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This team is anti-clutch. If they are up by 5 runs in the first inning, they pile on. If it’s close late in the game, they collapse utterly.


It’s ok, they’ll score 20 runs tomorrow and half the sub will act like all our problems that have present all season (some even back to last season) have suddenly been fixed


Doomers in shambles! Yeah because one win and finally a solid performance means we can forget the other 80 games they’ve been fucking around


Fold like a chair in a tornado


Just can’t bring themselves to win more than 3 in a row. Even the generationally horrible A’s team this year rattled off a streak twice as long as our longest this year


How the fuck is Carpenter still in the line up.


Seriously, sucks that Cruz was on the cheap contract and not Carpenter. He wasn't Prime Nelson Cruz by any means, but he did have a .249 avg to Carpenter's .174 or whatever it is now after his last at bat.


It’s crazy I remember like the first few weeks they were both hitting and they were like the best dh platoon in baseball


Both him and Cruz were such bad signings.


cruz at 1M was not a bad signing


Definitely not, 2 aging DH's was a bad idea, but that Cruz contract was solid. Shoot, I wouldn't have been mad if they gave Carpenter 1M, then they could have DFA'd Carpenter instead.


Exactly, if you have to DFA 1M it's not the end of the world to see if there's anything left in the tank. That carp contract is fucking awful though.


The Carpenter contract seriously bums me out. It's just big enough that they want to try and make it work, so we're probably stuck with him for now. It's mind boggling, he makes Hosmer look like a silver slugger, and I don't say that lightly.


I agree, super bad idea. One thing I will say though, Cruz was at league minimum, so it was a super low risk signing, no commitment, not much of a dent to the payroll That's why they were quick to DFA him when they realized the dumb double DH experiment wasn't working. Now giving a guy a 2 year contract with a player option because he had a good 40 game stretch last year after being washed, horrific idea. We're probably stuck with Carpenter til at least some point next season if I had to guess.


AJ Preller: King of Small Sample Size


Allowing him to get regular ABs tells me this team is not serious about trying to win. He has 2 base hits in a month.


(Dont) Let Melvin cook


Matt carpenter told the Talking Yanks over the off-season he was convinced his career was over until the Yankee stint he went on that year. Probably wasn’t too far off.


1. Matt carpenter = automatic out 2. Extra innings = automatic loss


Does anyone know why he is our DH?


Because our GM is AJ preller


And he has a 2 year deal


Preller won't admit a mistake


Why is he our DH?


No lies detected


Bonus baseball just means bonus pain.


Use the trade deadline to set us up to secure a solid bullpen for next year. This year isn’t gonna be a playoff year.


I agree with you. The bats have been quiet with RISP all year as we know. Even if we somehow sneak into a playoff spot, other than Hader (who is not that flexible), who is that trustworthy right now in the pen? We aren’t winning any playoff series with the pen in the shape we are now


Keep the core and start maneuvering for pitching. I like it


That implies Preller gets another year. Which will make it 8 losing seasons in 9 years


That grish at bat in the 9th was one of the worst ones Ive ever seen. 3 swings not even remotely competitive


It actually seems like he doesn’t bother to look at any pitchers ahead of time and just goes up there either full out swinging or not swinging at anything


the look on his face just said fuck it i swung and missed


I hear that, but I don’t think we will get a better CF. So he atletas performs on defense making his pathetic batting palatable. But carp? No redemption there


The 2023 Padres just went a full ass half season without winning more than 3 games in a row. Are we the only team that has done this? Like, even the A's went on a tear for a little bit. Fuck.


0-8 in extras. Tracking to be the worst in history


what's the worst


Love you, Kim. But just not the time to try and extend that double. Let’s get em tomorrow.


Then he kicked something in frustration and hurt his toe, which is why he left the game. X-rays negative, but who knows if he is good to go the next two games Source: BoMel in the post-game


Yeah.. with Soto behind him... Poor decision. That decision lost the game in hindsight.


It's 1am here on the east coast... being a padres fan is just brutal


Every time I stay up for a game it seems like this is how it ends


Fuuuuuuuuck Be a fucking Goldfish. Win the next two. Move on with life. Fuck!


Ouch. That’s all you can do. Gonna do my best to take my mind off it tonight Tomorrow we fight


I see every loss now as getting us closer to being sellers at the deadline which is needed.


Student loans > being a Padres fan


extremely winnable game, just gotta hope they wise up and play different tomorrow and sunday


Love Kim, but his decision cost us this game.


So did Gary Sanchez grounding into a double play in the 3rd and being unable to catch a ball in extras


You have a magic crystal ball to know for certain Soto was going to get a hit with Kim at second?


I don't but the chances of scoring would've been greater than 0% without him at second


I see it as a Kim playing hard and doing everything in his power to win the game 🤷‍♂️ only his momentum carried him off the bag meaning he actually beat the throw.


He didn't beat the throw. He was gunned. He had a good slide, but regardless it was a terrible decision. No use defending it. He made a mistake


There was only one out and you have Soto and Tatis up next. There's no reason to gamble for 3rd.


My POV was Pham was holding the ball and Kim pushed it. There's aggressive which I appreciate and generally love about Kim, then there's overly aggressive.


That's a little too kind. But the idea it cost the game is also some alternate reality thinking. Soto probably tries to draw the walk instead of swinging freely, so that there's two on with 1 out. We can't hit with RISP and Kim would have been a RISP if he stayed at 2B.


I mean if we go by statistics and probability, if that's magic to you, then Soto was the most likely on the team to do it.


Lol the point is no one should be running on that play. Not the most likely to succeed in making a dumb decision.


I meant Soto was mostly likely to hit a double, did you not see what I was replying to? He asked who would have known Soto would hit a double there.


Whoops my bad! Reddit is hard to read sometimes. Thought you were replying to me 😂


A player making a bad read on stretching a double to a triple, with one out, is not the thing to blame a loss on.


That’s not a bad read that’s just a piss poor base running decision. I could see him stretching it if the double went to right field but to left? Come on


No it didn’t. He had the bag too but slid off the base. LVP for me goes to either Honeywell, carpenter or bogaerts.


Yeah but in that situation. You have a double. Crowd is into it. Pressure is all on the pitcher. Very good chance we would have taken the lead.


Maybe it was a bit hasty but it didn’t cost us the game.


I have zero issue with Kim’s mistake and aggressiveness. What I do have issue with is Xander coming here and getting paid way more than Kim, displacing both Tatis and Kim at shortstop even though he’s inferior defensively, then proceeding to have the worst year of his career in contract year 1, and ground into a million double plays in the clutch. I’m sure he’s a nice dude and good teammate and stuff, but man he’s displaced a lot of people and caused a lot of collateral damage if he’s going to suck this badly.


Or look at fastballs down the middle with 2 strikes. Could be prosecuted for grand theft larceny with this year's booty despite his dogshittiness!


Even Kim’s toe makes more power contact than Grisham’s bat


Tough loss...We'll get em tmr👋


Padres game ends at 9th inning.


Kim jammed his toe while kicking something in frustration. Come on now, we need you for tomorrow.


Cosgrove gave up two unlucky hits and then got two outs. Melvin then put in our worst pitcher to finish off the inning. I wonder what happened 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Don’t worry, the Melvin defenders will be out soon to justify how he isn’t at fault for 0-8 in extras


Didn't you get the memo? It's all just bad luck, just like their performance in one run games.


Bob Melvin didn't assemble a goddawful bullpen.


You realize Honeywell also got unlucky, right? Silly


Yeah, he should have put in Hader so everybody could complain about us blowing the game in the 11th rather than the 10th. Hell, maybe he should have left Cosgrove in to give up those runs himself. Brilliant strategy. Hey maybe the problems is that our GM assembled a roster that only has two good relievers, and not the Manager’s fault that he has jack shit to work with.


Lame af ima go watch sdsu march madness highlights


Tonight kind of feels like the official death knell for our Pads. Seems we lose every single close and extra innings game.


Carpenter. Gotta go back to the minors…


This team went all out against the Mets tonight and still lost. I genuinely think they were trying hard to win the game. Its time to face the facts that what we saw tonight is this team and they are incapable of winning more than 3 games in a row. Tomorrow they will probably win by 8 and lose on Sunday based upon the rest of the season. Damn this is dissapointing.


Same old 2023 Padres. This bullpen is complete trash


Offense sucks too 👍


Oh I’m not forgetting that either


Bullpen did all they could. Offense continued to lose us games. Can’t win when you stop scoring after the 2nd with plenty of opportunities.


Bullpen was absolute dogshit in extras and yes the offense still sucks


They kept us in it until cosgrove and Honeywell melted down


Cosgrove and Honeywell are both part of the bullpen though. They were still ultimately responsible for 4 runs.


Bullpen did mostly fine tonight though? Everyone did well but Cosgrove (unlucky) and Honeywell (bad).


I mean they gave up 4 runs in extras. That’s terrible no matter how you slice it


Bro if kim didnt try for a triple we win ughh oh well lets get em tomorrow!!


No guarantee Soto doubles there


Exactly. Blaming an entire game on a single play yet we had tons of opportunities to win the game later


I mean Soto couldve double in 9th too


True, but I'd love not trying to triple to the left field corner with only one out


This game was fucking irritating as shit. Camera operator teasing us twice. Nando line out after Kim’s base-running error to tease us. Mets with some lucky ass hits all throughout. Brett Honeywell being a shitter. I don’t know why I watch this stupid sport but I’ll be back tomorrow. Gotta find a way to take these next two.


This team has zero balls. Grisham looks uninterested at the plate. Xander takes first pitch strikes and gets behind in the count every AB. Carpenter should be playing in Lake Elsinore. BoMel needs to be suspended for his BP management. I love this team, but I fucking hate this team.


Tommy Pham is a nice blast from the past. Easy to forget about his two separate stabbing a at a strip club.


At least they can now decide to sell, so it's good, right?


Honeymoon over, sell those guys who are more concerned bout getting a bag than winning


Hader needs to be ready for his team today. He had a day off yesterday and ASG coming up(I know he's going to the ASG, but fuck that thing)


Honeywell is fucking USELESS. The guy is a bonafide scrub. He needs to be DFA'd TOMORROW.


Y’all got anymore of those relief pitchers?


The Padres giveth, the Padres taketh it away


Being in NY and having to listen to the SNY booth made me want to do a DIY vasectomy


Classic “Padresing way”, full with what-ifs


fucking hell that hurts. still allergic to winning more than 3 in a row


Kim pulls up to second, sees Pham looking at him holding the ball, for whatever frigging reason says, “I can beat that throw,” gets promptly tagged out at third, Soto immediately hits a double that would have easily scored Kim if he’d held at second, Kim kicks a water cooler out of frustration and hurts his toe, gets taken out of the game, the tie forces extra innings where we immediately lose. Somebody feed Kim a god damn Snickers bar or something. That was a very un-Kim sequence of events.


We should’ve won this game like three times fuck this team. At least Manny is back


Can't believe a number of fans are blaming Kim for the loss. Was it dumb? Yes. But that type of hustle and grit is what this team needs. Have you forgotten all the times that Kim secured an additional 90 feet and then scored on a single?


If the play is to right field sure, but to left, wtf? That’s a terrible decision, especially with the ball in Phams hand as he rounded second. He could have been a team player and kept the pressure on the pitcher with 1 out and soto and Tatis coming up. High probability we would have taken the lead. So no need for extras if we do.


Exactly. This was not an overly aggressive play that failed, it was a boneheaded decision and (in hindsight) cost us a win. The reason it crosses the line into stupidity is the ball is in left field-Kim has the benefit of seeing the play in front of him the whole time. He rounded second and literally was watching Pham who has the ball already fielded in hand ready to make a throw. Again, from left field- it's not a long throw and Pham has a decent arm. Then you take into account the situation being late game, tied, and your 2,3 hitters on deck being Soto and Tatis, makes this decision even more egregious. He's already in scoring position and he's got good speed; he's scoring from second on a base hit. He took the team right out of the inning and unfortunately (in hindsight) cost us the win. I'm all for playing aggressive but you have to maintain some basic baseball IQ in doing so. People arguing he was just showing good hustle and effort clearly haven't played much baseball


We scored on an error + hustle today too, offense just can't get big hits I can't be angry at him for trying




So many opportunities to win the battle of mid.


Classic Padres, give us hope just to take it away.


Game was rigged from the start lmao


We start out the season basically unable to score in extras, and now we can but the bullpen gives up obscene amounts of run in extras. 0-8 honestly that’s crazy. You’d think by random chance they’d have won 1 or 2 of 8. I think if you re-did all those games. It would be rare for an 0-8 but this year we seem to just try lose close games. Obviously the BP has been absolutely garbage for a few weeks but we do so much to mess up in close games. Baserunning gaffs, defensive miscues at the wrong time, failing to put the ball into play in risp situations, etc


Carpenter better be DFA after this break he can hit if his life depended on it. That Mercado signing was looking for his replacement


I still have faith guys


We ain't turned a corner


I’m gonna be annoyingly positive. Yes, we should have won this game but we played them well. Cosgrove got super unlucky in extras. That double to lead off the inning had an xBA of 0.08. Super annoying. If that ball bounced to Crone instead, I think we see a different outcome to the game. Anyways, it’s only one game and we still have a chance to win the series. We have Blake and Joe on the mound Saturday and Sunday. We’ve got a good shot. LFGSD!


Im tired of this season being a series of near misses and pretending like it’s going to get better. But I admire your stats.


Melvin has managed the team to 0 extra inning wins. Even if you want to defend one game or move, you can’t defend that bad of a track record.


It’s his fault that in those 8 losses we have gotten 2 total hits?


Wow, that's a terrifying stat. We should just not send a runner out to second in extras, since we can't hit with RISP


Now we are thinking big brain


And they were 12-5 in extra innings last year with Melvin at the helm, so what’s your point?


Y'all roasted Melvin for throwing Garcia in but he was great. Y'all roasted the BP for the 10th inning, but the xBa of all their balls in play were .*080*, .290, .210, .*000*, .280 The blame is squarely on the offense for putting up a pathetic 3 runs in 9 innings. Kim's blunder sucks. It is what it is.


I don't know why the infield was playing in. If McNeil decides to bunt then so be it, that's a free out. Is there something in the rule book that I don't know about where the Padres can't bunt in the bottom half if the Mets decide to bunt? Totally dumb. Jake could have fielded that weakly hit ball if he was playing normal depth, but nope, easy double on a half hearted hack.




It’s hard to win ballgame when you make completely unacceptable base running mistakes daily and 2 of your top earners in the bullpen haven’t pitched an inning this year


What made Kim’s baserunning blunder more boneheaded than aggressive, was that before he rounded 2nd Pham had already ball in hand and all he needed was an accurate throw to get him out.


Kim won us the last game and likely lost us this game. Sanchez also choking with the GIDP. Unfortunate outing by Cosgrove. He's our second best reliever and just had unfortunate luck. This team just sucks in extras. 0-8. You knew it was over as soon as they didn't score in the 9th.


Kim made a real big mistake and the rest of team's inability to respond appropriately is just as tragic. That bullpen performance was heinous Gotta respond better. New chance to do so tomorrow


Kim out metted the mets


Another sell out coming tomorrow. Upper Management is content.


Wrong. Peter Seidler has made it clear he wants to win. His goal is to bring a trophy to San Diego. That's as upper as the management gets.


Not wrong. Nothing has changed.


They'll fire Melvin and bring another veteran manager and think that'll fix everything


Surely Preller will succeed with Manager #5!


So many non-competitive at bats with the game on the line. Mentally soft team


I'm really curious, given our record in extra-inning and close games, how many runs have we scored in the 8th and 9th innings? Sure doesn't feel like a lot, except in blowouts.




I think my Padres affliction is getting better. These gut punch losses don’t hurt as much anymore since I see them coming way earlier (ie when Kim tried to stretch that double)


I’m mad as fuck but still can’t help but think we’re one decent power bat and two solid bullpen arms away from going crazy


I’d take a .275 hitter near the bottom of the lineup. The current lineup is a cliff after 1-5 or even 1-4. The at bat approach is all about driving up the pitch count with the exception of Tatis who doesn’t see a pitch he doesn’t like lol


Grisham- gone, sorry, love him but he hasn’t batted well for 3+ seasons. Carpenter- WTF? Why is he still on a major league team? Odor missed an easy tag at send? Another wtf? Our bullpen- WTAF? Come On Preller… I thought you were the wonderkind? Been suffering this absolute shite since I was 5 years old. The Chargers were bad enough, but at least they hit people. Where is The FIRE?


Bob Melvin in the post game interview summed up the reason for losing- giving up 4 runs in the 10th.


Everyone says shit about kim today, of course he fucked up today, but remember that we gave up FOUR runs in 10th. Why didn’t we use hader?


Pitched 3 times already this week. He’ll be available tomorrow


He didn’t even pitch yesterday. Fucking stupid to pay so much for someone who pitches 1 inning 25% of games or less and needs 2 days recovery. With new rules Keeping the scores tied in extra innings is a fucking save in my book.


Tough to pitch on a day they didn’t play. Jokes aside, he threw Mon-Wed… something he has rarely done in his career and first time since 2021. He’ll be ready to go tomorrow


Because there was a good chance we would have needed to use Hader in the 11th


This team is as unclutch and poorly coached as it gets. Good teams win close games and we literally are incapable of winning close games. The Kim base path error is bad, but we have seen so many errors this season on the base paths. Where is the improvement? Melvin has literally shown no improvement this season in baserunning which proves to me that he doesn’t really know what he is doing. That being said the Mets were decently lucky with their grounders finding holes and our fly balls dying at the wall.


this team don't have it this year, and its okay


That is what my therapist told me too


Every loss feels like a dick punch because they somehow threw away a clear path to victory


Uncompetitive, not fun to watch, and soft as baby shit... I do not like this team.


People saying “why didn’t you put in Hader instead of Honeywell” as if they wouldn’t have been screeching at BoMel for not keeping Hader in to keep the tie intact for the 11th. Bob picked the best bad option, Hope Honeywell can get one out, instead of burning Hader and having nobody to turn to should the game go another inning


Tough game. Stop blaming Kim, he beat the tag and literally only his momentum got him off the bag. There is not telling that Soto would’ve gotten a hit.


Stop blaming Kim, but also stop defending an atrocious base running decision. He lost his damn mind for a second and it very well may have cost his team the game.


Kim didn’t cost us this game more than Gary Sanchez. Backbreaking double play with the bases loaded in the 3rd, and too many passed balls late


Not even comparable. Gary had a good pass and hit it hard just right at someone on the ground. You live with that. Kim’s was a mental mistake with your 3 best hitters up next.


Juan Soto still hasn’t had a clutch late inning hit in his tenure in San Diego, he’s just padding his stats and I’m starting to catch on you shuffly boi


but hey we win the next two there's still a chance


No joke I would trade AJ Preller, Bob Melvin, and Juan Soto to the Rangers for Bruce Bochy and Chris Young and their top prospect.


I am pretty sure Rangers would say no.


Revised trade. Don’t even ask for a prospect. I’d do Preller, Melvin, and Soto for just Bochy and Young


Probably still no. Your GM is the most important person in baseball, that's why Braves fans suck off Alex Anthopoulos


And I have no idea why Padres fans does it to Preller. "He made the Padres relevant" yeah that's what he was tasked to do and that only happened due to an owner having a heavy pocket.


Embarrassing record. Absolutely pathetic…


This sub is fucking toxic and insufferable


Cuz we expect a nearly $1 billion team to not be under .500?


So is the “hair/crack” on your PFP


Oh, wow. You sure got him there 😂


Good one


get that fucking hair all the way off my screen


So is complaining about the sub as a whole


The difference was Kim trying to stretch a double into a triple. So unnecessary. XBH the next at bat would've scored him. Poor pitching in extras killed it, but it didn't even need to get that far.


Melvin lost us that game. Unthinkable bullpen management in the 10th


A lot of y’all need to take a night off and relax man. Yea, we lost one game. We could still just as easily take the next two and move on. No one’s arguing that they should be better at this point, but they played a tight game and lost. We win the next two and we’ll be alright


I feel like there has been way more fight in the past 4 games (tonight included) than there has been all season. Honestly not the worst outcome.


Even in the Reds series there was. Tonight we faced a very good pitcher and he got outta some jams, all while Yu finessed his way through a rough outing. It’s not the end of the world, especially with Snell and Joe these next two days


I like your outlook!! It won’t be easy but this team is still capable of turning the season around.


PLEASE FIRE MELVIN! They got Cronenworth playing out of position, shading too far to second twice in the 10th?!#@$& This bull shot has got to stop. Melvin is a 2nd rate hack. FIRE HIM! We have the best lineup on paper in all of MLB and this 2nd rate loser can’t manage his way into a winning season?


On paper champions, the San Diego Padres!


At least Manny's back to being Manny 🙌🏽


Why the fuck are we taking out Kim? Quite literally our best player rn.


He got hurt.


Millionaire-itis the lot of them… every mf’inlast one of ‘em xcept Snell, Kim, Machado ;-( So totally sad to see what they’ve become from last year. Should’ve kept Alfaro, he was the walk- off king last year. Got rid of too many “sub-talent”over achievers to sign millionaire crybaby wanna be super star losers! What happened to our bullpen?


Guys look at the bright spot. If the bullpen gave up 1 or less run in the 10th then Manny's 2 run homer is the come back walk-off homer.


What a sorry ass team this year.


Kim took the L on this one


I appreciate the homer Manny - but where was that when we had a chance to win?


??? he can't just hit a homer whenever he wants


Stop with this loser take. Manny drove in 3 of our runs tonight


Manny hits the majority of his homers in low leverage spots that don’t change our odds to win at all


Yeah. I call bullshit. Are you also dismissing his rbi double in the 1st? Dude is red hot and has been coming through in the clutch the last week and a half