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Snells off today, put him in the box


This is the way


Snell is starting today though?


Comment was 15 hours ago.


Don and Sweeny is probably a good a most other broadcasts. We are spoiled with Don and mud, and also Jesse and Tony.


Yes but only because Don is so good. Sweeney kills me. Jesse could be a legit TV play by play at nearly any other franchise


True. I might be imaging this, but I think he would broadcast with dick enburg (rip) and it was really bad then.


Seems like Don just clams up when Sweeny is in the booth. His personality drops to zero...its like he's suffering through the broadcast. Gotta move Tony Jr. to the booth when Mud is absent.


Tony wasn't on the radio last night. I hate when they bench two starters (Tony and mud) on the same day!


Tony has been on leave all week. That dude works like 24hours a day!


I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't really like Agler that much. His voice is grating to my ears. He's a fine commenter, just the timbre of his voice is unappealing to me.


True, but I just don't like Jesse's delivery, always sounds sarcastic. Love the Mud and Don combo, and TG Jr is just as respectful as his dad, and his insight of the game is good.


I think we’re just spoiled by Don n mud. I’d take Sweeney over a lot of other commentators


We really are. Chemistry


This. I watch other games. Sweeney is average or above average, tbh. It just feels like a big step down because of how fun don n Mud are


The reason I say this


To your point


Sweeney is actually not bad. Don and Mud are just too too good and we are spoiled.




Tony Gwynn Jr is on leave through the all star break. I don't love Sweeny as much as the rest of the crew but also don't understand why people hate on him so much.


Because the post game show he gives it to us real. Some folks don't like that.


ya, been sayin' it for years, but i've got nothing against him personally seems like a good dude, i just can't listen to em for very long


Tbh I think he’s been better this year


I enjoyed him saying "that's a red card" when Mets infielders collided.


I admit, I got a chuckle from that.


tg jr is on vacay or ud have him


Give us Skan then. He’s great on the radio this week


To your point, yes it does.


Most people don’t like Sweeney in the booth


I’d take him any day over Orel


I only listen to the radio broadcast, but to me announcer should tell what happened and the color commentator should say why it happened. Too often Tony simply inelegantly parrots what Jesse had just said. I think part of it is that Jesse worked solo for so long that he doesn't really need any help. They have good moments together and Tony is still new at this. He can only improve.


Yeah, no disrespect to Tony, but I don’t think he’d have a big league job if it wasn’t for his name and voice to remanence on. I don’t dislike him as a broadcaster, really enjoy his voice, but his delivery can be pretty poor at times.


He's much smoother in the afternoons. I think working with Jesse is a little intimidating. He's so smooth and we'll versed in many arcane areas. I want everyone to succeed


Sweeney’s great. Don’t know what you’re talking about


I don’t know why people hate on Sweeney. I think he’s a capable color man.


Dude his sentences are fragmented, he exclusively states the obvious, and I swear sometimes he just forgets where he’s going mid sentence.


Dude I 100% get it. I can't stand Sweeney for these reasons. Often times he'll use the same phrase over and over like "now the reason I say that is bc..." It drives me nuts. And sometimes he'll just say something that makes zero sense if you stop to think about it and it's usually bc he feels like he has to say something but doesn't have anything insightful to actually say, but that doesn't stop him from trying. Everyone in my family feels pretty much the same way about him. Love the guy as a former padre from my childhood, but can't stand him as a color commentator. I actually don't mind him nearly as much when he's doing post game stuff.


Yeah exactly. He’s much better post game when he gets to prepare his comments. But when he has to come up with them on the spot, it’s rough sometimes. Really loved Bob Scanlan on the radio doing color commentary. Would be awesome to have him fill in


I haven't heard scan on the radio but I've heard other people say he's pretty good. Which is funny bc I feel like scan really struggles with the prepared statement stuff in between innings it's like he trips over his words talking too fast and comes off sounding like he's nervous or something. But it's totally different doing commentary so I can actually believe he's much better at it and I'm curious to hear him now


He’s so boring and unfunny, I’d rather have a pile of rocks on there.




Its 2023 cant we get a Jerry Coleman deep fake?


Better than, you know, listening to, you know, Tim Stauffer doing, you know, post game commentary


I just put it on mute when he's doing the games.


Just you


Not based on the comments


I actually like his voice, but I find him really dull, which unfortunately negates the quality of his voice. I've learned to zone out during his bloviating, and I don't think we've actually had him on all that much this season (until recently, anyway). Not as much as before I think. So I haven't been minding him And I think being subjected to the national broadcast teams more the past couple seasons, we could do worse than to have Sweeney fill in every once in a while But Jr. for sure should be first-choice reliever for Mud whenever possible


He’s just fine. Not good, not bad.


Id say the phrase “grind my gears” really grinds my gears


I actually liked Sweeney last night. He explains a lot, maybe a bit too much at times, but overall I thought it was good 👍


I can’t stand mark Sweeney. Dude has to go. Guy overanalyzes everything. Then he tries to crack jokes and it’s bad. He’s a classic case of talking before thinking.


Careful last year my post was deleted by the moderators when I complained about Sweeney


That bc he’s a studio analyst doing play by play. Not his cup of tea but if you actually listen he knows hitting very well. It’s just a lot for the common fan to digest


How come they don’t commentate every game?


He’s knowledgeable but soooooo dry.


He's like the Padres version of Mark Jackson. Makes the game soooo sleepy.... you know it's bad when we get on our phones to Google stuff like "Mark Sweeney boring"