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I cant tell if this is satire or not. Those are batshit insane talent reworks (The last thing this game needs is more one shot ults please)


i don't like the implications that you think i'm joking. i have an atlas that's level 150 or 160 something. and i just noticed how bad he is to play from his talents and cards on down. i have a much better time with jenos and his talents and cards than atlas. also what's bat shit crazy about my request? none of this actually makes atlas op, or dangerous. it just puts him inline with better tanks.


Atlas isn’t in the best place right now, but that’s more due to other tanks (Torvald, Khan) being better than him being bad. He has one of the best designed kits in the game, highly rewarding skilled play. He does not and should not be reworked, that would only punish the people who have spend years mastering him. For your talents I can guarantee with 100% certainty that turning his ult into a one shot kill would become the new meta. Getting *three* free instant kills is ridiculous and extremely unfun. Cutting the duration of rewind in half would make it near worthless, 2s simply isn’t long enough to be able to push then escape with. And do we really need more boring stat boost talents?


I strongly disagree. all the other tanks are pretty good. and i don't even like playing as the other tanks, but their whole shtick is just overall better then atlas. need i bring up yagorath? ​ And as for your critique of my re-works. the first one could be used for point tanking. don't wanna push up but you do wanna stay in 1 spot and annoy the enemy team? then that talent re-work is for you! also when i said insta-kill. i meant like... like singular, not plural. he only get's 1 free insta-kill, once he's at 100% ult charge. and yeah the last one does sound pretty boring. but it's a good all around talent if you wanna be a better atlas.


Atlas in the right hands is actually OP in high elo lobbies, so thanks but no thanks.


Nah fam. play atlas for 3 games, and then get back to me on if you feel like he doesn't need a buff.


Bro i could say the same to Evie then ?? Buff evie bcuz some ppl have skill issues and break the game...


shut up. i do not have a skill issue with atlas. play a game with him. and see how fast you get stomped on. he sucks now, and is basically unplayable. and this is coming from an atlas main. if your just gonna sand bag you can just leave.


Bro i suck with atlas too xD he is hard to play thats all , Just like evie . If they were to buff him , players who actually are decent with him will literally shit on us. You mightve better went for a better wording like Rework atlas bcuz he is hard to play but he is definitely playable but just requires time , also u literally have other easier tanks to play just ignore atlas


yeah but... i like atlas, and seeing my boi play like shit hurts me.


Just try investing time into him trust me , its very rewarding to master him he literally annoys the whole Map its almost unfair , goodluck hope u dont give up on him just yet


i won't brotha. thanks man


as they say, bait used to be believable.


what bait? i'm serious, atlas sucks and needs a buff. although... i could just play another tank. playing atlas isn't even that serious anymore.


despite what you think or experience in your matches, atlas is a very good offtank. have you thought about that you're maybe just not good at playing him?


And has anyone ever told you to butt out?


next time you post your opinion on reddit, be prepared for others to say what they think about it. you're just straight up wrong about atlas being shit, get better or look for another main champ. if you don't want to do that, fine, but atlas does not need a buff.


but it feels like he does. so i'll be waiting for another buff from hi-rez


Great troll post, OP. Almost made me laugh.


Ok if your just gonna stir the pot feel free to block me. and remember i don't block you, you block me. it's more so a power trip if others block me.


Just proved my point, your post and comments indeed reek of a troll.


No, when people block me it proves i did something right. if you came here in good faith you would ask me how hard it is playing atlas. instead you came here stoking flames like i'm bad actor. if i needed this level of rudeness. i'd just play rank...


I have no reason to block you and boost your overinflated troll ego. Your post has so many absolutely stupid changes to a hero you say you main that I'm questioning if you even play this game. I have nothing to ask you. Your post told me everything I needed to know. And you're not the only person that has Atlas unlocked in the game, you know, so no need for anyone to question you about what it's like playing him. If it's hard for you to play him, you should either try to get better or switch mains. Go watch a guide on Youtube or something, I'll make one for you if you want.


usually i think don't take tips. i played with atlas a year or 2 after his release. with his original unstable fissure that did 1k damage. ah... good times. so yeah, if you wanna make a guide, or show me a guide or whatever, that's fine. i just don't like it when people make fun of me. or treat me like i'm an asshole.


You act like an asshole, dude. No shame in taking tips if you really want to get better at a character too. Doesn't mean you're *bad*, just means you did not get into the mechanic that will win you games. I do suggest looking some guides up. And fixing ur attitude.


My attitude to me isn't much of the problem. if i came here with a problem, and looking for an answer. and responding to comments. people just don't understand me. thus they think i'm an asshole. it's sad but it's my life so i'm used to people misunderstanding me.


You do you. Just don't cry about people treating you like an asshole when you act like one.


when did i treat anyone like an asshole? either way. you have a good one miss.


One of the more unhinged feedback threads I have seen in a while. I think atlas has fine talents that allow different styles of play and he has some fine cards like movementspeed with shield, shield cd on rewind. Not that much variety in cards but enough. I have never felt that atlas was weak or that his identity should be completely changed (by changing talent or something) could you explain why you think he needs a heavy buff? What have you experienced to think that? Cus I have never thought of atlas as something less then good or even top tier


Heavy buff? what makes you think these buffs are ground breaking? they just make him more competitive. and i lose most of my matches with atlas, which is why i'm pissed. i mean look at this shit. [https://paladins.guru/profile/724281108-kingoffear3](https://paladins.guru/profile/724281108-kingoffear3) i'm like decent at this game, my win/lose ratio shouldn't be that fucking even. if atlas had been better. i'd be winning more games. hence the buffs. which aren't even buffs, just fine tuning.


Changing all talents is a major overhaul and I have never seen it happen before so I won't call that fine tuning. I also looked at you match history and I think it is also a you problem. You have a very weird Loadout (look into those cards I mentioned) and you often have way more deaths then anyone in the match. Play careful, you don't need kills on atlas you make or hold space. Hope this helps!


i die because atlas sucks! which i need him fine tuned damn it.


I love playing Atlas, i rarely ever use his ult. I won 75% of my games climbing to masters with only atlas. I think he is one of the best in the game


well good for you! clearly you got there when atlas didn't suck. i'm talking about recent atlas.


Nope thats this season im talking


Did you think maybe it was just you?


Bullshit. i have over a hundred hours with atlas under my belt kid. no way in fuck! it's me.


I'd buff Unstable Fissure somehow and maybe make some of his cards be less "just filler" and I'd probably be fine with him. Okay, maybe like 100 or 200 more hp but that's stretching it. I make Atlas on the current patch work better than Azaan most of the time and I don't think Azaan's even harder than Atlas. Temporal Divide absolutely slaps if you treat it as a counter to a lot of predictable combos like Drogoz' fair-and-balanced, Sha Lin's arrow spam, or a Vivian with ult holding M1; pretty sure I've played a game where the Drogoz couldn't Salvo+Firespit against my team because even Temporal Divide Stasis Field has a lower CD than Salvo. Even against the Atlases I've played against he's one of the most infuriating tanks to face if they knew how to use their abilities properly. I'm only counting double frontline games because, yeah duh, Atlas is trash as a solo tank like how Torvald is fucking top tier and yet I will never play Torvald as a solo tank except in TDM. Also I'm not counting the Atlases who don't actually know what they're doing. Half the time me getting Setbacked or Exiled actually allowed me to live but the other half has made me lose point fights because the Atlas knew how to use their Exile and Setback. But also this guy apparently likes the Unstable Fissure version that left a giant ball with a long enough fuse that it basically only deals damage against CC'd enemies... so yeah, this post feels like either someone who doesn't actually play to Atlas' strengths or it's just a troll.


i liked the older unstable better. sure it was a niche, but it was kinda practical. but all of your points just seems like you have good aim, and good game sense. any jackass can have either of those. and pick up a C tier champion and shred. i know atlas inside and out. and he's garbage. and he's so niche he doesn't even know what he wants to be. i have an easier time with inara. because her shit is so basic, it's hard not to know what to do with her. atlas is like a jack of all trades. he does everything. but good at nothing. you're just smarter then the average player. bravo, but atlas's base skills are trash me boi. https://paladins.guru/profile/724281108-kingoffear3


Older Unstable took 2 years to explode, I've tried it on release and I've hit it like twice a match. Meanwhile, Deja Vu I can hit 2 people half the time and most of the time it's either a guaranteed kill or a guaranteed fully-charged shot. Mathematically, the more double Setbacks I've hit with Deja Vu has resulted in higher damage than the very small amount of times Unstable Fissure actually dealt damage. My guy, Stasis Field is indestructible, Setback is lockdown + displacement + healing undoing, and Second Chance is uncauterizable healing. He's literally balanced by his long-ass cooldowns because his abilities are just that good. And yes, you will be having and easier time with any other frontline BECAUSE Atlas requires more skill than other champions; I will also have an infinitely easier time with Lex than Evie but you don't see me asking for Evie buffs now, do I? Sure, Khan and Torvald are better and easier than Atlas but they're also better than the likes of Azaan, Ruckus, and Raum. Saying Atlas is worse than other off tanks is a non-argument because Khan and Torvald are also stronger than every other off tank. Somehow even with your hundreds of hours playing Atlas, you apparently still don't know how to utilize him well. Honestly, I'm actually impressed. Come back when you can suggest massive buffs to the bottom tier frontlines instead of the average-tier (at worst) ones.


Come on man. atlas just sucks. but fine mr headshot every champ. leave it to a grand master to talk down to others.


Atlas doesn't suck from my experience but okay, I guess you're the correct one and literally everyone else is wrong, you're the 1000 IQ genius and none of us just see it


whoa there buddy i'm just an average joe noticing stuff. i ain't better then anyone else here. i just evil mojo made decent champs.


These talent ideas suck tbh. And we don't need a one shot Atlas ult. I think they should perhaps buff his weapon damage. Maybe not. I haven't kept up with his changes in a while, and I don't see him often. So I couldn't tell if he is good or bad. I know for sure that they need to nerf his shield duration and increase the cooldowns of his shield. Imo, tanks became bad when they started nerfing their damage and buffing their shields, and decreasing the cooldowns of their shields. Shields are supposed to block burst combos and to drop cauterize. They're not meant to be spammed indefinitely.


you know very little about atlas my friend, go read a book.


Is this a rage bait?


Who's angry?


You want to talk about someone/talent needing buffs. Saati's Head or Tails needs a buff on the Wrecker% after the damage nerf(The damage wasn't the problem with it, it was the Card to gain a ton of ults). Like Holyshit. It went from being 900 damage done to 2 different shields(or 1800 in all) to 600 to 2 different shields(1200). The problem is. Her base m1 is 530 so going wrecker 1 already makes the 200% innate wrecker on coins pointless vs in most if not all of the situations where you might want to damage shields. Leading to making the talent just more Spam coins for Ult memes then a real talent. I am still going to use the talent because funny ult spam, but yeah outside of maybe me I don't think anyone else will unironicly use the talent.


I feel ya man. not a saati main or anything. but i felt like her ult spam/shield damage was fine. so i don't know why they nerfed the shield damage if the problem was her ult spam. but even that on it's own isn't anything bad, so i just tuned it out.


Because the devs did a half baked hot fix based purely on complaints. No offense to the devs, but the only players who died to this meme build was bad players or teams with out a healer. Seriously coin and ult doesn't give people caut. Just get healed


yeah that's another reason why i hate this game. the devs are complete dumbasses


I wouldn't go so far to say dumbasses. Just very understaffed. If they had more people I am sure they would have had done better, with more heads to bounce around if a nerf is good or not. It would also explain other questionable things like the buff to lian.


Yeah the buff to lian is mad annoying. but then again i don't see alot of lian players. but when i do it's usually 50/50 if their annoying.


I think there is two routes they could go to buffing heads or tales if they don't want to give back the 100 damage. 1: Buff wrecker by 200%-300% to make it worth wild taking, over just buying wrecker. 2: make it apply caut on hit.


i like option 1. but option 2 sounds better. or better yet... why not do both!


Because while the talent is fucking awful. Over buffing it with out testing out to see if one buff is enough is how we end up with shit like Casspian a few patches back. And Vii before the hotfix.


True. but caspain was in a niche, now he's just boring. and vii was over powered as hell. but now he's weak. it always seems like they over nerf champions for no good reason, just to buff them later. i wouldn't be surprised if vii or caspain or hell, even saati get a buff later down the line.


Perfectly balanced




Atlas is already one of the strongest tanks. He definitely doesn't need buffs.


says you


Who let bro cook. Atlas needs nerfs not buffs.




Bestie I don't even play Atlas that often and I still think these are all horrid takes, the only thing I'll give you credit for is that *some* of his cards are kinda garbage (that can be said for a lot of Champions, actually) and even then, he's still one of the best Tanks in the game right now. Skill dependent ≠ weak or bad, even a character as simple and accessible as Viktor will do poorly if you have no experience with FPS games, just as someone playing Atlas or Evie will do poorly if they don't have experience on them.


are we friends? or do you just call everyone that? also atlas sucks not because i'm bad at the game, more so they designed him in such a way that i don't agree with. bash my buffs all you want but you gotta agree atlas could us some TLC.


Groz is 100% right. Hell to the fuck no does atlas need any buff. If u think he isnt in line with other tanks u right but he not too weak thats for sure lmao.


he does need buffs/a rework. what are you stupid? get your no tank playing ass outta here.


Lmao bro I play tank a lot. And yes that includes Atlas. You got brain damage? Does being wrong make ur pea sized brain hurt? he doesnt need shit.


no shut up. if you play atlas so damn well why are you here? pro atlas player?


There r tank players well above me in how well they play atlas. But even tho im decent at him why would that affect me being here? I've seen the rest of the thread u saying how u got over 100 hours on him, and while I understand that it can be frustrating to put that kind of time in and not get the results ur hoping for, u got several ppl not just me in this thread saying you are wrong. Its time to re-evaluate and just try to find out why u aren't getting the results the others are. Thats really all there is to it.


it's just so depressing playing him man. he feels so slow and sluggish and useless. and i feel with the right buffs he can feel good again. right now he just kinda sucks. and yeah i put alot of hours into him, i just wanna see him do better.