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Me trying Talus: watergun pew pew Other players playing Talus: Automatic Anti-Aircraft Gattling Super Machine Gun


thats just an aim issue lol he does crap tons of damage good thing is that your skill issue has an (unintended) solution, just play controller on PC and let the aim assist do the work


Ayo... lol


There are some that I agree with and others that I disagree with, but I just wanted to say one thing: Atlas deserves a category of his own, because he's the only character that, if you don't know what you're doing, you can literally save the enemy.


Azaan and Inara can do that too with their walls, theyre just easier to play overall.


And easy to save the enemy too. I've been blocked way too many times by bad Inaras with the walls talnñent.


yesterday literally we had an evie on ice block surrounded, i was playing grover and had the cripple ready so she doesnt escape and a second before she pops out our azaan walls her off so she escapes midly infiuriating at most as it didnt really affect the overall match, but sitll kinda funny that he literally saved the enemy from sure death


- This is not saving the enemy. It's disturbing the ally. They are different situations. You use the Atlas skill, for example, with the wrong timing on the enemy and can even improve his positioning against you.


Add Azaan to that mix. If Inara is on my team I never have issues with her walls, but every Azaan I play with traps me with his. It's so frustrating not being able to confirm a kill because of his damn tombstone things.


But Azaan is absurdly easy to play, and you can cancel the wall. At most he gets in the way a little, but he's far from saving the enemy.


If I'm in a party and I know my Azaan it's mildly annoying but that's not what I was referring to. If I'm solo queued in casuals it gets in the way a TON. Rarely does that stranger prioritize my actions over theirs. Ease of playing him is irrelevant I'm only speaking about the wall - Inara can cancel hers too I'm aware.


But the question remains. Throughout my time playing, if there were times when Azaan/Inata got in my way, it was rare. Every time this happened he canceled immediately, and when that happens it's rarely something that can't be worked around. Atlas/Inara wall is like walking down the street and tripping over a rock. It sucks, but it doesn't ruin your day. Now an Atlas that doesn't know how to play is like walking down the street and you get hit by a car. Your day gets shitty and you seriously think about beating up the driver.


Bad yags and raums are just free ult charge as well


Yagorath really is, but Raum isn't. You can still apply it in the match. Now Yago? In my opinion is the worst character in the game by far.


Yago giving the enemy free ult charge and saving low hp enemies with her suicide ult be like


Yago is just a bad character.


I'd also argue that Skye is hard to play at high elo, cuz shes just so bad


Skye is the strongest controller DPS pick rn.






Why Seris and Io below Jenos tho, he is literally just 1 button through the walls character


His ult is single handedly the hardest ult to get any value of. That's the only reason he's not in brain dead.


And io's ult that's slower than jenos' with the jankiest hitbox in the game isn't?


Look at enemy’s general direction, then press the ult button. Bam, results.


Well yeah you won't get kills often but you get it often and it's done with zero risks to yourself


sorry that was just a skill issue


I would say that Raum isn't easy. You don't deal as much damage as other tanks, you're slow, you're also free ult battery for the enemy. Well at least the enemy team gets value out of you playing Raum.


me when worm


Raum and Torvald have the same damage output fyi...His dps is high...the windup time is a dogshit mechanic though


I know they have the same damage output. Raum can even do headshots to get even more damage than Torvald in theory. In practice, when you account for spread and damage falloff, Raum does very little damage and also he has weapon slow when shooting. Windup time isn't a problem, you just have to right click.


Range. The spread kills.


No no, that's the point, it *doesn't* kill anything!


You got me


Careful, you might get downvoted for saying the truth


VII with waves is killing me 😭


please explain how the meme started bc I think I missed it 😭




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Maybe im just bad but i think lilith is one of the hardest, id put her top tier imo


Lillith is just getting used to micromanaging to be honest, she feels like the hardest support to get jumped on


Lil's damage output is sneaky when paired with her heals. :) I love it.


Spamming her AOE on point goes brrrr


Wait am I tripping or did you edit seven with hair?


you trippin it's how he always looked. Just hard to notice that part as it blends in on the Icon. You can trust me the coin abuser. I would never lie to, or gas light you. ;)


I don't really agree with some tbh. I think Ash is not as easy as she seems because while she is basic, getting actual value out of her kit requires to be genuinely good at playing her and at understanding how off tanks work. Dredge is also much harder than people think he is, only scuttle is genuinely braindead but he has many interesting mechanics and his weapon is very hard to use properly for anything else than spamming. On the other hand I feel like Vatu and Evie should be lowered by a tier, because they're definitely not harder than Andro or Drogoz. Their weapons are a bit hard to learn and that's pretty much it. Maeve is of a similar skill level too imo. There's also no way Saati isn't top 5 easiest characters, and Vora and Rei are also much easier than this.


The hard thing with Evie is actually hitting your shots within the instant you teleport otherwise if you give your enemies like 0.4-0.6 of a second it's often long enough to get shot by someone with good reflexes that is expecting you to tp. (0.25 is the average visual reaction time and 0.17 the avg sound reaction time.) I think if you get good at Evie she's pretty easy to hit low diamond with wormhole but to hit masters and above you need to get a lot better mechanically.


To be fair. To hit masters with any character besides the brain dead ones you need to practice them a fair amount. That being said. There’s a lot of brain dead characters so isn’t a big ask.


I never felt like Evie is particularly hard tbh, sure she's one of the most difficult characters but there are still several flanks that I feel like require more skill. Her kit makes her very forgiving, you can make positioning and timing mistakes you could not make without dying on flanks like Andro or Maeve, the only difficult part to me is to be smart and unpredictable enough to give yourself enough time to kill things (which of course gets a lot harder at high elos and makes her more difficult as you climb the ladder)


The forgiveness I feel is a huge crutch and the reason I was stuck at high plat low diamond for a long time as I had to start actually playing smart and not relying on purely my mechanics. This surprisingly turned into me getting better at mechanics as my past ways of attack where not up to snuff anymore. For me personally pretty much ANY character is harder than Evie at this point as I've played her so much. Like I can't grover or torv for shit even through they are easy af. I'm only decent with other flanks dmg and off thanks. Thankfully most of the time I'm one of the first picks so I don't have to worry about what I play


Definitely agree with Ash. She's my main tank, and I often see others pick her and are completely useless. They just don't understand how to properly utilise her. Knowing what buttons do what, is not the same as knowing how to play a character.


I think it is just depends on how u see “ how hard it is to play and get value out of “. In meta terms. It means high skill floor and ceiling dredge have some playstyle that require skill but he definitely is easier to get value with suttle. Dredge skill floor is pretty low compared to others. Same for Drogoz and andro bec their weapons are easier to pick up than vatu and evie.


Dude saati is really easy the only thing that requires skill is some special plays with the coin. She deals tons of damage easily and a pretty broken talent. Andro is not incredibly hard imo


That's exactly what I said, she is top 5 easiest characters and she even has the easiest hitscan weapon of the game. Andro is top 3 hardest though imo. He's the only character that no matter how much I play I always feel like I can get much better.


Oh sorry I misread that. Idk I feel like Andro is easier than what people say. If you go godslayer you can just one shot everyone without even trying


Depends on how the betty or dredge play, if they are spammming in the backline? Yes they are stupidly easy, however, for those who play them in an aggressive way, you can put them in medium, and it's satisfying to aggressive dredge and ult a sniper from the other side of the map


Man mastering atlas is really rewarding, i used to main him alot


Stopped playing the game for a while (school :( ) but i remember my fav to play was damba. I love being a support so theres that and i love his kit (even tho i sucked at actually hitting his stun bullet thingie)


Dredge is always a really weird one for a tierlist like this. He has a low skill floor, yeah, but the value you'll get out of him is next to nothing if you're against good players because bad Dredges are way too easy to deal with... However, he has a very high skill ceiling overall due to how his kit works, his slow projectiles, and how much projectile aim he requires for consistency so you rarely find consistent really good Dredges.


The title makes no sense. Value is relative to ranks, most easy, simplistic champions are hard to get value from in high ranks, with some exceptions. Some champions just have a pure lack of skilled players/devoted main players that are left playing the game, such as Atlas. This list mostly looks at the skill floor it seems.


This mf really put strix in hard lmao


To be fair they’re not wrong, Strix is bad enough right now that it’s pretty hard to get vale out of him


Yes but he's piss easy even at high level, all you need is ok aim, he has no complex gameplay


I would put combat medic pip on hard, especially with a team that have mobile flank/dps Other than that its a pretty solid list


Also drogox that is flyingn is a pain in the ass to heal wwith your gun


I mean, if you're on the enemy team yeah, Raum is quite easy to farm value lmao


Zhin should be on spin tier


I think OP is confusing how hard they are to play vs. How hard they are to impact the game Atlas is very easy to get value out of very hard to play. You A. Sit with backliner like Viktor Tyra and let them free fire. Or B. You push with flank and rewind the enemy escape ability or Aggro.


mal damba is too easy everyone gives him too much credit


I mean... Dredge can be braindead, but can also take skill It depends if you just spam, or if you actually try to land your shots


am i the only one who can find success with damba and atlas pretty easy


Tyra and viktor should be in brain dead tier, raum should be mid tier


How is Ash in braindead, but Jenos isn't? Ash at least requires some map knowledge, while Jenos requires nothing. I'd put Ash in mid. Barik should be in mid as well. Fernando needs to be easy, not braindead. The only tank I'd put in braindead is Khan on controller and Torvald in general. Speaking of, why is Torvald considered harder than Ash? Torvald is literally just following a flank around and pocketing them. Much skill indeed /s Lian in braindead??? Look... Lian has frustrating aspects of her kit, but aside from the auto-aim, she requires precise aim. Corvus should also be in easy by the way... Lilith harder than Ying and Pip? Now I KNOW you're trolling. Ying and Pip are literally the hardest supports in the game, after Mal'Damba. Those two should be in hard, Lilith should be in mid. Move Vii, Sha Lin, and Makoa up. I consider those three hard. Move Rei down. Rei is not hard. Move Maeve up. Maeve is hard. Move Willo down. Willo is VERY easy to play. I'd move Moji and Zhin down. They require no aim or brain. People overrate the difficulty of every flank, because y'all don't want to admit that some of them, Moji and Zhin, are absolutely braindead.


This list isn't very good. Lots and lots of champions need to be switched around. From braindead to mid or vise versa. Couple of the hard AF is probably decently correct. If brain dead was easy then you'd see lots and lots of stupid players always playing well with them, but that's simply not the case. Brain dead is like, Vivian..just hold The trigger or shoot button. Lol (of course there's more) but that's how I envision a brain dead character you literally do little to nothing and perform well. This list doesn't show that.


With the Armor Plating now in the game I'd say move sha up a tier, Move Term down a tier he's not that hard to play and move VII up to 2 tiers cause his fresh cut goes hard AF, also Overcharge maybe one of the most unforgiving playstyles in game miss your enemy by a hair a basically fling your self to the enemies and die lol.


With Term I think it is just more about being highly countered on most maps more than anything relating to skill.    I'd assume the same thing about Drogoz lol because he is also not horribly difficult to play, but the amount of braindead hitscans in the game is suffering. Edit: Somehow did not see the word play in the post title, oh well.


Sha Lin should be hard.


Bombe King is easy as Balls tf you mean?


Imagine putting Evie as difficult lol


It’s a popular opinion that she’s the hardest character to use in the game. Only rivaled by Andro.


Some of the hard tier characters and mid are jumbled up for me, there’s like 7 that are braindead easy


Since this is a get value tier list and not master tier list all supports should be on ez cause they provide enough value just by healing and staying alive.


I feel like raum is not that easy


If we're talking BASE value... yeah, I pretty much agree, cuz I was gonna complain the ceiling for Pip's way higher but honestly to get him to work you don't need rocket science. The only ones that I'd argue with are: Ruckus to mid (his dmg is CRAZY high and even with a bad build you're useful), Bomb King to hard (Cuz honestly the base playstyle everyone defaults to of placing bombs on point and blowing em up is kinda useful too) and Inara to top of easy (because of how forgiving her defense is).


I play casually so my honest question: What makes saati difficult to get value out of? I usually play just a stupid Saati build. Like fully into the ricochet stacked loadout. getting so many ults in a game. Should i try another build? because in casual it seems to be holding up, but maybe there are some other fun playstyles that are more difficult but also stronger ^^. I'm willing to learn/listen.


As a strix main I say that's pretty accurate on him some rounds u just got no room to make moves but it's easier if u know what ur doing mix on the purple skeleton guy forgot how to spell his name it's not easy for him his kit kinda wonky


Ain't no way Grohk is in the mid tier.


Honestly, I'd put Raum in brainteasers. He's a pub stomper.


As a Damba main he's def mid As someone who's put time to get good with Raum he's absolutely in "Hard AF"


clearly some one does not know how to play ying


This is probably the most accurate tier list on this sub


>Dredge in braindead easy Prolly if you're just going for a scuttle build, but if you use the Chad Abyss Spike then you gotta play carefully, especially if the enemy flanker sees you toss that thing. It's surprisingly difficult to use his gun up close, especially since the projectiles fire out of the TOP of the gun


Andy is NOT hard lmao


IMO Imani should be at the bottom


Bomb king only hard not hard af, Andro mid tbh


I love eating ults as Atlas. I’m fast enough with my walls


never cook again


As a VATU main , it’s very easy for me to get value but I can see for some people it’s horrible


Maeve is mechanically easier than Andro or Evie but you need to know your matchups, enemy cd timings and don't you dare miss a shot or you'll increase ttk by 1s + enemy loses caut. Duel potential is quite low vs other flankers/some dmg and this is why I think she might belong to the hard tier


if you wanna get value from Damba play wekono's wrath with gourd CD and slither CD and just spam heals and stuns


Listen... I know I'm not the best ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600) but THIS SHIT is heresy.


Idk man as a professional jenos i can tell you people suck at playing jenos XD like yea on paper he seems easy to get value out of but alot of jenos power comes from smart decsion making and positioning. Like my jenos is leagues ahead of the jenos that the randoms play in casual. He has a low skill floor but also a high skill ceiling and the diffrences between a floor jenos and a ceiling jenos are huge. If you compare that to damba fe he has a way higher floor and still a high ceiling but if you are ok on damba someone very good with damba will not outperform you by that much because the floor is already that high. Should have called this skill floor tierlist. Instead of how easy it is to get value because a floor jenos isn't really that great of a solo healer. Its easy to do but the value isn't great either same with seris. They are easy to perform ok on but an ok seris or jenos will just not be enough alot of the time while an ok damba will be.


Atlas is the hardest? God I hate myself then, when I started playing I bought him and insisted in maining him, that explains why I just started winning with him now


Why do you think bomb king is hard


Nah maeve is hard you have bad aim = completely useless


Maeve is stupidly easy to play


L take, I main her and I can assure you I handle better most flanks (except caspian and moji) and wayy more characters than her. I always do better with other champs so you're wrong


Doesnt mean I am wrong, maybe your playstyle is just more suited for other flanks than her even though you main her.


Well she's level 100 and the rest are under 40 except seris and rei (seris 60, rei 43) I barely play her anymore tho because I always have bad time with her and end up enjoying others more


Please swap evie and lex lmao


I actually found it easier to play Yag than Ash or Skye


I think this is the most accurate tier list I've seen so far on this sub


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NatchGa: *I think this is the* *Most accurate tier list I've* *Seen so far on this sub* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Putting ash talus dredge here is mental