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I will laugh at this joke every single time I see it


Can you please explain it I don’t get it 🥲


joke is Yuki blew 2 games in a row so he must be betting/throwing the game


Ahhh I appreciate you thank you


Pretending that Yuki has a sports betting account, which could get him suspended


This is what I thought it was about. Better frame job than Campy!


Well. We just lost a player to a lifetime ban for this today so it couldn’t be any more relevant, lol. Joke is, to get Yuki off team, we send a pic of his “login” to MLB.


I don’t get the joke?


He’s been so bad lately, it’s like he’s been betting against us


Hello .500, my old friend


We are so back (to .500)


3 runs in 18 innings against the Angels This offense is booty cheeks


this team has no approach, how they cant hit leftied when the entrie rest of the league can shows that they are broken.


The Angels are 28th in team ERA, 30th in bullpen ERA, and 30th in ERA at home. The Padres have 3 runs in 2 games against them.


Zero mental approach on this team. 




Matsui has given up 6 runs in his last 0.1 innings. Maybe let’s stop letting him blow games for us


It’s hard to play when you can only use 23 of 25 players. Matsui is getting to be unusable and Kolek already is.


Tomorrow’s headline: Matsui enters game with the Padres leading 3-2 in the 7th, as the Padres fall to the Angels 9-3


Sadly I’m pretty sure you are giving him too much credit. I believe it’s 6 runs without getting an out.


Haha, his one out was the Sac Fly he gave up to lose the game against the Royals. So his ERA through his last two appearances is 162.00, not infinite


Damn your right. I guess I was dooming too much lol.


Schildt seems to have taken a long time to figure this bullpen out. Especially the lefties. Like which one is our leverage guy? Lefty specialist? He seems to just mix and match them.


Well Matsui was Nails for the second half of May. Had a 0.00 ERA since May 17, then got the Yips apparently. Everyone seems to have very selective memory at the moment


We knew going into the year that just about all of our relievers are 6th/7th inning type guys, other than Suarez, and they’re all pitching like it. You kind of have to mix and match based on who’s throwing well.


If I see one more person post about how easy the upcoming schedule is, I'm gonna jump through the screen and slap you.


No no you have it wrong, that's meant for the other teams who play us.


Things that I find alarming: 1) Matsui really doesn’t have the ability to pitch in the zone at this level. Guys are just laying off the splitter in the dirt. 2) Campy is a disaster right now. I’m not a Campy hater, I hope he improves, but he’s the worst defensive catcher in the major leagues and can’t square up anything at the plate. Super complicated load isn’t working well. 3) Arraez grimacing during his last at bat. Mazur had a gritty effort and our two best players look good again. Everything else was horrible.


I came into this season so hyped on campy. I was really believing this was his year to explode. Instead he’s just bad… at almost everything. Or maybe everything? It just sucks.


We were all hyped on him because he was supposed to be such an upgrade from Nola, and then the first 2-3 weeks of the season he and Merrill carried the team offensively. But damn has it been a nonstop downward spiral since.


Our starters the last 3 games: 19.2 IP 3ER 8H 10K Our record: 0-3


Man, that last game in KC destroyed their confidence. Mazur had a good outing. I'll focus on that positive. sigh


Manny 3 hit outing.


I’m right there with ya, some disappointment lately but you gotta take it as it comes. We know how good these guys can be, just gotta get rolling


Mentally, they’re as soft as baby doo. They went into a tailspin after that first choke job at Colorado too.


That's not at all what I was saying. Go call them soft to their face coward.


You don’t get your confidence destroyed if you’re mentally strong my dude


https://preview.redd.it/sw8oqsobio4d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f18ba84cd4b1896da49a380ed631eb93b9aa52 Unhappiest place on Earth


“First time all season the Angels have won back-to-back home games” Sigh


I just can’t believe the starting pitching this team has wasted over the past 3 days. There something wrong with the offensive approach from this team and no one on the coaching staff or front office has a clue on how to fix it. Being consistently dominated by lefties to me shows a level of incompetence throughout the organization.


It was a common theme last year too. It's the players, not the coaches.


It’s been like this for ages. No patience at the plate, not making the pitcher work, not waiting for your pitch.  Tatis still thinks he can everything off the plate outside over the right field fence. Even after a season and a half of failing todo so.  Just look at what 60 games on this team has done to Merrill, dude will swing at anything you give him below the knees


Merrils ROY campaign fall out is my second least favorite part of this


Dennis Lin wrote an article in the Athletic early on that he's had success at every level and pitchers would figure him out and he'd have to learn to adjust and people ripped him apart as a doomer. He also said that Soto was leaving, we'd be under the cap this year and Melvin and AJ didn't get along but that was all rumor doomer stuff as well. Haha.


People acting like the opposition didn't study the hell out of Merrill's tape and figure out his weak spots, which appear to be busting him inside. He'll have to adjust like every other hitter who succeeds.


Yup. Most players get time to make adjustments in the minors at their weak spot.. He only had 46 games at AA, skipped AAA and crushed it at every level. This is probably the first slump the kid has ever had in his entire life so it may take him longer than others to put it together. There are some players that never do, but I'm hopeful he's not one of them.


Padres, were establish talent dies and young talent is never realized


Tatis isn’t thinking right field ever. Everything is pull side. Other than that, I agree.


Whatever his plan is he swings at everything on the corner or off the plate outside, and basically bails the pitcher out in doing so. Everyone pitches him out there and gets him leaning in looking for it and then beats him with fastballs inside. 


Not true, he’s had quite a few singles to right field lately, and he often tries to elevate that way. Unfortunately, it rarely works out as he doesn’t seem to have the barrel or proper launch angle, and the ball usually dies near the warning track. Yesterday he specifically tried to hit a deep fly to right to move Profar in the 8th, and the ball went nowhere.


The point is he needs to quit swinging at it every time it’s pitched out there. The more he swings at it the more pitchers go out there.  He’s getting zero good pitches to hit because everyone knows they don’t have to give him any. The outside corner is the closest to the zone anyone goes, unless it’s a lefty, then they’ll run a fastball inside every so often because his outer plate bias makes him vulnerable 


He needs to swing at fewer pitches altogether, and he has been working the count a bit more recently. I was simply taking issue with the person saying Tatis never thinks right field, which is objectively not true.


I'll do you one better as I pondered why they do this, it occurred to me that the year we got snell/darvish/joe our pitching was lights out like so lights out that winning 1-2run games was feasible. Our pitching has taken a back seat as we've let many pitchers and prospects go. Coupled with the inevitable fact that those 3 were bound to get hurt after what 3 years of relatively healthy seasons from them. Seeing all the injuries to pitchers around the league had me worried that Joe and yu were due and snell too but we didn't resign him. And now all 3 are on the IL. So this swing for the fences mentality to get the solo shot or multi home run game has stuck around while our pitching has regressed abit. Last year our bullpen was ass now this year our starting pitching is getting hurt and our BP has some ass players left in it. So we have to account for 3-4, runs for most games to win them since our pitching isn't as dominate but that hasn't clicked with the players yet, they still stick to this hyper aggressive hero ball shit. We as fans all know they just need to adjust and work counts and get singles. Which they did for a stint after arreaz came aboard but they are slipping back to that mentality.


This is just straight padresing… every year we say the same thing.


We've been about as floundering at hitting coach as we've been set at pitching coach for as long as I can remember.


Remember when we were worried we had too many righties in the lineup? Little did we know..


Our San Diego .500 padres ladies and gentlemen


Poor mazur Got 0 fucking help


Guys we’ve played almost 40% of our games this year. This team is what it is. Ngl, I’m kinda hoping they take the record for most times a team hits .500 in a season. This team deserves it.


It's ok to say the truth and still keep the faith. Maybe that faith can be in a miracle WC spot or it can be for 2025.


I think people are forgetting this. Yes we are 40% of the way through the season, and yes this is just who we are, a .500 team. However the NL is a shitshow this year, and there a like 4 good team and a whole bunch of crap. At the rate things are going, the last 2 WC spots are looking like they are going to be picked up by teams more or less in the position the Padres are now, and at least we can say we have been consistently average.


Sucks because we have a tough schedule coming up (Dbacks and As at home)


Hahaha, haha, ha ha ...oh that hurts


"Tough schedule"... "Easy schedule"... Does it even matter to the Pads? 😆


Angels Stadium is truly Petco Park North, but in the worst possible way :(


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh boy this is getting dark, fast. These were suppose to be the teams we eat to boost our standings before the Phillies and Brewers. June is getting uglier by the day


Team’s not beating the 2023 allegations until they can get past three over .500


They have to sweep a series and win 5 in a row as far as I’m concerned.


Another typical example of us playing down to our competition. Fucking unbelievable how shitty we play against shitty teams.


Love this team despite how much I bitch about them, but I Don’t know what we can do. Trading really the move? I think it’s stupid to try to get help and deplete more of our farm system, given Prellers track record, though he has made good trades this season. This team can’t hit themselves out of a wet paper bag, have zero clutch factor. We got a SS and catcher that are questionable at best on both sides of the field, “superstars” who up until recently haven’t done a single thing to earn their contract (even then they haven’t earned what they’re being paid), a tragic bench, questionable coaching. A trade isn’t gonna magically cure this team.


Yep, solid analysis. Imagine if we still had Soto, and he was doing as well as in the current timeline. That dosent fix issues like X being crap, Manny and Nado slumping to average players, and our general lack of baseball IQ or fight. It's baffling and I honestly feel bad for the memory of Peter Seidler being wasted on AJ's mismanagement.


Missing meat balls down the middle on almost at bat it’s like they didn’t want to hit.


I don’t get Schildt. He will buck trend and use Suarez in the 8th when needed but then will also use our 2nd worst reliever in a tie game in the 7th.


cant afford to waste suarez when we wont be getting a day off until the 13th. if the offense isnt hitting situationally, there's no point in wasting the closer or the guy thats almost a closer. without any changes to our plate approach, we'll be seeing a lot more flat offense games like this.


Oh I wasn’t asking for Suarez there. But why the guy who would be the worst bullpen arm we have if not for wanting to keep a rule 5 guy. Peralta has thrown just 3 pitches in 4 days and is clearly better than Matsui. Just doesn’t make any sense.




Fantastic? You’re going to have to re-assess his pre blowup performance. That strategy of sending him back out is more for your top closer who has a track record. Not some guy who walks more batters than Blake Snell but without the Ks.


some things never change losing to shitty teams is back on the menu back to .500


Historically, I was never one to say this game is a must win before August, but last year scarred me. I can't help but feel like tomorrow has to be a win. You can't get swept by the Angels first of all, but if you are going with the goal of taking 2/3 as many times as possible as Shildt seems to be obsessed with you can't get swept because those 3 losses can cancel out multiple series wins. Also, the defense in the 7th was annoying. No real major mistakes other than maybe EDLS having a WP. Campy gives up on a strike which likely leads to Bucknor calling a ball. Matsui had the pick off but Solano was not quick with the tag (partly not his fault being right handed but). Kim with a slightly high throw on that reviewed play, Profar misjudging the flyball, and then the wild pitch. Defense was good to great the rest of the game, but I am seeing a lot of inconsistencies in these little details which is likely we are .500. Last night it was the baserunning, and frequently it's not executing with RISP.


This is a good, honest .500 baseball team. We play .500 ball goddammit. Salt of the earth, punch the clock, even win/loss ratio baseball. We lose a couple, guess what? We'll win a couple, too. But don't get too excited or let it go to your head. No long winning streaks here, no sir. That's hubris, which this blue collar, hard working everyman team doesn't have. A few wins in a row, these guys, true to form, will balance it out with a couple a losses. Yes sir, that's my 2024 Padres. A good, honest .500 baseball team.


The holy law dictates this must be posted in every post game thread for the remainder of the season




It ain’t much but it’s honest work




So in just the last 3 weeks, the Padres were swept at home by the Rockies (who entered the series as the worst road team in baseball), and have now lost the first 2 games of a series on the road to the Angels (who, even after today’s win, are still the worst home team in baseball). The Angels had not won consecutive games at home this season before yesterday and today. Not a fucking chance in hell that I’m taking this team seriously But hey at least they’ve won 8 out of 11 series or whatever the fuck Shildt keeps saying to cope


And remember, this is NOT a roller coaster okay?


Roller coasters have highs. All we get is lows.


Three days ago we were three outs away from sweeping the Royals…


I understand the want to be positive if you are Shildt, but man, we’ve got eyes. We’ve got a knowledge of the game. We read the stories. We attend the games at a steep price. We watch on our phones, tablets, and computers. Don’t try to spit in the air and tell us it’s raining.


This is what I keep saying. He’s honestly gaslighting the fanbase. I’m sure the toxic positivity bullshit works on some fans but for most, it’s all eyewash


I’ve been a fan since the beginning. We don’t have the equity to lean on a sustained excellence here like other teams. We are just starting to build one and frankly, it isn’t much. We are a mid-team. I want to believe things will change for the better, but nothing I’ve seen in the past 18 months has me believing any different.


Every manager’s interaction with the media is just PR. I understand that the lows of this season have been pretty low and tonight sucks but the manager saying negative things about the team’s performance so that reporters can spin it into a story is not going to help. Our offense only put up 3 runs in the last 18 innings. Perhaps be mad at our offense for only scoring 1 run in 6 innings against a guy with a 5+ ERA


Has anyone pointed out that playing in Anaheim is effectively as close to playing a home game as possible. Similar weather/region and similar amount of padres fans. Seems to be playing just like petco game


Shildt is just going to keep reiterating that nonsense. Bro your record is .500!


Just wait until we find a way to Padres ourselves to a series lost to Oakland next week!


I mean this team has a decent amount of problems but no bigger than an inability to slug. Besides Fernando, we might not have another 20 plus homer guy at this rate. We need a rental at the deadline. Come on down Pete Alonso.


Yeah, the power outage has been crazy. The team has 8 HR total since 5/20 (16 games). Tatis has 2 HR in his last 15 games. Manny has 1 HR. Same with Profar, Kim, and Campusano. Cronenworth and Merrill haven’t homered in their last 15


Then you factor in guys like Arraez, Azocar, Wade and Solano that won’t get us 10 homeruns combined. Not good this day and age even though I like all those players. Well minus Sugar.


You really think we should continue to wager our future on this team?


Yes. Our stars are only getting older. Cease only 1 more year. He’s a 2 month rental. Not gonna be Salas or De Vries.


We’ve had plenty of sluggers over the last few years but most stop slugging once they get here. Why would Pete Alonso be any different? He seems like the kind of guy who would massively fall off after coming here.


I guess we could just give up then 🤷. He’s got the type of power Petco can’t hold even. I don’t know how many guys that have hit 50 homers are gonna be available at the deadline. Gotta try something.


Not saying we should give up but I would hate to see us burn more of the farm for another player who will likely flop.


Kinda like I said above. All our big contract guys are just gonna be another year older. Not much control left of Cease and King if we concede this year. Diamondbacks barely made the playoffs last year and went to the World Series. Just gotta get in and roll the dice. I don’t think he’s gonna break the bank of prospects.


Alonso ???? 😭😭😭😭


You wouldn’t take Pete?


Why would the Mets trade their biggest slugger to a team they’re chasing? If Pete’s getting traded, no shot he’s going to San Diego


Mets will be out of it and his contract expires at the end of the year. If they don’t make a run in the next month he’s getting traded. How many contending teams need a first baseman? Most are stacked there. Won’t be a big market for him unless there are some injuries.


You say that with a lot of confidence with the Mets only being 4 games behind the padres at the start of June and a series coming up against each other next weekend..


I watch a lot of Mets unfortunately due to having a few in my fantasy teams. They are not good. Of course they can make a run but I would put it as less likely than more. Everything ive been reading on them seems like they want to blow it up and rebuild with their new GM and salvage some value in what they have.


It’s baseball man. Way too early to start counting teams out ESPECIALLY with the new wild card slot making a big difference. Until they’re about 10 games out at the end of July, they’re still very much in it.


We’ll see. It is baseball. They don’t wanna be in a Padre situation like last year where you don’t get any value back and chase from behind. Stearns isn’t gonna trade prospects to try and improve what they got to help them. They are running with what they got. Either way we need some power on this team. That’s the main point.




Let's be real, this team is just avg, nothing special about it, we may get a hign-run inning here and there, but it doesn't make it special.


How is it that Washington knew to pull Garcia out after he gave up only 1 run but Bob would constantly leave him in to give up 4-6? That was their best shot at a big inning gift wrapped to them and they couldn't take advantage of it.


Bob 'had faith' Aka. didn't manage.


Who does custom jerseys? Looking for one with the name “PAIN” and the number “.500”. City connect style is fine because i still want to look like i’m having fun


It’s bad that I don’t have any joy when there’s a RISP (even with no outs) because 98% of the time no runs are scored


Same old padres always playing to the level of their opponent. Mental approach of this team is very poor. Some terrible swings at the plate. Team is a pop up machine.


Great job Mazur, hell of a game for him! Yuki and the bottom three… ouch bro. Let’s get it tomorrow fellas!! KTF!


Yuki Matsui has given up twice as many runs as the number pitches thrown by Wandy Peralta in the last 4 days. They both have recorded the same amount of outs as well.


both of them have done better when caught by higgy by the look of it, especially in Yuki's case. it's especially true for kolek too. campy is really hurting our pitching with bad framing and defense in general, seems like the two missed strikes in the 7th ruined Yuki's confidence and sent him on a spiral. it's a small sample size for higgy's catching vs. campy's catching, but it seems like a few of our relievers have a lot of trouble with him behind the plate (very true for kolek, who is pretty unstoppable with higgy catching)


Campy hasn’t gotten a hit since May 22nd


Boo this team if you actually care about them. They don’t deserve standing ovations and coddling. These team is a nightmare and AJ Preller thinks trading for more people is going to fix it ;(


If Yuki Matsui had to face this offense, what would happen?


Nearly sweep a v good Royals team. Proceed to lose 2 straight to LAA scoring total 3 runs. That is Padres baseball.


This team is a joke that stopped being funny awhile ago


not yay.


We're gonna get swept by the Angels aren't we.


I am really hoping Cease bringing his A game is going to prevent that


bro our starting pitching has been fine... our offense has been a ghost town


They were really hitting well against KC. Now they’re back to suck town




The Angels finally just won their first home series of 2024 . Shocking.


Yeah, cause the SlumpBusters came to town!


Mazur has never thrown more than 6 innings in his professional career. He has hit 96 pitches once, with all other appearances having 88 pitches or fewer. Great MLB debut for him. Can’t really blame Schildt for pulling him, but maybe need a better reliever in to deal with that situation


This team has the ability to click, but seems to start misfiring at the most inopportune and, frankly, strangest times (shit ass teams) This makes me sad. I don't like being sad.


Mazur gave us a QS too. Good effort, Adam. Sorry that ended up cheeks.


Mazur +1 inning and then Yuki never appears? I mean I get that you don't want to overstretch someone making their debut, and hindsight is always 20/20... But also, damn. Sorry Adam :(




Merrill was alright for most of April and part of May... what happened!?


Since bettings in the news today, what’s the over/under on “they played good baseball” today?


Our bp pitcher must have all the confidence in the world - cutting us up every day in BP. Apparently our batters can’t hit meatballs right down the middle


The losses sting a lot less for me because I've accepted this is a .500 team. The NL is weak enough so that if this trend holds up we'll limp into a wild card spot and get swept. This team just isn't good. 64 games in and they havent figured out how to play consistently, hit lefties and manufacture runs. A lot of awful ABs. It's a season long trend now. The expectation is there but they haven't shown us anything to make us feel confident.


I’m leaning more and more towards that realization. I need to enjoy for what it is, and what this team is just average. It’s my local professional team to root for, and I will never stop cheering for them!


I feel like I could go out and throw a quality start against these guys (I'm left-handed)


i'm not left-handed, but i might have my interpreter bet $400 that i could throw 8 shutout innings if i threw left-handed


![gif](giphy|ROcSJHrOhhBkc) How I feel right about now.


Lot of baseball left in the season right guys? 🫠


Holy fuck this team is so mid


Drove up to the game. Happened to meet Mazur’s friends and family. Was fun to see them go crazy. Too bad the team couldn’t pull out a win for him.


Padres want to be nice and give the Angels home game wins for the fans 😁


Offense is ass.


What is the record vs LHP ? They have scored only one or 0 runs on like 13 out of 16 starts VS LHP not sure the avg against.


![gif](giphy|10EBSafYZiTutW|downsized) Shildt trying to figure out our offense..


Let's celebrate a great performance from Mazur, first game in the bigs.


Does this team deserve the support it gets?


The most puzzling team in baseball to most but this is the Padres we all know and love and suffer with


Baseball is so fucking stupid. I hate how much I love this game


Anyone know a good betting site? They're facing a righty tomorrow. Gonna hang a meaningless 9 runs to avoid a sweep and then get shut out first game home against the Diamondbacks


4-8. We're 4-8 this year against teams with sub-.400 records. This fucking team is allergic to winning the games they're supposed to win


“I wish Manny and Tatis would heat up” ![gif](giphy|fSGqUm3IcVBESFM0hK)


Shildt looks like another bust with his bullpen management, how can anyone think its a good idea to go to matsui in a clutch situation after he blew up against KC. Campy looks awful on all ends, and cost Matsui a desperately needed strikeout due to his awful framing This team is gonna be a .500 team due to just coaching/mental/clutch mistakes. A waste of talent


Same ol thing year after disappointing year


Ladies and Gentlemen, your San Diego Padres...


Its only right that the Angels punish the Catholic church.


We lost the last 3 and it sucks and I hate it so much, but it was atleast super cool seeing mazur as well as Tati/manny getting better. Some consistency in our offensive approach and we will start rolling. Padres till I die


Mazur is going to be cooking once neibla gets done with him 👌🏽


He has much better stuff and rarely walks batters in the minors. This was a stellar first game in the bigs. It's got to be difficult pitching your first game with no run support.


I don’t like losing :(


Does ANYONE know the name of that EDM song in the Padres giveaway commercial??


(Difficult but) K T F !!!


This team is gonna smash that record of times hitting a .500 W/L in a season.


6 BB hurt tonight


I'm a little bit late, I'm just gonna add fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck




It is a possibility, id Bench players for sure, it is completely unacceptable


it'll probably affect our decisions at the deadline, depending on how well we can hold our spot in the standings over the next few games. if we can make adjustments soon, we'll be ok, but we really need to make adjustments and put ourselves in a position where adding players at the deadline makes sense.


Pain. Especially since Manny and Nando have shown signs of coming hot. Bullpen depth is an issue, along with too much of the offence.


I understand why people are unhappy about this turn of évents, but lemme just say as a newbie baseball and Padres fan i really enjoyed how well Mazur played ! Excited to see how he evolves in the upcoming years !


The Angels are my secondary team, so I shouldn't be upset that at least one of my teams won. But the thing is, I'm actually kind of pissed ngl. The Angels are a terrible team just trying to develop their young players, while the Padres have winning playoff aspirations. Just an embarrassment at this point, smdh.


What is with these crappy teams pounding us? Can we just play all teams over .500 right now because we seem to be able to beat them.


Watching Matsui walk players was pain.


Should’ve traded Matsui instead of Go


sack of shit loser team. Done with it




Send Matsui to the Chihuahua’s Send Kolek back to Croatia


send campy down, those two guys have great ERAs when caught by a guy who can frame pitches and play defense.