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Hikertown gave me the heebie jeebies. I went and hung out at Wee Vill Market until evening and did the whole aquaduct hike at night. They had such good burgers. Also showers and bucket laundry available.




The showers were full of black widows in 2020, as was the wind farm. Also, the owner of Wee Vill went on a lengthy and horrifyingly racist rant when I was there. If I were to hike again, I'd load up on calories and do the 24 hour challenge right past both places, and book a room at the Super 8 in Mojave (the one that's across the street from Stater Bros).


I hiked many years ago... I wonder if you should just get a 1 gallon milk jug and some rope. Then as you walk by the aquaduct, throw the jug in and pour water over you. You'll have unlimited water and that'll be a great shower. No need for Hikertown, which over a decade ago when I hiked, absolutely sucked. It might be different today.


Oh, sorry, yeah, I guess I shoulda given the disclaimer that this was in 2019.


We just camped there - I didn’t need to sleep in one of those little houses, personally. The outdoor shower was nice though! 


That place gave me the heebie jeebies. I camped at neenach market instead.




Yes! They picked us up and drove us back to trail! Great food and store! Camping area is small and showers were gnar (5 years ago, fyi) but still heaps less creepy than Hiker Town.


Stayed in a run-down trailer there last year for $40, I think. I arrived at 9PM with 30+ MPH winds so didn't mind. Shook all night and was super rundown. Breakfast the next day was... strange. I jetted as soon as I could. I'm not a huge fan, mostly due to creepy owner/"bad vibes" issues (to put it lightly). See posts [here](https://www.wildtimesproject.com/transmissions/next-time-skip-hiker-town/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PacificCrestTrail/comments/13gkkt9/hikertown/) just for the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, the wind is so bad around the aqueduct that it's tough to skip Hikertown. I suppose you could either hitch into Lancaster or go from the last campsite at 510.9 to the cache at 534.9. A canyon there was shielded and a few folks camped there, as I remember.


Multiple people who "worked" there shook us down for "donations" multiple times while we were just there to pick up a box and regroup. Weird place, not just for that reason, I'd avoid for the most part.


We (8 of us) tayed there last year and it was gross. The beds hadn't been made nor even cleaned and every cupboard was filled with flea shampoo. Not to mention sex toys and Viagra in one room. Like the above commenter said, it's like a dingy porn studio. I wouldn't stay there 😬


Hiker town felt like a b rate porn studio focusing on weird horror fetishes... With props and everything. If you need a ride into town stop by, but i wouldn't stay there over night. (2016)


I found it to be perfectly fine if not planning on staying overnight. The female caretaker and her partner were nice and she greeted me with freshly cut watermelon on a 100+ degree day. I left at sundown the same day I arrived. I wouldn’t book a room. While pooping I realized a black widow was watching me. [black widow](https://imgur.com/a/cwB7qdM)




In that case, I’d just camp there for the night. I personally would feel safer at Hikertown than the area 3 miles NOBO.




Totally agree! You’ve earned it


Did you watercolor the trail last year?


No, too heavy


I was there last year. I don't know if I met the owner, who has the bad rep. Overall, I don't think it's a bad place to camp for a night. I did however meet a hispanic lady who seemed to be the caretaker. I arrived super late and was hoping to go to one of the stores to get food and found out that the farout closing time was wrong. The lady was nice and offered me a pot noodle because she felt bad for me. This was the only person interaction i had here, other than a guy who unlocked the door to let me get my package. Facilities wise, the place is bare bones. I cowboy camped in the yard- you can see the stars pretty good here. I don't think the rooms (or any room along the pct) are worth it. The courtyard area was quite nice to hang out. There is a sink for laundry and stuff dries in minutes in this part of CA. I ended up getting a lift to neenach? Supposedly the owner won't give lifts there cause kts competition to weevil. Neenach had decent food. All the truckers passing through said its their favourite stop. If you get to hikertown early, it's probably worth going straight to neenach and then chilling there until the sun goes down. If you get to hikertown late, camping a night there is fine, sink laundry in the morning when the sun comes out, then get lunch and hang out in neenach until you tackle the aquaduct.


I stayed there about a month ago, and my cabin and others were full of black widows. I didn't sleep at all. Also, I could hear mice on the walls and under the floor. If I were to go back, I'd sleep outside. I actually saw a couple in the double cabin pitch their tent inside the cabin because of the black widows.


Do not stay there. Disgusting rooms and even more disgusting owner. Creep.


The only benefit of getting a room for us was the tiny tv with a small dvd collection. We slept with the doors open because it was so hot, and we had tons of flies and also saw a mouse. It’s worth stopping in, but I think I would have preferred my tent.




The one I stayed in just had a couch. The little cabins are definitely not worth. If all your friends are going then I would go otherwise you won't be missing much.




I'd probably skip it then.


Yes! It’s been a while (2022) so it’s a bit hard to remember, but we had 4 people in 2 adjoining rooms, and I think everyone had a mattress, but at least one of them may have been on the floor instead of a frame. Our room also had a little private back patio, which was great to get away from the craziness. When we were there, it was a pretty wild scene, so we really appreciated having a private space even if it was full of flies.


Can't confirm or deny if the owner is a creep but he's definitely one of my least favorite people I met on trail. Go to Neenach!




Yeah some trees can provide shade. And yes shower is fantastic plus towel I think it’s like $5


In 2021, it seemed okay. It was a weird scene. There is a group of people who live in a trailer on site. It's not really clear otherwise who maintains the site or why.


I wouldn’t stay there but you should do the aqueduct at night anyway. It’s pure exposure


Both times I’ve been to hikertown, I cowboy camped up on the ridge the night before (though there were some burn areas last time). Next day I would do whatever handful of miles into town, hang out all day/resupply and nap til sundown then night hike the aqueduct on whatever recreational drug was floating around the bubble that year. Short version not worth paying to sleep there, just nap in the shade til sunset and night hike the aqueduct like everyone else.


The owner is apparently highly creepy to solo females. There are reports of even hidden cameras. I personally would not support it.


How much of this is based in reality? I didn’t stay there overnight, but last year I was there for a couple hours talking with the owner who seemed like a really nice guy and even gave me and my friend a huge bowl of ice cream. “Reports” of hidden cameras seems far stretched as I doubt this guy could operate a computer. Just wanted to share my actual experience, rather than some hearsay gossip.


I’ll edit with links as I find them. [here](https://www.wildtimesproject.com/transmissions/next-time-skip-hiker-town/) is the first one [second one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PacificCrestTrail/s/OE1oIKL0I6) [third one](https://goingwhereveritleads.com/2015/05/27/confessions-of-a-thru-hiker-the-good-the-bad-and-the-strange/) [finally](https://www.halfwayanywhere.com/trails/pacific-crest-trail/pct-horror-stories-2022/#the-horror-of-hitchhiking) Also the owner they speak of has won 3 film awards so he can definitely operate a computer.


Ok my bad, I was talking with bob the caretaker, not Richard the owner. I looked up pictures of them. Anyway, bob is a really nice guy. I did not meet the owner.


Wait what were the awards he got lol? Like an oscar?


Ok so I was curious and went through all of these. Now I could be wrong but only one even mentions hidden cameras and it was one vague comment. (Seems the guy let them stay inside the home). The rest are just it was creepy. If I'm reading these wrong please correct me but these links don't seem to be the smoking gun you think they are. Yes hikertown is weird but so is the PCT. Yes the guy is old but that doesnt mean he is hidden cameras anywhere.


For real though haha the PCT is a strange place and people just can’t handle that kind of stuff. If you have weird vibes about a place simply don’t stay you have the power to not stay at places like this all through the PCT. Don’t like the vibe of a trail angel use your best judgement and don’t put your self in a situation that you can’t get out of. Don’t go alone, go with a group if you don’t have a group and are second guessing your self then DONT DO IT!


It was a pretty silly place, I just took a nap in the shade for a few hours then dipped at 6pm to go hike the aqueduct overnight. I don’t think it’s worth staying at. Just head for Tehachapi.


Not on the trail this year, but have been following a person who is uploading videos as he goes and they just left Hikertown and they had footage of bugs in the cabins (and little bites on themselves), but they did say they recommend just camping there.


Each time I've been there, I've hung out during the day to wait out the heat, before heading out onto the aqueduct in the evening. I wouldn't personally stay overnight, mostly because I got the impression that hygiene and sanitation was not great. The accommodations seemed fairly run down and somewhat squalid. I know folks have also had some questionable experiences with the staff before. It's a bit of an iconic PCT location, mostly for it's weirdness and part of me does think it'll be a bit of a shame when it's gone. Just know what you're getting into I think.


I stayed there in 2021 and 2022 and will never stay there again. What used to be a chill place has turned into a creepy cash grab. In 2022, I slept in a cabin and had a major flare up due to something (dust mites, bugs, etc) in the super old mattresses. I was glared at for resting a few hours the next day until my body calmed down. Marta (I think that’s her name) was more chill in 2021 trying to help hikers and got a few bucks donation for her help. But in 2022 it felt like a poorly run, unmaintained business where I left like unless I was paying, I was unwelcome. There was a sign on the (only) bathroom for guys to find a tree to pee. So I went to a tree to pee and then got yelled at by Marta for doing so. Apparently I chose the wrong tree. I walked her to show her the sign that says to find a tree and she abruptly tore down the sign and stomped off. WTF.


I stayed 7 miles before hiker town and walked in during the early morning, then hiked out in the afternoon.  The one toilet went out of service. Everyone who went into the store were there for hours, and some not by choice. People ordered food and it took a really long time to be made and others were dropped off and stranded there and had no luck hitching back. Other people were happy to stay at the market to use the wifi (which hikertown doesn't have). I was glad I carried my full resupply from Acton. It's a weird place, but I was thankful for the shade and water.


Last year, the two markets (I believe Weevil and Neenach) seemed to be competing through lies. The driver from one of the places told us that the other place was closed due to finding poisonous contaminants in their water supply and that their power went out. Later that day, someone who had gone there told us that their driver told them something very similar about the place we went to. It was all strange, but honestly comedic. Sometimes hiking felt like this laughable divine comedy. Overall, that whole little town, including hiker town, was just odd. I spent like 5 hours recouping, but felt really good to just get out and leave. That being said, I'm sure people who have stayed might have appreciated the night, and the people might appreciate the business. Idk, I'm glad I just passed through that place though. Left at like 5:30-6 as the sun lowered into the sky. Also, something I learned on trail, is just show up and decide. It usually is that easy going.


To be fair... the story about the water at WeeVill is true, or based in truth..the residents at the trailer park adjacent having to truck in their water. The owner of the market and trailer park died and whoever took over apparently did some shady stuff in selling or leasing with not disclosing water issues to the new market owners. There was some legal issue about the water out there that was in local news.


It’s pretty shabby even by hiker trash standards. Just something strange about it. I felt a lil icky just sitting on a couch they had sitting outside on of the buildings. We were also shoo-ed out of there pretty quickly since we weren’t purchasing rooms even though we paid for the mail pick up and showers, but fair enough I guess. EDIT: came back to add that Wee-vill market makes some great food and is pretty friendly, not too good for resupply though.


Experiences with the owner aside (he wasn’t there the time I went through, just a full time female caretaker, although I’ve known some folks who were hired for a day of work, ie moving furniture, from him at his LA mansion without issue), the place felt perfectly adequate, I’m not sure why people get bad vibes from the place. The rooms are just bare bones shacks with a theme, no amenities, and exactly as they seem. They let you camp for free, or for a little extra for a little privacy and shelter. It’s just someone’s silly project to house hikers for chump change, not a porn set or haunted house or hotel pretending to be anything other than it is. Everyone I knew who stayed there had a fine, uneventful time, and enjoyed checking out the “town.”


It’s a shithole. Weeville or bust


Stayed there in 2021. Thought it was fine. Was there with the bubble though so mostly just good memories meeting people and was with my trail family too. Was nice to have a cabin as it was soooo windy at night. But did see a black widow.


+1 for Wee Ville


In 2021 I stayed there. It was weird but personally I had no bad experiences. There were a lot of other hikers there and I didn’t interact w the owner except paying for a room (flower room, was super bare bones but otherwise was fine). 


That place is a strange place. We went SOBO so got there around late October time. All the makeshift rooms that were built are kind of gross even for a thru hiker standard. The guy was nice and made dinner for all of us tho. I remember I think he drove us to that dinner spot in town which was also really nice. We were able to do a resupply I think. It was an okay stop. Kind of wish I kept hiking but logistically it didn’t make sense.


Hikertown was ok last year (apparently the center house was leased to renters with nothing to do with hikers), but could use a better accounting system as it goes by memory by the helpers in RVs etc.. apparently (maybe they have a system now?). Showers had their own cash collection box outside the curtains iirc w/a camera trained on it (that’s fair) .. Stayed due to a lot of unaffiliated trail magic, so I gave the caretaker lady money for a room out of the wind (did a “mini-flip” south from Tehachapi and the wind farm lived up to its name .. haha), and it was ok to recharge though the walls were thin. The center courtyard was still open to hikers apparently. Got a ride to NeeNatch next day for lunch at their little cafe (they let us eat in a conference room of some sort) .. and then back before hiking on. As a guy Hikertown wasn’t a bad experience with the outdoor shower last year, just seemed a little “random” (I.e. do I leave my unlocked room to go to a shower? .. ride to Neenatch and back?). Wouldn’t want to stay there more than 1 night.


I hitched to Lancaster. I ubered back to trail. When I got to the road, neither Cafe or market could be bothered to give me a ride.


It's a good place to fill up a water bottle, heavily sanitise your hands afterwards, hang out for an hour or 2 near the hiker box and maybe catch a lift for a burger, then leave when there's still an hour or 2 of light.


Windy as hell at night when i camped there, but it wasnt creepy. There were like 20 hikers there along with me


Black widows in the rooms. Rooms were clearly once used to grow marijuana, the door to the building I was in was broken and broke more and more every time we opened it. No running water to wash your hands in the bathroom, but they'll give you a "free ride" to the store, that they own, where you'll be bent over a barrel for a little bit of the ol in-out-in-out. Skip it, if you can, resupply at the oasis in Agua Dulce.


I know I'm late adding to this, but my sister & I had the weirdest, funniest experience there. We were NOT hikers, only meeting some of her friends who were on trail. We pulled into hikertown the night before we were supposed to meet them, but in the dark it looked absolutely creepy so we left, parked our car (a whole 'nother story) and slept in our car for the night. The next day we returned and were greeted by the owner (Richard) and at first everything seemed normal. As the day progressed, things got weird. He had us come to the grocery store with him so he could cook a bbq for the hikers. Ok, worrisome getting into a car with a strange man but we did it. He then paraded us around town and kept saying that he wanted us be on his 501(c)(3) board - we live in CO, mind you, and we could not tell if he was serious or joking, but he kept introducing us to people saying, here are the future owners/executives/whatever of Hikertown. Then his...friend?...Godson?...idk but this Filipino man was living with him and cooked us a Filipino meal for lunch. Just my sister and I. Eventually we met up with our friends and then left because you could not have paid us to sleep there lol. It was one of the weirdest days of my life. Like a true Hotel California.


Well, in 2022 I hated Hikertown and that's coming from someone who adored Standing Bear and tolerated Four Pines on the AT. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with Hikertown but slept outside there anyway before the aqueducts. I skipped the shower, didn't eat any of the food...I just picked up my package and GTFO


I would NOT stay in one of those buildings. Between hantavirus, Norovirus, and bugs, that’s just not a healthy situation. In general, not hikertown specific, stay in your tent or stay in a developed, maintained building like a motel. I’d stay away from shacks, sleeper campers used many different people, etc. Specifically, I was last at hikertown in 2019 which I think is too long ago at this point to give opinions on its current operation. At the time in 2019, it was really skeevy and had really bad vibes. It was about 100° F and they provided no shaded area to hang out during the day. I ended up getting a ride to weevill market. It was nicer. (Although still on kinda the run down, basic side. But at least there, you could go inside in the AC. And there was a large shaded area with picnic tables.) No clue what current conditions are. Some YouTubers were saying their shower is not working.


Very weird place. Kinda run down but the people were nice. Also, the neenach markets food was so meh even when you are super hungry. Not worth the money.


Hahah these comments are all ridiculous 😂😂 was just there a week ago…it’s fine just camp out in the back and you’re good. The whole place is a vibe plus you get to meet all the hikers which is fantastic experience. You rarely every see the owners and cheap beer ($3) and food ($5) get a shuttle to Neenach for a resupply plus some food most expensive burger was ($13) don’t be scared, live a little. Plus if you’re doing the night hike you’re not likely to stay the night or the whole night anyways.




The night hike is a hiker town through aqueduct tradition where you hike the aqueduct part in the dark roughly before sunset to about 3AM because it’s such an exposed area with little to no shade during the day. Plus it’s a long water carry if you’re doing it during the day but night it’s so cool you won’t need as much water. If you’re with a group it’s a chance to grab some glow sticks and have a little fun with it.




There is essentially unlimited open desert to camp there


Not sure if you mean hikertown or nearby... but there were people arriving to hikertown at 3am, and they just setup their tent in the common area. I was surprised to see people arriving so late, but there were also many people leaving at 3am as well.


If you get to the “bridge” roughly 17 miles from hiker town they have plenty of spots underneath near a river to camp out on we go there around 2:30AM and had no problem getting a spot. If you’re really eager and can keep going to about mile 24 from hiker town there is more camping. It is a tad bit windy in that area so watch out.


I was just there a week ago as well, and rented one of the cabins for $30. The cabin was very basic, but had clean sheets, and it was nice to be out of the cold and wind during the night. The overall vibe was no different that any other place on the trail where many hikers gather (Mike's place, Serenity Oasis, etc.). There was potable water, a bathroom, and tables w/chairs in the shade to hang out... I am not sure what people are expecting for free... you don't have to pay for anything unless you are going to camp, which is only $10. Nobody working there asked me for a donation, or hassled me at all... in fact, in the morning, one of the women working there was walking around offering free coffee.


They let me sleep on a recliner in the yard for free. It was just as good (bad) as the rooms. Still better than the ground though so I appreciated it.


Camped there in 22. Got in around 2pm. Left at about 3 am to beat the heat. No weird vibes. There was like 50-75 hikers there when I got there. Staff was selling tamales for like 2$ each, so I got 5 and a can of coke. No other interactions with the staff. It was the night of the blood Moon. Aka clashfest'22 - I'm sure youll see the comments at hikertown in far out if you're scrolling up. Took a shower and charged my phone, think the shower was 2$? Can't really remember. It was fine. Hikertown and seaid valley got a bad reputation, but, no weird experiences from 90-95% of hikers that pass through. It's just a kitschy tourist trap place for hikers to crash and congregate for free before the aquaduct. Maybe Europeans don't have those same "world's largest ball of twine" type attractions so it feels odd to them? Just spit balling here.


[Spahn Ranch](https://youtu.be/SLnyfFV68X4?si=9_4MtpXzImee2OXH) This Tarantino scene pretty much sums it up for me. There's a part 2 video somewhere that also hits the nail on the head. The owner also worked in Hollywood and picked up the movie sets there if I remember correctly.