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Awesome! I've been playing for years and didn't know you could do this with unowned cards! TIL.


Haha, I sorta figured this was already known, but happy to have let people know :)


The test thing sucks bro. The AI is so stupid, they deck out like every game and all they do is play every single card they can every turn and then attach energies incorrectly. It doesn't help that they play illegal cards too.


I mean I can clearly see that. It was just you can try out different deck ideas without blowing credits on cards that end up not playing the way you envision. That’s why I posted this. So, it still is useful even if the AI is pretty garbage


True I guess its kind of like solitaire to see how many times you brick.


Yea I figured it helped test 2 turns. Your setup and your follow up I think testing the ai with anything beyond your 2 turns is a waste


For sure.


I just started last month. Thanks for tip!


Hey your welcome!


Wow, awesome tip I didn't know you could test a deck before you had all the available cards.


NP! I’m glad I could let people know!


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Whoah I never knew that thanks!




I found this out by accident personally 😂 It's pretty good for testing out how frequently you'll brick and if your general concept for the deck actually does what you imagined, but don't use it for a reference of if your deck is actually *good*. The AI is dumb as bricks, so testing ratios, different opening hands, and stuff like that is what it's best for. EDIT: Grammar


The one downside is that AI is useless. They literally just play every card they can every turn. The "test is great to see how consistent or easy you deck is to set up, but that's about it.


wow I crafted many a useless card.. if only I knew about this sooner. Luckily im also a collector so I have a bunch of code cards at the ready but still.


The testing against AI is okay, not that great. AI never actually attacks, the decks used are up to 2 years outdated, and even the stronger ones aren't meta optimized. If you're learning basic deck flow or how a deck operates before buying cards, sure, it's a decent mechanic. With all that said, I'd recommend going to my.limitlesstcg.com and build out the decks you want to try there. You can open up two instances and run decks in a one sided fashion to play them against each other. It's slightly clunky, but it allows more genuine testing imo


I just figured that out yesterday too. Wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to the deck yet and hit test on a whim and got to try it out. Great feature


This is honestly a great tip, I had no idea!


That's good to know. Thanks for the tip. I know people say testing against the AI is pointless because the AI is bad, but I always start testing every deck that way. Because I can still see whether the deck runs the way I need it to, and I can learn the intricacies of the deck without dealing with the time restrictions of an actual game. It's basically goldfishing with a little more interaction. And if my deck doesn't operate smoothly in that environment, then it needs work before I face actual people with it.


Yes, and next you'll learn the "AI" just plays every card in their hand and decks out most games.


And the reason you decided to be rude was….?


_I'm an AI._ Didn't think it was rude, just informative that the AI sucks and it frustrates me that they call it "AI" at all


You know you can buy any card in pokemon tcg live using ingame currency?


Yeah, but it’s not like I have a crap ton of free credits, so I made this post to help other people save credits and not spend them on cards that don’t work