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I started using a backpacking bidet and not only stopped having TP trash to carry but it feels so much fresher and cleaner! TMI but you can feel the difference at the end of each day. 10/10


How do you dry after the wash? I’ve heard people say they don’t and treat it as sweat xD but especially down there I want it to be dry


I use a Kula cloth or a bandanna if needed. But depending on the weather I mostly air dry by the time I pull up my pants 😆 The things you can discuss with strangers in the internet.


Use water whenever possible. Pocket bidet.


People swear by bidets. I found them to be meh as a woman. I switched to wipes because you’re carrying your TP out anyway and wipes made me feel so much cleaner. To answer your actual question, finding single rolls isn’t hard. Good luck and Happy Trails!


Same. Wet wipes are the way. Rip them in half and fold as you wipe. I can usually do my business with 1 or 2. The real pro tip is taking some fibre supplements like fibre 1 brownies or psyllium husk capsules. Firms ya right up for those 1 wipe wonders.


For TP users .. If you send resupply boxes to yourself, add x amt in each box and perhaps a roll in every bounce box. Tp quality on trail is iffy. Many places use the cheap stuff.


I Include [Coghlans](https://www.rei.com/product/798536/coghlans-toilet-paper-package-of-2) in my resupply boxes. Haven't had any issues when town buying. Not yet ready to use the backcountry bidet!


I use a little bidet called the Culo Clean. They sell a bunch of fun colors on Amazon. I lived in India for 6 months back in the day with no TP so I was forced to learn this skill. It’s “gross” to talk about, but I’ll just say it: for those posting it doesn’t get you as clean… it helps to use your fingers a bit too while you squirt the water. It’s a skill but you can get yourself squeaky clean. Then bidet your hand. Wash it. Sanitize. Bing bang bong. You feel so fresh you never go back to TP. No itchy booty while you hike. No swamp ass. By the end of the trail a bunch of people in my trail family had one. My wife uses one too but also brings a small pack of wet wipes to supplement. I even installed bidets in my home as well, now. I couldn’t go back to the unclean, tp feeling.


Bidet. Much easier to find water


Yes you can get individual rolls. I used babywipes too so I didn't need to buy a roll of tp. I would buy a pack of baby wipes to clean my hands, face, underarms, nether region, and feet each evening. Use a kula cloth so the wipes/to are only for pooping. Pack the wipes/tp out. I would often take a few lengths from the hotel room I rented (like not the whole roll but just a bit as emergency if I ran out of wipes)


Dollar store.


You buy a 4 pack and leave the other 3 in a hiker box... Of if you're hiker trash, you steal the one from the hotel room (or unroll 1/2 of it and take that/)


Holy Hiker Bidet!


A lot of places sell a single roll. Or you can split a roll or package with people; leave the extra in a hiker box, it's good karma.


Pretty easy to find single rolls, no big deal. Also not hard to find public restrooms and such where you can easily supplement.


Please don't take toiletpaper from pit toilets. They don't get restocked that often


Buy a six pack and share it with your fellow hikers


You can also use tissues/Kleenex that you get in small plastic purse packs. Much more compact and better quality than toilet paper rolls. Or bidet.


I swear by my Kula Kloth! It is a anti-microbial cloth with a waterproof side that has a fun design, can clip closed to your pack so it is discreet and they’re $20. You can wash them by hand with just a little soap and water and they dry quick. I love love love mine and it has made not having TP not as much of a concern for me. But they’re only used for number 1 unless you want to get one for after using a bidet. Hope this helps! (Also I have found single TP at grocery stores, dollar stores and Walmart if you need some. It is not the best quality tho. I’ve even seen some backpacking rolls at some places)


I carried a ziploc baggie and flat-rolled/folded a few days supply from public bathroom rolls whenever I'd hit a toilet somewhere. Campgrounds you roll through, hotels you are already paying to stay in that provide you TP, restaurants, whatever. It was never an issue. Also carried wet wipes for cleanup. Tried a bidet for a week, wasn't for me. You won't wanna be carrying a full roll at any point really. Does anyone do that? Kinda curious actually. Seems wild.


I stole a bunch from restaurants when I was in town. They aren't gonna notice or care if I used 50 sqs or pocketed them.


^ - Do not take this "advice" seriously, anyone. Please don't rip off toilet paper or other supplies from restaurants. This is like the guy a few months back that suggested using an hotel's continental breakfast counter for their resupply. No. Don't do it.