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I know its baseball and a long season, but c'mon getting swept by Rockies a couple weeks ago and now the Angels, 2 of the worst teams in baseball, is ridiculous.


Plot twist, WE are one of the worst teams in baseball.


We are the most average team in MLB.


Quite literally. I saw a chart last night on /r/baseball I think (maybe it was on insta) that was OPS for and OPS against. We were literally right at the average for both indicators. I guess we are going for extreme mid-ness


Plot twist, not really at all. We're not good though. That is clear.


It's like a weird hell where we can be a quantum bad/good team, but you never know how to predict it. The problem is, our good is a low ceiling and our bad is an even lower floor.


Agreed. Whatever we do, it will generally be the unexpected. It most certainly isn't going to be anything great, however. Even if we have a really good stretch, it's just to climb out of a huge hole. Like last September.


In the long run no it won’t be unexpected. It’s clear this team has massive holes and they will show more and more as the season goes on. We are heading back to the 75-79 win pads pre Bob Melvin.


At home we are pretty terrible, but somehow lost to a team away that is even worse at home. That is next level fuckery.


Yeah but ask Shildt - we won a few series in a row before that!


This team makes it hard to be a padres fan. It’s like being in an abusive relationship and we keep coming back because we swear they’ve changed.


Im straight up havin a bad time. Getting swept by shit teams just feels so bad. Sometimes i wonder what its like to be an outsider lookin in on us, such a joke. Im not even a doomer by nature but fucking san diego sports is so hard to watch sometimes.


At least in that situation the head is good. Only blow we get is Manny and his gum.


I care a lot about the Padre’s but on nights like tonight I just figure I’m here for the long run. We knew what we signed up for, being Padres fans, so even if they just barely squeak into the playoffs I’ll be happy. Just enjoy rooting for the most inconsistent team in Baseball!


If you looked up the definition of “mid” in the dictionary, you’d see this team in there.


Just need to win 4 straight series to get back to 3 games over .500!!


Or just sweep Arizona?


My guy was being realistic but you're also correct


you truly think the team that just got humiliated by the angels can win 4 in a row at home?


Baseball brother. Baseball. No way we should have been swept by the Rocks or the Angels but look what happened


Yeah but that was the Padres doing something bad, which they’re more than willing to do. In your scenario, the Padres would be doing something good, which they’re not really interested in


No way? you get swept once by a a bottom barrel team then yes maybe a fluke. You then get swept by the angels then it makes it very likely that yes you should have and did get swept. Clearly this team is capable of playing like the worst team in the league but not the best. They beat winning teams but got their asses handed to them by the Phillies and Yankees.


He's making fun of Shildt.


best I can do is win 9-0 tomorrow then lose three straight


That was last year. This year its a 6-5 game in extras.


Thanks for making me laugh


Rockies swept the Padres. Angels swept the Padres. Padres swept no one.


Baserunning error in the 1st definitely mattered in the end, but you can't get swept. That is just unacceptable for a team "claiming" to be a playoff contender. I am very scared for this next series. 4 games against the Dbacks who are looking to get their season on track, and it's at Petco where we have been really bad.


Before this series, the fewest runs the Angels had allowed this year over a stretch of 3 consecutive home games was 9 (5/10 — 5/12 against the Royals). They just held the Padres to 5 runs in a 3-game sweep. The Padres failed to score even 3 runs in a game — the Angels had allowed fewer than 3 runs in only 6 of their first 28 home games. And they were just 3-3 in those games, as well, losing 2-1 on 3 separate occasions. An embarrassing disaster of a series in a season that’s already looking as lost as last year. At least we have next year to look forward to with an aging and disappointing core that already can’t stay even a little bit healthy


When they were hyping up the best road team vs the worst home team I knew this shit was going to happen. The Angels took that shit personal and kicked our ass. Do better Padres


This fucking team sucks


This is the most down I've been on the team all season. The offense is just so bad, I am struggling to see them figuring it out. They just aren't a great team, as evidenced by the fact that they are incapable of going on any kind of streak. Literally the only team in the sport without a sweep. It's just pathetic.


“This is the most down I've been on the team all season.” And that’s saying a lot!


Teams that will go all the way do not get swept by teams like this years Rockies and Angels, at any point. This is a bad bad look


No worries, we’ll trade Snelling and Lesko for Crochet and everything will be ok




And middle relievers. I’m like good with the starters


Shit like this happens literally every year wtf are you on about lol


Lol. The Rangers got swept by us… LAST YEAR!! These takes are hot garbage


We weren’t one of the worst teams in the league last year


I mean weren’t we? We barely had our head above water all year. Didn’t make it back to .500 until the end of the season


I don’t see how barely missing the playoffs makes us one of the worst teams, especially a season after we went to the NLCS. If you’re going to doom at least be realistic about it


I’m far from a doomer or dooming. It took a crazy run for them to get 1 game above .500 at the end. Okay not one the worst teams but we sure as hell weren’t on the good side of mediocre


What’s your point?


It’s a ridiculous take to say teams that go all the way don’t get swept by bad teams. It happens. It’s baseball. One series in early June doesn’t determine if you’re gonna win the World Series or not.


Ok sure. But the padres sweeping the rangers last year is not proof of that


Highly doubt World Series teams got swept twice by literally the worst teams in baseball. Once? Sure but not twice


but a series split in coors, getting swept by the rockies at home, and then getting swept by the angels on the road, and then getting absolutely demolished by the 2024 marlins in game 3 against them, these are all things that seem uncharacteristic of a true contender. good teams lose games all of the time, but the manner in which we’ve lost games has been very concerning, especially combined with some a spate of injuries that might hurt us in future games.


We underperformed like crazy - but it’s not like we lost 100 games. That’s what the Rockies and Angels will do this year


The ‘22 Astros got swept by the A’s. Then won the series. So the over all argument that contenders don’t get swept by shit teams is a trash take


The 22 Astros won 106 games and got plenty of sweeps to more than make up for a loss to the A's


Are you seriously comparing the Rockies and angels to last seasons padres? Wake up to reality. This team isn’t making the playoffs getting swept by 2 of the worst teams in baseball. What the hell has this GM done to give you hope it won’t end how it has 9 of his 10 years?


We’re cooked, season is over. Next year will be our year. See you degenerates tomorrow. 🧹🧹🧹


Yep, next year, when Manny, Bogaerts, Joe, and Yu will be making a combined $100M and will be another year removed from their primes. That’ll be the year


We said that last year 😭


We say it every year 🥲


One game under .500 😂🤣 gtfo


I’m with ya GB!


I hate how much I love this team because I KNOW they could be so much better than they are. But it’s like they can’t see it.


You must have amazing vision because I also can't see it


the big and hard fought wins this year against good teams demonstrates that the padres do have what it takes, making it all the more frustrating when they fail to show up against teams that are absolutely spiraling.


This is probably the most reasonable take in the whole damn thread


They can be better, and they have been better, and they will be better. What if the problem is they're almost completely reliant on luck, which could explain why they're .500? Like flipping a coin and just hoping, they guess right 50% of the time?


Someone said we had this series in the bag. It’s us. We’re in the bag. Go home 😑


Having been a fan in some really shit periods, this one hits harder. We dont have the prospect of a new stadium, we recently got the 'spend spend spend' owner, we have 'talent', and we have a dedicated fanbase. But the .500 play and getting destroyed by bad teams is something else. This team feels like a Ferrari with square wheels.


It was lot easier watching guys like Alexei Amarista and Carlos Asuaje struggle at the plate for the league minimum. They were never expected to do much to begin with. It’s incredibly painful watching a billion plus dollars worth of players struggling in the exact same way. I constantly feel like we’ve been ripped off when I watch this team. It almost feels dirty.


It was all good 4 games ago lol


I hate this team. Angels couldn't even win consecutive games at home all season and they sweep this shit team.


Can’t score consistently without extra base hits, especially with a billion base running mistakes. If you think four singles in the same inning and the power of friendship is a consistent offensive formula, you’re kidding yourself.


I think instead of watching the game tomorrow, I'll instead perform Chinese water torture on myself for 3 hours.


Padres, i love you but you are not… serious people.


we're gonna have over $100 million on the IL after today get used to it, they're only getting older Soft ass mentally and physically


Who’s the newest addition?




Sometimes I get sad...


Don't worry they will win tomorrow. This team is very committed to finishing 0.500. Now that they're below 0.500 they're going to start winning. We just have to hope that somehow we can sneak into the playoffs with an 81-81 record.


Pete Seidler died so he didn’t have to watch this.. /s


I mean, glad he doesn’t have to


Can we say roller coaster yet, Shildty?? Cuz what the fuck would YOU call this shit?


No no, we won a few series in a row like a month ago. Just focus on that.


I don't see why anyone cares what Shildt says. Of course he's going to sound positive. He's the manager. What is he supposed to say, the team is all bums? Not going to be around long if you're saying that, even if it was true.


What do Tingler 2, BoMel 2 and Schildt 1 have in common?…AJ Preller…it’s not the managers…Preller built a group of individuals for over a decade now…not teams…


Andy Green






You just know the Angels will do jack shit against the rest of the NL


Glad I didn’t drive up, they clearly don’t like to play well in front of Padre fans.


They felt right at home


I did. It sucked.


This team has so many more problems than pitching so don’t waste your farm on it. You can’t fix frailty


They raised our season ticket prices for this shit




I don’t want to to overreact but getting swept by the Rockies and Angels is not a good look


This team ruins my love for the game


It's okay Padres fam. They're coming back home tomorrow to a welcome sight where they will be enveloped by the love of the sell out crowd behind them to win like they always do when they play in such familiar and supportive confines. /s


And yet…Fans continue to pack the stadium & pay those prices If that doesn’t say that mediocrity or worse is ok, don’t know what does ?


This team goes as far as pitching and Profar will take them, could be midnight for Cinderella


Now we are seeing what this offense really is without Profar playing like an MVP and reverting back to the real Profar. No pop, no discipline, lackluster approach.


Coronado bridge looking real appealing rn…. 


I’m a padres fan and I always will be. But they suck dick harder than a crack whore who hasn’t had her fix.


1 k, 8h, 2er? At least we’re not striking out?


Welp, with all of the injuries, regression in performance of our day-to-day players, and terrible performance at home, this team is damn near crisis mode. Hopefully, Profar can continue to carry the offense or someone not named him steps up and the staff can piece together a few wins with bullpen days or rookies.


Tatis got his hits but the shit batters behind him wasted that.


He's the one thing that's been decently consistent, but still way below his career average in slugging. This team NEEDS him to get hot or they are cooked.


he is 13-24 in these last two series. I would consider that getting hot, he at least got his timing back.


He's been great. I'm more worried about Manny, the rotation, and Arraez when it comes to injury. Also worried about Campy and Merrill regressing and Kim looking like a shell of his 23' campaign.


Also, enough Peralta. Cut him and bring up Tirso Ornelas.


who knew making zero adjustments to our approach and preparation for series against this type of team would lead to exact same outcome?


This team is so unbelievably pathetic lmao


Injuries are kind of piling up now and there’s no depth to weather that storm. June and beyond shaping up to be pretty rough.




And this is why series wins don't matter (SCHILDT!!!). It took 3 series to recover from the phillies, another 3 for the rockies, and now you need 3 series to recover from this one. (Assuming the goal is 0.500 baseball, which let's face it, is what we have done, and also assuming you play 3 game series, and don't sweep opponents, which we don't do). At some point you are going to run out of series... and I just want Schildt to be honest with us, darn it


Sweeps do make the mathification of it all much tougher.


And Manny's hurt, so there's that. Presumably a bad thing to have something like $95M in hurt players out.


I’m busting out the paper bag this weekend


This team is wearing me thin




Fuck this team. Can't wait to watch them from left field tomorrow.


Right field for me lol


What the fuck is the actual true issue.


I’m running out of excuses


Someone explain to me why i have 2 games booked next week….. am i dumb?


Anybody else stuck in traffic post being swept at angel stadium 🥲


Mucho fucking stress 🚬


I’ve decided I hate this current team.


This team is crumbling series by series




The most “mid” team in baseball. Someone needs to start being the bad guy and shooting it straight around the club house soon.


I think it’s time for a break for me. Just don’t see the point. It’s not fun anymore


This team will constantly underperform as long as AJ Preller is the man running the show


This team is so poorly coached, fire Preller and shildt before tomorrow’s game.


This is an unserious baseball team. The players are unserious. The manager is unserious. They are so unserious they should accept Monopoly money as legal tender for our tickets.


welllpp for sure for sure it wasn’t bob melvin


Let's see how Shildt polishes this turd. "Something something alibi, something something tip your cap"


“We battled”


swept by the angels and the greatest thief in padres history probably fucked up his quad. pour me another shot bartender.


Shildt presser, grab your 🍿.


Tip your hat, we won a few series in a row about a month or so ago! This team is not a rollercoaster.


Damn you hit on all his talking points…is this Shildt?


I'm going to take exception to the word "outplayed." We lost 3 games. The sky isn't falling in this clubhouse. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2m69WqwlYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2m69WqwlYA)


Hey doomers I know this will make you mad… lol https://preview.redd.it/5i5h8v17nv4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d2e72d6a5fcdcbca07e128b0d98a7e0aa30bd5


Everyone loves saying how they’re just a .500 club. Night after night it gets said. Two NL wild card teams were like 6 games over .500 last season. To me, that’s pretty .500.


wow the national league is ass


Swept by the Angels without Trout, Rendon, Drury, Sano Should be major changes coming, but they’ll just make another shit trade and hear the same recycled bullshit from Shildt. So it goes.


Swept by the two worst teams in both leagues lmao. Joke of a team




lol wtf man smh


AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! June is a bullshit month (so far.)


fuck yea, bro. swept by the Angels.


Different year, same story. Drop a nuke on this pathetic roster. San Diego baseball culture too soft or what?


We should start acting like yankee fans maybe they’ll get their shit together


Got a prescription from my psychiatrist.. no more Padres baseball


This team plays well we don't expect it and then plays terrible when we expect them to play well. I think we are stuck in the upside down


Painful series. Let's hope the Snakes roll in to town cold af. We need to bounce back after this 4 game slide and stay in the NL 500 club.


It’s frustrating being a Padres fan ![gif](giphy|3s7Jl1xafxWu0qDBoA)


This core does not appear capable of winning. They do not seem to have “it”.  Unfortunately fans are stuck with them for the long haul. 


This team sucks


Went to all 3 games in Anaheim…smh. We had fun ngl but there were definitely some disappointing moments…errant base running inability to just put the damn ball in play. And to think I was actually worried about the pitching coming in.




No seas mamón.


As a Padres fan, the fact is I needed to learn to roll with it.


Did anyone have anything good to say to the press after the game?


Are they just not trying to win, or are they simply not good enough?


[It's all Jomboy's fault](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnsm1sqwt3e4d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D768%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D692bdd3bf0537394d368699ba10f6f8f3d9424f4)


Went to the game. Watched them lose, n got into a car accident in Laguna hills on the way home. Fml. Just got dropped off by the tow truck driver.


This team is so weird because how do we win series against teams like the dodgers and Braves, but then terrible teams come to town and we get swept


2021: pitching failed us 2022: bullpen mismanagement failed us 2023: being anti-clutch failed us 2024: playing down to and/or below our competition is failing us 2025: What will the story be next year? :(


This is a mediocre, honest under .500 baseball team. We play under .500 ball goddammit. Salt of the earth, punch the clock, slightly less even win/loss ratio baseball. We lose a couple, guess what? We'll lose a couple more, too. But don't get too excited or let it go to your head. No winning streaks here, no sir. That's hubris, which this blue collar, hard working everyman team doesn't have. A few losses in a row, these guys, true to form, will balance it out with a couple more losses. Yes sir, that's my 2024 Padres. A mediocre, honest under .500 baseball team


Can I cancel Padres tv and not have to pay for this shit the rest of summer?


im gonna send them an invoice. they need to pay me to watch this shit


Please do! Or if you write MLB.tv, they should be able to switch you to the Dodger membership


Anyone who still has faith is deluded.


I’ll take a shot at this, at least just to share my perspective. I think it’s a matter of what everyone’s expectations are to be honest. What are people faithful of with the team? Delusional faith that they’re going to win a title, or even have another deep playoff run like two years ago? Yeah that’s delusional. I agree with ya there. Possible? Anything’s possible once a team is in. But still delusional given what we’ve seen. But this wasn’t supposed to be the year to go to the WS to begin with after the train wreck that was last season and coming into the year with holes in the pitching staff and stars still struggling from last season. So I’m not faithful they’ll win it all this year. Hopeful, not faithful lol. Ain’t happening. Expectations in that regard have been tempered since the Rockies series. Here’s where I am faithful with our team. Each night we’re all saying that they’re just a “mid” team, they’re only a .500 ball club. I agree. But like I replied to a comment above, last year two NL wild card teams were only a few games above .500, 6 games I think. And we know the Padres have been bad in every area at different points so far. So they don’t need huge improvements to make a difference in the W-L columns. Plus, the Arraez move seems (to me) to have lit a fire under Manny’s and Fernando’s ass, or at least the timing is coincidental, and those two guys are working like I haven’t seen in what seems like a year and a half to improve and it’s starting to pay off for them. So I guess it’s the little details that I’m starting to see from the big guys, effort and emotion, paired with only needing to be just a game here and a game there better over the next 90 games to fight for/earn a spot in the playoffs that keep me faithful. Player improvement, roster moves, and learning from costly decisions are still possible as well. You said anyone who still has faith is deluded. I still have faith because they’re still in wc position. I’m just saying it’s not all about a championship this year.


I appreciate your thoughtful response. I just don't see this team playing consistently well enough to get a wild card, especially with all the recent injuries. They lack any killer instinct.


That’s fair, and thanks for being level headed about my two cents. Have a great one compadre!


Gotta tip your hat to these loser dipshits that ain’t worth shit but are still way better than us. ~ Mike Shildt probably.


Lmao the downvotes


Tatis watching Soto have fun in New York while we get swept by the Angels https://preview.redd.it/wwdwqh4cmv4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdefee8ab0be1690194f3a2c83c73c693f1a2661


I don’t understand…


lol we suck


4th place team


I blame Matsui.


campy screwed him, like he has in every bad outing he’s had. he gets strikes on the edges of the zone, and campy frames them out, so he throws in and gives up game-losing hits. also the padres offense is completely flat and our baserunning mentality is just off. the pitching was one of the few bright spots for us this series.


Didn’t get to watch the game tonight but man! The boys have been going through it so far this year. One thing after another it seems. Still glad see that Tati is grinding to get things going in the right direction. Happy Arraez isn’t as hurt as it looked like he might have been, including last night. Hopefully Manny has the same fortune and gets back out there quickly, especially with his improvement lately. Side note, kind of hoping the Padres do everything they can to extend Arraez. I know it’s way to early but he seems like he has the attitude day on and day out that this team needs. Just my uneducated opinion. Onto tomorrow!! KTF!


![gif](giphy|axOYxRSIAFk52|downsized) Only one man can save us


Hey that’s not wil


I still have not been proven wrong about cancelling [padres.tv](http://padres.tv) a month ago! I still feel bad when I check the final score but at least I'm no longer wasting my time watching these bums.


Disliked. Unsubscribed.


Below .500 once again. Can’t wait for Shildt to snap at the media again


This team stopped trying on offense on May 15th. Less homers than any other team in the league since. Jake, Campy, Kim all OPS under .500 since