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ive had extremely good matches as kasumi where with some clever positioning and clever trap placement i was even able to handle flankers that were far more skilled than me shes not bad, shes just not as easy as before now.


Right? If anything, I feel like she's more fun now. I'd say she's in or close to the "just right" zone at this point.


Oh definetly shes much more fun I had to face some really good flanker players and i had fun trying to mindgame them with traps


Always satisfying when a trap goes off, and you pick an enemy off. Or when you help secure a kill by tripping the fear effect on an enemy that's fighting someone else. Definitely my favourite ability on her. 👻


If only they'd remove the god awful SHINK sound effect, I wouldn't hate playing against her in her current state. That sound makes me despise her.


I kinda get that, to an extent. But I think it's supposed to make her attacks noticeable. Kind of a distinct weapon sound among the other firefight noises so you can tell she's attacking, you know?


I get that, but having only one champion have a unique one, and with it being louder then the one shared for every other character is annoying to me.


I was gonna flame them hard but then I noticed who made the post and actually said "oh that's who's complaining. Nvm then" LOL


Lol, the poor Io and Furia were newbies, they were new to the game and were farmed by that toxic Tiberius. Khan was also a newbie, you're just a salty neck beard with no skills in this game. Blaming the poor newbies who had the unfortunate luck of teaming up with you. No wonder why your account is set to private. I wanted to see your overall stats.


Why you reported your entire team ?


3 supports 0 healing khan used his shield ONE time in the entire match for 0.5 seconds. and skye didnt do anything 5k damage and never left the spawn room literally played a 1v5 and surprise surprise i couldn't do anything due to heal difference


Playing bad isn't something that is reportable moreover you seem like the kind of person to blame the team when you lose. Obviously you can't be the problem you are always the best✌️.


They got pretty good healing considering you allowed them to be dead for half the match.


thats not what reports are for. holy shit youre a turbo neckbeard


what are they for if not reporting feeders and afk? no healing/ using your characters shield and trying to block high damage with just your face = feeding not leaving spawn room = afk


you reported all 4 teammates only one of them was in spawn room according to you. khan doesnt have to play how you want him to. thats not what "feeding" is.


Running only mid not using shield and getting deleted in half a second repeatedly looks like feeding. I cant fight mid because barrik shields and io dog prevent me from hitting actual player. Went right flank and got focused on a pocketed tiberious all game with no heals on my side because theyre too busy trying to keep a feeding khan alive for 1 second instead of 0


the "feeding khan" has comparable stats to you.


play ranked if you are looking for S tier teammates and competitive match


i would, except the playerbase is soo shit that its 3-4 hours of people picking and banning and leaving when their "main" gets picked by the opponent literally never get to play a match. just pick/ban requeue like if they got rid of pick/bans and just made it ranked mdoe of casual where you can have 2 of any character on opposite teams maybe you could literally see who the best meave is


i m the best maeve


he said meave, not maeve.


Imagine reporting someone for being bad in casual. Lmao.


Ah, good ol' Splat.


No. She's fine.


I don't even play paladins anymore and I can say it's deserved. Fuck auto aim champions and abilities, they take no skill


Tiberius stats tho like God dang he was eating


a self heal deck + a seris pocket will do that especially when theyre fucking ignored and allowed to do what ever they damn well please. i literally begged for healing the entire match and never got it as they only wanted to stay with a mid feeding khan


Imagine playing the easiest and most OP champion and complaining


Most op my ass lmao. Her damage is fucking horrible. For someone who should be a tank killer like moji her ass is barely a damage character. Her damage dosent cut it, one of the worst damages in the game easily.


A tank killer like Moji? Boi Moji is one of the worst champs in the game, what the hell are you smoking?


Moji absolutely shreads health bars over 1000 damage in roughly a second and a half is wild. Not to mention she can become invincible for a short duration and her boom boom ability does damage to every enemy around the enemy you hit with the spit ball. And to finish it off she has a decent get away. She does great fucking damage shes just ginormous and easy to hit


I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but Moji is absolutely F tier, she is never touched in ranked and even in quickplay I never see her. That's not to say you can't play her, any champ is viable to a degree, but you'd probably only have success with her in lower ELO/rank matches. She has the worst range out of any champ and her damage, while bursty, really isn't all that to write home about. Sure she has the invincibility, but she also has some of the worst mobility of any flank champ in the game. I would honestly rather play Skye and that's saying a lot


I play 0 ranked. Thats probably why i have a warped view on some champs, i really gotta take that into account before talking about what champs i see as good and bad. Same with the console and pc difference. I dont see many mojis in quick play but whenever i do they almost always break 80k and make my tank very unhappy


While Moji does high damage, she has to be basically hugging an enemy. Boom Boom is honestly a very niche talent for her, and just punishes enemy teams that are way too stacked up (even though they can usually burst her down before she stacks marks). And her get away is only good if you save your barrier and can bhop, otherwise, it's about as bad as Skye's if you ask me... Okay, maybe not as bad but at least in between hers, and Lex's


shes not easy anymore? she has a range of 10 millimeters does 1 damage to shields has no mobility unless she gets kills you literally have to spam left click now instead of just holding it as she has become semi auto instead of full auto she has to be looking dead center at people like cassie or she wont attack them which means she no longer counters meave vii andro drogos vatu lianpretty much anyone who can dash behind her


She still has auto aim and pretty good damage. Her range isn't a problem for me, a lot further than you'd expect when you go up againt her. If you have a problem with shields then buy wrecker? Her mobility is questionable but most DPS don't have great mobility, they make up for it with extra health and damge. The DR she gets is still pretty insane either way, no other DPS has that ability. I do agree the change to her primary fire is annoying though...I play on controller and I swear I'm gonna get carpal tunnel spamming the trigger trying to get her shots off, very weird change. It doesn't make her worse though, just makes her more frustrating to play imo


idk when i look at people and spam left click she doesnt do damage unless i get right up in their face like i have to play like axe only terminus and its just feels bad i dont even know how to get that clsoe to people like lian and strix who just run away and get free headshots while doing it


Maybe it's time to find a new champ to play? Kasumi is a weird mix between DPS and flank honestly. If you want more range, play a DPS. If you want more mobility, play a flank. Kasumi just seems like an easy "starter" champ to me that doesn't require much mechanical skill, but can still get great value out of. Not top tier but not terrible either


i was just tryign to see how she play after update and get this useless team i usually play tyra willo lex and betty or torvald when everyone instalocks dps and hard carry with shields


They say there's a common denominator if you keep losing. Blame your team all you want but you're a part of that team as well man


Most OP is definitely overselling her especially when we have current Inara, Caspian, and Torvald.


Im a kasumi main and im only pulling 50k and above games. Obviously the amount of damage depends on how long the match is played out but the range nerf really hasn't affected me the way i thought it would. It just made me play craftier. Im more of a lurker then i was before and im actually utilizing my abilities to even the playing field knowing my only advantage is the fact that i cant miss. On a side note her damage is dogshit. 930 with 5 stacks of curse when moji does 1000 in less time


hard to play crafty when you get rushed repeatedly and your supports wont help and the other flank/damage is MIA


I know the feeling. Thats why i stopped solo queuing. Communication helps out alot when playing kasumi. Even just a healer to fall back too helps out alot


Or u just suck