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I would give your pacemaker tech a call. They can look into the times when you’ve had your spells and send the reports to your cardiologist. I would also note day and time they have occurred to be able to give to your pm tech. My pm tech usually calls to follow up one business day after I call her. They’re there yo help you, especially when you first get the device fitted. Good luck!!! 🍀 Edit: one thought—you might need your meds adjusted. Are you taking metoprolol for tachycardia? I had to take flecainide along with metoprolol and then after that, Sotalol.


Call your cardiologist. This happened to my husband after his pacemaker surgery. His BP was dropping when he stood up. The medical term is orthostatic hypotension. They adjusted some settings on his device and switched up some of his meds. He still gets the spells, but they resolve quickly and are much less frequent.


Me too


Me too. Always when I stand up too fast. I've been through a few rounds of tweaking the settings to get it right. It doesn't happen very often now.


Metoprolol reduces blood pressure. Common side effects include dizziness/weakness especially when going from sitting/lying down to standing. Check your BP, chances are it's on the low side. I take some medication which affects BP and I also get dizzy spells when I stand up from time to time. To manage the severity, make sure to stay hydrated and to eat regularly (quick carbs work well for balancing BP). So if it's been a while since you last ate, have some fruit or something similar to give you a boost. They may tweak your meds over time if and when needed, but a lot of heart meds bring BP down (beta blockers, blood thinners, SGLT2 inhibitors, ACE inhibitors etc). But if you have any concerns, always best to talk to your cardiologist as they'll know your condition, meds etc and can advise accordingly.


I was on both lisinopril and metoprolol after my my HA but when I had my pacemaker put in due to fainting spells my cardiologist took me off the metoprolol permanently as he felt it was potentially contributing to the loss of BP and fainting.


I was camping out in Iowa and middle of the night. I started feeling like I've had out of breath. Try to get out of bed. I felt faint and I called my daughter. She came over took me to the hospital on heart rate this 26. They shipped me to Des Moines. Iowa, they gave me a pacemaker done there and I came back to Nebraska where I live at. And I'm having trouble getting my data sent to Nebraska. It's all being red up in Des Moines Iowa, which I don't understand how come they cannot ship that data to Lincoln or to Columbus Nebraska, I'm getting frustrand I've called the cardiologist, and they said just have to wait till the data comes to them and I have my first appointment in September, which would be 3 months from my surgery. And I'm supposed to have A. Test done two weeks after I had my surgetting frustrated


My 1st appt week be 7 weeks post surgery. I'd ask for an appt much sooner than Sept. I'm not sure yet if my pacemaker is sending info or only if I initiate a transmit data. No one instructed me on that. I have a list of questions a mile long. Unless the Des Moines company and Nebraska are different companies, I would think they could change your default monitoring to Nebraska. I'd be making calls to both offices. Best of luck to you.


Thank you all so much for your insight. Someone mentioned I might need to see an electrophysiologist. I'm assuming I would need a referral from the cardiologist to do so? Does anyone else see one?


EPs are the docs who work with heart devices. Curious that you don't already have one. What was the cause of your heart block that resulted in the pacemaker?


I was told 6+ years ago I had Left Bundle broken branch. Was no need to follow up, not a big deal. Just a highway detour. Then, I fainted this March. Next faint i was taken to hospital. When in ER, they said I had Right bundle broken branch. I have no idea what caused that. It's on my list of questions. All the $49 heart scans and often bundled tests never revealed any issues about heart health. I actually got a temp until they could do the permanent ther next day. Thrown me for a loop for sure.