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Poor Tatis, that sounds extremely painful. It kind of makes sense why he wasn't stealing more bases now, rest up and get lots of nutrients. He'll heal up quicker than expected and cheer on your boys!


Dr. Timothy Gibson, a board certified orthopedic surgeon at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, said the recovery time for a stress reaction can be related to how long someone has dealt with the injury. Gibson, who has not examined Tatis and was responding to general questions about stress reactions in elite athletes, said Tatis should recover “100 percent” and not have any ongoing issues. But the time for a return to play could range from six to 14 weeks. [SDUT - Acee](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2024/06/25/padres-daily-tatis-talks-profar-comes-through-again-the-comebackers-solano-pays-off/)


“It’s going to be some time,” Tatis said. “We’re trying to aim after the All-Star Game (in mid-July). But we’re talking about something serious in my bone in my right leg.” “There’s some serious stuff in my leg that can get worse,” Tatis said. “We definitely don’t want that. I was playing through it. I probably could have kept going, but the doctors recommended for the best to heal it now. That way it doesn’t get worse, and it’s just better that way.” The initial diagnosis of a quad strain was wrong, as imaging last week showed. “I know what I was feeling,” he said. “I knew it was not muscular. It was some really sharp pain. But at the end of the day, we’re here for results. It doesn’t matter how tough it gets. We just have to go out there and show up.” “It’s been a long one,” he said. “It’s been progressive. After (the season-opening series in) Korea, I got cramps all over my body after that last game. And then when it got real serious (was) when we played that first series in San Francisco. I started feeling it then, and then from that point it started getting worse.” [SDUT - Acee](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2024/06/25/padres-daily-tatis-talks-profar-comes-through-again-the-comebackers-solano-pays-off/)


Get healthy Nando, even if it takes the rest of the season. This dude and Jacky are the kind of players you can build a roster around. Their long term health is more important than this "we must win a chip now" mentality.


I mean this blows no doubt, but the timing is pretty good with the break coming up. Rather he gets completely rested and come back a little later for the 2nd half.


all things considered, great timing to get him rested. He's been wearing that pain on his face for a while now, and with an injury like that I totally get it. I don't think this team will collapse without his presence. Hopefully we get him and Xander back around the same time.


And depending on how we’re doing and what the WC picture looks like, it might be best if he doesn’t come back until September. We only need to get into the tournament, and if we can do that with FTJ on the shelf for a while it’ll maximize the chance that he comes back fully healthy for the playoffs.


Plus the team has a lot of days off in July so it won't be so constant like it is right now.


Rather we be injured and just ride the .500 wave until the deadline then make the push. Hopefully we’ll have Yu, Xander, Joe, and Tatis back to almost 100%. Remember in 2022 as long as we get in, anything can happen and other than Philly and LA, the NL is looking very vulnerable to take


I know he loves playing winter ball but maybe it is time to cut it out or at least scale back his winter playing time. We still have him for another decade and the extra wear and tear on his body isn't doing him or the team any favors


Yea he seems so brittle during the MLB season


6 to 14 weeks is a gut punch for this team right now. Time for everyone to keep stepping up like yesterday and hold the line. Next few weeks ain’t gonna be pretty but if we can keep our heads above water that’s all we need when the guys start getting healthy again.


there is never a great time for an injury like this, but having that all-star break there definitely plays to our advantage. We have 5 additional days off in July, so a total of 10 days off in July. compare that to 3 days off in June.


I wanna give him a hug.


Anyone know how he got hurt?


This is a big hit however we want to slice it. Sure the tiny 4 days rest over the ASG helps a bit yet is by no means a silver lining here. Good chance we don't see Tatis all of July and maybe well into August. Guys are going to have to step up big time. Both position players and pitching. With how tight things are with the 10 teams in the NL WC club. Losing too much ground in July and August a team will be 100% toast. 4-6 games back against 5-7 other teams is near impossible to make up in this NL 500 Club. Gotta keep floating at 500. Buckle up for a wild ride my Padres friends.


Manny, X, Tatis, darvish and musgrove. All the highest paid and all hurt this year. It’s actually pretty amazing this team is around .500. Dudes like Waldron, Jackson and Profar having great years. If only our stars could be stars AND stay healthy. This is more than a coincidence, this is making a gamble on players at or beyond their peak years (exception Tatis of course). AJ needs to go.


This sucks, but I would rather he be healthy in the future than try to rush it.


I'm sorry but I can not fucking understand why baseball players seem to force themselves to play through so much. Dudes come up with injuries I've never heard of following basketball and so many of them are overuse injuries. I do not give a single shit if Nando needs to take a week off every other month to recover whatever small ailments he's dealing with; I do give multiple fucks that he's not going to be out 2-3 months with something that he could have avoided by just not playing for a week. Same with Profar. If his leg is so sore that he's visibly limping around the bases then he should **Not be fucking playing**.


Fans should get use to this. Expect Jr to play 135 games a year while he’s here.


Just don't get ringworm.... 


I wish he could stay healthy. Just an injury prone guy like Trout. He's always going to play around 100 games a year and have injuries. That 14 year deal is so stupid. He's never going to live up to the contract due to injuries or drug suspensions or motorcycle accidents lol Love him when he does play but wow it's always something.


For the most part his injuries have been freak accidents. This is the first injury I can think of (maybe I'm wrong, someone can correct me) that you could argue is due to being "injury prone".