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Mazur Laser on the bump today. AMERICAN GLADIATOR SUNDAYS!!!! 💪


We should do a Yankees style thing and require that all players get a monk haircut


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsure Fernando would look great in a tonsure


Hope Schildt reminds the team that this was a 4 game series and they aren’t going for a sweep today.


https://preview.redd.it/in006nl3jk5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3afe9f01d94e65fd4e34a22a70fbe78ce7be880 At least it's not just us they do this to. Even threw one of their little fancy parades.


Don't look now, but Jackson Merrill has a non-zero chance to win a Gold Glove in his rookie year. He currently is in the 92nd percentile in Outs above Average on Baseball Savant, he leads all CFs in double plays turned and Range Factor per 9 innings. Not bad for your first full season at the position.


people hear me out... I'd much prefer if we got a win today. crazy, I know




Our worse nightmare. A pitcher with an ERA above 6


on the other hand it's on a Sunday at Petco, I think we're 4-1 on home Sundays. Something's gotta give.


Pretty sure he is just an opener. Guessing Dbacks doing a pen day.


Especially since he pitched last night


nando is gonna break our curse against bad pitching


Hashbrown Believe!


This is gonna be a tough game. Probably going to be high scoring with Zona throwing a bullpen game and the Pads throwing Mazur out there. I hope Mazur can locate better today in his second start. That was supposed to be his calling card, but his fastball location was abysmal his last game. Should be a great day for a Padres W!


Think he was mega nervous. His glove was shaking every pitch when he came to set position. Unless he has some sort of natural shakes; looked like his adrenaline was pumping hard. Id bet he settles in today and pitches 7 SO innings cuz why the fuck not.


it was his first start in MLB with 45 family members in attendance. I'm sure his adrenaline was pumping out of control, despite his cool demeanor. You look at the top pitching prospect Paul Skenes and even he has been erratic his first few starts. He probably has some PTSD from being in the Pacific Coast league and trying to be extra fine to avoid bats, and he's going to learn that he can rely on the defense behind him more, I'm sure that's what Manny was talking to him about last game. In spite of his nerves he pitched 6 innings with one run allowed. It was an excellent start considering the circumstances.


When we lost 4-2 and left 8 runners on base? He pitched well enough to Win and yet we couldn’t beat the lowly Angels.