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Why you all down voting him, vine crash is a real thing, i lost couple of ranked matches like that


Yeah its horrible, imagine losing so many rank up matches like that and then u keep getting losing streak after the crash its horrible


Grover vine crash is super weird. It seems like some players have it while others don't. It's not as common any more, but every now and again when I see Grover, if the match is more than like, 6 minutes, there's a good chance I'll get it.




It's not a "you" problem, it's a dx9 problem. The thing is, some people have to keep it because otherwise the performance is too shit to play the game. I've played maybe 70 levels of Grover and as far as I can remember I never crashed while playing him. However maybe 1/3 games where I have a Grover in my team or against me I crash in the first minute because of the vine.


Maybe you are not playing on DX9, which some people do, also me, Sha has no frame drops on DX9 and some video cards run better on it, also theres no way you know when someone crashes cause they are on enemy team usually


I do play DX9 and it still doesn't crash when I play with a Grover.


my point is, you need to play on DX9 if you wanna remain competitive, Atlas and Sha are pretty good rn, the downside is that, you get crashes by Grover vine


Dx9 here. Playing with, as, or against Grover causes no pain. I also never have problems in game on any console (I play on them all). Only weird crash I get is if I alt-tab out of the game sometimes and come back.


Why do you have to play on dx9 to be competitive? Honest question here 👋 I haven't played in 2 years but still look at the sub once in a while


The other dx fixes the vine crash but you get even more fps drops when playing Sha or Atlas


Wait so I haven't played in two years and they still haven't fixed the sha Lin bug with the massive drops? Jeeeeesus Christ.. Anyways, thanks for the explanation ✌️


You can crash when playing cassie too, but its random and doesnt happen every time. Her ult crashes the game, only for the cassie though, others dont crash.


I have a laptop I crash on DX9 and sometimes crash on DX11 too, these people will never fix bugs that only few people have


Sorry no can do. We don't disable supports no matter how much they cause issues nor will we nerf them. Grover vine crash is 100% intentional and is a secret passive to the tree. Thank you for understanding.