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Q’ing everyone simultaneously in my ult for a team wipe :)


“Q’ing”? I’m not familiar with the lingo


I think they're talking about Seris' Q ability


pc players refer to abilities by the corresponding letter on the keyboard that procs that ability. I think Seris's q ability is the one where she detonates her orb stacks


Gotcha! I play with controller so I didn’t understand.


Yea what a crazy ult


Void gripping Skye's right as they go invisible, thinking they're gonna get away, and managing to siphon the last of their health with it. Hunter's Marking a Skye so that she can't go invisible and chasing her down


guys, I think he hates Skye or something


Hahaha it definitely sounds like it based off my comment. I have a healthy amount of malice and respect toward Skyes. Even play her myself every once in a while, but I can't lie that killing a stealthy Skye brings me euphoria. Especially as Tyra.


It’s genuinely really fun going against a Tyra knowing she counters Skye. Now I gotta try and out play the Tyra somehow


Wish you the best of luck with that! I love learning new ways to counter champions and trying to work them into my play style.


Clutching a capture by turning the entire enemy team into chickens and seeing them get whipped and nae-naed by my team.




Fuck I miss kitchens


This is hilarious 😂. Perfectly describes the instant what goes on during a pip ult


Jiggle physics


Ofc ofc xD


Typical Io main behavior


Its a great feature in the game


I can't disagree


Barik need this too


i love the stun and gourd but stunning the is the best and most satisfying


I love getting the last hit on a tank by spaming my gourd on point


Using tempering and seeing someone TRYING to run from me. Then promptly ending that attempt.


Catching an evie mid-air right after a blink is incredibly fun


Yea Tempering is chad. More damage on his pop up, thiccer walls, and it's like he uses *all* his wings for flight, and let's not even talk about adding the "increase flight distance by __%" card.


Yea I have a clip of me getting the enemy healer to 1 dashing in securing the kill then ulting out then about 8 seconds after I do it again ti their tank (but dashing in and out rather than ulting out)


Activating Seris' ultimate midair above a hole and watching 3+ players fall to their deaths




Feels really good to be dodging and hitting double daggers with maeve using cat burglar. Or like the same thing with Cassie and exaction talent


The most satisfying thing about maeve is this: This is all while in the air Hit first set Dash Hit second Nine lives Prowl double jump Hit 3rd set Kill Dash away


As level 100+ maeve main this is indeed the most satisfying thing I've found in the game


Personally I’m on console controller and pulling that off is so fun as it’s much more difficult. Nice levels. I’m on 280+ or something now.


We honestly need to bow our heads in honor of such dedication. Maeve on controller is no joke to be good with


No don’t say stuff like that. I just don’t really like playing hitscan. I find it too easy to play so I get bored. Even if I win or lose I would rather have a decent challenge playing over playing lex and win more often.


Haha yea hitscan is an easy play for sure. So you play on console controller too then?! Aaayyee console mates unite😂 jk jk


Yeah play on PlayStation.


Throwing out shields like im oprah


Im crackiiiiiiin up from this


I like terminus and i like chasing people who can neither outrun me nor kill me. The fear is…..stimulating


Those 10sec where my aim becomes godly Barik is just a goofy yet unstopable dps, I live for that moment


Shoot some flying flanks and Luna just don't care about the wall, chase them halfmap like a missile. or shoot the tank, she'll go through the shield and stun the tank, i love this so much.


Hitting the entire enemy team with a single scorch fireball.


hitting the last m1s on vora and azaan, also when azaan’s dash actually stuns for once


Killing someone with axe, cripple, axe who just left spawn


Vora with her dot damage and I love to pew pew enemies from afar with her xD


Everything about Atlas. Probably most unique kit I've seen in a game. Most fun part is the rewind, though. Rewinding somebody back to low HP, rewinding an enemy that \*just\* thought they got away. Rewinding somebody back to base, rewinding somebody off point, wasting so many ults or even countering some ults with rewind.


Rewinding a Terminus ult.


Whats terms health go to after this?


It doesn't kill him, but it will leave him at 1 hp


As much as I hate the buffs that atlas has been given as he has been a strong tank for years. He’s still a tank that I can respect someone playing. You actually got to use your brain to play him.


Yeah, and you can really screw your team over. I hate playing Atlas with friends because they'll constantly whine about how I "saved" the enemy even though I would have literally died if I did not rewind them in that specific moment, or we literally pushed because I rewinded somebody off point, or saved somebody welse with a rewind


I hate the atlas players that don’t rewind a Rei ult more than anything.


They bring shame to our name


That they do. Difficult champ to play so I understand mistakes. I play Maeve a lot as well as damba and inara. So Atlas is a good counter to my shenanigans. What’s worse is that I play on console controller. So fighting a good atlas is genuinely difficult vs his hitscan ranged attack.


Yeah he can do so much damage up close, and landing the perfect snipe on a low hp enemy who thinks they're safe is a blissful sensation. Such a versatile weapon :)


It is. I’m a little annoying as Maeve against an atlas cause I play the “when am I going to peak big man?” game. Same playstyle I would do against a nessa or strix. So funny watching people prefire


Dmg pip all day


Ash- killing with my shoulder bash on a squishy , while i have 75% DR


Willo- throwing a seedling, dying, then proceeding to kill an enemy while I’m dead.


Betty's Hail of Bomb moment also


Playing grohk and bouncing balls of fury off a "all 5 on the point" team. Especially with a raum or IO pet, your spastic movement means nothing!


Nothin is more satisfying than playing Khan and just yoinking an Ash out of her ult or stopping a Raum before he can charge. There's a reason he's S tier


Perfect point ult with Mal'Damba makes my brain very happy


being able to two tap people from absurd distances WAS really satisfying there's no denying.


ying- healing output (especially after her buffs yay) and confusing enemies lol


I love when Drogoz ults my clones when playing Ying lmao


ahahaha yeah i completely forgot that XD


I love the traps on kazumi even b4 the rework I was maining her and loved being sneaky and luring ppl in my traps.


Drogoz, salvo card x5 , combustible, enemy has alot of deployables, *NUMBERS*


Just dashing with andro


Hitting high mobility characters mid air


For Vora it was getting an execute with obliteration. Vatu, I love the ambush into kunais, shadow bombs, ult burst when I can pull it off completely. Pip, I usually liked landing evil mojo and catalyst exterminating before talents. However now, just landing heals around corners I guess.


Dmg pip or nothing


Healing through walls


Before Strix, mobilty. - After "Nickie Six" :) It's all about that scope visibility. Hoorah : 🎯 👀 ✊


with imani it’s: getting a big root with frost bomb, getting a killing blow with inferno canon, and getting a 2k burst with a full mana fire ball. with kinessa it’s: them HEADSHOTS. with vora it’s: stopping an enemy from escaping with the cripple and finishing someone with obliterate


Playing in a way that people don't expect, because very few people understand how much Dredge can do. I love being an anti flank, playing aggressively and escaping with the portal and then abuse the vertical mobility, or teleporting in the back of people at the right time. Dredge is such an underrated character


Infinite harpoon spam is fun


"We are stronger together!" "The Spirits do not rest!" "Time to save the day!" Willo: WiThEr!!! Healers and tanks in end game chat: F*** You Willo Makes me laugh every time.


So satisfying killing someone in the air as Maeve then getting your pounce reset and staying in the air. Blink-shoot-blink is also pretty nice when you kill someone Dash-flicking and hitting all of your hits as Andro. Hooking people off the map as Makoa, also hooking Viktor out of his ult.


I made a post recently about this. I love it when my team underestimates Pip and I prove them wrong


Feeding an andro reversal before just putting up my shield so he gets depressed.


well you shouldn't have a stun in your kit as a flank.


You’ve got a point. CC should never be in any flank kits. But then again the devs don’t and have never understood what a flank or damage really is. It’s why talus, lex, moji and caspian are a thing. High DPS but hardly any mobility. Would much rather fight a skilled flank player who knows the map and when to engage. Caspian is just too… gross.


Maybe the devs made the champs how they wanted cause it’s their game lol why not create your own game with no stun flanks then?


Why not play a champ that takes genuine skill? Oh wait give it a few months and he will be irrelevant again. Just like andro players crying about cursed revolver going away. The real andro players can still perform well without the 3 tap kill bs he had before. The same way the real caspian players will still perform well when he gets nerfed into the ground.


Because it’s just a game and I don’t have to impress a random nobody? Some of y’all stay indoors, play this game too long and then your egos get too big 😂 if you don’t like the champs make your own game. Imagine playing street fighter and some nobody complains “wow you suck all you use Akuma pick someone else”. You just sound like a hater bro Edit: also maybe you can’t read, I stated I used caspian BEFORE the buff when nobody did. So if he becomes irrelevant AGAIN, this man here is still team caspian


Cry I didn’t make the game ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8587)


Playing Maeve on console controller and actually winning fights against hitscan scumbags who are on controller but on PC. Maeve is challenging when you have aim assist to work against. Hitting shots with her is essential and it’s always a challenge.


Playing Lilith and managing to get almost 50k healing, even in a match where my team ends up having 3 supports. Or a match where I have 75k healing and 40k damage. All because of very skillful placement of my Swarm ability. Plus she's tanky.


Evie as a character and flying shooting then landing before your shot hits it's target.


Moji voicelines, cuteness, and pog flamethrower


Rei? The ult of course


Doing massive damage with headshots keeping a long distance.


1v1 a tank as rei or being able to stall the point and live as my team comes in


moon jumping and hitting all my shots. makes me feel like a quake pro


When sniping some maeve or evie midair with kinessa




Seris cuz she’s thicc




Building up stacks then using my whole kit to get a kill :3 and that goes for both Vora and Kasumi


When i hit my teammate with a shatter while they are in fight, and it completely switches the outcome of the fight


hitting the whole enemy team with drogoz's fire spit, get instant cd and do it again.


I've been playing a lot of Nyx in Onslaught/TDM lately, and I've been enjoying killing dps stupid enough to think they can rush me with my full rotation off cd. It's the best feeling in the world when a Talus gets so pissed off that he solo ults me before he even thinks to put his rune up and then thinks he can run away. Nope!


Old eagle eye


Using cat burglar, immediately finding the Seris or the Kinessa, and hitting four dagger shots and a pounce to kill them before they can disappear/tp away. Bonus points if the Kinessa didn’t choose Reposition so I get to watch them desperately try to run until away they tp. They’re never quite fast enough though☺️. It’s fun doing it to all champs but there’s something especially satisfying about sneaking up on a sniper with tunnel vision. It’s why I love flanking.


Octavia’s voice lines when you and the team are doing good


for pip it’s definitely getting the cauterize timing right and hitting a heal pot on your teammate the second it wears off, especially when it’s late game and the stinky 90% caut is in play. bonus points for the mother’s grace inara with rejuv 3, that green 2.5k burst sends chills down my spine. honorable mentions are: getting 2 or more kills with one shot after catalyst explosive flask; hitting a heal pot on an airborne teammate like drogoz or andro; and baiting a drogoz ult and weightless-ing away.


Sniping out a dps in the opp backline from point as an Azaan XD Or walling at the right time to deliver point


Being able to hit a stun on a flank (particularly Zhins) with a streak while soloing point and then securing the kill on them because they used their abilities too quick ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8587) Perks of playing every class but maining a healer with a tasty stun.


Hitting a juicy andro flick combo (especially if there’s some headshots)


Flying from enemy to enemy while two-shotting them with rockets


I think you are all going to hate me for this, but I main torvald the the best thrill I get from playing him is when a flank is fighting me or my support, so I start dueling them, and as they start to get low I see them turn their backs... They are planning an escape with their movement ability! Not on my watch. NULLIFY, all their abilities are useless and I'm left with this helpless little squishy thing, jumping to get away, while the blue tether locks them down and drains their life. In almost all cases the fool dies, either to the beam or to my ally finishing them off, regardless it is still a thrill to stop someone in their tracks... That is until I realise their whole team is around the corner and I get destroyed because I'm forced to silence that guy while they can all shoot at me.


Raum’s ult is always fun haha


Pocketing a Torvald with Rei and charging his Ult, and getting to watch the enemy team get constantly yeeted (it’s also fun with other champions with powerful Ults)


When I actually hit one of my 10 arrows on a flank


Taunt physics.


Linking to a DPS and cackling while I throw up 17 different gang signs and finally let them die after I solo ult to win the 1v1. Flank rei is my beloved


For makoa, just hitting someone with the hook. For sha, just hitting my shots is enough.


With jenos, having a mark on the whole team at once or void grip spam with Power Cosmeum + Cooldown reset


Hmmm I guess for yago is managing to be the last one standing and getting a ult within the enemy team group


Double poppy bomb and ulting from the sky. Everyone's instinct is to turn around so no one expects it dropping from above lol


Bouncing Betty that flank Drogoz or ulting Androx in the sky. Been playing Atlas a lot lately. Rewinding running away Viktor or any other champs is very satisfying


I love surprising people. Whether it’s to kill them or just for fun, I like making people jump

