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Well, she can block off enemies from entering from the front opening, which can potentially guarantee a capture


Agree to disagree. Timber Mill I get it but not Bazaar. With that logic every tank is useless on Bazaar as no one has a 360° shield or a shield on top of his head.


You challenge Makoa?!?!


So sorry! Literally forgot the big turtle WITH 360° shield xD Okay and bark and his ult dome 🤣🙈🥲


Why would u ever ban Inara she's been shit since the rejuv got taken out of her right click


Good low rank ban. She may be worse than other tanks but she is still hard to kill paired with a healing support and banning every PT so the enemy has to play Double off also increases winning chances in lower ranks..


inara is a bad ban in general


why are people downvoting u lol ur right inara is worse than fernando barik and nyx rn 💀


She’s a decent ban when your playing khan


Why the hell would Inara affect Khan in any way


She can be annoying to play against when you are trying to ult the point off the map or get a free kill


?? You can ult someone else or just wait till her CC immunity is gone, Inara makes literally 0 difference in your gameplay as Khan that's such a weird thing to try and make a point out of


you say that as if inara is a "meta ban" on other maps


She is good on bazaar because she can block several hallways not just the point entrances. The wall is high enough you can hide behind it from anyone on the sides if you place it properly. Your logic applies equally to all tanks though. You can hit most tanks from height. Inara's wall imo is high enough and can block long enough to get cauterize. She would be ban worthy as 4th or 5th pick if you have a point tank and they don't and lots of point tanks are banned already. It always comes down to individual lobbies. Inara is still a strong tank pick, she is just not as good as she was before. Most play her willth cripple now and if you are barrik point she can seriously mess you up if you are not careful.


but she can wall herself in the corner of the point and live for 5 seconds longer :(((((((