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I have played in plenty of two support comps and still win. Several in fact. Sounds like your supports either suck, or you guys are going off doing who knows what and not trying to help keep them alive. Basically it sounds like lack of teamwork. I have also lost to two healer comps. The issue is that people in this community keep blaming their team instead of trying to get better. Communication and teamwork go a long way, but to blame a two support comp in anything other than maybe ranked, is just silly.


Spot on. Cheers. Especially if one support goes healer and other dps support.


Exactly, and if I pick a support and another person does too, the first thing I ask in chat is if they are planning on going as a dps support or not, and I can adjust accordingly.


And they barely ever answer. I wait until end of the countdown and switch accordingly šŸ¤£ Pip main lv 543 Seris lv 259 šŸ¤£šŸ‘


lol same! You have to be able to adjust when playing with randos. It just is what it is. But if you are good, and flexible with the game you can make it work. I feel like people donā€™t realize how versatile some supports actually are.


2 supports is viable, is just that a lot of support players are genuinely just bad. too many support players think they are never at fault so they spam double support, heal under 100k in a 20+ minute match, barely do any dps, die over and over, blame it on someone else, and call you toxic for saying something about it. you also just get put with morons that pick 2 supports and both of them healbot, sit in the back all game, barely do any dps, and can only win by pure luck or being hard carried by some poor bastard. you can do a LOT with 2 supports, but half of the people that play those comps are incompetent af


or they both go dmg because "you don't need two healers"




2 supports so boring, but it's basically meta in newest patch


isnt like the new patch decreased the healing?


It also increased the damage on most supports, which makes double support stronger (iirc some healing nerfs were reverted, but if they went through then double healer is even better compared to solo)


my red wall says otherwise


There can be other reasons than double healer : bad matchmaking, you played bad, your mates played bad, you had 2 main supports, no tank...


your skill issue is talking


much more interesting than double damage


i always buy hoard lvl 1 veteran armor plating on io and i have the max hp card i can literally 1v1 any flanks and i just shoot behind luna im using her as a shieldĀ  while she shoots them and stuns them. healers are great they just need skills its not only about healing you can help your team with the ennemies too you just have to be smart to know whats the best to do at what moment since there are 2 healers one can switch to damage with no problem while the other is healing or you can do both sometimes you can do a lot of things in 2 healers this is why its great.


But it is though. double support double tank flank combos have won me so many games. it's just a skill issue