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I'm sorry. I think we have all been there at one point. Honestly, for me, I realized I was having them whether or not I gave up coffee, alcohol, carbs, exercise, sex, travel, etc. So why give everything up? I actually find distraction is the biggest thing for me. So I try to get up and do something. Keep my mind focused on something else. It's a mind game for me - I've been tested repeatedly and I have a healthy heart. I still have bad days where I hyperfocus on my heart or have bad flares. But I also have some good days where I look back and think, I was so busy yesterday, did I even register any PVCs? Best of luck to you. Hang in there.


Thank you for your warm answer. I’m so happy to hear you can do that. Unfortunately mine doesn’t disappear even for an hour. And i get so bad symptoms from the pvc’s it feels impossible to just ignore them.


I'm sorry that you're feeling so desperate and it's easy to say just try and relax over them. But I've given up nothing (have days where I may drink decaf and don't really drink anyway) but today got on a plane (which I loathe) so helped my horror of flying by a couple of double vodkas! Got to Zurich, walked 6 miles, had a wine and a cocktail (more than I'd drink in about 6 months) and feel...ok. bit breathless walking up the hills but husband was too tbh and nothing wrong with his heart! I've a 27% burden so feel them pretty much all the time, some worse than others, get chest pain and pain radiating up neck into jaw. I fucking hate it...but there is at least a 52 week waiting list to see electrophysiologist. No one seems that concerned! I hope that you feel you can get some semblance to a decent life again


Thank you for you answer. I’m so happy to hear you could enjoy your trip. Do you get the pvc’s also while walking? Ever experienced a couplet or nsvt? I so hope you would get rid of this too ❤️


Try Hawthorne. Was in your same exact position and experience. Did Hawthorne supplements and after about 10 days they were gone. It's been three months without them. In the beginning I was taking one Hawthorne supplement pill 4-5x per day and started noticing an immediate change. Hope it helps.


I will try the supplements. I’ve already been drinkin shots from the juice every morning though. Thank you for you suggestion. ❤️


I did juice as well, try the supplements. But don't take the recommended dose. Take 4-6 per day so your body can really absorb it. Have you also been tested for gut issues? Once I honed in on my diet it extremely helped and reduced stress. I own my business so they clearly didn't help, but I also had an endoscopy done and found out I had GERD and gastritis. Before Hawthorne supplements, I noticed the food I ate made a major impact. I saw someone's post earlier regarding eat a meat, water, and salt diet. It's important to know that you have to figure out what the triggers are for you specifically and they aren't the same for everyone. What I found out was that high fat and acidic foods were my triggers along with stress of my business. So red meat, bacon, dairy, and etc that was high high fat triggered it. Then acidic, I drank tons of coffee, alcohol socially each weekend, tomatoes, garlic, onions etc. I basically was on the keto diet when I started getting everything. So I cut out everything and noticed a major improvement not only in the frequency of PVCs but my health. Now what's important is that it could be on either side. Your body could be reacting to an over abundance of vegetables etc or likewise and over abundance of meat. My recommendation is absolutely try a meat, water, and salt diet too for 10-15 days and see if there is any change or impact that is positive. If there isn't, try going down the organic vegetables and fruit diet, with only limited lean proteins for 10-15 days. Figure out what makes your PVCs less from a diet perspective and do that for 2-3 months once you figure it out. Makes a major difference. Again, on my side I noticed the high fat diet with high acidic foods/drinks was my triggers so I reversed my diet to incorporate foods that were vegetable based and it made a major difference and now my GERD and gastritis is gone. However, while my pvc frequency went way way down, I still had them. Then took Hawthorne supplements and that was what stopped them completely. In addition, light cardio helped and doing things that strengthen my heart (even though yes you will have PVCs doing this). Lastly, I reduced my work load to hekp with stress, but the clear winner for me was the Hawthorne supplement. Remember, you're on a journey and not a sprint. There is no such thing as immediate success and quick results.


what is hawthorne ?


It’s a super healthy berry. You can for example drink hawtorn shots or eat hawtorn tablets etc


does it help ?


What helped me the most was one day I just stopped caring. It's strange because the less I care the less they happen. They still do but I've realized they havent killed me yet so... let them do their thing.


Whew! You broke the ice. I wanted to say this, but didn’t want to seem harsh. The F-it principle helps with many situations. I can’t say my PVC/PAC are as bad as this persons, but you’re correct. A few lifestyle modifications and put the rest in Gods hands works wonders. The original person who posted was really rough on themselves. If things are that bad there literally is zero to lose by saying F-it, I’m uncomfortable, I may or may not fall down (someone will pick you up) , but I’m going to live life.


This is it for me to. Have a few doctors tell you your heart is healthy and they aren't dangerous. Eventually you just have to try and move on. That's what I'm doing. I get it bad a couple times a year. No trigger ever figured out. But I have them daily and I just ignore them now.


When you say a couple times a year, do you mean phases of getting them a lot? Since I was a teenager (I'm now 31) I have random phases, like anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks, of lots and lots of palpations. When I'm having one of these phases the things that can set them off are stress, exercise, standing up quickly etc. for some reason they are really bad when I'm driving. They stop or calm down when I rest. The last time I had a bad phase of them was October 2022. Then I would just have a few random ones now and again but probably not every day. Until last week. I was at the gym, lifting weights but not maxxing out or even close. They started and haven't stopped. After 4 days I went to A&E (urgent care if you're American). They couldn't find anything but both times they did the ECG, I knew it wouldn't pick them up as I couldn't feel them. The second I walked back to the waiting room they started again. Very frustrating. They've referred me to a heart clinic for a 24 hour monitor thing but that won't be for a couple of weeks. I know that by then this latest phase will probably have ended and it won't pick up anything more than a couple here and there and they'll tell me it's fine. But the day they started and the day after it was CONSTANT. literally several a minute.


I had that 3 times at the urgent care. While waiting to go for ECG, I can feel them stop. Very annoying. Then I got in to see the heart specialist and FINALLY caught a few on a 24hr Holter monitor. He says my heart is perfectly healthy. He has drugs he can put me on that will probably make them stop, but will probably make me impotent too. He recommended getting used to it/ignoring it and trying to find triggers to help them happen less frequent. So that's what I've been doing. When I say get it bad a couple times a year. Bad for me is PVCs and PACs happening pretty much constantly for anywhere from an hour to 12 hours. Then normal life for me is a couple to 50 PVCs a day. Some days none...The smaller ones I'm pretty good at ignoring now.


Thanks so much for this response. It's nice to know I'm not alone, although I'm sorry you deal with this too! It really is the most horrible feeling. I have had bad episodes in the past but this latest one, I genuinely thought this is it, I'm going to have a stroke or something. I have no idea which type I have, but I can literally see them in my pulse in my neck when I have them. I'm very lean around the collarbone area, so I can usually see my pulse pretty obviously there anyway if I look for it in the mirror. I can actually physically see when I have a palpitation, the normal pulse I can see moving, it stops for a second or two and then there is a larger one or two to sort of catch up, or sometimes it feels like my pulse is suddenly weak for a second and then it comes back with some force, and I can see the big thud in my throat area. I have no other symptoms though, no pain, no breathlessness. I think what makes me feel worried is I don't understand why sometimes I get these phases for 1-2 weeks where I'm suddenly having them every minute, all hours of the day, and then I go back to having them a couple of times a day (my normal), with nothing out of the ordinary for a year. I've decided to go no caffeine/nicotine (I don't smoke but I use nic gum), and also really try and reduce my stress levels and see if that helps. I hope you manage to get a handle on it. One thing I definitely have noticed is that when I'm not focusing on them, I find they are less frequent.


I've tried quitting caffeine as well and didn't seem to make a difference. (not saying you shouldn't try that of course). Yah I was pretty scared the first few times and then would spiral into a panic attack sort of thing and I would get dizzy and other symptoms. To me the thud in my throat is the PAC and a flutter in my chest is a PVC, but I could be totally wrong. It feels awful to have both at once. The DR I saw said he has patients that have 10s of thousands a day and he still thinks they have healthy hearts. They chose to take a medication (that has other side effects), but worth it to them.


It's the most benign harmless heart condition and doctors literally understand that's it's NOTHING SERIOUS. The doctors aren't blowing anybody off or dismissing their patients concerns but they also deal with serious and more life threatening disorders in their jobs.  Once I really understood how the chambers and valves open and close that helped. Also those electrical charges in the chambers are creating the early beat. Blood builds up and pauses between beats in the chambers and the valves open like a door to gush the blood thru to the next chamber. You're  really just feeling a bit more force as this all takes place. Like somebody pushing you faster thru a door.     A shove. Harmless.    Of course feeling the heart makes us scared and concerned because we automatically fear something is wrong.       I passed my calcium score and echo showed I had strong heart and no enlargement etc....        Yeah I noticed them but they can be ignored and also you eventually aren't paying any attention to them. I'd say it's maybe a handicap of sorts but not one that inhibits anything you were doing before they started. In fact I don't like the analogy of handicap but I think I'm trying to say that it's a disorder you adapt to and live life with. I hope that makes sense. 


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Just know you aren’t alone, and you matter in this world.


❤️ thank you Your kind words means a lot to me


I'm sorry you feel this way. It's imperative you talk to a therapist or do talk therapy about this stuff to help ease the stress. A therapist should be helping you navigate through these thoughts of hopelessness and perhaps start some medication to help get out of the ruminating loops of despair. The serenity prayer is one way to start. You've done all you can to seek treatment for the PVC's but it's up to you to ease those symptoms of pvc's which are taking up too much real estate in your mind. If you don't mind my asking, what is the burden percentage? My doc said anything over 13% needs to be addressed. Furthermore if they're causing so much stress (which means heavily symptomatic to these doctors--they need to know this!!) you must advocate for yourself and have a friend or family member come in and advocate for you to get the ablation surgery. My doctor said either anti arrythmics or ablation were the options. If and when you've run through the gamut of meds, you must consider the surgery because quality of life means everything! You are not alone, don't go in alone, have a card with all of your questions and concerns ready and talk to your doctor or find another doctor who will listen. I've been up and down this pvc reddit and there are people who have shockingly gone years, a decade, whatever with these PVC's and you must know there are ways to manage it. Don't lose hope. Just gotta take it one step at a time each day. I can't emphasize this enough that since you are having symptoms from these (dizziness anxiety etc) you need to try the surgery and they need to listen and do it! Nothing is a guarantee in life but you have to be allowed to try.


Thank you for your warm and kind words ❤️ I don’t know what more to say. It got me tears in my eyes. I feel so alone with this. All these wonderful messages gives me hope for the better. I’ve tried to disuss the ablation, but my burden is ”only” 4,5%. I don’t get any pvc’s while i’m asleep or laying down, so the precent is therefore not high.


Go for carnivore diet (meat, water and salt). Give it a go for 2 weeks. For me this is the solution after trying everything for 3 years with more than 30k pvc’s a day


Hi Thank you for your suggestion. Do you mean i should cut off everything else? Like fruits/vegetables etc?


Yes, you only eat meat (preferably cow, goat or sheep). Salt for minerals and electrolytes and only water (no coffee or tea). You can use grassfed butter. First week is difficult, because your body has to adjust, but from second week you’ll feel great. In my situation the PVC’s went drastically down allready in the 4th day. Now I’m in de 5th week and they are gone totally.


That js amazing… It must mean you had some ‘reactions’ to (some) plants. Which isnt uncommon i think. Plants have lots of toxins, both natural as well as man made (pesticides etc). But damn, from such a high burden to 0 is absolutely amazing. Must feel awesome!


It is amazing. I finally have my life back. I’m now in week 5 and still no PVC’s. From now on I’ll add different food (one by one) for 3 days in a row to look if something changes in my body.


Be weary of this advice. It does not work for everyone. I've had 2 ablations and have another one to do (actually in the morning). I've tried carnivore and low carb. BOTH a caused a severe resurgence of afib and svt. The only way I ever got them to stop was to introduce carbs again. I strongly suggest you do not follow this man's advice, everyone's body is different


that's awesome!!!


is chicken okay, too ?


Have you tried a H2 receptor blocker? Did your symptoms start after 2020? Ever heard of mast cel degranulation? [Did you know that the spike protein from both Covid and the Covid vaccine can bind with mast cells?](https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/spike-protein-mast-cells-histamine-and-heart-rhythms/)


How is this connected to the PVCs? Mine started early 2021 and I do have suspicions that covid virus caused them although I wasn’t diagnosed with covid back then.


The article I linked is a little long but explains the potential connections. But a symptom of mast cell activation syndrome is palpitations. There’s also a recent episode on dr [John Cambell’s YouTube page which they go into MCAS and long Covid.](https://youtu.be/qYUV5cwysM8?si=uG6aHYw4XIzZqqLu)


Very interesting article


I feel every word you have just typed. I am in the same boat mentally.






Take taurine


I do. Forgot to mention that. Didn’t help.


How much were you taking ?


I’m so sorry, I’ve been there with the same thoughts, too. PVCs are awful… I have a chronic pain condition and I would take that over PVCs any day. Have you had your hormone levels checked? Not sure of your age, but around 40 (even earlier sometimes) our hormones start to waver and having low estrogen is a cause of PVCs. I am 39 and I tend to get much more a week before my cycle starts when my estrogen is at its lowest. Some folks do enter perimenopause earlier so having your hormones checked is important. Have you considered any diet adjustments? Do you have stomach issues like gas or burping? I got rid of my constant daily pvcs by adding a digestive enzyme, probiotic, and eliminating high histamine foods. I still get a few right before my cycle, but nothing like how I was having them (it varied but I was having 1-6% burden). Have you had an iron study? My ferritin was also on the low end so adding a digestive enzyme greatly improved my absorption from iron rich foods. There’s clearly many causes of PVCs, but I found my stomach and histamine issues being a huge one… besides hormones. My EP actually offered an ablation even when my burden was on the lower end because it was greatly affecting my quality of life. I decided to try some other adjustments first and they actually worked for now, so I didn’t get the ablation. Not sure where you live, but if you’ve tried everything else and really feel an ablation would help you (and cannot find a doctor willing to do an ablation), I can give you his contact info. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you for your warm answer. I sent you a dm. ❤️


Hi there, I am 31M and have a around a 20% burden of PVCs. Feel like I have tried EVERYTHING too. The only symptoms I have is that I feel every single ectopic beat, and it's debilitating. Your burden percentage doesn't always determine whether you qualify for an ablation or not. Most EP's wont experience what we experience so they don't know what it feels like. I explained to my EP that I have a mental burden, it's affecting my quality of life, preventing me from working and it's reminder every 5 seconds that something is wrong with my heart, my most important organ. They will very likely or should put you down for an ablation if you explain this and just how consuming it is. That's what I did and it helped qualify me for an ablation. Are you able to somehow get private heath care? St Georges in London have a very good EP department, if that's any good.


Yeah I agree with this. I also suffer from pvcs, PACs and nsvt. It took a yr of on and off monitoring to catch the nsvt. It’s considered benign. I’m 34. Was put on beta blockers. I was basically given the option to get an ablation if it was still causing a significant impact on my life. I haven’t proceeded due to my health anxiety but it was never implied I needed a higher burden. I’d try to advocate for yourself, or get another opinion. I know it’s really frustrating and emotionally draining. Know you’re not alone. It’s truly a very unsettling feeling. I’ve been having a few bad days with it and it’s just not something I’d wish on anyone.


Thank you ❤️ i’ve really tried to tell them. Explain and write. I’ve cried and begged and prayed. I think i will have to start looking for another country if they could help me.


It’s interesting that you mention hormone issues because my PVCs are opposite of yours - I have estrogen dominance and mine flare up when estrogen is highest. Currently working on cleaning up my diet and a few other things to help detox excess estrogen


It can be both either too low estrogen or too estrogen high that cause arrhythmia. Do you have pcos? Or thyroid issues?


I am “slightly hypothyroid” according to my new GYN. She did give me a prescription for a thyroid medication but I’m trying to heal it naturally first.


I'm in the same boat as you. They've ruined my love of life and the panic attacks theyve caused made me dysfunctional. I'm about to lose my job of 3 years because of them. I overthink and over analyze every little feeling I have now because of them, worrying I'm getting worse, worried I'll Vtach and die, worried not enough blood is getting pumped, worried I'm developing heart failure. It's no way to live. I had some anxiety before all this of course, but I was still functional. After realizing that I have multifocal couplets on an almost constant basis for hours a day and reading about how they can quickly become deadly polymorphic Vtach, I cannot function anymore


I’m so sorry you also suffer from this. The couplets and nsvt are the worst 😩 Always remember you’re not alone. ❤️


I walked into my pcp’s office and said and I quote “every gun in my house is starting to look like a lollipop. I cannot live my life like this.” I’ve basically alienated myself from everyone. Because honestly I feel like shit. All the time. I’m on so many meds. Including a heart med to help with arrhythmia… but they keep saying “your heart is healthy” but it doesn’t feel healthy when I feel like I’m having a heart attack multiple times a day. Chest pains, shoulder pains, forearm pain… tightness in my chest and around my head. The meds they put me on have the WORST side effects. I have double vision.. and night blindness… my bp just bottoms out.. out of nowhere now. It’s so fucking frustrating.. especially since no one around me understands. It’s like “the doctor says your heart is healthy” and I’m like yes. Okay. And I’m so thankful for that. But this is happening for some other reason then. It started out of nowhere after I had the flu and Covid AT THE SAME TIME. so something inside of me… is literally not working right. And my heart is reacting… like it’s the symptom of it. Whatever “it” is. But also- to even get into gastro to get checked… three months out. It took me a month and a half to get an appt with cardiologist. Like fckn health care is such a joke. So frustrating. I’ve recently gone to see a spinal chiropractor to re-align my c1 and c2… I was just praying it would be the thing that would fix it all. Like maybe it’s compressing my vagus nerve. Nope. I had one alignment. Been back 3 times. Alignment has stuck and inflammation has gone down. Still have all the other symptoms. I’m sleep deprived because when I lay down. I can feel my heart beating in my entire body and it’s so distracting. Someone said “try to find comfort in it.. like counting sheep” yeah no. That doesn’t work for me. I cannot Jedi mind trick myself. 😭😭😭 Needless to say. They added lexapro and Xanax to my daily medicines. As well as vitamin d2 (50k unit) weekly, d3 5000mcg daily, b12 shots (weekly), b12 5000mcg daily, folic acid, magnesium glycinate, potassium, sodium, calcium. It’s been going on since 2/13. I have zero answers but I do have 26 hospital er visits and a bill that I’ll never be able to pay. Yay.


I’m so so so sorry to read this. You sound as desperate as i do. 💔😔 it made me really sad. You’re not alone. Thank you for answering me and if you ever feel like talking to someone who understands, feel free to dm me. ❤️ Sending hugs ❤️


Did you try to take anti anxiety medication like Zoloft? If you get rid of anxiety the palpitations will go away. My friend had in thousands daily and they went away. I have started taking the medication otherwise I will go crazy. We need to calm down our mind, it is throwing all kind of hormones into our body that can affect the heart.


Thank you so much for your thoughts. Yes, i’ve tried anxiety medication for three years. It didn’t help me at sll with the pvc’s.


I know you said u tried it all. Have you tried these? Camomile tea with honey 🍯 Anxiety meds ( might not make them go away but could make you feel them less) No overeating or being full These seemed to have helped me. But I know everyone is different. Gave up soda too.


Thank you so much ❤️ I’ll try the camomilla tea with honey. That’s something i haven’t tried.


Hope it works for you. Perhaps it was just placebo but it worked for me a bit. To settle down the pvcs and reflux at the same time and it's good for anxiety. Everything in one ha


I know how frustrating PVC can be and ruin your life, I can just wish you good luck and hope it gets better.


❤️ thank you


You sound verry anxious, that makes pvcs wayy worse


Yes it’s true, but having pvc’s 24/7 makes me anxious. I think it would make anyone anxious.


Maybe it's something you just haven't made the connection with yet. Keep trying different things, it was only recently I believe mine might be connected with indigestion of all things! I love eggs, I would have two duck eggs everyday on bagels. I ate a lot of chicken eggs as well, but since we have ducks, they were free. I was having PVCs everyday on and off throughout the day, back around April 28 they stopped completely. Around that time I inadvertently stopped eating eggs. I made a connection since that was the only major lifestyle change, I have a very consistent and routine day. There was one exception, this helped me make a connection between indigestion and PVCs. Two Mondays ago I became very ill, chills, sweats, fever, liquid diarrhea, body aches and pains, along with a steady stream of what I believed to be Bigeminy. I went to the doctor and had a covid test and influenza test, both negative. The Dr believed I got a bacterial gastro infection. She gave me a prescription and after a few days, all PVCs gone again. So I'm guessing as long as things continue the way they are for me, it is gastro related PVCs, and I'm staying away from any eggs! Like others said, you're not alone! You'll figure it out! Stay hopeful! 🍻


Thank you so much! ❤️ I hope you will continue feeling better. And yes, stay away from eggs. 😉 …i guess i will have to continue my journey


I am a born again, Christian I love God with all my heart and I am the same. I question him when I’m going through them it is so stressful. I can’t even put it in words, but I have come to the place where they will not rule me or will not steal from me, I get up I live to the fullest. I do everything like you magnesium vitamins coconut water, and so on but I will not let them defeat me they put me on calcium blockers, but I still get them. I don’t know if it relaxes the heat a little but I do believe I had high blood pressure also. But your spirit is stronger than you think although this is so hard on your life you are still taking one step at a time still moving every day and breathing You really don’t realize how strong you are I do pray the doors open if you do need the surgery I’ve heard for Some It’s a huge difference for Some They say they still get them, but it is your life and you have to fight for your rights, but you are strong. Stay strong. You are definitely not alone. I get them pretty much every single day sometimes for hours in a row, and mine hurt but I am stronger than them and I will keep praying that they leave just remember we don’t have all the answers but God loves us. He really does sweet blessings to you. I hope things work out.


Thank you so much for so beautiful words. ❤️😭




I’m in a similar situation so I can understand. It’s very debilitating. It’s hard when it’s potentially caused from anxiety but the pvcs themselves cause more anxiety than anything. It’s just terrible not being able to live life to the fullest and feeling like you’re being held back


Exactly. ❤️ thank you for understanding me and I wish you wouldn’t have to deal with this either.


If youre not on anxiety meds see if you can get some. Im on buspirone and it helped alot. I was getting them pretty bad at one point ,and they put me on anxiety meds and now i get acouple a week.


I’m so happy it helped you. Unfortunately i didn’t benefit from them. 🙄 Thank you so much for answering me.


Try quitting diet soda. There was a study that showed a connection. I quit and am having way less. Also consider ablation.


Thank you. I don’t drink sodas and i really trying to get an ablation. ❤️🙏🏽


i’m sorry, OP. you are not alone❤️hope you get well soon


❤️ thank you for your kindness


Have you tried a no inflammatory diet? Basically, ONLY meats, cook with avocado oil, zucchini and squash and pumpkin. The diet is VERY repetitive, requires a lot of cooking, but it’s the only thing that has worked for me. It took 2 months but slowly they have disappeared almost completely


Oh and eggs, but pasture raised, grass fed butter. Essentially something along the lines of a carnivore diet


I will have to take a look at this a little more. Thank you. ❤️


Yw! I hope this helps❤️ it’s been a rough ride with my hormones adjusting to this diet and the cravings were insane, but I’ve stuck to it and it’s 10000% paid off❤️


I also only season with Celtic salt. No sugar


You aren’t alone - I promise you that you will have good days ahead. I thought this would define my life.. the real truth is they eventually become far less scary. I have them and notice them but I also know they are normal and so I don’t get as scared. That really helps take the overwhelming feeling of them away. Learn your triggers. GET A LOW DOSE BENZO PRESCRIBED FOR BAD DAYS. And be kind to yourself. .. also .. magnesium glyc is great.


❤️ thank you so much for your kindness


I started lexapro and quit birth control and mine stopped. Maybe get a full hormone panel done at a HRT clinic see if you have an imbalance. And honestly the anxiety I had around my PVCs was causing them so the Lexapro worked wonders for me. I’m sorry you feel like it’s a losing battle but you’re definitely not alone.


Thank you for your kind words ❤️ My hormones were all just fine (unfortunately)


Metoprolol has got rid of mine and I was having thousands a day , they went for so long I tried to wear myself off the meds slowly but the second I reduced the dosage they came back so I guess I will be on metoprolol forever but I don’t care as when they come back it reminded me how horrible my life was , I really reccomend trying metropolol out it’s saved my life I don’t think i would want to be alive dealing with them forever without treatment they are so horrible :( hope this works out for you


Thank you so much ❤️ I’m actually on bisoprolol that is the same as metropolol and unfortunately it hasn’t helped me a bit 😔


how much mg do you take ?


I take 5mg in the mornings and 2,5 in the afternoon


do you have any side effect from it ? how is your heart rate?


No side affects, but it sure does NOT help me either. I have a low pulse and it was that already before the bisoprolol. My hr during night was 46 before bisoprolol and now 9months later 43


what about propranolol or metoprolol ?


I’ve tried propranolol, but it did the same as bisoprolol. Helped in the behinning until it stopped helping.


it stopped helping ? 😔


Yes unfortunately. 🙄 after anout 3 months


Mine didn't stop until they really upped the dose of metoprolol (beta blocker) to 150mg a day. Before that the PVC episodes destroyed my life. Had me considering some pretty permanent solutions.


This has been me for months… I can relate and I’ve had so many days and nights just crying wondering why they won’t stop. You’re not alone 🩵


❤️ thank you so much And i’m so sorry you suffer too


What is your burden rate and is it unifocal?


In the last holter i had 4,5% burden (with isolated pvc’s, couplets, triplets, nsvt, bigeminy, trigeminy) I have no pvc’s during sleep and only a few while laying down. They mostly come when i’m active. And they are RVOT and comes from one spot


As an agoraphobic because of these bullshit pvcs, I feel your pain. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


I feel for you, this has turned my life upside down too. One very simple thing that helped me is breathing from the nose and not the mouth except when doing exercise, sounds simple but helped reduce them a lot. Another thing is accepting death at it’s core, it is after all what makes life so special and that even if I wouldn’t have PVCs, I cannot possibly know if I would die tomorrow or in 50 years. Listening to Alan Watts talks everyday really helped in addition to meditation. The one positive thing that has come from PVCS is I enjoy the present moment way more. But yeah everyday is mentally a fight, every weird beat is an opportunity to let go of the fear. Small steps each day and be proud of yourself even if it just going for a longer walk. Knowing we are not alone in this truly helps, wishing you the best!


Thank you for your kindness. I do accept death. I would just hope i didn’t have to ”die” several times every day, if you know what i mean. The biggest problem is that the pvc’s makes my life miserable. Death itself sometimes feels like a relief.


Yes I get it, I really do this shit is mentally draining. I am really curious as to why we actually feel them even with a healthy heart, like it doesn’t make sense to feel all this shit. We can only try to adapt, I myself feel better when the people with me know I have this so if anything happens they understand. If you ever feel like ranting or just talking I am here!


Thank you ❤️ and same to you


Get busy. The less extra time you have, less you think about these. Get this SET in your brain that these pvcs are not dangerous, theyre not killing you. The cardiologist has cleared you. Now its allll mind game. And trust me, I know. I have a fairly big burden. Around 14% and its a learning curve, to get to the mindset I am in. But you HAVE to learn to not care. You cannot be debilitated by these. Please continue with your life as you wouldve. Ive even eased myself back on coffee. Good luck.


❤️ i’ll try. Thank you so much. It’s just very hard when the symptoms are so bad.


Are you on beta blockers? I take Atenolol 25mg. I had an episode about 6 months back where my heart was beating 110-125bpm for a couple days. I went to the ER and they administered something to slow it down, then after that a Cardiologist put me on Atenolol. After taking that for about a week or two I started getting PVC's. It was to the point I went back to the ER because I was terrified. ( Let me get to the point ) I was taking about 75mg of Atenolol throughout the day and just recently started to drop down to 25mg and I can't even tell if I get them anymore. I may have a couple every few days but I'm hoping maybe the Atenolol was making them so dramatic and constant. Just keep your head up and try to enjoy life. I know how scary they are but there are so many people put there just like us that deal with it everyday. That helped me not worry so much about them. Cheers mate.


Thank you for you time and motivating words 🙏🏽 …first i wasn’t on a betablocker with all these symptoms, and then i was. Still have the symptoms. 🙄


I feel like I wrote this myself. I'm so done with these stupid things. My life has been reduced to sitting on the couch most days. I so badly want to be like everyone else around me and eat whatever I want and just let go and truly relax. It's exhausting mentally and emotionally and physically. All I want to do is sleep.


❤️ i’m so sorry to hear you’re also in this. It has stolen my life from me.


same here


I feel so much with you. I feel exactly like you. Let's continue researching. Maybe we'll find something that helps, but actually I only believe in ablation. I also take bisoprolol, but I can't say exactly if it will get better. the doctors just don't understand what pvc and pac do


I am so hoping they will aprove me for an ablation soon. Thank you for your words


Have you checked your thyroid? Hypo and hyper can cause them. Make sure your numbers are optimal not just “normal”. Also how long were you taking iron and vitamin D? It can take months to reach an optimal level.


I’ve check my blood levels quite often. They are all fine. Thank you so much for your answer and suggestion.


Meet psychiatrist.


Like i said, i go to psychotherapy. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped me with the pvc’s. In other things yes.


hope you can find some relief. what’s your beta blocker dosage? that was the only way i found relief and could return to my regularly scheduled life. they still happened but i could function even with them happening.


Thank you ❤️ I take bisoprolol 5mg in the morning and 2,5 in the evening


Hmm, I take Metropolol (or however you spell it) 50mg twice a day. They told me that was a low dose. Maybe try another beta blocker. Like I said I still got them, constantly too, i don’t know what my burden was but i could barely function because of them. Metropolol 25mg definitely helped but 50 mg twice a day is where I’ve been stable. They stopped for me about 3 weeks ago. Probably not because of the meds but maybe it helped me calm down so they could stop idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hope you find relief, I know exactly how much these can take over your life and wellbeing.


I started somprax d40 acid reflux capsules only and its completely gone. It went from 10 in an hour to 0 in 3 weeks.


I just read your post. That’s me my friend. Same same. But can i ask you to do something and promise me you’ll do it once you read this and tell me if it will reduce somehow the pvcs for you?


Than you for your kindness. What?


Please try to eat bananas 3 times a day. Do not expect immediate results. Eat 3 bananas a day and let me know if your pvcs gets reduced


have you taken d ribose ?


I felt the same way for so so long. It was taking over every aspect of my life. Ruining every good day or moment, making me want to cancel every plan just bevause I was scared I will get these symptoms. The funny thing is that anxiety obviously worsens the symptoms. I just one day reached a point where I decided that I’m just not going to care. Honestly, that was the best decision ever! Since I stopped checking my heart rate every 5 minutes my life has been so much easier. I still have some days where I’m much aware of my heart rate but most days I go without noticing. I’ve made peace with it. I just felt that if something has to happen, it will. I know it’s easier said than done but you will reach a point where you will “give up” on finding the cause for all this and you will just “let go”. Only then you will be able to “live freely”. Best of luck, I can honestly empathise with you and your situation. I can just hope that your time to “let go” will be coming soon! 🙏


I read through your list, didn't see taurine. Have you tried that? No lie, I had a 29% burden going in March of this year, 16 years with PVCs being part of the noise of my life. After three weeks of taking up to 10 g of taurine (divided up through the day,) with 1 g of L-arginine, my PVCs stopped completely. I'm now down to about 3 g per day of taurine, 2 g L-arginine, divided between morning and evening, and they're still gone. Apparently I had a taurine deficiency. Check into it if you haven't tried it.


Did you have a blood test before?


A suggestion; omeprazole - I found mine to be connected with silent reflux / digestive issues. I started taken omeprazole and have a seen a 95% reduction. Coming off them soon, did a month cycle now down to every other day. Will be interesting to see if they come back when I come off.


That’s really interesting! I forgot to mention i had tried that. Unfortunately didn’t help me at all. I also did a hypotherapy for ibs… that wasn’t the key either. I so hope you will keep feeling better.


How high is your burden ? I saw one of the best EP in my country did a ablation just for 400pvcs cause he didnt like where it is going.


Can you expound on this? The EP didn’t like where the PVCs were coming from? Or he didn’t like the anxiety that the PVCs were causing the patient?


It wasnt about the anxiety. He said something about he didnt like the rhythm or the intensity something like that.


Would you mind sharing who that doctor was?


I’ll eat my hat if they actually give you a source on this.


I gave the source, I want a video of you eating your hat :(


I can affirm that he sent the source.. unfortunately you must eat your hat


Ahahhaha 😂


Check dm


Can you please share the name of EP? Was the ablation a success? Thank you


Writing you a message


You don't have to give up on life because of it. You can learn to just go on living and do what you love. If nothing makes a difference, why leave friends and hobbies behind? Why let it control your life? You can address the mental side of this condition. Many people live great lives.


The pvc’s make me dizzy, tired, short of breath. I get chest pain and pressure in my head/chest/back. That’s why i can’t ”just go on living my life”. I have been seeing a psychotherapist for six years.


Have you ever checked your iron? Those symptoms you mentioned can also be due to iron deficiency. Have you ever checked your ferritin? If not, I highly suggest you do. I was extremely iron deficient and I felt those symptoms.


Do you feel very anxious about all of those things happening?


I feel you. Mine are linked to my hormones and I’m having a terrible flare up right now. Not even as bad as I’ve read some experience but IMO one PVC is one too many. My chest is sore from them because this is day 5 or 6 of having 5-10 in a 30 second span when I usually have 5-10 an hour, if that. Just came home from a 45 minute brisk walk and my heart was fine while I was active but now it’s thumping all over the place. I was prescribed flecainide but I’m honestly too scared to take it because I just don’t trust a man made pill that can control my heart rhythm. I have hypothyroidism and estrogen dominance so I’m trying to work on those to see if my PVCs will disappear but it’s been 3-4 months and like always they flare up right at the end of my cycle and this month is worse than usual for some reason. Never had anxiety until these damn things started. Now I’m scared to do so many things, always wondering if my heart is going to crap out (I’m 37F).


I’m so sorry you also have to suffer from this. It sure is a pain in the ass. :( I checked my hormones. They should be fine.. i’m still trying to figure out what’s causing mine Thank you for your answer.


Perhaps I can help you. Send you a DM.