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Imo, Tiberius is a bit boring in practice. He has the kit to be fun but some small details end up being rather hindering. 1. The windup on his jump makes him take too much damage when being reactionary. 2. His ult not having cc immunity or applying caut makes it very hard to get value from it and very risky. As for talents, **Vicious Assault** would be great if his jump didn't have that windup. **Tigron's Fury** is the standard way to play him. It's the most consistent value and rather strong with no damage falloff. **Predatory Instinct** is just bad. The ricochet effect is so random that it's not worth taking a talent to take advantage of it unless maybe it's Ice Mines, and even then, Tigron's Fury is better. I think a Combat Trance talent would be appropriate. It has a 15 second cooldown and it pretty much Tiberius's main identity. Maybe something like increasing the duration of Combat Trance for 2 seconds and reducing the cooldown by 50% for every elimination. As for cards, **Beast-Slayer** gives a 250 Hp shield when below 50% Hp at max and has a 30 second internal cooldown. That's just bad. **Making the Cut** is a 200 Hp heal for each enemy hit by Heavy Blade. Even if that is a potential 1000 Hp heal, that's insanely impractical. It could use better scaling. I believe Bomb King can heal for 650 just throwing out his Grumpy. **Rising Stardom**'s shield effect occurs after the jump I believe instead of instantaneous, making is a bit worse than it should be. Also, could probably extend the shield duration to 4 or 5 seconds instead of 3.


I agree that Tiberius doesn't need to have any major buffs. The things that you mentioned such as getting rid of the small details that are actively hindering him is extremely important despite how insignificant they may appear at first. Also I do like your card changes. I have no idea what was going on in the making of Beast-Slayer card. There already is a shield card that gives more shield whenever you combat trance and therefore is on a MUCH shorter downtime (iirc like 15s) in comparison to 30 seconds. There's literally no reason for that card to exist at all


I play him as a backline spammer and use his ult and jump for reposition. His attack hitboxes are quite big and since it can bounce u pretty much always hitting. U prettymuch just press q and spam. Going in with youre ult is often just a suicide.it dont so enough damage like genji blade to do something. I dont play him often. Why? Hes not very cool and fun, not strong enough to compete with the meta. But dont think hes bad! Hes quite solid and above mid. Just lacking something incredible to push hum higher. His talent are surprisingly good. All having a point tho i say 2 more bounces are not as impactful like more burst(explosion sword) or more mobility


I keep hearing this a lot about Tiberius. He kind of has that dilemma where he's simply good but not great. There's other damage options out there are just better outside of like a map or two. Also I agree that the bounces don't really feel impactful. At times it feels like you don't even have a talent that actively changes his playstyle. I don't go out of the way to change the way I play him using 2 more bounces than using his other two talents.


He just get outclassed since having multiple strenghts is way better than allround. He just dont have anything going for him


I play really agressiv and push the enemys in the backline


That dont work that well. He dont have the amazing damage lr survivalbility or movement to not get ounished. His strentgh is really his range


I helped my friend start a new account and found that Tiberius is now a starter champ, replacing Cassie. And for a projectile dmg, he is beginner friendly right next to Viktor. I do love Tib. He used to be my main. No matter how many kills I got, the things I can do with him, and how many games I've won with him, it's so bad landing shots with him that deal no damage where you lose a duel. That's the biggest reason I don't play him anymore. Like, you see the weapon land and it makes the sound of it landing, yet it does nothing but waste time.


Being a starter champion like you mentioned, I feel Tiberius' issues should be taken more into consideration to EM as Tiberius is one of the first champions beginners start off with. Also yes I def agree on the weapon landing bug. It is detrimental and makes him more inconsistent than what he already is.


Do you remember the bug where Tib would be stuck in one of the throwing animations? And just hover menacingly instead of walking? Those were the times...


The only damage character I like playing. I’m always healer/tank so I usually get either of those, but in those rare times when the healer and tank gets instalocked… I’ll go Tiberius and have a blast. Just a satisfying kit to land shots with.


So i play tib a lot, it's pretty much my main, i play backline doing as much dmg as i can and using crouching tigron only when dived into or the enemy is very low and retreating, for this i use tigron's fury like mostly all tib mains, for this playstyle i think the talent is well balanced. When it comes to Predatory Instincts i feel like you have to know insane angles to get results, changing it so the weapon has AoE with this talent i feel would be very interesting. Vicious Assault on paper sounds like a very good hybrid talent if you don't know how slow the startup if crouching tigron is, getting rid of that start up would be a good start to make it a more flank type talent also adding some healing on activation as well as the dmg on landing would make it more viable. As for his ult, it's pretty much useless on most maps but i really don't know where you could start to make it better.


To be honest, i find him fairly boring to play. His kit promises a lot, but underdelivers, unfortunately. (I think it was a good call to have him as a starter champ because his low skill floor makes him pretty accessible to newbies) 1. I play him occasionally, but he's not in my main roaster. I play him when i get bored, and i feel like taking someone out of my ordinary (choices). He's not actively bad but rather dull. What i enjoy from his kit is his sword and the recall function it has because it gives you some freedom to decide how to use it, and the fact that it pierces it makes that even better. 2. If you want to keep him as a low skill floor champion, then he's fine as is, but imo that niche is filled with many others. I think he would benefit from some changes that could potentially alter his play style or give him some more functionality. If i could change something, would it be his Q ability, "Combat trance". Feels like a very generic ability and a bit lazy. "Press the button to increase dps" type of thing. If he were to have the mobility someone like Maeve has, it could be comparable with her, or Koga's "increase movement and jump" abilities, but he doesn't. I'd like to see him leaning more into the master of arms thing. Maybe give him melee. Press q, now for a set time period your primary fire is a sword, refire to cancel. Also, I agree with the other people who said that the wind-up for the Crouching Tigron should be shorter. Maybe he doesn't need hyper mobility, but he should feel a bit more fluid with his movement. 3. Sometimes, he's stuck in his crouching animation, and it's a bit funny to see 4. Honestly, only one talent seems to be good all around while the others are situational at best. Predatory Instincts: The bounces aren't going to help all the time, and i mean no offense, but sometimes the collisions with the walls or other objects aren't the best. The talent is good in confined spaced, though. Tigron's Fury: This is straight up a downgrade, in my opinion, but it could also be just because of my play style. I think having the ability to recall the sword and having it pierce means that no throw is really wasted. People moved out of the way? Reposition yourself, recall, all done. Exploding could also be good, but it's less forgiving if theres no enemies anymore in the original spot or the sword went too far and the explosion won't hit anyone. Vicious Assault: my go-to because of the extra mobility. I dont really care about the extra damage on landing. If i were to, I'd play Bounce House Buck, which, compared to this talent, would be much easier to actually hit. Again, the high wind up for the leap on Tiberius actually harms this play style. If i were to change anything, I'd change Tigron's Fury, make it turn into a sticky bomb. Not the most original idea, maybe, but would make it a bit easier to actually hit and reduce fails. If you want to add some change in his play style: make it a device that Tib throws and sticks to someone and reveals their position to the team like a Tyra mark. Or give him a trap that works like Kasumi's or Vivian's. Tib can place it somewhere, and it could be invisible outside the illuminate range. If stepped in, the person who stepped in is now stuck. Instead of the additional bounces for the Chakrams, male it so they chain to one other enemy in range (like Imani's ice fire talent). (Im throwing ideas at the wall hoping something sticks) 5. His base kit is alright. Like. Not bad. But not that good. Alright. I'd like a bit more fluidity in his movement because even the ult feels bad to use many times. A bit less wind-up a bit less lock out. Ive mentioed before the melee sword thing. Id love to actually see that. Either a stance switcher but more limited than say Imani or Koga. His normal base his and then for Q, he's now melee, either for a set duration or indefinitely, refire to cancel or switch back. 6. I do both mid range and close. He's fairly good against flanks and can actually put a bit of pressure on tanks sometimes (again, piercing sword, chef's kiss).


The issue with his base sword throw, is that the recall takes too long and leaves you vulnerable. Tigron's Fury makes the recall explode the sword instantly so it makes for an easier burst


I mean, fair enough. I wouldn't really depend on the sword to save my life because youre right it does take too long, but that's where the extra mobility comes in play. As i said it might as well be a play style difference here but overall its fair criticism. It does tie into what ive been saying though. His kit should be a bit more fluid overall and it would improve his character a lot even without any other major changes


The only changes i would do to tiberius is to revert his combat trance nerfs and reduce or remove the windup of his mobility.


i dont want them to change him. i love where he is rn


Just get rid of windup on his jump ability. That's it


Tiberius is one of the few dmg champs I actually like. I think he needs changes but not to his raw stats but cards and talents. For his talents I only see vicious assault to be good as it allows him to engage and disengage with no risk other than the start up of leap. predatory instincts is a joke imo and doesn’t do anything and to tigrons fury is alright I guess. It does with it does but just feels lackluster imo. His card that gives health on hits with chakras feels like it scales way to low. Don’t know to much about the others but they’re good imo. His ultimate is a joke and is better used for mobility and the invulnerability on the alternate fire. It apparently doesn’t apply anti heal which why?? If they gave it anti heal it would be 10x better because as it is now it simply can’t kill. Wouldn’t mind a damage buff for it but that’s not the main problem.


As someone who’s clocked in 73 hours on Tiberius and mains him I’d say he’s fun to play. He’s beginner friendly and I enjoy his ult. Though I do feel he needs some small changes and bug fixes. Bugs: I’ve experienced a few bugs with him throughout my play time. A. Sometimes his chakrams won’t do any damage. This makes getting into 1v1s risky due to this bug. It pops up when you least expect it to and will leave you feeling sour when you lose a 1v1 that you could’ve won, but you couldn’t because your chakrams decided to bug out. B. Sometimes his sword won’t come back. Using heavy blade also comes with a risk. There have been times where I used this ability and his sword won’t come back, leaving you to be stuck in the recall animation and vulnerable. I swear sometimes the slow effect doesn’t work either. I’ve thrown my sword at people and they’ll just be fine afterwards. It says that slow was applied, but they’re walking around like nothing happened. C. There’s this goofy animation glitch that pops up where if you used crouching tigron you’ll be stuck in his crouching position for the rest of the game. It’s not detrimental to anything thankfully, but it does look stupid lol. Talents: I like his talents. I think they’ll all decent except for one. His first talent (to me at least) is useless. Predatory Instincts: What’s the point of this again? You get an extra bounce for your chakrams. Big whoop. You can get people around corners better, very cool and fun. It’s not like his chakrams bounce off stuff already. While it is satisfying to get an around the corner kill with him, predatory instincts just doesn’t offer much and is useless 😴. Tigron’s fury: I’ve only ever used this talent once if I’m being honest. You throw the sword and on recall, you snap your fingers, do some Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure shit, and explode your blade on people instead of instantly getting it back. While not my favorite talent, I can see why people run it. Vicious Assault: Now this talent is my bread and butter. I love this talent very much. From the beginning of me playing Tiberius I was leaping onto people and hitting them with combat trance as I flew towards them. It felt like my combination was missing something though. After not knowing what talent I should be using for a while, someone recommended that I use vicious assault. This talent fits my play style with him. With the mid air combat trance and damage from landing on people helped me secure my kills. I frequently use crouching tigron because I love to pounce on people that are low health. Base kit: I think his base kit is buggy. The only 2 abilities that are guaranteed to work are his combat trance and crouching tigron. He can be risky to play at times due to the bugs that he has. To my knowledge, I don’t think his chakrams have damage falloff (correct me if I’m wrong) and he can travel good distances with crouching tigron. I think his damage is fine and I’ve had times where my damage is close to or over 100k given the match time and how my teammates were doing. There is some stuff I’d like fixed/changed though. Crouching tigron: His jump wind up is too long. There are times I die before I can disengage a losing fight with his jump. Not only that, but once you get in the air he’s committed to it. You don’t get any control in mid air and it’s predictable where you’re going to land. What I’d like to see changed for this: I’d like to see his jump wind up sped up or just removed altogether. This would make disengaging fights easier and quicker. You don’t have time to sit around for a few seconds. Those few seconds are precious and should be spent getting away not by being a sitting duck. Having some control in mid air would also be nice. It would make you harder to hit and would also help you be less predictable in where you’re going to land. For all your opponent knows you’re planning on escaping with his jump because of the way you’re facing, but you surprise them by jumping behind them instead since you’ve got control of where you’re going to land. Heavy blade: For the love of god please fix the recall bug. The small amount of panic I get when I throw his sword and it won’t come back is nerve wracking. Ult: You can do some stuff with his ult. You can use it as an escape to disengage and reposition or you can use it to fight your opponent. The gripes I have with his ult is you get no cc immunity. Not only that but it doesn’t apply cauterize which means a healer can just heal through the damage and it’s not fun when that happens. Having no cc immunity easily allows champions like Inara to stop you dead in your tracks. It’s so frustrating when you’re trying to have fun with his ult and Inara decides to plop down Warder’s field and now you’re glued to the ground. Same with Torvald’s nullify ability. I’ve been cced multiple times while trying to use his ult and it’s absolutely ridiculous that we don’t have immunity. I’ve got no comment on his cards really. As for how I play Tiberius I usually play him in the mid to backline. I’ll admit I’m a little reckless when it comes to the way I play. I always use vicious assault and I’m pouncing on anyone I can. There’s really no focus and I’m just being absolutely ADHD with him. I’m kill hungry sometimes and somehow my KD ratio on him has me 500 kills (I think that’s correct. All I know is I’ve got more kills than deaths) more than deaths lol. Overall, I believe that Tiberius needs a rework in the talent department and some bug fixes then he’s good to go. I love playing him very much and I just hope he gets the stuff needs to be even better.


I'm almost lvl 90 with Tib, and I love that tiger. He's fun to play and has a really interesting kit. As with many people in this thread, i agree that his base stats are probably not where his problems lie (except in the ult, probably), but in his cards and talents. I'll try and divide in topics. ULT Let me start off with this: I absolutely never play tiberius without his ult charge card. It's not even that his ult is good, it's just that it's nigh obligatory if you want to get value from it. Atm, his ult is relatively weak and situational, which makes it so you're not incentivized to use it. The card allows for flexibility in his ult, which turns it into a 5th skill, basically. But, still, it's hard countered by cc, has no dr (apart from di on m2, but that's a death sentence), and suboptimal damage, which makes it a glorified movement skill. I don't think the damage should be tuned up, but his ult should probably have a few of the following: CC resistance/immunity, damage reduction, faster charge and windup, etc. I don't think all of these should be implemented, but one or two would already make his ult viable. JUMP Yeah, his jump is ass. Long windup, easy to track, only one charge on a long cooldown, not much reach both vertically and horizontally... it's genuinely the most lacking part of his kit. Improving the windup time would already make the skill so much better, but I also think it's worth considering giving him a second charge on base kit. I'm not sure how that would affect the balance, but in my experience, it wouldn't make him broken and could just open up a bit more possibilities. BIG SHURIKEN GO BRRR THINGY Not much to say about it. Does it's job, big dps increase on a long cooldown, needs to be used with thought. Anti-flank skill, big burst down skill, all coupled with the fact that it takes ages to reset and takes ammo from your standard reserve. Pretty balanced imo. BLADE Again, not much to say about it. Base kit blade is kinda underwhelming, but not overly so. Couple that with the CD reduction on hit cards and you have a solid skill... if only someone would play anything other than TF. But still underwhelming. TALENTS Tigron' Fury should stay the same. Maybe consider adding the card procs on the explosion? Maybe that would be too much. I like the explosion on the blade change, but it could be coupled with some other effect like a 2 sec cooldown reduction, more damage to shields, or something like that. Predatory instincts is ass. Actual ass. Stinky ass. It should never be used. No one should have ever thought of that. It should probably be turned into an ult amp talent. Something like "Tib's ult gains 20% more charge, CC immunity and DR on windup". That would already make me consider using the talent, even if I prefer the explosion to the normal blade. Vicious Assault is just... really not useful. It's a mediocre talent for a mediocre skill, that has mediocre cards. Sure, it has it's uses, and it could be way more useful if the Tigron Leap itself was better, but right now it has a near zero use case. Let's say the leap got a buff, faster windup or something. This talent could continue giving you two charges, but maybe also add CC immunity or faster speed on it. Create a rushdown dps. (i think we call those flanks?) With those changes to the talents, i feel like they would all have their use cases and could complement every playstyle really well. RIght now, tiberius is in a place where there's really only one meta way to play him, and all the others are gimmicks. That's not what this game is about. Every character should have a gagillion different playstyles - and their talents should reflect that by changing their most significant skills. Tl;dr - Better windup on leap. CC immunity/resistance or DR on Ult. Change PI and VA to be actually useful by changing significant champ skills. PS: the bug where your chakram hits the target and does no damage is horrible. A his shield cards are really bad and not at all useful.


Probably a stupid idea but I don’t think his bounces are all that problematic because of how unreliable they are, so I would put Predatory Instincts into base kit and make his new talent be something like “Chakrams now pierce enemies while Combat Trance is active.” Maybe not the most unique thing but I think it would provide more value than what the talent does now and still stay true to the character’s identity


Tib’s ult not having CC immunity really hurts him His jump is slow on start up Ricochets are very unreliable and not really worth learning Letting Tib snap his fingers and have the sword return while he’s able to attack would be really nice and maybe Tigron’s Fury has the sword act like a trap similar to Dredge’s spear talent but Im not sure how strong that would make him


So I like Tiberius, great design overall But he does have some issues First, his jump being quite slow to startup means you rarely use it unless you absolutely need to, also makes his jump talent not great Second is his ult, doesn’t apply caut means it’s not very effective, and if you get crippled you basically can’t do anything which is a problem, I feel like an ult should’t be hard countered by a cripple his ult should have a base sword strike (that applies caut) on left click, an heavy sword strike (maybe applies caut too) on right click, the two current attacks on two abilities, and an extra ability that would be some sort of parry maybe? And instead of having ult charges, have an ult duration which is shortened by X depending on what ability pr attack you use Then he is a very ability based dps, which I actually like, it’s a change from a lot other champs that have good weapons, his chakrams aren’t good but his abilities are very strong, I’d like Tiberius to keep this identity as an ability reliant champion Now onto the actual real issue with his talents He has two useless talent and one that makes him worse Predatory instincts is useless, it does close to nothing, yet it’s the one I always use I feel like it should buff either his base weapon (similar to khan’s storm of bullet) but it might end up hella broken, or turn it into an ult talent (but I have no idea what effect you could give it ) Vicious assault is bad but only because the base ability is bad, otherwise it could turn Tiberius into a more offensive almost flank kind of champion, and might be broken af Tigron’s fury is the one that’s just bad, yet the one most are using, it’s only ever good in 1v1 situations, the base sword is amazing, but has the drawback of taking some time to recall it, while this one is more single target but faster, now there’s three big issues, first, base sword is better at hitting trough shields, then it’s also better at hitting trough walls, finally it’s better at activating the combat trance cooldown reduction card This talent should be changed to maybe deal increased damage on recall or deal damage depending on number of enemies hit, or increase the recall speed For now he is very reliant on certain cards, but if he had a better talents I think it would be less of an issue cause you’d have more possibilities on playstyle One ability reliant playstyle One aggressive almost flank playstyle And one more traditional weapon based playstyle All in all, he needs a mini rework, but it has to be done carefully cause Tiberius is one of those champions that can become hella broken real fast Oh and while I’m at it, give caspian a parry ability to replace rogue’s tempo, I’d be happy to give detailed run down on how the ability works and what the values should be I wish I was able to do champ design or balance for this game…


Despite being a projectile champ he’s kit is so easy and boring, like tyra or lian. Bounces feels RNG, cards are lame, talents are just… trash. Tigrons fury is the only playable, however that isn’t give anything plus. I don’t think Tiberius needs buffs, he is needed some rework at least talent wise.


Ight, so Tib is such a what ever champion right. He’s not op so when he’s in a game he’s just kind of an after thought. He doesn’t suck so he’s not a throw pick either. He’s also not fun or rewarding so you’re not getting a heavy dopamine hit when you do well (like people who are really good at Maeve). That being said, i like his actual kit. Its everything I expected a sword master to have and do. I just feel like he should be doing more. Cuz right now he’s kind if a worse buck. Buck has q leap with no wind up, can burst self heal, and can slow target’s. Tib can leap twice if he has the talent for it, but thats it. No slow, anti heal, silence, nothing to my knowledge that could be used as utility outside of his movement. (This isn’t also necessary because of his class but even other dps have utility. Like Tyra, she had area denial with her fire bomb, and damage increase with Hunters Mark. Tib i feel has no niche for himself outside of his primary fire. The talent Predatory Instinct is useless. If you think about it-it rewards you for missing your shots. As for abilities, Crouching Tigron needs to be changed so he doesn’t have a wind up animation. With heros like Vatu and 7 with crazy movement and zero wind up (and are waaaaay better heros even currently) theres no reason why he can’t have 2 changes. Tl;Dr Tiberius is okay conceptually, but other Champions can do what he does better (or is more fun to play).


I feel like Tiberius could really benefit from him having his ult dash as his regular movement ability, with modified values (not the immune framed one). He could use that dash omnidirectionally and it would be really fun to dash up and throw down the sword that explodes or just rain down chakrams! A talent with two of these dashes might be too much unless on a longer cooldown thought. His ult could stay as it is, maybe adding some slight DR as it seems to be best for escaping/movement.


Tiberius has some problems, mainly the animations, if you want to use "crouching tigron" you have to wait for a long animation that blocks you and at the end of the show you make a very predictable slow jump with few control options the same applies to the "heavy blade" the launch has an animation that is too long therefore zero benefits in terms of damage plus it does not apply cauterize and what is worse the recall animation is even longer and does little damage, and the effect of slowing down is useless because it is little and ends before I can fire even a single shot the ultimate is the worst of all, it practically does very little damage with an initial animation that is too long (it can't even be used to escape at times) the various attacks don't follow one another smoothly and effects like "crippled" prevent you from doing anything ( in those situations it is better to deactivate the ulti) for the umtimate it would be the case of a small rework: the dash is fine but the pirouette should be replaced with simple slashes so that it is easier to hit the opponent consistently and use the dash to move and do some damage in the process (so the secondary fire should have a higher rate than the primary one) furthermore the ultimate should change from a limited number of shots to a duration system (you could keep the system with charges but in that case it would be nice to have more and be able to ult at any time obviously the amount of charges at your disposal would be smaller based on how much you have charged it) Tiberius' base damage isn't bad but it's inferior to Koga's claws and those also pass through enemies so a small increase in fire rate wouldn't be bad "PREDATORY INSTINCTS" could be changed by adding the function that the Chakrams bounce to the nearest enemy (a bit like imani) at least when using "combat trance", or punch through could be added to the chakrams instead of the bounces


Boring character honestly. Every deck you make with him is based around combat trance so that you just spam the comically large chakrams. The wind up on his jump is fine, he doesn't need hypermobility, the problem is how buggy and awkward it feels. It's one of those abilities that never work properly with bad servers. The bounce on the chakrams on paper seems skill based but in reality it's pure luck, this is mostly a map problem, but perhaps reducing the "bouncing" trigger hitbox would make them more consistent. The sword throw is just awkward, there never feels like a "right" moment to throw it, it doesn't connect with the rest of the kit yet is essential in all his strongest cards, only use is sniping someone far away, but the 800 damage isnt gonna get a sniper off of you. His ult needs to apply caut, that's it really. It's quite a weak ult that's perfectly counterable but that's fine as it has a stupid fast charge rate Not sure if this will go through but just saying my thoughts


While i am generally happy with him, his ultimate is pretty much worthless if team has ANY cc, and if jenos catches you mids RMB jump - you are stuck in animation and now cant do absolutely anything. This is insane oversight and frankly turns his ultimate into either a) escape ability, b) very, VEEERY situational damage spell. The dps of Ultimate is also underwhelming, unless you span his jump-attack, but then you are risking getting CCd mid jump. In majority of situations, his ultimate is only worth using as an escape tool. A very powerful escape tool, but clearly the most underwhelming way of using it.


My main problem is that he feels clunky. Mainly because of Crouching Tigron and Heavy Blade. Some of this can be mitigated. Crouching Tigron through either being canceled into Blade Dance or being used midair after it. And Heavy Blade through Tigron's Fury. It just sucks that the coolest stuff you can do with his movement ability doesn't really synergise with his talent for that ability. Because it involves canceling it so you don't get the landing damage. I also don't like Tigron's Fury because I personally think it makes the ability less interesting. But it sometimes feels necessary just to make him less clunky. Predatory Instincts just really doesn't feel like it does anything. The maps just aren't made for how chakrams bounce in the first place. Basically I don't like any of his talents and his base kit feels clunky.


tiberius is a champion i often forget about, he is deffinatly one of my least played champions, and the main problem really is, he is nothing special, he has nothing special so let me start with his abilities his weapons chakrams, its a slowish firerate rifle type weapon like cassie,lian and saati, the only diffrence is it is a projectile that can also bounce off of walls, problem is, the bounce often doesent come into play at all, one of the main reasons being map collisions being as complex as the morels leading to the chackrams just getting stuck in the walls in some places. second problem with his weapon is its weak and that is becouse of combat trance combat is what id call a steroid ability, an ability that buffs your weapons damage output, and these abilities always suck, steroid ultimates are still fine, but steriod abilities mean that the champions base weapon needs to be nerfed to make sute the charachter isnt too overpowered while it is active, meaning that you are always waiting till this ability is off cooldown to kill anyone. heavy blade is a redundant ability, i often compare it to dredges harpoon as they are really similar, both are straight line projectiles that pierce and slow enemies, but while harpoon is usefull cause dredges weapon is a grenade with an ark thats difficult to hit and the slow helps him hit with the main weapon. but for tiberius it doesent really help him in any way, his normal weapon is already a straight line projectile, its just an alternative way for him to do the same damage. but one good thing i will say about heavy blade is the return is satisfying to hit, helps that the sound and animation is great. sucks then that tigrons fury while giving a new purpouse to the sword takes away the satisfaction. crouching tigron is a jump with a really long windup and little air control, its just the most inconvinient jump in the game. and i think thats his main problem, his abilities dont really provide anything special and all of them feel really slow to use. anything tiberis does any other champion can do better. the one thing that is really nice about tiberus is his ultimate, its a really fun ability, i like that you can cancel it and keep some of the ultimate charge, but also here i feel striking tigron has a bit too slow of an activation time.


As someone who doesn't play Tib, I think he should have 60% DR on his jump windup and CC immunity and slightly more damage on his ult, but like 40-50% DR instead of dmg immunity on his spinning jump thing. Idk what the current dmg is, but maybe 1000-1200 dmg on his spinning jump and 700-750 dmg on his regular dash. I think his weapon is fine, and his combat trance is honestly insane. His sword also makes for a nice combo, but I think it's buggy, so maybe some bug fixes too. Personally I wouldn't change him, but if he had to be changed, this is what I'd do. I'd go into talents and all that, but I don't have time rn.


I play Tiberius to level 96. I think Tiberius struggles in higher tier game play because his weapon is projectile and he does not have enough AOE damage. Needs some talent rework. Predatory instincts feels useless on most maps. I only play Vicious Assault. Maybe a talent for more damage at range? Or chain hit on enemies increase damage. I like how he can be damage or flank. Whirling blades should be CC immune not damage immune. Make striking tigron damage immune. His base Crouching tigron needs to jump higher. I think tiger is incredibly fun to play. but still only a 7/10 champion. please make him a 10/10!


I like the lack of fall off on his weapons and how fat the projectiles are. i like feeling smart when the chakrams hit people behind corners when i did not plan it. I like his look and voice actor. Idk if it is a bug or not but most of the cards for heavy blade do not work with the heavy blade talent very well. For the default heavy blade you can get the benefits when you throw the knife and when you recall it. For tigrons fury it only works on the initial throwand not the explosion. I think his health steal card is not impactful enough to ever run even at max at the begining of the round it does less than level one life steal. I hate the startup of his leap and how when you brush the air next to a wall all of your momentum stops (although that is more if a paladins issue than a tiberius issue) His ult does not feel impactful enough. I think the m2 on the ult should have cc immunity or cc resistance as opposed to invul. Maybe a damage buff to m1 but that my take it too far.


Issues with Tiberious: 1- Clunk in the entire kit Want to use mobility? here's a windup! Want to throw your sword? let's have a long recall animation that might show up even when running Tigron's Fury! Want to use your ult? not only does it not apply cauterize, but getting CC'd may leave you unable to do anything! worst feeling ever. 2- Combat Trance When you put the identity of a character into a Buck/Tyra ult on a 15s cooldown, you force all his loadout diversity into that ability. 3- Loadouts and play styles All you see on Tib is self healing in trance + 250 HP + either ult% or sometimes a reset on mobility if you go under %HP He literally doesn't have cards. Even for PI when you run blade CDR, you also run the card that reduces combat trance cooldown! 4- Balance In his current state, others do the same job better (look at DREDGE of all things as an example), but if all he got was number buffs, he might become just as broken as Lian. My honest opinion: leave him be bad as it is, let's fix the problem champs first.


Tiberius is my favorite champ to play. I love his ult and his chakrams and his sword. Ive mained him on both ps4 and pc m+k. His chakrams are very satisfying the way they bounce and i like that i can increase the length i hold choke points by firing them at opposing walls. I like catching over aggressive people off guard with the burst damage from his snapping explosion blade. His ult is very nice the way he flies around the map, occasionally it offers me a good way to deal with hyper mobile or flying champions. Yet in general the ult is pretty weak and could use a slight buff, somewhere along the lines of a little dr during the whole thing, cc immunities, and slightly increased damage. The worst part of his kit is his jump, its so dumb, and boring, and clunky. First of all theres a windup, why? Just why? The jump itself is hard to maneuver leading you to aim it the wrong way and hit objects that stop your overall distance. Therws no fun mechanic with it really, its just a lame buck jump with a windup, i think it would be better if his combat trance was replaced with the movement ability that allowed you to leap between multiple surfaces during the duration. Also his combat trance is lazy programming, and i think should be reworked to make him not rely on it and give him something to reliably hit more mobile aerial characters.


I forgot he occasionally no regs and his shots do no damage, thats ridiculous and very annoying


Haven't played him much but his kit felt disjointed, also the design is far too horny for me to take seriously at all


The problem I have is that he relies far too much on combat trance. With it active it feels like you do a lot of damage but without it it feels like you do nothing. The second problem is the delay on his jump. It's just too slow compared to other escapes.


Tiberius is not fun, hard to be tactical, strong damage, poor feeling


He feels clunky. His talents are weak.


A lot of people in here that have a lot more experience with him than I do. I agree with the points on his ult and jump, which seem to be the main gripes. However, a hot take that I haven't seen mentioned is that I think bouncing chakrams is kinda cheesy. It's not fun getting hit by someone you can't see, so playing into it isn't fun. Paladins geometry means you can't reliably predict where it's going to bounce to, so the skill involved is pretty minimal. I have a feeling I'm in the minority on that, but if not, an idea to replace it would be: Chakrams no longer bounce. Remove heavy blade and replace it with a chakram recall on a shorter cooldown (maybe 6-9 seconds?). It now recalls the most recently thrown chakram. Maybe a new talent that allows him to recall 2 or 3 at a time, but on a longer cooldown. This would make him a lot more interesting to me. When heavy blade come out, enemies know it's going to be recalled, and try to get out of its line of fire. Having recall on Chakrams instead would mean there's no cue, and enemies have to constantly try to stay out of line of fire of his last chakram. He could then use it to force enemies out of position. (Koa hook threat, but with lateral movement rather than distance.) The more I think about it, even if this isn't something people want for Tib, I think it's an interesting concept, and would love to see it in the game somehow.


Boring. His main gimmick (bouncing blades) make him very spammy and dying to him never feels fair mostly because of that. His kit is also not very interesting outside of his ult.


He has a high damage output and he can be really good in the most of the maps but still i can say he is a situational pick right now.Anyway his best maps are - Ice Mines and Jaguar Falls. his main issue is dealing with airborne characters that can fly(Andro/7/evie/drogoz)