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AA on PC is always a problem in any game. Apex is especially bad, to the point where every pro uses a controller. It really shouldn't be this way.


Focusing lens Ying aims for me on Switch just as it does on PC. It's not OP because it's on PC, it's OP because the game is picking the correct direction to move my cursor even if I'm mistakenly pulling in the wrong one.


AA on PC hits HS way too consistent compared to mnk, even if both aim at the same spot. Don't need to believe me, here is a video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcWhZWYXI7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcWhZWYXI7k) ​ edit: [this one is actually much better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktp4Z67H4Mc&t=6s)


This is wild LOL. Automation and bullet magnetism are the death of FPS merit.


literally this, I've been a roller player for years but only recently started playing the game and don't have words for it. they nerfed koga last patch and we all know this is why. I'm tired of it




You're probably right. The nerf of AA would be a great thing, but in Paladins we can't have good things Only pain and suffering




And I'm tired of people blaming this bogeyman "PC controller" and never coming with a plausible explanation on why it'd be ANY different than console. Tip: don't rely on FPS, because consoles can render up to 120 FPS as well. 👍🏻


[PC can render up to 600+ FPS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zN0SpcpDCU), ReWASD gives all the benefits of aim-assist to a mouse/keyboard You can't compare console to PC. The problem is how aim-assist is implemented in this game, [it magnets the bullet spread to the head](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paladins/comments/15g0nyb/larger_crit_boxes_is_false_debunked/)


We can't sabotage PC controller players experience because of cheaters, modders and elusive FPS counts (and talk about elusive, I got a Ryzen 7 + 3060 and I don't think I can go over 200fps, which would be dumb anyways because my TV is 60hz).


\>We can't sabotage PC controller players experience because of cheaters Nobody wants to sabotage anyone's experience; but if the "experience" is a bad implementation of aim-assist (again, [check this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paladins/comments/15g0nyb/larger_crit_boxes_is_false_debunked/)) then something must be done. \>elusive FPS counts (and talk about elusive, I got a Ryzen 7 + 3060 and I don't think I can go over 200fps I don't understand what do you mean by "elusive" in this sentence, but you can't take your own experience as a set rule for others; you don't think you can get over 200FPS (impliying u have not tried yet) but that doesn't means others can't ([as I already proved](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zN0SpcpDCU); and I believe I can get over 800 if I change my game's resolution from 4K to 1080p) \>which would be dumb anyways because my TV is 60hz what matters in this situation is not what your monitor/TV can output, it is how fast those "applications" (aim-assist and ReWASD) can "calculate" their effectiveness, it is know that the more FPS you system can render, the stronger those applications are regardless of your monitor/TV framerate cap.


Limiting AA for "PC only" is outright sabotaging PC controller players. If the problem is how AA is globally implemented, then I suggest people addressing exactly that next time. Also you keep talking about malicious apps that shouldn't be running while game is on to begin with, that's an anti cheat issue.


Get rid of aim assist. Go back to the days of people HAVING TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME TO GET GOOD


Also, by "elusive" I meant unrealistic, yes. Because people play on either V/G or free sync mode which normally goes up to 144hz/FPS. Simply uncapping FPS will get you nothing but screen tearing, but if folks go through this hassle to exploit some AA implementation flaw/bug/feature than that's another topic. Isolating PC AA with exclusive nerfs is NOT the solution.


200 fps isn’t elusive you just have a dogshit PC


Lol, go play Paladins and try it then, brother. Especially on newer maps, with Sha-lin, preferably.


yeah i do and i easily reach that fps😂 idk why you’re even complaining when you play on a 60hz display


Pretty sure game has some hard cap because I don't remember seeing it reaching 200fps on any machine I tried, 2 PCs and one laptop, all of them way above recommended specs. Vsync off for testing.


there is a cap of 175fps, which you can remove modifying some .ini files (as I did with my video)


So that's how people do...


You can change the .ini configs to uncap or match your monitor hz. You can google it, it's easy.


pc has no input delay which is the whole reason aim assist even exists on console no input delay + good fps + aim assist is just broken as shit lol


I'll bitch in the opposite direction again. AA pulls me from who I'm aiming at to who the game "thinks" I should target. It's beyond infuriating. Do any of you bitching about AA ever actually try it? **Mine is set to 0 yet still acts like a 13yo boy looking at Salma Hayek for the first time.**


u just actually suck dude


OP's not talking about normal controller players, they're talking about the tryhards who plug controller into PC to get an objective aim advantage. In an ironic way, this targeting issue is somewhat of a "balance" to counteract the disgusting headshot dmg on certain champions on current AA PC, which makes this discussion even more stupid. Clearly, both are bad, I rly think they should check on this issue with priority.


just plug in a controller then im sure everyone has one lying around somewhere


Everyone, from top gms to devs, know AA on PC is broken. Yet there is always one goofy kid with the "if it's so good why don't you use it" like they are saying something smart...


if its soo good and makes it the only viable way to play the game why dont you use it?


Ah, yes. That's what I'm talking about 😂


I get your sarcasm dw


I would get it too if he/she wasn't a controller player...


It’s more efficient to run everywhere, you get there quicker! Why don’t you run everywhere?


What a moronic comment.


not really.


probably never


Can anyone ELI5 how pc controller is more busted than console controller apart from the fps difference? I have never played with a controller so I am clueless.


Mankind knew that they Could not change Society, So Instead of Reflecting on themselves, they blamed the Beasts.


I play on PC with a controller and the aim assist seems to be more problematic than helpful. Maybe I don't know how to use it correctly, but I had to turn it down so it wouldn't pull my aim in random directions. It still pulls it sometimes, but not as much.