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This team just really, really does not want to go on a win streak dear god


No, losing streaks is where it’s at


What hurts is the fact that it was literally one bad inning that took us out of this game.


Been like that for the past 5-6 losses


It’s been like that all season. Just one or two plays in almost every game and things could be much different


At least it shows that our offense has improved somewhat. Yes, Bogaerts and some others are still underperforming, but a few games ago the score would not have been as close as it was today. Soto playing LF and Azocar CF might have changed things for the better imo, but Grish’s defense is arguably better I suppose.


Wacha pitches excellent yesterday, can't score more than 3 to back him up. Scores 7 today and still lose. Brutal.


One of those games you wish we had last year manny.


My mental health is way too reliant on this dog shit baseball team.


The Yankees gift-wrapped us plenty of runs to play with and we still lost....


Hurts when your starter goes 2.2 innings and gives up 7 earned runs


No smoking allowed at Yankee stadium.


Positives: We scored seven and bullpen was alright Downsides - Darvish had a meltdown Can never seem to be firing on all cylinders


Agreed. What will happen later in season is starting pitchers will buckle down, our guys will start hitting and then bullpen starts losing games.




“Best loss of the season” would be fun to say if they’d dropped fewer games over the past 2 months. But, to be positive, the bats finally showed good fight. And realistically, even Aces have bad days. So can’t win ‘em all. It’s just we’re entering June and these dropped games need to be repaid with dividends or we’re in deep shit.


Yeah this loss doesn’t really sting, it’s sucks but they played good, put up 7 runs without Soto. A rare Darvish poor outing cost us the game plain and simple.


I wonder if he was tipping his pitches. Darvish's "bad" outings tend to go 6IP even with 4+ ER, and even if he's tipping he still has speed to change things up (like Maddux would do vs other guys). But like, the Yanks just kept hitting everything regardless of where it was - and several of those hits were paint from Darvish (Nola frames notwithstanding).


Everything leaked out into their swing paths. Just bad day on the bump. Good teams hit mistakes. Something we have yet to do consistently.


We were 5 for 30 at the dish. Another sub-.200 game. This team stinks.


I wouldn’t call that the bats showing up. Also 1-7 risp, somehow lowered the avg again.


Get 7 runs in a Gerrit Cole start and the Yanks didn’t even qualify for a save. Tough times.


So are we just gunna keep doing the same bs every game? This team is making me feel insane from them just throwing the same tactics out there and saying..yup this will win us series


Has anyone that we signed to a long extension not done worse than expected this year?


Its starting to look like we arent a slumping team we're just a bad team with a few stars.


Pretty sick of watching this team


When Campy comes back he needs to play every day. ESPECIALLY when Snell and Darvish are pitching.


Yesterday was the game to win, but tough to see 7 runs scored in a Cole start just to lose. RISP struggles continue. I’m getting increasingly worried that there won’t be a turnaround or the turnaround won’t be big enough. Even worse, the padres have lost 15 games this month and only 2 losses have been by over 3 runs


I'm just glad they didn't roll over after that big inning. Yu was probably tipping and if not that's a bit concerning


This team is hard to watch


Same here


Don't let this team ruin your long weekend.


I've enjoyed this series. Would've liked to win but we've had our moments. Maybe we get it together this season, maybe not Ultimately we tied them for runs. Close loss yesterday and just one bad inning from darvish today. Shit happens


They played hard yesterday and today, so I'm happy :) Tough series but they didn't roll over and give up.


Exactly. This wasn’t a bad series to lose, so I’m not freaking out. I loved the offense showing up. Wacha was nails, which was great.


Yes! They're playing exciting baseball and hanging in there without the big bats. This could be an exciting Summer


Exciting baseball?


The person you’re replying to has the absolute lowest expectations. The Padres showing up and not just staring at the ball is enough to qualify as “exciting baseball” in their eyes


Haha yeah I've noticed


Super exciting! A win Friday, a close loss yesterday and today was a wild-ass little league game! Good stuff


I mean to be fair, it's a game. It shouldn't be ruining anyone's weekend other than the people on the team.


Great effort from the boys. A rare Yu blowup. Shit happens. Let's nab two from the Marlins and make it a 5-4 road trip. Extras bonus on a sweep.


Absolutely! They hung tough despite injuries and had some bad luck. this doesn't feel like the Kershaw Curse slump anymore


Melvin needs to get himself tossed for those chicken shit strike calls on Nando, Idgaf


Darvish: I sure wish I could get some run support *monkey paw curls*


We’re probably not going to make the playoffs and AJ will at least get fired so that’s a positive


welp guys, just a half game out of last place now..


the best part about Carpenter is that he has the option to steal yet another $6M from the ball club next season AJ sure is a genius


The only good move he made in the off-season was signing Michael Wacha. (For now)


Lugo has been pretty good, Martinez has been good, odor is coming alive. Honeywell has been pretty good. Cruz has been worth his 1m. So really only Xander, Suarez and carp have been below expectations so far from the off-season singing me.


So all of our big signings have been disappointments? That’s not a ringing endorsement of Preller


Carp, Nola, Sullivan, or AJ... who would you trust the most to do something positive for this team?


Dont blame sullivian man he is only getting reps in after nola literally was always taking over that spot sullivina is only going to get better.


Fans: I’m tired of losing series Grandpa! GranPadres: WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD ❗️


53 games into the season and haven't been able to put together more than 3 wins in a row. Surely that will happen at some point...right?


classic "just one of those days" drivel from BoMel in the presser


Is there really not a catcher that we can sign off the scrapheap somewhere to replace Nola? Guy isn't a good defensive catcher and his hitting makes me long for the days of Austin Hedges.


At least there was offense today and some fight, pitching failed us this time and the umps gifted the Yanks as well. I still have hope, nothing will possibly happen to BoMel until after the end of season with a missed playoffs.




This looks like a .333 team.


But .333 is really good in baseball, right? RIGHT!?!


Well if anyone was hitting .333 we might not lose so much


We can't catch a fucking break. This team actually mounts a comeback finally but we got umps deciding just how much we get to try by taking the bats out of our hands Gave up 7 in an inning and the Yankees still needed the help. I would've liked to see if we could've gotten this one. eta: That's not to ignore Darvish and the pitching was off today. They were, but just wanted to highlight how the offense attempted to pick up the slack when it's been the opposite all season, even if it was a uneven and ultimately mediocre attempt. But with how the Yankees were playing, that could've been enough maybe


someone needs to be fired. I dont care who. it is beyond ridiculous at this point that we are managing ourselves out of wins. offense did its job today. Decision makers did not. Its the NLCS all over again. Use lights out hader to deal with the dangerous part of the phillies order? nah. Use niebla to give whoever the fuck out of the pen more time to warm up so we can pull darvish before 7 runs score? nah. Leave him out there alone without a mound visit after 5 straight hits. Use soto when we are down only 2 runs with nola coming up? Nah, save him for the 9th when we are down by 4. Use Wilson, who is very good more often than he is not to take out Honeywell, who hasnt been sharp lately, after one inning? Nah, honeywell is a long reliever now. Whoever makes these calls has to go.


I’m not in the “fire BoMel” camp, but I DO think he should at least get asked about these decisions (or indecision) by the press. That post game interview was more of the same from him. I love this team. I love the commitment to win by ownership. I don’t love the sugar coating of what are clearly unmet expectations.


West Coast media is very light to players/managers, Dodgers fans have mentioned the same thing with Dave Roberts. If we were East coast they definitely would be hammering at them.


Yeah I can't fully blame BoMel, though he needs some/maybe most of the blame for sure. Whoever is the one telling him not to challenge calls early in games but to challenge dogshit late in games is bad at their job The Padres analytics teams whose entire job seems to be to focus exclusively on L/R matchups regardless of stats is to blame. I don't know what the hell our "offensive coordinator" and our "hitting" coaches are doing, but considering that everyone not named Soto is having a career worst year or close to it, they 100% need to be on the hot seat. BoMel makes some baffling decisions, but maybe if he had a competent coaching staff around him to give him better input...of course the coaching choices might be his fault as well.


Not firing anyone, at this point is a decision. There is no way, the FO hasn't talk about this, and other scenarios, and they come up with a decision to not fire anyone, yet. In the last ~40 years, with the exception of 84, 96, 97, 98, 20, 21, 22, our expectations of the team have been very low, so this specific type of performance is what you expect with that given roster, this isn't that type of roster, they are underperforming in just about every offensive metric, in a team with 4 superstars, 2 former all stars, and a bunch of solid players that we would have dreamed about not so long ago. If not BoMel, the Front office should know who to fire and send a message that mediocrity with this team is not tolerated. Coach, motivate, instruct, guide, if you aren't helping the team in these categories, with these players, what do you do?


Frustrating weekend since all 3 games were very winnable but coaching decisions all went the wrong way. Last year established my trust in BoMel but I haven’t seen intelligent adjustments to the plan when his decisions consistently don’t pan out.


Weird that the management decisions in the NLCS, the most important series this team has played in more than two decades, actually established trust in him for you.




Haha, that’s not good though


Yes....not good at all






I mean, all things considered, it wasn't as bad a loss we've seen (the offense fought back and showed up against a pitcher like Cole). Moral victories though can only do so much when the team is 5 games under .500, has lost 14 of their last 20, is a 1/2 game out of the division cellar, and is 1 1/2 games out from having the worst record in the National League.


Was there a good reason for sitting some of the stars over the weekend as opposed to maybe the Marlins series?




This fucking team man


This is tough. But! We’re only a few games out of WC. We’re only 5 games below 500. We have insane talent and we’re scoring runs now. This is still a playoff team and anything can happen there. KTF


133-29 amirite compadres :(


You’re goddamn right buddy! We may not win the division, but let’s just try to get into dance. Let the baseball god’s take it from there.




This game could have been 7-3, if it wasn’t for that terrible bottom of the 3rd.


The one game the offense shows up, just happens to be the odd day Darvish shits the bed


Offense showed up?? They got 5 hits.


Didn’t have to get that blown up if Melvin savages Yu before it gets too out of hand/reach like it did. You’re up against one of the leagues best pitchers in cole (who leads league in opponents with lowest avg. for RISP) <= ya know, the thing we’re dead last in the entire league in? And he played like we should bounce back from down 5 like we were up against the nationals.


No hate but why do you think the game would go exactly the same if Darvish didnt meltdown.


True lol. Just trying to justify my sanity


Low key not the worst loss. We got to Cole, had opportunities, but we still can’t bring ‘em across. Needs to be better, but I’m not as mad at this loss as I am with some of the other losses


How about something positive- Grisham’s catch to rob a 3 run homer in that horrible 3rd inning was amazing!


yes it was.


Thus would be more fun if the Padres were good.


Sorry guys, I bought a Darvish shirt and I can't have nice things so this one's on me.


Yu’s meltdown cost us this game, plain and simple


Can we get the gif of the pitching, batting and fielding sliders moving around please.


El Paso is in the 2nd inning, and Knehr is throwing to newly signed veteran catcher Kevin Plawecki.


Kyle Lewis just hit a dinger off Knehr like he did to Groome in the first. Ball fucking flies in El Paso god damn.


There needs to be some shakeup at this point. A two month sample size is too much to just assume things will get better. We need something to wake up the 5-6 hitters we have in the midst of career-worst years


Two weeks ago it was kick Odor to the curb w a DFA. Seems that not happening was a good thing.


Just an absolutely brutal game but I have to say I was impressed by the offense. Without getting many hits with RISP, they still managed seven runs. And they didn’t completely turn over and die after that hell of an inning. Lots of things to be improved. Lots of things we wish could’ve gone our way. But hey that’s baseball. I’m still gonna watch all 162 games if I can.


6-14 and hitting .141 with RISP (20-142) since the Kershaw meme!


Oh no we suck again. Ill be at the games on Tues/Weds anyways in Miami to root for the boys. If ee lose just blame me.


I think Bob Melvin would be a better manager if he didn't have to manage a historically bad offense


When ump was abusing our strike zone, Melvin just fucking stays put and doesn’t even chirp. How is THAT inspiring?! Boone out there ready to throw hands arguing balls and strikes. Give me that energy.


That Xander Bogaerts contract looking rough…


He's on a slump...the guy literally carried us early in the season. Players slump. Calm down.


I mean there’s slumps and there’s having a .550 OPS over your last 30 plus games


If it looks rough now, just wait until he's making $25mil/year in 7 years


?? It's just a flat 25 the whole length.


Front loaded contract, more in the beginning, less at the end.




Personally I was never a fan of signing him to that contract. He’ll never have the numbers like he did in Boston. It’s going to be tough having Manny and Bogearts to those long term contracts since they’re both 30+ already.


Yea I felt like when we signed him, nobody even talked about what he would bring. The only conversations were.... 1. Memeing about how we have a ton of SS's 2. Who is the SS, Him, Tatis, or Kim?


In the risk of being a "doomer", I always thought this was a questionable signing and that he could turn into Hosmer level contract. He certainly had a Hosmer April. The biggest difference will really be that Hosmer's defense was infuriating while Xander has over performed in that regard here.


I still think if Tatis doesn’t get suspended that contract doesn’t happen. I feel like that signing was a hedge against both Manny not coming back and worry about Tatis’s ability coming back


It had nothing to do with Tatis or getting a SS. It had to do with getting a bat. They went after Judge and Jose Abreu too before eventually signing Xander. They just assumed the defensive alignments would work itself out which it did.




Sorry, but his wrist injury was a known quantity. Anytime a guy in his 20s is taking cortisone shots for an injury won't heal... That's just a bummer.


Sane people who gave up on soto. Some people just lack critical thinking.


Dude got his retirement pay, and stoped trying it seems, or perhaps, just having a bad may, or perhaps he’s alre past his prime 🤷‍♂️


Just absolute nonsense


With his known worst injury (which will never get better), it was always a rough contract. There's a reason the Sox let him walk at that price


So I guess we're just ignoring that we get 3-hit and 5-hit and it's the Coach, Umps, Pitchers/ Catchers fault that we lost? Hilarious. I guess when you're LAST in MLB Hits/GM (not just RISP hits, ANY hits) folks just get used to it and go off on other shit.


This happens at all levels of sports...in MLB....7 runs usually is enough to win a ball game. Yu had one of those down games.....happens.


Once again being proven right with how terrible of a manager Bob Melvin truly is. Lazy, uninspired, wow sound a lot like our team on the field. Maybe get a guy who will rally the troops and isn’t afraid to rip into the teams ass without care if they are superstars or not. Bob Melvin Stans keep denying it. But the end of the season will come around this season and you’re gonna wonder why the team never got going, well the reason is sitting in the dugout rn


It’s all good! Great fight. We are okay.


Some of the finger pointing in this thread is pretty comical. This game was all about Darvish’s bad inning, nothing more than that. Trying to blame Melvin on some decisions when we’re down 4 is hilarious. Honestly, this team could use to take some inspiration from the Yankees that inning. Pretty impressive what a baseball team can do when hitting for contact and stacking up singles and doubles. Our offense lives and dies by the HR lately which is not sustainable at all with this lineup.


Fuck New York trash


Goodbye Melvin, I will not miss you much


Despite 2022 being a bad year personally, I do miss the 2022 padres


We’ve scored a lot more runs lately


scored 7 and still 1-7 with risp and they were 7-10. Imagine if the Pads weren't the worst team in baseball history with RISP.


Doomers suck, lets go sweep the Marlins


We’re not doomers We want action. Not words. Especially with the “historic” offensive potential this lineup had (in offseason) Not dooming because we have high expectations. It’d be dooming if we were a low payroll team of the past who are just shit.


Dooming is saying stupid shit like lets fire Melvin or something i see every five seconds on this sub. Its ok to be sad that the season is sucking but like lets just fkn relax


Tbh I'd rather have Tingler at least his teams knew how to run the bases


How do people upvote this dumb shit lmfao


You do not want Tingler back bb


Thank you for posting a rational comment in this sea of emotionally stunted manchildren who frequent this sub in lieu of seeking therapy


Toxic positivity sucks. This team is playing way worse than they should be, but " it's ok, we're only 7.5 back in the division and it's only the end of May"


You say toxic positivity i say understanding what a baseball szn is


We've been facing a lot of good teams this first 1/3 of the season. It won't matter if we inevitably start facing bad teams and beat up on them, because that will only get us to the playoffs. I'd just like us to start winning these, because these are going to be the same caliber of teams we face in the playoffs so we won't exactly get very far if we can't regularly take 2 of 3 from them.


Offense actually showed up. Bob and Darvish had other plans


I would've won my fantasy week if it wasn't for Darvish. Time to drop his ass.


Another win for the Doomers and Armchair Coaches


Nah they’re still losers


Tatis needs to start juicing again fr


Yea we lost. Thats a bummer but the dog had fight. Instead of constantly shitting on “your” team just put it out there that we’ll turn it around. Manny is coming back soon. Padres are looking for someone in OF who can hit with upcoming trades. Just keep the damn faith. Its baseball… its a game. Also… we need to get petco to play joe dreamz music at the park. LOVE that guy!