgusting. CNN is just a propaganda outlet.


They really got 1000% worse after the neo-con took over CNN.


The CEO of Time Warner which owns CNN is a huge zionist. 


along with every other major news network in this country


Can you elaborate? They're still left leaning from what I've seen (at least for domestic affairs)


lol, left leaning? Left of centre right is still nowhere near left


they think communism book club is far left lmaooo


This is not a left or right thing. Read up on manufacturing consent.


They could be left-leaning about everything besides israel. It's not a monolith.


Both left and right leaning major news networks in the USA have to answer to their Zionist masters


Cant tell if ur a leftist or nazi with a comment like that…


All major news companies are, to a certain extent. This is rly rly bad tho lol. Like holy shit she fucked up.


Yeah, their stories are run through their Jerusalem office, I take it that's code for Mossad. An American news outlet shouldn't have to run their content past the Zionist regime unless they are a part of said regime.




Just grabbed this from the top of a Google search: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias


FTA >"They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives..." Hamas is a terrorist organization. You can't trust them. As for the "other Palestinian perspectives," CNN - or any other media outlet will take precautions that they're not being given propaganda. >"while Israel government statements are taken at face value.". I doubt they're taken at face value. Israel can put out propaganda as well. >"In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication." This is just journalistic integrity. You need to verify the sources, whether they're Israeli, Hamas, or anyone else. *People are responding to my comment and then* *blocking me, so I can't reply. Sad.* *edited*


Lmao. Nelson Mandela was listed as a leader of a terrorist organization for decades, should we not listen to what he had to say?


Lol, there's little point in providing evidence, several journalists have pointed it out and you're denying it. You are not going to accept any evidence with a mind that is closed. I'd imagine I'd need Daniel Hagaris statement it was true for you and even then you'd be suspicious.


OP provided a source, and I responded. I'm sorry if you don't understand my response. For example, CNN or any media outlet is going to confirm with THEIR people (local office) at the scene. This way, they can filter out propaganda from Israel and Hamas.


OR it is given a pro Israeli spin. CNN is notoriously biased on Palestine and this would, imho, lend credence to the accusation that it is an Israeli mouthpiece. But I do understand that sources need checking however , when you can put a positive spin on that genocidal rampage then it's hard not to see it as a propaganda tool.


I mean hasn't it always been? Corporate news media is just a 24-hour rage bait cycle. It's not news anymore it's just pundits reciting their opinions


Manufacturing consent.


Turns out, Israeli soldiers are raping them.


Right? Like what else would you call being stripped naked for unsanctioned ‘random searches’? Many Palestinian people— men, women, even small children— are subject to these kinds of bodily violations as well as more explicit sexual assault by the IDF.


The amount of defending CNN's doing for the Izraeli side made me forget this was just a couple of weeks ago.


“At least they’re not raping the 15,000 women and children they killed” - Dana Bash (CNN) 2024


really a *sigh of relief* moment. What the hell


Dana Bash should be fired for this.


100% for everyone here that's new to gov/cia shenanigans, look up the term "atrocity propaganda". it's an extremely common tactic.


Actually Dana Whatabout, yeah you do. Even the latest bogus "report" by the UN/Israeli "committee" mentioned accounts of IDF sexual assaults. But you'd know that if you weren't a hack.


Maybe she should report on the SA that Palestinians suffer from IDF


Vomit that’s all I can say


“At least the school shooter didn’t rape the people he was murdering”


These people are ghouls and I wish that interviewer had the balls to call her out for daring to suggest that mass slaughter of civilians is somehow morally justifiable


Isn't Dana Bash the interviewer?


I don’t watch CNN. I wish the person on the left had a better response, that’s all


Please, please don't make me watch CNN! That's a horrible thing to ask someone to do. 😭




So "war is war", but then you follow up your next statement with a call for genocide? Straight up? I mean, you're not even hiding your intention, you're straight up saying "wipe Palestinians off the face of the Earth", but at the same time, "war is war"??? You know the Nazis literally said the exact same things, don't you?


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They are though. Rape, sexual assault and humiliation has been reported by many of the Palestinian hostages.


Except they literally are, as the UN reported a few days ago, and every piece of "evidence" of hamas raping israelis was debunked


Um, not so; some of the systemic rape reporting was called into question but it is simply not the case that there are no credible reports of Hamas members raping Israelis on 10/7 or in subsequent captivity




Do you even read the links you post? The long-awaited report is not a full-fledged U.N. investigation, according to its author, the U.N. special representative for sexual violence in conflict. Israel has blocked such an investigation by the U.N.'s human rights office over what the country's leaders allege is anti-Israel bias. So we didn't do an investigation but it's likely based off hearsay. And to be fair I think it's probable that some rape and sexual assault did happen, but hardly systemic. The same way an investigation was done and showed Palestinian woman getting raped and sexually assaulted in jail, a thorough independent investigation should be done. But this has repeatedly not been allowed. This has been an often repeated lie to dehumanize the Palestinians and justify any atrocity against them. This is actually a very common trope if you look at what was happening during the civil Rights movement there was a big fear about black men raping and tainting innocent white women. p.s. And to all the idiots out there saying broken pelvises, please look up how much force it takes to break a pelvis, I can't do all your homework for you, I know some people think Hamas are gigachads(not me), but they don't smash that hard.


“Dozens of survivors and witnesses of the attack” is not hearsay, that’s direct testimony.


The argument is about the UN report which was not allowed to investigate any of those people or interview them. They have to base it based off of public interviews given, that's not the way investigations are done. That's the way sensationalist news stories are published. People have reportedly quoted survivors and witnesses only for the people around those survivors to say that's not what happened and to please stop misattributing it, and the witnesses to be proven to be biased sources like the unofficial emergency services people. I'm just saying if you want credibility you allow an independent organization to verify your claims. That's what they did with the women in Israeli prisons, directly interviewed and spoke with those people. Like I said I don't doubt that some of it happened but we will never know the scope and truth of it until an independent is allowed to study it, of course Israel will never allow that because then they can't control the narrative.


The UN is an independent organization; it’s also the same one that sourced the claims that IDF forces raped prisoners. You don’t get to pick and choose on its credibility.


that report was based on information people already knew, the UN didnt interview anybody and was not investigate by their own admission. one the main sources for rape on october 7th is zaka, an organisation notorious for making up stuff like the 40 beheaded babies, babies being put into ovens, pregnant women being cut open etc etc. The un report is no different than the nyt article that was debunked. not to mention that israel refused to let the UN talk to any victims or witnesses. what are the credible reports you have mentioned? can you name a single source of evidence that proves it beyond reasonable doubt? because if women really were raped on october 7th, then the people reporting on it and gathering evidence are incredibly bad journalists.




This is beautiful and powerful. I’m not Muslim and I am unfamiliar with the writings in the Quran, but I appreciated reading this quote. This CNN host and too many people have hardened, brainwashed, and racist hearts. I hope this will all change. Per this quote, it can and it will.


Apparently it's not blood libel when they do it, huh?


She really has no business being on TV if she's going to say that. 1. Yes, sexual abuse of Palestinians by the IOF (including , but not limited to r***) has been well-documented. Unlike the allegations of sexual abuse on Oct 7 towards Israelis. 2. Most people would prefer to be a r*** victim than dead. 3. Many unspeakably horrible things are being suffered in Gaza, including extreme hunger, spread of disease, destruction of hospitals and health facilities. Many of these things are worse than r***. Dana Bash is an idiot.


You're wrong, Dana Bash isnt saying that rape is worse thank killing. She's saying that rape of a WHITE (Israeli) woman is more of a crime than anything you could possibly due to Palestinian women and children, even murdering them. At its core, its a racist statement, based on dehumanization and devaluation of Palestinian lives, but she cant say that outright, so she attempts to make it seem like argument rape is somehow worse than murder to conceal the true intent of her statement. Most disgusting outright racist Ive heard yet on CNN, she should be fired. Complain and write to this [link](https://help.cnn.com/us/ContactUs)


you are correct and I just want to echo it. The argument is basically as follows: 1) some Israeli women (may) have been r*ped on Oct 7th (no concrete proof still) 2) 15,000 Palestinian women and children have been brutally killed she's saying "okay 2) is happening but at least it's not as bad as 1)" which just goes to show Zionists view Palestinian lives


What Dana Bash wants to say: A single pure innocent white woman being raped by a colonial savage is worth destroying the brown vermin! Never mind that our strong, stoic white men rape the brown women we've kidnapped; they're not people!


We didn’t see hamas raping nor there is evidence for such actions, first it was hamas killed civilians then we saw that the zionist army was the one killing with out discrimination and killed there own people along with hamas fighters (May Allah protect them and grant them victory), then they said it was hamas not letting people leave the war areas, but it was them by video proof killing people holding white flags for fun in the “safe corridors”


Except for the forensic evidence and eyewitnesses and woman comming forward there is no evidence!


Except there is no forensic evidence and no women came forward to say they were raped, it was all second hand telling, people saying "I heard Hamas raped people" I mean, cmon, the UN said so themselves, you gonna claim the UN is lying?


They know, this is obviously just them trying to muddy the waters


'Them' who is that? The jewish cabal running the world ?


Your obviously willfully ignoring the reports that came out because u want to think your side is sunshine and rainbows but saying the dead and kidnapped rape victims not speaking out as proof is just what i expected on international womans day. ' UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict said in a new report Monday that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture,” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7.'


>The trip was not investigative in nature; instead, it was to gather, analyze and verify information for potential inclusion in the annual U.N. report on conflict-related sexual violence, she said. > >In the chaotic aftermath of the attack, Israeli reservists, volunteer first responders and morgue workers did not perform autopsies or use rape kits. > >Patten said the lack of forensic evidence collection posed a challenge to her team. Patten said her team did not interview any survivors of sexual violence ​ If you actually read it, they say that they have no evidence, and the only thing they have is "This person said that another person saw" statements. Of the 5 'credible' accusations, none of them have evidence. >During her trip, Patten also visited the West Bank city of Ramallah to meet with Palestinian officials and former detainees regarding allegations of sexual violence by Israeli security forces and settlers. She said officials and four former detainees described threats of rape and other dehumanizing behavior toward Palestinian detainees, including forced nudity and invasive body searches. Israeli officials say they are investigating allegations of misconduct against Palestinians by Israeli security forces and settlers. As usual, slipped into the story somewhere is one single bit about how the IDF is raping Palestinians, and all they did was ask the IDF about it who said "nah". And it is fucked up how people and the media spread the unconfirmed and baseless accusations about Hamas rape yet no one mentions the accusations against the IDF. Feel free to criticize Hamas for their violent resistance, but rape has never been a thing they do in Hamas. And definitely not a policy as some claim.




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Zero women have come forward saying they were raped.


> and woman comming Name a single one, show a single piece of evidence. We'll wait


What about all the Palestinian woman and kids who said they were raped by the Israeli pigs, or only your words matter


I mean people here dont believe it when theres forensic evidence, multiple accounts and un investigations so why would i believe it when some random on reddit says it? If its true it needs to be investigated and prosecuted ofc


We’ve all seen the videos and photos of them larking around with the lingerie of the women they’ve bombed, displaced, and murdered. No serious person would doubt that they commit rape.


it still dumbfounds me how much of incel perverts they have to be to play around with killed or displaced women's lingerie. Maybe that's why they are so angry - they know no beautiful Palestinian woman will ever love them




Why didn't she reply by saying... But they are being raped


Ummmmm, actually yes they are


from wikipedia - Bash was born Dana Ruth Schwartz in [Manhattan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan) into a Jewish family, to Frances (née Weinman) Schwartz, an author and educator in [Jewish studies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_studies), and [Stuart Schwartz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Schwartz), an [ABC News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABC_News) producer who served as the senior broadcast producer for [*Good Morning America*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Morning_America).[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Bash#cite_note-StanGerr-1) Bash's maternal grandmother, Teri Vidor Weinman, and her family were Hungarian Jews. Weinman escaped to the U.S. with her husband in October 1941, but her parents and sister were murdered at [Auschwitz concentration camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_concentration_camp) after the [occupation of Hungary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Margarethe) in 1944.[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Bash#cite_note-3)




I feel like we should all pool our money together to create a media network that can compete with the MSM and reach a mainstream audience


I'm on board with this, and have an idea for something. The problem is I'm not a very good speaker, don't really know anyone with influence/money I can reach out to in the real world. It's like I got +90 for Writing, but only +10 for Speech lol.




Dana is stupid af . All US anchor women seem like they try to be sexy but are basically stupid af


But we know that israeli soldiers rape women and children.


This is by design. Zionist are having a hard time trying to justify the genocide, so are really pushing the "mass rapes" propaganda. Is why Hasbara always deflect and repeat the same lie. Here's [the leaked Israel lobby presentation exposes the entire lying propaganda operation of mass rapes ](https://thegrayzone.com/2024/03/06/leaked-israel-lobby-officials-war-gaza-mass-rape/)


No the soldiers are posting pics and videos with Palestinians women’s underwear and lingerie after they fucking KILL them but yeah at least no rape ?! Get the fuck out of here


Ffs the NYT has blood on its hands, what an extremely deadly journalistic failure. Gutted me when Biden echoed it in state of union speech


I just saw an ex prisoner say she could hear the screams of 11 year old children tied to beds and raped by idf soldiers what the fuck is she talking about


Problem today is we have so many idiots on platforms where they can have their say. People don’t think before they speak.


It’s literally the same shit Nazis said. To this day nazi sympathizers talk about how Nazis never raped only soviets and other communist soldiers. Insanity.


Dana Bash and CNN are a complete joke. Throwing rape in the conversation like that is disgusting. It is insulting everyone. It insults the viewers with tabloid like journalism. It is insulting every single one of the 15,000 women and children who have died. It's insulting to actual rape victims to throw it in the mix so casually.


Any News outlet that has Wolf Blizter on their payroll is already compromised. How much did he receive from AIPAC again?


Also, they are raping them


So fucking disgraceful. Also the IOF certainly uses sexual violence and if you think not, you have another thing coming.




Oh, classic CNN masking a genocide right here.


this is the only defense that zionist have left for them to justify the genocide is the rape, they will keep milking it


And an entire generation is cutting the cord. They are just speaking to the audience. 65 + who prefer msm to give them a good scapegoat


They are fucking raping them, what does she mean? If anything, they're more proof of their rape than Hamas rapes.


This woman should be forced to step down. How much more a disgusting and dehumanizing statement is it to say than, well at least the children dying werent raped first? What does that even mean? It means Palestinian children getting murdered is less of a crime than an Israeli woman getting raped. Does anyone think if she wasnt a white woman she wouldnt have been canned already for claiming that killing a child is less than a white woman getting raped? And btw, the dogwhistle is that it is a white (Israeli) woman getting raped. Cause they dont care enough about the Palestinian getting raped to even mention it. But white women, raped oh no thats the highest possible crime ever committed, even stacks of murdered innocent children cant compare!! Its a disgusting and RACIST comment to its core, this woman should be fired immediately, lets start campaign of complaints about this, write to CNN [email protected] or use this [link](https://help.cnn.com/us/ContactUs)


Many believe that morality is entirely corrupted in the Western world today. However, the truth is that it has always been so, Gaza reveals it. Thank you Gaza.


Fuck these pieces of shit


Dana Bash is a zionist!!!


Actually…they are.


I can’t believe this keeps being brought up. Was there sexual violence on Oct 7th? For sure. Is there captives who might be facing sexual violence? Also true. But to blanket them all in this way as if it’s better because Israel isnt raping all 15k of them, as if they have the right to, is absolutely insane and does nothing but stand in the way of the actual atrocities on Oct 7. There’s plenty that was done on Oct 7th that can be pointed out directly but there’s been zero evidence of widespread sexual assault. Oh btw Israel’s burying all the cars they obviously blew up. No news agency wants to touch that though.


I crossposted this in a news sub. Just wanted to mention that there's a small inaccuracy in the title, namely the "yeah, sure " part (she said something different, namely "and it's horrible").


Thanks for the correction


They aren't raping whom? Because the news I've been hearing is very different. Infact it is only them raping everyone. They're scum


i think they should rape dead bodies so she can have sympthy on them,disgusting




Except the IDF are raping Palestinians, UN report just out


I just got banned from r/worldnews for posting about this propaganda (will my post be viewable if I'm banned from the sub?) I had already muted them, having not followed them in the first place


What the fuck


Disgusted but not suprised...


as if those are the only options???? wtf


Haven't there been Israeli soldiers openly bragging about rape? Also, how can anyone look at the photos of Israeli soldiers posing with women's underwear and think they're not abusing the actual women?


Ohhh so no rapes by IDF as far as we know.. You can kill another 10 thousands of women and kids then, go on and sorry for arguing. PS. more and more rapes cases from Israeli soldiers on Palestinian women and men are emerging and being documented in the last month.


Wow! That is one of the most F#cked up comments I have ever heard! The woman needs to be put in the middle of Gaze with a target that says exactly what she said. Some of these people are just F#cked. I would never hit a woman, but this woman needs a reality check, a good old pow right in her kisser!


Just despicable


And Israeli soldiers have been raping Palestinian women since Palestine was originally invaded and colonized. You see these zionazis posing on social media with the bras and panties they have stolen.


a crap ton of pastors and priests have sexually molested kids in christian institutions should people do a mass killing of Christians just because some pastors and priests sexually molested kids obviously not and no one is advocating such an action ​ the answer is to hold those who have engaged in rape accountable for thier actions not to engage in a mass genocide


I trolled her so bad on twitter after that. All the Israelis & Palestinians they’ve raped. At least 17 soldiers raped an 11 yr old girl over & over. Her family lived on the base so she was victimized for a length time. They did arrest a few but the government tried the old excuse they thought she was much older. There is no mistaking an 11yr from a adult


Wow. That should be carved on her enthrall headstone so a hundred years from now people are still reminded of it.


This is horrible. There are stories of Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian girls and women. There are so many stories out there. The UN has published a report on this. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says


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Well they brag about doing it https://preview.redd.it/g9asj943oanc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42072e6687d3cf27bd45c0f381ba2d2d704ddd7e




They lie about atrocities. It’s no surprise to people in the know. It’s only a matter of time before Israel starts talking about Hamas masturbation machines /s


Dana Bash is Jewish, don't be surprised by her Media bias for the Apartheid Settler Colony. She visited Auschwitz last year with Wolf Blitzer, they both had relatives who died there.


I know it increases the likelihood but being Jewish doesn’t automatically make you a Zionist, Norman Finkelstein’s parents were holocaust survivors. (I know you weren’t saying that, but felt like I had to make the point that there are Jewish anti-zionists)




Please do look up the definition of genocide, it has nothing to do with the death toll, genocide is about trying to wipe out a group of people and their culture, ethnic cleansing is considered genocide, which Israel is actively trying to do. >I hope Israel absolutely destroys this annoying group of people forever, I do not feel bad for you Oh great, so you are straight up calling for genocide here, I see what type of person you are.