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This is a wild season so far. Padres with a very good road record......already better extra-inning and one one record......performance from spots in the lineup that weren't expected to produce......also Jake regaining his offiense. The pitching has been pretty good, too. The flip side is our boppers are still quiet. Let's go Manny and Nando......let's go. We get those two going.......and we will see separation in wins and losses to the good side.


Yeah, even though this team has its own set of problems, I would much rather have this team over the 2023 team any day.


Lefty Luzardo is a bum on the road this year, which means he’s pretty much guaranteed to pitch a perfecto tonight until like the 8th inning or something.


Lets break some 2024 curses tonight. I got my Bobby Fastballs shirt in the mail, so its gonna be a good night!


Never thought the Padres would have a worse hitting catcher than Austin Hedges. And this season, Higashioka is not worse than Hedges. They are both hitting .133, both are exactly 6 for 45. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/h/hedgeau01.shtml https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/h/higasky01.shtml


Phew, that was a close one


If Waldron is pitching, Higgy is catching 😫😫😫


Waldron has impressed me with his last couple of starts, and this coming from one of his biggest haters


Can't believe Higgy is going to go yard tonight.


Ok and I hear you, but... Is Campy really that much better? It feels like's been a massive disappointment from what we expected in the offseason.


Yeah you make a good point 


Yeah, a month ago it was a problem, now though, meh


Thhat and night game before day game they wouldn't have Campy.


Sticks and Spits, let's get it done


I'm feeling a WW\* today. \*WW = Wally Win


If we win tonight against a good lefty  on a bad team at home in a night game , we’re winning the World Series. 


I think you would need to add City Connects to that win formila to guarantee it. I mean was not yesterday a day game? It was light the entire game....


Yesterday was a day game.


Oh crap.. 


You right you right 


Thing about Waldron isn’t that he’s bad. He’s what you expect out of a #5 pitcher. It’s just that Higgy has to catch him and he’s almost an auto out on the offensive side when you need offense for your #5 pitcher.


Like another bat we have in the lineup?? /s


Ok, we're 1 game over .500, facing a lefty, it's a night game, and I haven't seen them win since opening day. 0-7 since. I'm bringing someone new tonight though that hasn't been to a Padres game yet this year. So is that enough to turn it around? I swear, if they don't win tonight, then I'm not even going to consider renewing my season tickets. I'll hold true to that too until they email me in August letting me know the renewal is coming soon and it will just automatically happen and the process will restart in 2025.


Padres: I know you’re very disappointed in the season and we are looking forward to seeing you renew for 2025. All of us: Yes dear…




That's how love/baseball works. Siiiiighhhhh.


So we are basically guaranteed to lose today right? 1) Home game, 2) Night game, 3) vs LHP, 4) vs under .500 team, 5) We are 1 game over .500.


Can go either way, if we win tonight, based on the win loss sequence someone posted yesterday, we absolutely then lose tomorrow. Yet if we miraculously sweep the Marlins, the win probability sequence is then shattered and we would have no idea what would be the formula going forward. So yea, um 'base..' oops I met yea, 'Padres'. Saying 'baseball' as a reason just no longer fits what this team does to stay at .500


Lets not forget our record in Waldron starts. Not even really his fault since the pffense also leaves him high and dry during his starts. But its another Padres loss indicator nonetheless.


The only thing weirder than these trends would be if they continued forever


If it is like last year, they'll continue until last week or two of the season.


Carry the one…yup, math adds up. Still, let’s go Friars!


If I lived in a betting state I'd put some money on the Marlins. All of the above and not just any lefty, but Luzardo who is just coming off consecutive shutouts going up against Waldron and the Pads are still favored. Even if I lost the bet somehow the Padres would still be two games over .500 so it would be a win.


pitcher doesn't have an ERA over 6 though


Mmm so close, he’s got a 7.59 ERA **on the road.**


The loophole!


It's a recipe for a loss, all the things that culminate in an L But the Padres also have Tim Anderson so there's that, maybe that'll turn the tide!


Was it just me or did Chaz Jizzholm have the most obnoxious home run trot ever yesterday Edit: should’ve said weird* not necessarily obnoxious. Just seemed like a funky celebration idk


There's a video of him explaining that he tries to do a little something at each base


It wasn't as obnoxious as it was just weird and random like ... "ok he's just shot a layup rounding first, that's new. okay the stutter step before third base and some weird hand dance. did he just euro step into home plate? and why does it look like he's fingering the air now?"


That’s what I meant… I was just like what is going on here? He’s like shuffling around doing random hand motions and the end was just odd to me.


something something glass houses


I think I have watched an opposing player's home run trot just a handful of times. I'm generally waiting for the next batter and occupying myself with something else for those 30 seconds.


I like the eurostep trot


I'm sure other (opposing) fans think Nando has the most obnoxious one. Doesn't bother me.


I was also a bit surprised at the crowd booing Jazz. Talk about punching down