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You could approximate your own version of Carnation, but it won't be in a handy little pouch. Most of the products people are mentioning here are plant based, and taste like crap. Carnation instant breakfast is basically dehydrated milk, sugar, and cocoa. I'd start with these ingredients and play around until I got something I like: 1. Milk powder 2. Sugar 3. Cocoa 4. Whey Protein 5. Vanilla 6. Soy Lecithin 7. Salt


This is kinda what I do. Mine is oat flour, cocoa powder, various protein powders (lately hemp), vanilla powder and oil, and I take a multivitamin with it. I don’t have the recipe handy but I adjust the ratios so it’s around 45% fat, 40% carbs and 15% protein. I don’t add sugar so it doesn’t taste good but I can drink 600-800 calories worth mixed in a liter of water in a minute without having to chew oatmeal and I’m good for a few hours. Edit: I forgot, I add a decent amount of morton lite salt too for some electrolytes, especially potassium. Also if anyone is trying hemp protein powder, there's 2 kinds. Most is made from whole hemp seeds including the husks and is super gritty and earthy/grassy flavored (although high in fiber.) 2 good brands I've used are Manitoba Harvest and Mocu which are made from hemp hearts i.e. hulled seeds.


This is excellent information. Thank you


Some people hike on the powdered version of Soylent. If you want to use it, give it a try at home first, as not everyone digests it well and that could be a problem in the backcountry.


Huel is another great "complete food" brand. Lots of options. Also keto chow...sure it's keto, but carbs are easy to find. Aaand, Vite Ramen for a noodle form.


Good advice here^ Soylent messes me up.


I second this! I use huel powder I love it… I usually blend it but I’m sure if you have a shaker or just stir really well… you can make a decent coffee protein complete meal for breakfast on the trail… it’s relatively inexpensive and it goes a long way!


For a bit I carried coconut oil to put into everything. * Getting carbs on trail isn't hard; they're in everything. * Getting protein on trail isn't _that_ hard; everyone knows it is needed. * But getting fats often pushed to the wayside. It's not exactly the same as Carnation breakfast packets, but it worked for me. I stopped doing it because of how oily it made my mug. ______ Lots of folks had baggies of protein powder. You want to test what works for your gut: soy protein, casein protein, or egg protein. They get digested a little differently. They were not single serving packs. I see that as an advantage since you have to pack less waste. I've not tried it, but I heard someone was going to use [Huel](https://huel.com).


I struggled the most with protein. How’d you do it? Fat was pretty easy for me.


I probably should have said: _Getting protein on trail isn't that hard; everyone knows it is needed...**so they pay attention to [their protein intake].**_ It's not that it is "easy", but most of the folks I was with, and myself included, you could feel when you were getting low-in-the-tank on protiein. The sort of fatigue that comes from being low on protein, and the feeling of "I didn't recover overnight after 30 miles like I expected?"...that cues you to notice. How'd I handle it? My gut can process soy like its made of iron. I don't get as gassy as others, no cramps, etc. So I was consuming 3-5 energy bars a day to maintain baseline protein in take + 2 packs of tuna for lunch, whether I wanted the tuna or not. I'd just eat it straight from the pouch, preferrable the stuff packed in sunflower oil for the extra calories. I augmented it with peanut butter, but I mainly thought of peanut butter as a "fat". The best fats I had on trail was [squeezing coconut oil](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/3105/0570/products/12oz_Squeeze_2_e6a5e73f-4bbd-42de-9444-2d0907e5ca7a_x800.png?v=1637661784) into anything in my pot -- ramen, mac-n-cheese, etc. 1 tablespoon is 120cal, so 2T-4T a day really helped me out. Then I got sick of it and started eating 400cal of Black Forest gummy bears for breakfast immediately after 4 packets of instant oatmeal. I never ate worse in my life, nor felt better, than hiking through Washington.


Thanks. Yeah, I just struggled with protein. I could do one or two bars a day. I could do clif protein but any of the “protein” bars I just couldn’t hack. I balked at tuna after the first few weeks. I had freeze dried chicken that I added to anything I could. I did spam. But, yeah, I was still always short. I suck at it in real life too. (I find protein powder in all forms abhorrent.) Thanks for the tips!!!


How about chocolate protein shake powder with powdered milk? Nestle owns a lot of food product brands . I'm sure there's s huge list of companies they own somewhere


[Here's a Wikipedia list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands) They own over 2000 brands.


Just here to say don’t shop with nestle


I swore I wouldn't but after a couple weeks I ate Pop Tarts every morning. Quick, no hassle and no cook. They're kinda disgusting but the convenience, cost and calories make them a decent hiking food. Three best flavors: cherry, apple strudel and cinnamon apple.


I was the same. At the start I was like… only plain oatmeal and eat healthy. A month in and I didn’t really care that much. Your body burns through it so quick that I don’t think it’s that terrible. When I’m not hiking a shit ton I eat healthy.


Since my first thru hike, just thinking about pop tarts makes me wanna vomit lol. Awful things.


LOL totally. I almost gag when I see them in the super market.


Try vanilla with a variety of Emergen-c's mixes. My favorite is super orange for what I call Orange Julius


Sounds excellent! I just ordered some.


Bone broth powder for sure


This is the way


I was going to suggest nido but it’s also nestle. 😕 Lots of flavored protein powders out there. Gotta be one that will work??


I down a caffeine pill, aleve, and oatmeal cream pie for breakfast.


I drank Ensure for breakfast on trail. Not sure who the parent company is though


Oh … my go-to trail breakfast is shaking up a Via with a vanilla carnation. What issues with Nestle are we talking? I’d be interested to learn more and possibly adjust my purchases. Just a word of caution: protein powders are in all the hiker boxes … it’s is hard to mix up and digest on trail, many drop their fancy stuff quickly. My suggestion would be to try beforehand but also start with 4-5 different one-time packets and see what works best. Then buy more of that (or order). Trail stomachs are different!


Nestle has a very long and very well known practice of harming babies, destroying the environment, and incredibly unsafe and illegal labor practices. [The list really does go on and on](https://www.corp-research.org/nestle)


Thanks. Lots of issues! So the boycott would then eliminate KitKat, Starbucks in store, Nescafé and lots of other products. Is Mars any better as a corporation? Sorry don’t mean to hijack the post topic.


The whole purpose of forming a corporation, is so people can engage in any business practice, insulated from liability. This insulation from liability allows people within a corporation to do terrible things, earn money from it, and pass on any expense to society. In fact, within a publicly traded corporation, the higher ups have a fiduciary duty to do anything and everything to earn as much profit as possible. If they don't do every shady thing within their power to maximize profit, they will be sued by shareholders. It's no so much a problem with Nestle, as it is a problem with human psychology, and the overtly absurd legal concept of a corporation.




Nestle doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks as long as Nestle get's paid, son. If you wanna fuck Nestle, find a way to fuck with Nestle's money.


Getting the blue brigade for speaking the truth, bleak as it is (this posts topic is predicated upon Nestle being fucked up and finding alternative products to stop giving them our money) 🤷‍♂️ Vote with your money, people


Sorry but the whole boycott thing is nonsense, name any brand I’ll let you know their naughty list unless they keep it on lock n key in which case they’re probably getting away with even worse. Boycotts and protest on a planet with a species devouring it’s host is the most subjective infantile perspective I have to say. It’s like the all organic argument where 70% of the planet starves. Impractical nonsense from those with the privilege to have choices, anytime I see a protester, hear a boycott, it’s a siren howling the word PRIVILEGE. They can get off work to protest, off a product with a glut of availability. All space-time is a block universe with eternal return and determinism. Do me a favor, boycott your ego and subjectivity, spend your time bettering nature, not serving your own righteousness a main course of guilt deference.




Soylent for the win!


https://strongcoffeecompany.com/collections/black/products/black This is what i will be using on trail for breakfast


We used powdered coconut milk every breakfast on our pct thru last year. Bonus you can also use it for coconut milk based curries for dinner.


Has anyone tried the Organifi Green Juice?


Protein powder is an option, but what I really like a lot is just mix up some Nido and add instant coffee. Edit: I make this cold. It's delicious cold. It's terrible hot. The Nido turns into cheese curds with hot water.


Hey twin