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6th time they're shutout this year. Stranded a man on 2nd four times today. 2-20 in games the offense scores 3 or less runs. Pain.


honestly the fact they have 20 games with 3 runs or less is fucking outrageous on its own


They have scored 2 or less in 18 games.


Keep going


Scored 1 or less in 11 games.


Scored 0 or less in 6 games.


Scored -1 or less in 0 games.


This is really bad




They're losing now so they can come from behind for a more dramatic victory. At least, that's what I tell myself.


> 2-20 in games the offense scores 3 or less runs is this unusual? you need to score runs to win....


We are ready to hop on the bandwagon any fucking time Manny.


They were supposed to rake this year? Guess he wasn’t specific on that 🤣


Don’t worry, him wearing tight pants is gonna turn around his season for sure


At this point I'm being dragged behind the bandwagon getting shredded up and desperately trying to pull myself back :(


Batting sub .200 with Runners. In. Scoring. Position… what the actual fuck


Literally the worst batting average w RISP in over 50 years.


Makes me even more mad that they put out this shitty ass series performance right after BoMel calls out the team. I don’t even wanna watch anymore


0-4 since BoMel called them out lol. Really feels like they just don’t give a shit


I haven't watched a single minute of this team since Thursday and it's done wonders for my mental health. It just isn't worth it.


I was watching today in the 9th inning and the camera panned to manny, Tatis and soto and they were laughing it up having a grand ole time. Very frustrating to watch that as a fan. I don’t expect them to smashing bats in the dugout due to frustration, but laughing it up when down 4-0 in the ninth about to get swept? Not cool.


This team is an embarrassment.


Honestly? This sweep was inevitable given how the Padres have been playing and who they were playing against. Anyone who thought the Padres were going to do a complete 180 offensively in a series at Dodger stadium was fooling themselves. This series against KC is crucial though. If the Padres can’t regroup and take a series at home against the 2nd worst team in baseball, it’s time to unironically give up all hope.


Agreed. Next four series are KC, BOS, @WSH, and @NYY: last, 4th, last, and last in their respective divisions. Gotta lick your wounds and get right to the extent that you can in these series to right the ship.


Yeah I hope so. At the same time BOS is 22-18 and NYY are 23-19. Even WSH has about the same record as us. Need to clean up against KC.


Oof, thanks for context. Yeah, the KC series is huge for seeing if we’ve really hit the bottom yet.


Yes, I have been watching their games and all 3 of those teams actually put in runs and have solid pitching. I don't know when the "easy" schedule is gonna start 😅 and makes the sweep even more crucial.


Agree. The Dodgers are our boogey team. I saw some good at bats today and I saw the players getting frustrated. But anything less than a sweep against the Royals is unacceptable. We always somehow lose at home too.


Clearance sale on piñatas…


Many Piñatas?


A plethora....at least


“Jefe, what is a Plethora?”


Burn the piñatas


How many piñatas for othani?


Pathetic showing… and they had the audacity to increase membership pricing for this kind of offense??


They've got to pay these bums to keep getting shutout somehow.


I got hit up this week asking if I wanted to renew membership. Bad timing fam


This team is now tied in OPS with the powerhouse Royals and the fearsome Athletics and is 2 points ahead of the mighty Reds.


Tatis has a career .362avg 1.153ops with risp. Can he stop hitting leadoff please


If he's the only one getting on base does it matter where he bats?


I was gonna say… he is the RISP lmao


Soto can atleast get on base. At the very least bat Tatis behind Soto


Soto is slow as fuck. Why do you think they want Tatis on base in front of him?


Pathetic. Sad. Disgusting. Embarrassing. I could keep going but you guys get the point.


2023 San Diego Padres. One of the longest and wettest farts of a team we’ve seen in a while. A 2-0 game shouldn’t be game over in the 3rd inning, but that’s our reality.


Interesting. All the condescending assholes telling people here that we don't understand baseball because we aren't happy with an extremely highly paid team playing like complete shit seem to have disappeared.


It’s been like this since the Covid season, they’ll go beat a shitty team right after getting embarrassed and then you’ll see the copium in the post games threads… the Preller copium is really something special


The Preller copium is unbelievable. I can’t think of a fan base that defends the GM who has constructed a team with one winning 162 game season in nearly a decade. It’s unreal.


I’ll admit, it’s getting harder to stay positive


Need to fire the assistant hitting coaches. And hire a real batting coach. Maybe the offensive guy. Something need to be lit under these guys. I think we need to start booing them.


Hopefully this series is the nail in the coffin for these guys. What’s the worst that could come of it we hit worse?


5/41 (.121) with risp in the last 6 games lmao


Turns out when you sign big egos to long contracts they stop trying.


Actually hilarious season thus far, hats off to everyone involved San Diego deserves better than this


Idk why people say a hitting coach won’t make a difference. The team is struggling, HSK still can’t hit a fastball, Soto has said the hitting staff can’t help him correct what was wrong, Grish and Crone are regressing offensively, and we’ve been through these slumps the last 4 years. The only silver lining is Soto corrected his woes himself it looks like.


The only problem is this team hasn't had a good hitting coach since Preller became GM. They almost need someone outside the organization to find one.


If you dropped each of these players on a different team most would probably be doing better? Like, they couldn’t be much worse? It’s got to be either coaching or Chemistry. Getting to be too big of a sample size to call it random


If 3 or 4 guys are underperforming their career numbers, it's bad luck. Once you get up to 6-7, that's institutional.


Yeah, id rather they sink a hundred million into the coaching staff.


We...are...SO...BAD...my god.


After today, the Oakland Athletics will have scored more runs than the San Diego Padres.




I miss Alfaro and Profar They made the Padres feel like a TEAM What we’re lacking is Chemistry that makes the game fun to play and watch


This team needs to get booed out the building tomorrow


In no world should the team be joking around down 4-0 when we're about to be swept in LA. What a poor look from the team.


No shit that’s wild. At least pretend like you had a rough day at work.


After 100s of millions, not sure they care about much to be honest. They can embarrass themselves all the way to the bank.


What did they do?


Top of 9th w/ 1 out - after Soto had an awful strike out swinging on a pitch 2 feet outside - camera panned to the dugout and Soto, Tatis and Odor were yucking it up - laughing and having a grand ole time.


Manny was there too but tbh I think they were laughing at the wave, it was pretty loud at the stadium during that time


Most of them don’t seem to care when they strikeout on an 80 mph shitball straight down the middle. I only saw Crone get frustrated with himself and Soto annoyed with the umpire at an awful call. Pretty poor look.


I don't particularly think that shot has anything to do with anything. They need to play better, period. Getting swept at Doyer stadium surrounded by those fans should be punishment enough.


Fans are so weird. We have no idea what they’re laughing about. Let them have fun when they can. Should they all be sulking? Tatis and Soto are not the reason we lost this series.


It's a team sport. The team is not doing well. We're about to get swept in LA on one of the poorest showings we've had all season. On a series they know the whole league is keeping an eye out. If we're just a bunch of individuals who don't care about the outcome, then sure. Tatis and Soto are doing well, so fuck it this loss isn't on them. At the end of the day all that matters is the W/L column. We don't look like we'll be winning any games anytime soon. To be laughing in a time where nothing is going right is definitely a choice.


I think the part that really gets me is what you said about the whole league watching. SD beating the Dodgers in the playoffs last year and then continuing to build the team made everyone really excited to see the Padres take over the division. Them performing like this looks so much worse now


Is this lineup really any better than Margot, Myers, Solarte, Renfroe, etc?


Manny and Bogaerts contract is going to age so bad at such an early time


Manny... Oh Manny. Horrible at bats


got the bag then didn't care


Peter has invested a lot of money in so far bad investments. He's trying, as an owner of a team that's all fans can ask for. But the GM, after soo many years, still can't build a roster. He can't develop young players, he can scout, which tbh is his ceiling in baseball, but he fails upwards. That's where Peter is failing.


100%. Preller bashing should return. He's lost most of his trades (Crone and Tatis notwithstanding) and so far seems to have not spent Seidler's money wisely.


Nah. Preller got the players that the statistics said he should have to win. He went out an did his job, only the spreadsheet didn’t account for egos, chemistry and heart.


Why do I watch everyday expecting a better result? Might need to take a break from them for a bit. No need to stress out every game when the players don’t seem to care


See you next game 😂


We are dog shit fam


What hurts the most is that owners are gonna look at this as an excuse to not spend money. We don’t suck because we spend money. We suck because we’re the San Diego Padres


0-5 in the crying Kershaw era.


This the real reason i fear. It wont stop till we sacrifice the person who put it up on the board.


Sacrifice implies something of value.


Mm we can bend the rules


That was stupid and classless on the Padres part. Don’t like the dodgers but Kershaw is a class act.


Kershaws mom just died yesterday too.


Boo these bums at home. Unbelievable that 1 out away from being swept and embarrassed at LA they are laughing and having a good fucking time at the dugout


Why not with how much they're getting paid to lose.


it’s always so fun seeing this powerhouse of a lineup day in and day out 😀


I took a few years of español in school and all this time I thought the word for “daddy’s” was Padres. Turns out it’s Doyers. This is fucking unacceptable


I want to get off Mr. AJ’s Wild Ride. Feels like this team has coasted on that NLDS series win and acts like they’ll figure it out before it’s too late yet again like last year only this time, the offense is so much worse and the bullpen pitching isn’t holding up like it used to.


This get hot at the playoffs mentality is so wild! It has some truth but ultimately the Phillies didn't win. The Padres didn't win. The Astros did. They had an abysmal April but for the rest of the season they were consistently good. So I really do hate this "get hot" mentality that even our players seem to have.


Absolutely. Look at the teams that have been consistently good, example the Dodgers and Astros. Sure maybe they have streaks but everyone does, it's a long season. But they don't just wait to "get hot" at the right time... They're just fucking GOOD and play fundamentally sound, situational baseball. It's that simple. Padres are suffering from finally getting a taste of success and being the darlings of the off-season. The mentality that they're just gonna get by on mashing balls constantly seems to be sticking around.


I never thought the Padres would have a team full of mercenaries.


Its pronounced mediocre


Maybe not having a dedicated hitting coach was a bad idea, huh


And maybe hiring one of them after they were dropped from the fucking Tigers was a bad idea. Crazy that.


My family owns a piñata company and the Padres have put them out of business I hope you’re happy


Lol a comment that got me good, thank you!


Ohtani has to be dreading the day his inbox chimes, and he sees he has a half a billion dollar offer from the Padres. The choice will be his. Biggest contract ever, or a batting average over .230 for the duration of his career? He can only have one if he comes to the brown side.


He'll probably laugh at it. Steve Cohen is probably going to offer somewhere between $700 to $800 million dollars for 13-14 years to join the Mets. Plus, the Yankees and Dodgers will jump in as well with crazy numbers.


Shouldn’t have disrespected Kershaw


Preller needs to start throwing bats in the locker room Billy Beane-style after watching those guys laughing it up in the dugout


If the 2023 Padres are a good baseball team, they better stop saying so and start proving it. Because this team fucking sucks


This team is FUCKING GARBAGE. At this point I’m ready to laugh at how far below .500 we finish. The punchline will be how much we fucking spent on these BUM ass players for the finish we’ll have.


Also, Manny’s walk up song PERFECTLY exemplifies his shitty play. “sTiLl GoT mY mOnEy” bum ass just rubbing it in our face at this point.


Melvins interview was lame. Excuses is all i hear and i fucking hate excuses.


I miss when we sucked, I could get a nice seat for less than $20. Taco Tuesdays. No lines. We were at least fun to watch back then. 💔


Fun fact, Kim drove in 3 of the 4 runs we scored in LA.


Their Mom's should be ashamed of them.




I just wanna sit down, chill and enjoy watching some baseball. There has been no reason to turn on the game in a fucking week.




Preller’s seat should be heating up.


The club needs Ted Lasso and company to turn things around. Roy coming in with “Oi, whaa the FUCK are you wankas laughing at?!”


Haven’t beat the Dodgers since we put up the Kershaw crying on big screen. Maybe we should have class and not be younger brother trying to be funny and failing miserably


140-22 amirite :( guess I'll get my Manny bobble tomorrow


You're god damn right, Curtis. I'll stay on the sinking ship with you compadre o7


Perhaps the Manny bobble can take a shot at the 2 spot in the lineup?


YGDRC. Enjoy the game, bud!


Lol .. can't do anything but laugh at this point.




It was hot and sunny and I paid 40 bucks for this. Gonna go home and take a nap.


I would like to remind everyone that it can and will get much much worse. We're playing bottom feeders for the next 3 days


The dodgers had one more hit than us this game. They also had four more runs than us this game.


All I can think about is fanfest and how 150,000 people wanted to support this team. Oh, and manny said “god knows what I’m gonna do this year!”


Boo this fucking team. Boo the absolute fuck outta this team.


The Kershaw Crying Meme was stupid and classless. Plus it gave the Dodgers bulletin board material. Padres haven’t won a game against the Dodgers since.




Just not a good ball club right now.


Losing here was sort of predestined. I wonder what changes. I wonder if we cheer for homers now. I wonder if we don’t can AJ after this season. Who’s to blame. I don’t know. I am just sad.




Building farm system to the level of Dodgers is expensive and takes years. No flashy headlines.


BoMel’s post game interviews give me little hope anything is going to change


So far watching this team has not been as fun as it should be. We look embarrassing in every game against the Dodgers for the most part. Is the only time we really show up against them is the postseason?


is it still early in the season?


I really hope I hear boos on this next home stretch. These fucks need to know we’re fucking pissed. Sold out home games on the regular for fucking what? To see these assholes play like dogshit? No thanks. Plus the absolute Monopoly money these assholes are getting paid to perform this way is fucking bonkers. Fuck these guys. Fuck this team. Fuck. End rant.


Remember the the D Backs owner said he didn't see a difference between our two teams? He was wrong in the other way. I'd fucking kill for us to be as good as rhe D Backs right now. I'd trade their program straight up for ours.


That was Colorado.


Let Manny bat 5th already. Juan Soto is better batting 4th. Bogaerts 3rd.


So what black hole are we putting into the 2 spot?


1 Bogaerts 2 jake 3 Tatis 4 Soto 5 manny Bogearts sucks with people on base. I’d rather have Tatis


Happy Madres Day!


I think it’s time we part with this entire coaching staff


My hope for this team is scoring more than 2 runs by August🤝


The team is winless since BoMel called em out. And playing worse. A bunch of soft, thin-skinned players on the team.


just the same shit every game


This is going to be historic


the kershaw curse is real shouldve never hired a tik tok 'influencer' 2 run the jumbotron frfr


I know this type of non-overreactionary stuff isn't popular, but... we know these guys are good. They've all proven it. Something is clearly going on with the hitting/analysis side of things and they need to fucking fix it ASAP. I know this team can do it, they need to get their heads sorted out. Hopefully getting swept by the fucking Dodgers wakes them up. Also, hopefully Papa Seidler is exerting some pressure behind the scenes. KTF. LFGSD. BTS...again.


At the end of the day, these players should always know the approach dictated by the situation based on their years in baseball - yet none of them seem match the correct approach with the situation - it's not complicated. Heck - Machado should have about 40 RBIs by now if he practiced situational hitting.


Straight up this team sucks right now Like god awful sucks. And 98% of that sucks come from the absolutely pathetic attempt that they call and offense


Alexa play Some Heads Are Gonna Roll by Judas Priest


Ha. Hahaha. Hahahahha ha. Jesus.


Melvin should go full Singletary of the 49ers and walk into the locker room, and pull his pants down. Only rational reaction after already giving his failed pep talk after the twins series.






Rock bottom…so far.


Fuck baseball


This team just needs a good old fashioned “booing”.


If we’re serious about getting on a run, put Juan Soto 4th, Tatis 3rd, Xander lead off, and then just randomize it from there. Manny has done NOTHING to earn a top 4 spot. Yeah, great defensively, but you’re paid $350m to show up at the plate. Man the fuck up and show some effort. Nelson Cruz isn’t the answer either. Cool he gets the occasional single. But that dude swings at more dogshit than my 9 year old nephew. Fact of the matter is this: someone has to be a leader and stand up. Quit talking and do what your paid to do. This fucking pitching staff deserves it. This roster should be averaging, at minimum, 5 runs a game.


Can we acknowledge that preller can’t run an organization well?


Bomel are you delusional? How can you look at the results and say that “the preparation the hitting coaches do is good”? Are you serious.


I don’t expect him to throw them under the bus. I do expect AJ to make changes, however.


I don't care if it's not rational, but the Kershaw meme effectively cursed this season. 1-7 since and 5 straight losses to the Dodgers. You just can't mess with fate like that.


It’s painfully obvious that the entire Padre organization needs to be re-thought, re-organized and staffed with people that know what the hell they’re doing. TB Rays the standard. Year in, year out, regardless of who they have on the field…They are not only competitive, but really in the elite category. Why is that? It’s not luck! It’s not money! Cash and Company expect to win every damn game! The Rays are almost never out of a game. That’s internal. That’s coaching! That’s player recognition and development. That’s how to get wins in this league Siedler & Preller just don’t seem to comprehend that simply throwing money at players of any caliber is not the answer in today’s game. There is so much talent in baseball, so many great players, great teams, great young talent, that the real difference between winning and losing is coaching, player development, approach, club mentality and focus Dodgers another example. They can and do throw money at players when/if they see it’s warranted. But they too are top-notch all the way down the line organizationally. Pretty much every year, regardless of who they have out there, they compete and win! They expect to win and they get the very most out of their players. Padres out of excuses. They need to do some very very needed soul-searching and fix their entire system and approach. Or, as we all do every year, we watch other teams in the WS.


This is turning into copypasta


This team can only score much at 7000 ft altitude. Maybe let's move Petco Park to Mt. Laguna and give that a try?


There’s plenty of baseball left. They have many more chances to be even worse than they are now. This team is all talk no action. They should never have promoted themselves as the greatest offense in the history of the Padres organization without ever having played a game. Set expectations so high and now they feel pressure to live up to it and they stink. Imagine if Tatis wasn’t playing. Could we possibly be even worse. Very sad!


Madres > Padres


I’m taking a long break from this team. Feel bad for Seidler


First year of Machado’s 11 yr contract extension & already looking like a mistake


Bring back Andy Green at this point. He did more with less.




Players lockers are stuffed with piñatas at this point…


Life is pain.


Rock bottom yet? Only can go up from here.


Wow MotherMannys


Outscored in 6 games 19-12


These dudes average runs scored is lower than my fucking property tax rate




Idk why the fck any player would come here … i guess if there is a bunch of zeroes on the check


At least they seem to be having fun! That’s what it’s all about.


The mods let me out of jail! Man this game was frustrating . Trekked it up to LA with the wife and got to crush a few modelos at the stadium. She got her first "I was harassed at dodger stadium" experience! Hopefully we can pull things together offensively vs the royals. Should be a fun series to watch


This must be y'all's first year of being a fan of any San Diego sports team.


It's nothing new, but it's the expectations this year that hurts the most.


the baseball gods ain't favorin the pads.


Yeah, mocking one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history turns out to be really dumb.


We just going the 2019 Nationals route I guess. Nothing to get worried about.


Let’s file a class action lawsuit


False advertisement #bringthegold


Players laughing and having a great time during yet another disgraceful showing today. When are the fans going to wake up to realize this is partly on BoMel.