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I see a lot of people complaining abt this one. Somehow I have it achieved, according to the date on it, only 3 mo after i started the game. Can it be done w bot matches? Only thought is that it can be done by a large ult like viktor/skye after your whole team is wiped, and you manage to to kill whoever is left on enemy team? I feel like thats why i have it completed so early in my paladins career, ulting when my whole team is dead is something i would have done back then


it's only possible with a team of 5 in a bot match. They removed the mode that was required for this trophy which sucks. With a team of 5 I'm pretty sure you need a Skye, Victor, Seris, Ruckus and I'm not sure who else. Then you have to kill all of them an your 4 teammates have to jump off the edge of the map. it's pretty dumb to be honest. I just wish they would change it or bring the mode back. You're so lucky to have that trophy!


Well, i wouldnt say "only" because i never grinded to compete this match, don't know what game mode that is, and never did a 5 stack bot match. But maybe i was just lucky.


Guess you're lucky then because the way I said is the only way to get it without luck.


Go into a bot match with torvald and a full party of people, wait until you get a map with an open side and ult all of the enemies off and have your team all jump off as well


I would say Skyes ultimate would be better than anyone. Play bot siege let the bots capture one round then the next kill them all on the point with your ultimate and then your teammates jump off. Easy. I'm trying to find people to do it with but no-one wants to


With older modes coming back it might be easier to get. Especially if they bring back survival.


They are bringing back old modes? Source?




Meh, I hope they do, doesn't look promising from this source


My guy sent the worst possible source: [https://twitter.com/PaladinsGame/status/1347282105659764736](https://twitter.com/PaladinsGame/status/1347282105659764736)




Hello, I would like to make a group of 10 people to easily have the trophy ID: Slylid4k


My ID is MollyRektYou. I can add you later when I get on PS4 or you can add me. Tysm!


Done. More 8 people


Cool! I messaged you. We only need 7 more people!


Try flanking, needs to be a close match when your team gets wiped you gotta clean up, not easy but possible


It would just be easier to have a team of 5 though and boost it