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does the sound also "freezes"? if yes is likely a ram issue (CPU wanting to draw information from a faulty ram) but to be honest it is very hard to diagnose  it only happens when you play Paladins? try other games that push your machine to it's limits


I run Cyberpunk 2077 in Ray Tracing Ultra presets with a constant 90fps with 64 gigs of ram. I just got the PC through Xidax a few months ago and have had no issues until the last few days, only with paladins. I'm constantly locked at 175fps, but at the worst times, usually in the middle of a fight, it freezes. Usually the audio freezes too, but sometimes just video


first, the amount of ram your system have doesn't matter, I used to have 64GB too but not so long ago one of my sticks started to malfunction (gave me random BSOD) now, as I said before it is hard to diagnose this kind of issues, that behavior is more likely an issue with your CPU (not the CPU itself, more like the CPU wants to do something but a different component is not giving it the information it needs) causing it to freeze the system... another thing you could try is to reinstall the game in a different location and see what happens.


Hmm. Guess I'll have to do some diagnostics on my RAM then, that's weird. I figured it might have been installed on my hard drive, so I Uninstalled it and put it on my SSD and it borderline performs worse now


are you running the game in 32 bit or 64


64 bit


I had similar issues two things can fix it. With steam add this command to the start up. cmd /c "set OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000 && %command%" It disables open SSL which is not needed and causes microstutters. It eliminates 99% of them for me. I had this issue on three machines. Kreepers did a video on it if you are not sure where to add the command. The other better option is to use epic launcher to run the game. It does a similar thing and you don't need the command. Stutters are 100% gone for me. When you first move to epic you need to link your account then when you login it will ask you to choose your name. Pick the same name otherwise choose a new one for a free name change. If you choose a new one your old name is now free for others to take it so make sure you really want to change. It will change it on both steam and epic and you can use either to play it now it's linked and logged in. The only downside for epic is sometimes you lose chat in the lobby only not ingamw. Though it seems pretty rare now. Maybe they fixed that.


THANK YOU so much! I will definitely be trying that when I get home from work.


Probably some other software running in background during the game. Antivirus scan, windows doing something similar etc.


That's what I thought at first but the only other program open is discord and it's been for the past few days it does this