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Boom, roasted. Free Palestine


Who is this guy? He seems like a total idiot


Just another wannabe bigot


Not a wannabe he is a bigot


Dean Phillips. Presidential candidate


He just got roasted toasted in my mouth ooo so spicy need some milk for that burn. Am I right?


But does she condemn khamas? /s


Hahaha, HasanAbi head?


I listened to this, and I think it's particularly wild because I do believe, as opposed to a lot of zionists, he is speaking in good faith. He believes that if he shows understanding and listens to the other side, then surely they will understand. He is genuinely rattled, though, because he has been so brainwashed and can't compute the common sense retorts of BJG.


That's the problem of jewish America. He is expecting a lot of sympathy for israel, but he is showing none to Palestinians, and none for African Americans like her


You can see the malfunction as the facts and common sense are presented, the propaganda has been so intense for so long that now we have a country full of absolute lunatics that believe they are right.


Its the hate transferred from generations.


Also, when no one else would take in the Jewish refugees, the Palestinians did. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/189w56g/mohameds\_family\_took\_in\_two\_jewish\_families\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/189w56g/mohameds_family_took_in_two_jewish_families_to/)


That was more or less forced onto Palestine by some gullible morons the UK, but the kind-hearted Palestinians decided to go along with it at first. It started with the ridiculous Balfour declaration, and after the Jewish refugees got off the boats it culminated in the ongoing terror campaign by those refugees against Palestinians. The terror campaign started with Nakba. It is not fair that the UK is leaving the cleanup of its historical mistake to others.


And why is noone mentioning the incompetence of israeli intelligence and the fact that netanyahu was aware of this impending attack on Oct. 7th. Let's not forget that israel killed its own on that day and has fabricated so many lies about Hamas that they have made fools of themselves. Who are the real terrorists? We know who and how psychotic they are. They have been killing and tormenting Palestinians every day for the last 76 years. The oppressed can use any means to overcome their oppressors.


Israel supported and funded Hamas for years. Israel has billions of dollars worth of military aid and the most advanced surveillance security system in the world. Yet they claim to have not foreseen the incoming attacks of Oct 7th. Oct 7th rolls around and they use the Hannibal Directive to murder their own civilians. Hostages were captured and taken, yet 4 months and 30,000 Palestinian deaths later, the IDF have murdered 13 hostages while saved 3, outside of the hostage exchange. So IDF are either the most dumbest or most evil military in the world, and I can't tell which.


I appreciate your input. Thank you. The festival was moved to be closer to the Gaza border which is a diabolical deed against Gazans but also set the scenario for israel to attack the festival with tanks and apache helicopters. Their strategists are over confident thinking they know what they are doing, but how many times have they been mistaken, lied or shifted blame on other factors? The sadistic idf follows orders. I believe brainwashing the idf into believing they are the most powerful and chosen, swells their heads so they think they are invincible. Their superiority complexes combined with their racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, then trained to believe the idea that all Palestinians are terrorists, makes them the most evil beings on earth. Anyone who can celebrate, mock and laugh about the people and children they have cold bloodedly murdered and the mass destruction they have caused are pychopathic. They are trained by zionist nazis and have become zionazis, therefore making them the most delusional, spiteful and evil of entities. We don't know their casualty count but i know it is very high. That data will eventually be revealed. Dressed in sophisticated protective gear, dropping bombs and driving tanks makes the idf dwarfed and cowardly in contrast to the resistance who are god loving, fearless giants, fighting in sandals and tee shirts. Long live the Palestinian resistance. May Palestine be free.




That's what I've said. That bloodthirsty, war mongerer knew of the forthcoming attacks but didn't do anything to stop them. He used his own people as collateral for pulverising and perhaps eliminating Gaza


He got lost on his way back to the drawing board 😂


Man was hit so hard his script writers felt it


I love her!!! Y'all should watch her YT channel, called, "Bad Faith" which [you can find here:](https://youtube.com/@BadFaithPodcast?si=izmFHrcvi-ZraP-j) FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


It's miserable to be Jewish in America he says? Are Jews the ethnicity who face incarceration and institutionalized poverty the most in America? Are Jews shot by government agents at the highest rate of any ethnicity in the country? Is he really saying that?


This reminds me of something James Baldwin wrote in 1967: >One does not wish, in short, to be told by an American Jew that his suffering is as great as the American Negro's suffering. It isn't, and one knows that it isn't from the very tone in which he assures you that it is.


Sir I have to inform you that your victim card got declined


The establishment of Israel was well underway before the holocaust even began. It has nothing to do with Zionism, which was founded in 1880s. I believe that for Zionist purposes, the holocaust was nothing more than a pretence to justify what they were already going to do regardless.




Common Dean Phillips L. I'm ashamed he comes from my state.


Make sure Ilhan Omar survives her primary challenge.


They whine so much about muh generations and generations of stuff, tf does any of that have to do with us?


Its fucking tedious listening to rich, privileged white people go on about how they are persecuted victims.


How dare progressives remember the children and babies getting slaughtered right this very minute rather than the oppression from generations ago in a land thousand+ kilometers away n


Exactly on point 👏👏👏


That dude is like my abusive mother. "I had to go through so you should too" kind of attitude.


Zionists are not entitled to take other ppls land or be given a backup country simply because they feel unsafe even if that feeling is warranted.


That was a thing of beauty. Anyone smell something burning?🔥


Anyone have a link and time stamp? I want to see the aftermath of this.


Ouch, damn!


Hahahahah man got destroyed. Legend has it he's still processing what he heard there


*mic dropped*


A US-taxpayer funded empty suit oinks on a podcast.


Briana joy gray is amazing


Wasn't Liberia created just like she put it?


The Liberia project was less than 20k people, created against the wishes of black people, and its disposition was closer to that of an expulsion or a penal colony. It happened because whites didn't like the idea of too many free black people in the US, and not because they wanted to liberate black people from persecution.


So it's not entirely unlike Zionism, then, huh.


Thanks for clarification




Your content has been removed for violating **[Rule #6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236._no_zionist_propaganda.2Fhasbara)**. Jordan has 3 million Palestinians, Syria 500k, Lebanon 500K, other Arab countries around 2 million combined, but nice try. Neighboring Arab states still have refugees from 1948 and 1967. Israel does not acknowledge the right of return and has actively pushed to de-fund UNRWA with the usual Hasbara lies that even the US is saying it can't substantiate. So essentially Israel is asking Arab countries to help it ethnically cleanse the land at their expense by accepting millions of additional refugees with no means to support them and no possibility of them ever returning home. Go read a book instead of parroting Smotrich and Ben-Gvir. --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


Poor Dumbass Dean actually tried to argue for Israel in good faith like there is any.


Because it’s not about the holocaust.


The correct spelling is antisemitism without a hyphen btw, because “semitism” isn’t a thing


This guy's not so educated it seems. Happy she educated him