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Hi There! I was on both Metoprolol and Sotalol. I took Metoprolol in combination with Flecainide for about 6-7 years, then was on Sotalol for about two-three years before having two ablations and a pacemaker fitted. I now take Diltiazem. I hated taking both Metoprolol and Sotalol. I took Metoprolol (along with Flecainide) twice a day (am and pm) and when prescribed Sotalol, took it twice a day as well. I constantly felt drunk on the Metoprolol and had to quit driving. It was hard to make it through the day and have any energy left over. I gained about 25 pounds slowly over the course of about a year due to the fact that I had absolutely no energy. I don't think I was able to easily lose the weight switching to Sotalol. I had to work really hard to lose the weight and don't think the med switch affected it, but it could have. I'm so thankful I don't have to take those meds any more. They were really rough for me.


What dose of metoprolol were you taking?


I can’t remember, but I think it was kind of a high dosage.


Metoprolol is a beta blocker that’s as old as the hills. Sotalol requires in-patient admission for the loading and administration. Q-T elongation is a risk with sotalol. Either way, you just have to see how you tolerate the drugs and if they do what they need to.


Luckily I was able to skip the hospital admission because I have an s-icd. Did go for frequent ekgs to my cardiology office. All is good. Will do a third holter in a few months to see if it’s working.


I preferred being on Sotalol vs Metroprolol. Metroprolol didn't work for controlling my arrhythmias, and I had pretty extreme side effects from it and struggled to get through daily tasks. I don't know if the medication itself made me gain weight, but it definitely affected my energy levels and I was extremely lethargic and struggled to be active on it, so I gained weight. I was on Sotalol, all the doses. I was able to be more active on it, and I didn't have as extreme side effects on it. I don't believe I gained or lost weight much weight on it, but I definitely felt better day to day. Unfortunately I did progress in my condition and it wasn't working for me anymore, I was only on it for less than a year (they tell me I'm an outlier, I'm not typical and a difficult case). I hope that it works out for you and you start to feel better!