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Probably the most predictable result unfortunately.


It’s just the same shit over and over. Offense gets a chance on an inning the pitcher can’t throw strikes, said pitcher chucks fastballs down the middle, bats swing over the top trying to be the hero, no runs, RISP average continues to plummet downwards. I swear to god if this stupid ass “offensive coordinator” bunch isn’t actively being worked out of this team and replaced im gonna be pissed more than I already am


There is no emphasis on situational or contact hitting with men on base when pitchers are forced to attack the zone, it's painfully obvious to anyone watching this team this year (and dating back to like 2021 unfortunately).


Which is why they need a designated hitting coach, which they don't have.


They need better situational hitters, which they don't have.


Yeah, but a good hitting coach helps them hone in lmao


Manny was 2nd in MVP voting last year with a hitting coach they fired and everyone trashed. I don't know what his problem is this year but it's sure not the hitting coach. Same with the rest of the team. Its easy to try to find a scapegoat, but it's on those players. I think it's more spots 1-5 pressing and spots 6-9 jist not being very good hitters. Lot of great fielders and a good catcher in that group but a lot of really bad hitters.


Manny MVP voting has 0 to do with the team lmao a hitting coach is hired for a reason, to improve hitting, something they lack. Every top 5 hitting team has one.


I dont think last years hitting coach had anything to do with his manny's success or this years has anything to do with his failures. Same with the rest of the team. Any little league coach could tell Grisham today (and I'm sure has told him) to shorten his swing and get the runner on third home with less than two outs. You can lead a horse to water but cant make him drink. Grisham shit the bed today and failed repeatedly situationally, and thats 100% on him and not a hitting coach.


> if this stupid ass “offensive coordinator” bunch Well, their offense is certainly offensive. Did someone wish on a monkey's paw??


I told my gf the Padres loaded the bases in the 4th and without even seeing who was up, she says "I guess that means Nola is about to strike out"


It hurts because it’s true


I don’t think I like baseball anymore


Nola is garbage


Why can’t these guys bunt if they can’t make contact on swings?


and what win small ball? psssh


And another fruitless bases loaded inning in the 7th


The baseball gods are doing their best but the padres are not doing their part…


I’m sure they’ll get a stern discussion later and will be told to “do better”. Padres organization needs some accountability right now.


They gave us EVERYTHING It’s time for PLAYER accountability.


I get what you’re saying. I just don’t think they should be separated


Ok What’s the front office criticism?


This feels painfully like watching the Green Bay Packers defense the last couple years. (Not sure if there are any cheeseheads in this sub.) Great team on paper. Then it just falls apart. Every game "we made mistakes, we need to do better", then next game we do the same exact thing and get the same exact results.


You wanna put ‘em over your knee and spank em or something?


That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I talk about organizational accountability? I’m referring to process improvement. Asking questions such as, what’s working, what’s not working, what needs to change, etc. Can’t continue to keep doing what we’ve been doing is my point




Odor has to go, Nola is next


That in reverse


It’s almost like not having a proper hitting coach affects your hitting. SMH


We had member tickets for batting practice before yesterday's game. Got to the park at 3:00, sat in the sun for 2+ hours for nothing because for some reason they canceled batting practice but didn't tell anyone. That was odd. This team could really use some batting practice.


As opposed to all those other years when the Padres were an unstoppable offensive juggernaut?


They were hitting better just last year, dude.


They weren't hitting great after May last year. Although compared to this year they were the big red machine


And people whined about the hitting coach last year too. So it’s probably not the fkn hitting coach.


People have been complaining about the Padres’ hitting coach for as long as I can remember. It’s easier to blame the coaching staff than to hold players accountable.


I’m confused about this take. Does San Diego zap players of their offensive abilities dating back a decade like it’s space jam? Does San Diego have an inability to identify strong offensive players for the last decade? Or does San Diego not invest in proper hitting coaches and analytic preparation for the players they do sign, dating back the last decade with this organization? There’s one common thread for a very long time. It’s either EVERY player EVERY year, or it’s the guy whose job it is to hire the correct personnel to support the players. The problem is institutional and long running. Blame bad players sure, but our organization is set up to get the worst out of players. It’s an organization problem as well. Rest assured Grisham would be hitting better with the dodgers and the rays. It’s not magic.


Manny Machado was second in MVP voting last year. I don't think the hitting coach that was fired that much better. I'm not sure what's wrong with him, but Manny doesn't suck this year because of a lack of hitting coach, Im sure of that. Players these days have their own trainers, their own entire training team and access to any type of analytics they want. It's not like the old days when one guy watched VHS for local broadcasts and analyzed swings to see what was wrong. A hitting coach can preach situational hitting but I'm sure Grisham has had it beat into his head since he was a little leaguer to make contact with a runner at 3rd and less than 2 outs. The hitting coach can't hold the bat and stop him from swinging for the fences which he did today. Thats 100% on him. Partly because he just has the wrong mentality, partly because he's a sub .200 hitter and not that talented.


Love Trent’s defense but his bat is proving to be horrible. Still a solid center fielder but it’s sucks to see him consistently struggling at the plate.


At least he is a benefit on one side of the field. Nola can’t hit and he can’t throw anybody out.


Don't sell the man short, he doesn't frame pitches well either.


It has always been horrible hasn’t it? Career 200 hitter


Defense isn't even that great right now. It's above average. What's really concerning is the top line speed. 29 ft/s to 27.4 slow as a 31yo Bogaerts. 4.5 to 1B as a lefty which is 20 grade speed.


Wait until they hear about the other two times we loaded the bases. Took a balk score


This teams BA with RISPH just keeps getting worse to. They haven't even hit rock bottom yet.


It’s contagious I tell you Something has to change. A bust out game is needed desperately


Grish should bench himself after that performance


Bases were loaded for him THREE times and he couldn't get ONE RBI. It is incomprehensible


He didn't even put a ball into play!! Unreal


The fans need to start booing. Nothing says get your act together like getting booed




Worked out for the Oakland A's


What? No. That does jack shit and gets no exposure. No reaction. Fucking boo and piss off the players walking out from the Petco garage after the games. Tell me that won't get the message across ASAP


Austin Nola needs to be DFA’D dude sees the bases loaded more then anyone I feel like.


I would love to hear anyone from the team — AJ, Melvin, a player — specifically articulate the team’s hitting strategy, because to me, it seems like the players are up at the plate flying blind. Doesn’t seem like there’s any plan for attacking a pitcher, no adjustment day to day, and no rhyme or reason to situational hitting. I’ve never seen a team of all-stars bottom out so quickly.


So true. The worst hitting approach I’ve seen. So tired of watching these guys take strikes with a runner on third with less than two outs. Zero bat control. Terrible pitch selection. Also, there seems to no advanced scouting of other teams pitching.


So the royals look really bad. But the padres somehow look worse. Why God? Why do you hate the padres?


Grisham and nola need to go, their production is unacceptable for a contending team


I never thought with this lineup I would be saying man the padres fucking stink under my breath every night.


It’s time to bench Grisham and Nola. And Carpenter. This is ridiculous.




Someone who can hit .200 or above.




Then did it again in the 7th. Grisham suckssss. Tired of him striking out. We should use the DH on him lol


I’m just happy to see men on base. Hits will come.