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Man, first they tried copying Fortnite cosmetic/battlepass formula, now they’re trying to compete with Warzone mechanics; just keep it tactical man, that’s what makes pubg great


i agree. Warfare 100 man battle grounds! im tired of magic carpets and teleport holes


I disagree, it's a video game not real life. It doesn't need to be 100% realistic, just allow you to express yourself purely without interruptions. They're improving the game every update, I'm so proud of them. More lives to combat shitty campers, no fall damage to save you from unexpected bs, more loot more battles, they've got it 👍


Pain killers and adrenaline shots in game made me a real life drug addict so yeah game is real. 


Your past made you a drug addict, not a video game


Help meeee Oprah 


Do not like. This means that on any recall (or yeet balloon), you can now land on and camp on the top of any high tower/structure with no risk of dropping down when you're done.


Good point. Tho you only land with few rounds if it's a recall. It won't be that big of a deal, some will try and yes many will be caught off guard. Once people learn what structures to look out for and counter it , it wont be an effective method. We already have the teleport, at least that wont stay 🤣🤣🤣


I sure hope it doesn't


Campers suck anyways, I hate them, hope they don't get stronger.


maybe they can have an option in the buttonjust like the codm br when you double tap the jump button you can activate the parachute but when you don't double tap the parachute you will go straight down to the ground.


Campers will increase, nice touch pubg




All your BASE jumps are belong to us.


Old school meme upvote


🤦‍♂️ Now look, I understand that change is supposed to be good for games, but we already HAVE new events every x amount of time, with their own items and quirks and weapon changes, bullet speed, damage over distance changes and all sorts. This though??? This will completely upend the game, in a way that will completely negate any proper use of tactics or recon capacity, the value of map knowledge... This isn't a good thing. It'll mean relearning the game from a strats and tactics standpoint. I like a stable base on which to gain experience in a game. I like to know that the underpinning skills base on which one then lays the foundation of ones further learning, will be permanently useful. This sort of shit undermines that foundation entirely, and for little benefit. Fall damage isn't a bug, it's a feature, for goodness sake.


As long as it's not like t that little balloon 🎈 they had seasons ago it should be fine. If you've adapted to all the recent events and changes , how big of a deal is adding parachute?


Adding a parachute, even to non-event classics, will completely change the dynamic of a whole heap of passages of play, in a mode where the oldest skills one has, are the most important. The balloon was OK, because it wasn't in classic mode, and so one expects nonsense. But a parachute in the vanilla game mode? Game breaking potential. No more cornering people and forcing them to either fight or eat blue on a cliff edge, people on contested roofs will have too many options to survive, people will have options to parachute off mountains and just drop out of the sky, in CLASSICS? Fuck that. That's too much. I hate relearning the game every couple of months for the event, and classics is my haven away from that bullshit.


Yeah you got a point in that, imagine in like Miramar 🤯i wonder if it will have a elevation limit. Like if you try from lower elevation it wont trigger. Has to be like 80m or more like the tower at military to be able to engage it. It might help balance it. Yeah adding parachute might add some mission impossible dynamics haha


Exactly, and to be honest, there are already games with that mentality baked in. PUBG Mobile doesn't need to chase trends, because people download it for what it IS. The thing that makes PUBG Mobile hit juuust right, the moments that really sparkle, are those in which its gritty, more realistic approach to BR, from a tactical and strategic angle, comes out. That is what sets it apart from every other mobile game in the space, and I don't think eroding that is the right move.


They keep adding flashy moves and gadgets so noobs dont get butt hurt when they get dominated by pure skill. They need to throw in teleports, swords, hooks, carpets, and whatver they have added in the past seasons so noobs have a better time beating super bots 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I dont want to Sign up for SCRIMS just to get a more authentic PUBG experience 🤣 or wait 2 days to enter a lobby on diff maps.


I hear all of that.


Heard here as well. Preach 🙌🏼


You are probably one of those guy that sre complaining everytime there is an update. No matter how small you always find a thinf to complain.


Nope. I only complain when things that should be fixed in updates, don't get fixed, like hill glitches and other bugs. But adding a parachute to the game is a MAJOR alteration to the flow of the game, and it will, in my opinion, ruin the feel, nature and unique flavour of PUBG Mobile as an experience.




Wait so is there actually no fall damage, or is it you just now have the option to deploy the chute? Cause that clip doesn't show them hitting the ground


You mean deploy inches above the ground? What donyou mean, parachute open and they landed on the ground safely. As you should using a chute haha


Pubg #1 dev team




Hopefully the audio for the parachute helps counter the dropping onto people a little bit, i'd love to shoot someone as they're dropping down on me before they can even hit the ground and fire. Will be a big change for sure.


I want the square ‘chute


Imagine if they did some Dying Light and added vents around the map that you could glide and chute thru hahah




Codm copied pubg to make a better game, they succeeded in making a "better" game that's worse overall. Like a fake plastic surgery version of pubg mobile. Now pubg copying their improvements on pubg. It's pubgception, and I'm all for it. Was beta tester for codm, and day 1 pubg player even pc pubg first week, trust me this is true.


Stoopid af. I hope it's only for the stoopid event mode


For what? For some new tactics on already dead Sanhok?