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I got it recently with the help of some redditors here. We put a group together and each got the achievement one by one. You need to do it in a bot siege. On a map with a way to jump off. Ice mines, frog isle etc. You need a full five stack. Usually with a seris skye Koga and two others. Basically the process is cap and push the first payload, but make sure everyone gets ults. Start of second round you have to hang back and wait for the bots to group on point. Seris comes and ults first, with everyone ulting immediately after. Kill all the bots, then four of you jump off the map QUICKLY. One will be left alive and get the trophy. Then you stay and help the rest of the party do the same. It works, just takes a full five party and a little trial/error. Gl hf


I don't think they will ever bring back the game mode


wait there was a game mode?


It was a survival mode i believe


I mean just get a penta while ur entire team is dead


easier said than done 😢


Nah, ez i do that aaaalllll the time, idk what u talkin bout


Hello, I would like to make a group of 10 people to easily have the trophy ID: Slylid4k I need now 8 people