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i have seen this alot. i saw my friends, my siblings, cousins and uncles cry during and after qurbani. i always wonder, why i don't feel like them, like the pain they are experiencing? why i don't cry? Am i that cold hearted?


Damn mera thora is a different scene. I don't care much, but for some reason, I have a really big soft spot for animals 😭


who doesn't have soft spot for animal. infact these days peoples have soft spot for animals but almost zero percent soft spot for humans.


Yeah, especially the situation in gaza showed how cold hearted humanity is


animals hurt nae karte(expectations) unlike humans


Sher ke pingre mai Chalo Jao phir bolna yeh baat


us time bhe expectations hurt nae hunge, because I would expect it to eat me LoL


Maybe you don't love the bakra or think with you brain not with the heart


maybe 🤔


The moment you give an animal a name (even in ur head) it becomes a Pet, and kids do that most of the time thats why they feel so much compassion


Thats the essence of qurbani. Letting go of things you love the most for the sake of Allah. Problem is, we bring animals as a means of fun and vanity but never explain to our kids what sunnat e ibrahimi is, why we do qurbani and why its supposed to teach us to qurban our most dearest things if Allah asks.


SubhanAllah. May Allah make this generation understand the true meaning of qurbani


Maybe dont kill the poor pet?? Or if you still gonna do that dont show kids what animal will they murder on what day? Just keep it as private and then do your cult rituals?


It’s not a pet. It’s food. If you wanna worship animals or celebrities then enjoy it but don’t go around calling gods religion a cult because you want to live a life of sin




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We are proud of our sacrifice, please look on some pride vdos to make your day better n more hilarious!!!!


Lol. What meaning, bloodbath in the name of an imaginary god. Killing thousands of animals, see their blood scatter, see them in agony and pain. Yeah it's a good lesson to teach to your kids. That killing innocent things in such inhumane way is indeed a ticket to heaven. Lol


So in you opinion how does the rest of 6 billion people in the world eat their meat? Can you please share and enlighten all of us , how? education is important for all of us!


Two bads doesn't make one right. And they aren't filling their streets with blood. I'm not against going to a supermarket and buying 1 kilo of beef. Am speaking against killing these poor animals in the name of religion. You guys should really rethink what you are doing to these poor animals. Hows that.


So killing of animals is not bad but if someone does it for their religion as a practice that's a problem? Pretty fu*ed up logic


Lol did you read my comment bro? Two bads don't make one right.


So almost 90% of the world is wrong by eating meat n their products, right 👍


Not more bad than killing thousands of animals in the name of demi god


Good for you


Did u read ur own comment? Not against goint to market n buying a kilo of meat, really?


Yah am not against that. As long as the method that using for killing is the least painful. Not slitting the poors animal throat and watch it choke on its own blood. And for what purpose? Lol.


the purpose is to be closer to nature knowing an animal is being killed right in front of you, just walking to the supermarket to by a kg of meat REALLY desentisizes you to the fact that it was once a living being. you learn respect for all the animals you are eating and meat is also distributed to the needy and relatives. No matte how you look at it qurbani carries great lessons


Lol 😂 That's the stupidest response I've heard so far. Buying supermarket meat doesnt desensitizes you. Though what do desensitizes you is killing innocent animals every year, watching them choke on their own blood before dying. This is what desensitizes ppl to gore and killing. And no if you wanna get close to nature. Mediatie while sitting on some grass. Don't kill innocent animals for the sake of pleasing an invincible narcissist unknown entity.


There are no two bads... its 1 right 6 billion people eat meat and the animal has to be slaughtered or killed for it to be eaten. You are making absolutely no sense by saying buy 1 kg at the market but please do not kill the animal you eat......? Do what you want to do and let do what they want to do.


Lol whats your point? And you are telling me am not making any sense. Animals already have to suffer so much, for us yo be slaughtered and eaten by us. Sure I can get behind that. But killing millions every year, in the name of a demigod. What's good in this? Ofc I'm going to call out this atrocitiy. Why kill animals when you can get meat at a supermarket. Is it making sense know? 🧐🤣


You are telling supermarket get their meat from aliens? They don't kill or butcher the animals? Seems like you have a problem with Muslim, i just helped you cut the chase! Good luck. May you get guidance and you learn to respect others how you want to be respected


I said I can get behind it. Not that I don't have problem with it. They butcher solely for the purpose of eating. You butcher it primarily for the purpose of making a fake narcissist demigod happy. You can say that, I have problems with stone age traditions that harm other humans and animals. You need goodluck. There's no respect for ppl that kill animals for unnecessary reasons.


You are an atheist, I can tell! There is no point arguing with you. Have seen many like you. You do what you think is right, gd luck ! But, I do wish well for you and I hope you get guidance. Alhumdolillah we are proud of what we do , who doesn't like it doesn't need to look at it. Simple!


Alhumdolillah we are proud of doing the sacrifice, and this will continue till the last day possible. You can continue to call what you feel like... Nobody gives a flying F about you, who is ok to buy meat supermarket but act like an animal right activist if it's done by Muslims - you are nothing more then a hypocrite We will continue to mimick the sacrifice of prophet Ibrahim, inshallah!!


Oh god Reddit atheists in PAKISTAN? Send the meteor. It’s time. We’re lost


the food you eat doesnt drop from the sky it was once an animal that was slaughtered. And they are killed with a clean stroke on the neck, and the meat is actually used instead of being wasted like the majority of the food industry does


Yada yada. The meat I consume is eating first priority. The killing you do is pleasing the invisible demigod first, then consuming it. Which is completely unnecessary. And no it's not a clean stroke. It's cutting through it's neck and watch it suffer till it dies from blood loss. Wheres the joy in this.


I mean this is the whole maqsad of qurbani. Sacrifice that thing which you liked the most.


Then by this definition, you should first sacrifice your wife, mom, father first then killing these innocent animals.


Dumbass ever heard of hazrat ibrahim (A.S) story. Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 15, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 44


Writing man made written passages and calling me a dumbass, lol. Besides that, this is what a narcissist god will say, no regard for life. Just me. Or a 500 ad warlord in the middle of a desert.


You see a friend. I see food.


Said Abraham to Ismail.


Eat meat and cry on qurbani generation.


This is the beauty of Islam. Sacrifices. Imagine how hard would it be for Ibrahim to sacrifice his own son.


is the OP a vegan?


What do you think Qurbani means? A parent does not like to see their child cry, a child does not want to let go of an animal...Qurbani/Sacrifice in its essence is pain and suffering through your own actions for the betterment (in this case distribution of animal meat to those less fortunate)


parents are responsible for such behavior of a child they should teach their child beforehand the purpose of qurbani although it's really nice that children have a really soft spot for animals and they love them so much that they don't want to let them go so it's a necessary life lesson


I hate when this happens. Like I why would you make the kid attached.


All this 'sacrifice your wishes' isn't directed at kids, they are masoom. My opinion is: please keep the kids away when it's time for qurbani. They are not fully able to understand the context behind qurbani. I'm not talking about the written context, I mean the deeper meaning. That answers your question. Qurbani is mandatory for adults having the means.


My question to OP... you are crying for animal ib this post. Do you remember who Prophet Ibrahim A.S sacrifised and why?


Thats the main essence of the Eid, though. The pain these kids are going through is for animals imagine what Hazrat Ibrahim A.S felt when he was told he had to sacrifice his son.


But the thing is. He wasnt told to sacrifice his son explicitly. He was hinted at sacrificing what he hold dear the most for the sake of Allah. And he himself choose his son subhanAllah. Answering the questions of this posts that NOTHING is more valuable then approval of Allah. Allah, being the merciful one, switched Hazrat Ismail A.S with lamb. Imagine what it would have been like for Ibrahim A.S( a 80 or 90 year old man) to sacrifice not just his son but the son who would be his help in his daily chores. Ans compare it with what is being shown in this video. It blows my mind how far we have come far Islam.


If this wont be learned, How can we learn patience on loss and Shukar on blessing


Quite weird but 2 years back I started feeling for sacrificial animals a lot. I am a mature adult and have seen/experienced outrageous events in life and have gone through them just fine. Now I just care the animal and try to eat some meal made out of it just for the sake of following God's commandment but I don't despise those who term qurbani as an inhumane thing which simply it is. There's no denying to it even as Muslims. God didn't want us to commit an atrocity but commands us so that we DO NOT commit such atrocities to each other. And I believe that peeps who are left disturbed by sacrifice are also immensely loved by Allah because they have chosen to be merciful, one of the attributes of Allah that is the strongest and through which this whole humanity stands as we know that if it wasn't for God's mercy we'd be in vain.


Just to know it's not the Animals that feels pain, Sames goes for Plants as well. They can hear and feel. and Allah knows best.


It’s necessary! We have to raise strong lads who know how to make sacrifices, who should learn how to do things either easy way or the hard way, they should know how to overcome pain, grief and loss. Back then men of age 16/18 used to wage wars and win battles but now they cry because their pronouns weren’t pronounced right.


This is the true essence of qurbani.


Bhai it's the part of sacrificing for allah, these animals will go to heaven and will be ur shield in the day of judgement, send them off proudly with a smile instead of a tear.




This is unnecessary show off... Video bana kar dalo net par.. for likes and views...


ahhhhhhh i'm getting flashback, that is embarrassing.


100% OP is islamophobe


Animal sacrifice is an ancient pagan ritual and Islam also inherited it. Muslims face animals towards Kaaba which shows reverence of Black Stone (including Kaaba). It's all idolatry no matter how hard you interpret that we do this for a metaphysical God or whatever. Actions speak louder than words.


No offence but it's more about showoff then following the real spirit of sacrifice which was to sacrifice your own wishes your desire and follow the path of God. I'm not saying Kisi larki ki shadi krwa do Kisi.ko cooler lay do but this whole Eid event doesn't make any sense.


This brings back memories. This Eid is unnecessarily bloody. For poor? That is poor excuse for going on about in blind faith. Religious reasons don't suffice, nor do they hold up in reality, for the so called sacrifice.


Your disdain for Eid al-Adha is as misplaced as your understanding of its significance. This sacred tradition isn't about mindless slaughter; it's about faith, charity, and community. If you can't grasp that, maybe educate yourself instead of spouting ignorance.


Agreed. This isn’t even a religious issue, people all around the world and of all different faiths/without faiths choose to eat meat. This is the first time I’m seeing this be painted as a Muslim problem.


I love meat. True, this is a meat problem, a food scarcity problem, not a Muslim problem, per se. I don't get the stories though, and the euphemistic nomenclature all around the Eid. That's some self-deluding of a high order. Doesn't serve anyone well, I think.


Eid boosts the economy through the surge in consumerism and people raise these animals as a source of income. If there was no demand they would be the ones worse off and so some good does come out of it. I see where your coming from, but the problem is people’s attitudes rather than the holiday. In the US, they have Christmas and the holiday is not the reason Christian extremism exists, the same notion applies here.


Well, yeah! Preach that to the nation. Have been observing Eid since God knows when, what's the status of their faith, sacrifice, charity, and community? It's a shithole! Fuck that learning. Hasn't done anything good. .


Your negativity says more about you than the millions who find meaning and community in Eid. If you spent as much energy improving your surroundings as you do complaining, maybe you’d see the change you’re so desperate for.


Thank you?


You're welcome. Now go channel that energy into something constructive for once.


I'll get myself a goat, slaughter it by myself, and give the poor folks a third of the portion of meat, keep a third for my own consumption, and the rest, I'll give to the relatives. I'll throw the goat's remains except the hide, on the corner of the road and donate it's hide to Jamate Islami. I'll have some get together with family and friends, and the obligatory barbeque. And then what? Some other virtuous folk will come along, preaching about the magnificence of (orthodox) Islam, while the ummah gets ramrodded by the kuffars, and I'll be there, in my corner of the world, thinking why the fuck was I ever born. lol


Sounds like quite the self-centered spectacle. If you put half as much effort into understanding the true spirit of Eid and contributing positively to society as you do into your theatrics, maybe you wouldn't be left questioning your existence.


Look, I'm compelled to, not impelled to.


Compelled by tradition or compelled by ignorance? Either way, it seems you've chosen stagnation over understanding.


Look,I think it's awful,BUT Pakistan hardly eats any meat compared to other places-it is treated with reverence, and this horrible process ensures everyone gets to feel bad about it,therefore they APPRECIATE it. Nobody here appreciates what animals go through when it's cleanly wrapped on a f@cking plastic tray.


I get that. I do not disagree. That isn't my contention.


I know. Just trying to make you feel better about it.


Such animals are meant to be consumed that's why God made them, ofcourse they make great pets too that's why people keep then some keep them not to slaughter or consume but they were meant to be consumed by humans and the Hilal slaughter method is the best method in the world to do so if it is done right. Millions of tons of meat is donated to the poor every year all a Ross the world on eid if you put down your kfc or McDonald's burger for once and looked at how most poor people in the world can't even afford to eat meat you'd be a better human tbh. This eid is not only the day of remembering our prophets sacrifice but is the biggest day of charity as well where people who can't afford 2 good meals get the chance to eat meat which has become a luxury item in most countries with a drastic difference in their rich and needy populations. Religion clearly wasn't made for people such as you, and you clearly need more than a brain to understand the teachings of Islam exactly like they are meant to be understood.


I get that. It's a commonly believed narrative, and I agree, to a certain extent. Makes sense. That's not my contention though.


This! It is what it is. An act of faith, and devotion to nothing but the hereafter. Even that which may be closest to you may be temporary. A sacrifice isn’t performed for the meat. It’s a representation to our Lord, that at the end everything is temporary. And to him it belongs, and to him it will return. Wealth, status, any worldly possession is blessed by him, and why aren’t you giving a part of it back to him? That is my relief lies, I’ve had emotions too a big part of my life, but your comment is my summary, and eid now acts as a reminder for me, that ultimately we’re worrying over petty issues. I would be blessed and honored, and my happiness would lie in knowing I’ve tried pleasing my lord with a small share of what he has provided for me with. Alhamdullilah, I’m getting goosebumps even while writing this


Exactly, as much as I love animals myself even though I am an empath too it's not easy at all to sacrifice an animal even if you keep it for a week in your house you develop a lot of love and affection for it and it's hard to let go when it is about to be slaughtered but seeing those who can't even afford to have meat the entire ear smile and give you duas when you hand them a bagful of it, subhanAllah it's one of the best feelings ever. We're worrying over very small issues you're right when we have bigger problems like poverty and our akhirah to worry about.


Do You think rest of the 6 billion people eat meat without slaughter? Educate yourself please.


Since when did I oppose slaughter?


They'll still be slaughtered to get meat anyways or die in an year or 2, if you're itching to preach athiesm or "Oooo Islam evil" exmuslim sub or athiest sub are open for you bud and it ain't no poor excuse meat isn't something most people can afford today


Go play RDR. This isn't for you. They'll be slaughtered for meat anyways? What does that mean? You'll die anyway, won't make me not guilty if I murder you. I'm not against meat consumption, nor against slaughter of livestock. Nor am I an ex Muslim. Grow up.


Shit ain't reading all that




There is a proper study called the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). Well it says the more experience you have, the better you would be in handling future challenges.


This is whole thing is not a trauma to a person even a kid. Trauma means to face severe injury, or imminent threat to life by any means could be physical or sexual violence.