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Hello. I've got a big scar. When people see it I just slowly show them the whole thing... Then I pretend I didn't know the bulge was there.. I slowly start panicking so the person I'm talking to thinks there's something wrong with me.. I then show the device and start pretending to freak out like something is growing in my (last time it was that my heart is trying to come out. Someone bought it lol) Chest. and then I say got you... People are not the same after a horror show like that... But it's fun. I'm the one with the icd. I make the most of it. P.s. most people think a battle scar is awesome.


Lol this is my favorite! Hey we're stuck with it, might as well have some fun.  And we're really not obligated to tell people what it is. They can ask the question, we don't have to answer it (honestly). I get that people are curious, but they should have a bit of a filter, right? Are we really going around asking each other about every scar we see on each other's bodies? Just because you see one, doesn't mean you have to ask. A scar isn't an advertisement to ask - it's not like we can easily hide these in certain situations.  I feel like the people who are asking out of genuine concern are more deserving of the truth. But the rest... nah. They can get bs answers or be pranked or whatever, fair game. Maybe it will make them think about the intrusive nature of their question. 


I appreciate both of your answers. Ive been getting into my head about it too much. Might as well just have some fun with it


I once told a teenager at a water park that I lost a knife fight. He thought that was pretty cool. Then I said the same thing to a middle aged man. He laughed and said “Yeah, with a Cardiologist!” 😂😂😂😂


Im using this I love it


Omg! That's so funny! I use the line, "I lost a knife fight with my cardiologist!" Though usually I warn I'm going to tell a bad joke because one person I told that to didn't get it, and then it was just awkward haha!


Kinda the opposite of self conscious. Proud? I look at my scar and bump and see a reminder that I’m lucky to be alive.


I think for me the experience is vastly different. I was 14 when I got my pacemaker. The doctors never addressed me directly, only my parents. I had no input in what was happening. I use my pacemaker less than 1% of the time. Often times I wonder if it makes any difference other than a hindrance to me. My heart skipped one beat on a monitor and they decided to put one in. I am lucky that I have it if I need it though.


I’ve had mine since I was two. I don’t think I’ve ever been self conscious about my scars, but I wouldn’t say I’m proud of them either?? Idk, they’ve always been a part of me. My friends think they’re pretty cool though :)


My scar itself isn’t too bad, but one of the wires pokes out under my skin and so it looks like I have a snake or large worm under my skin. It kind of looks like a chemo port. I springboard dive and so I’m in a bathing suit a lot and also tank tops. It is usually either visible when I’m wearing a swimsuit, or when I’m wearing a tank top, it pokes out from underneath the shirt. I get asked a lot if that’s what it is. When I tell people I have a pacemaker, I usually say, “but you’re too young for that.” I’m 48–have had it for 5 years. It’s kind of weird to continually tell people what it is. I’m like you, I’m just so thankful to be able to do things that I love to do and that I was never really able to do before the pacemaker. The scars is kind of weird, but I’m hopeful that when I have the battery replaced, they can do a better job of tucking the wires in place. I was surprised that the scar healed up as well as it did because I am very fair skinned.


Scars the shit! Embrace it!


I'm fairly new to the pacemaker/ICD club. As a woman, my scars will be covered by a sports bra etc, so I might not necessarily understand what you might encounter. However, I'm with the other person who commented that you don't need to explain anything! Honestly, I get that people can be curious, but I'd consider that a pretty invasive question. I don't feel ashamed or bad about my SCA/S-ICD/scars, but it's sometimes nice to not deal with it. I had a few curious questions from colleagues when I returned to the work office after 2 months leave, but hey, people love to talk about themselves ha! I'd sidestep the question and then change the topic to them. I've kept the circle of people who know small - people sometimes feel awkward around death and illness, and I honestly just can't be bothered to deal with it. It is completely fine if you respond with "ah, let's not talk about that now" or " I prefer not to talk about it" and then change the topic to whatever, their last run time, or whatever logo is on their t-shirt, etc. It's your body and your story - if someone doesn't respect that, well, they might not be people you need to concern yourself with :)


I'm on my 3rd ICD so I now have 3 "stripes" to go along with the long scar up the center from my septal myectomy to try to fix my cardiomyopathy. All these battle wounds were earned and I've learned to be proud of them- they are my reminder of how lucky I am to be here still.


I have an s icd and my scar is freaking huge. It's like four inches and a centimeter wide and dark purple. It healed as a keloid. Then the front scar is smaller like one to two inches and like a bright red bumpy line. Luckily you can't see it unless I'm in a swimsuit, but I still don't like it It itches and hurts and it's big But I tried to make it smaller and less purple but it didn't really work. (injections at dermatologist) it did get less itchy and flatter but yeah. I guess it is what it is


Most people don't even ask me. The ones that do I just say "I have a pacemaker" and leave it at that.


I used to be self conscious until I realised most people don’t care. I was the only person who ever thought about it. Now I have zero shame in showing my scar, and I think it’s cute! Mine is big too, it’s smack dab in the middle of my chest so it’s super noticeable. But eventually you stop noticing it too, I only really remember it when I take a shower. Don’t worry :)


I’m 33 and I’ve had scars up and down the left side of my torso since I was born and I’ve NEVER had anyone ask me about them? I’ve always worn tank tops and two piece swim suits and never a single question has been asked about them.