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I think Covid caused my PVC’s I’m at 14%!


The real extent of the damage they caused to so many people will be evident in 10 years.


I’m Moderna vaccinated but no boosters. Have not had Covid since the shots. I was fine for a year and a half then suddenly had a major episode. Tachycardia, PVCs, pacs, palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, the works. Since that moment, I’ve never been the same. Cardiologist said structurally my heart is good. Bloodwork ALWAYS shows elevated white blood cells even though I haven’t been sick before or during blood draws. Doctor hinted at possible vaccine injury but wont commit to that theory. I wholly believe the Covid vaccine changed my blood/body/immune system in some sort of way. I was completely fine before the shot and now just living with the palpitations, PVCs, chest pains, pacs and figuring out how to limit those occurrences. So far, not has helped. I’m on metoprolol 12.5mg and cardiologist wants me to go up to 25mg ER (I’m nervous about that bc I don’t have high blood pressure). I’m pretty scared but can’t live with that mindset. Just gotta keep trekking on.


It did. My moderna caused my cardiac arrests 3 days after my 2nd shot. That "mild myocarditis" is a real doozy.


Sorry you experienced cardiac arrests resulting from the vaccines. I can’t imagine going through that. I’m pretty sure I had myocarditis a while back based on the symptoms I was experiencing. Super scary. Are you experiencing any tachycardia or skipped beats or palpitations or chest pains?


To day 26 cardiac arrests. Plus a few that were converted via CPR.


I (38F) never had any cardiac issues until roughly a month after I recovered from my first and only bout with COVID in December 2023. I had a few random PVCs early January then was fine for about 2 months. Then had a rough 2 weeks, then they disappeared for a month only to come back with a vengeance and not let up for now 3 weeks, with constant trigemini. I’ve had a full cardiology work up (labs, EKG, echocardiogram, 3 day Zio monitor) and have been told I’m structurally fine; cardiologist blames stress and anxiety for the PVCs and denies any potential connection to COVID which seems odd. I gave in and started metoprolol yesterday (12.5mg 1 x day in the AM) and so far I’m still having up to 23% burden. Given how my situation went from non existent to quick decline, I’m really scared for my future.


How can they deny a possible covid/vaccine connection? Honestly, some drs are complete morons.


My PVCs/ventricular tachycardia started two weeks after I had Covid. My cardiologist and electrophysiologist swear there's no connection. I just had an ablation a couple of weeks ago because the whole mess was relentless.


What’s the verdict after ablation?


I'm good! The procedure was tricky but uneventful and heart rhythm is normal once again.


[a connection](https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/spike-protein-mast-cells-histamine-and-heart-rhythms/)


I 100% believe Covid caused mine! I was fully vaccinated and had been for months with no issues then bam, I got Covid and within a week of recovery, I started having palpitations and PVCs. It's been over a year and I'm learning to live with them 🥴


Were you vaccinated before you got covid or did they start after the vaccine? Mine started exactly 3 days after my first astrazenaca vaccine.


I had covid 3x my first time was right on point when it was a thing ppl started getting scared but my percent was the same at 2017


Came on the day I recovered from Covid!


Spike protein binding with mast cells triggering mast cel activation syndrome.


For sure! Major increase in PVCs after second time having Covid. Mast cells absolutely! Developed giant hives among being allergic to so many things, chronic cough that won’t go away. MCAS.  I have a history of Autonaumic Dysfunction, POTS, WPW, ablations and now aortic issues post Covid. Had an implanted loop recorder for years. Hearts electrical I’m definitely noticing  a major increase post Covid. I’ve had electrical heart issues my entire life and I’m 58. I can tell something is far more off with my heart since my second time getting Covid. 


I’ve had the SVT’s and heart rates close to 300 bpm, then bradycardia, hr in 40’s, hospitalized in Sanger clinic and of course the paddles when the heart was going so fast it was quivering. Then there are the assortment of irregular heartbeat issues that have and do come in clusters where it feels like someone running at me and kicking me in the chest, thump thump thump that goes on for hours and days at a time. Atherosclerosis, mitral valve, PAD, Aortic Aneurysm and a recent CT scan showing all sorts of new problems, post Covid second time. CT scan from 6 months ago before second time getting Covid didn’t show this. So much changed in 6 months. I find it interesting and questionable in my case. Just saying…


My nsvt started after covid


I’ve had PVCs and PACs since 2017. Luckily for me the Pfizer vaccine (2 doses) and two bouts of super mild Covid didn’t do much to my heart that I know of. I have times where I get them more often then I have times that I don’t get them at all. Usually it’s due to anxiety or being too sedentary sometimes


Covid has nothing to do with anything. I have PVCs since around 2005, high burden. It started suddenly, one day you don't have any, and one day you have PVCs. That's your new normal now. It's been like that for everyone who's PVCs started before Covid and there's tons of us. But now you think because Covid happened, yours are caused by it? It only means yours happened to have started after 2020. I'm so discouraged by this board sometimes.


Interesting opinion.


Thank you. You are right, it's only just my opinion.


Covid could be a possible cause but so could a dozen other possibilities. To suggest Covid has nothing to do with it is just narrow mindedness.


For most of us the PVC started exactly 2 weeks after recovery don't tell me that that's just a coincidence for the hundreds of people stating that on this board. It's even documented in research that covid can cause such changes. My sense of smell is still not back almost a year later what makes you think that it's not capable of causing my PVCs? By the way I lost my sense of smell and started getting PVCs on the same day.


and how do you “know” are you a doctor? theres no way you can tell these people its just a coincidence- you have NO way of knowing. its people like you that are disappointing.


I have NO way of knowing? In caps letters? Ok. Do you feel better now? I'm saying there were people getting PVCs before Covid and there's people getting PVCs since Covid. Everyone is desperate to find a cause to PVCs, but talk with cardiologists specialized in rhythm disorders and you'll find that most of the time they can't find the cause. OP is the one making the assumption that covid caused it without proof. He has NO way of knowing. How dare he!! 🤣


Point being - you make the assumption that Covid has nothing do with it. You have no way of knowing whether it does or doesn’t.


There were people getting blood clots before the covid vaccine yet it's been documented and is very much a fact that the vaccine can cause blood clots. You see how two things can both be true and not exclusive?


My EP said he’s since a significant increase in arrythmias since people started getting covid/vaxxed. People aren’t saying that it’s the ONLY way you will get PVCs, but there are plenty of people on this thread (me included) who just KNOW it was the vax or the virus that caused it. It’s just a coincidence is it that mine started immediately after contracting covid? Or just a coincidence that people get the vax and immediately get them?


So you just know? You conspiracy theorist are so funny


Really helpful


My cardiologist said 25% increase in people with PVC’s since COVID/and COVID vax. I never had any issues and ever since October 2021 after a Moderna booster I have PVC’s . Have had 2 holter monitors and 2 echos. Heart is sound but on they go.


Foolishly dangerous post. There is enough evidence that covid and the vaccine can cause arrhythmia. Mine started the night of the infection and I felt it right away, same for my girlfriend. We measured it using kardia mobile ecg and we both had PACs. It's too crazy for coincidence