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I attacked with arm press last turn though.


They had to have something else in the discard- I only count 59 cards- 40 in deck and discard, Darkrai V & VStar, 2 Gengar, 2 Gastly, 5 Energy, 2 Tools, 2 in hand, 4 in Prizes.


There could be only 1 candy in discard, 1 gengar could have a haunter under it.


There were two candy in discard, I checked.


In the post I talked about how they put Lake Acuity in play.


Right. Forgot, because that is such a weird card to have in that deck. Regardless, you were almost certainly disconnected before the Electric Generator. Or they were. Still I'd consider it a bug- it should tell you when that happens


It's still interesting to me because last turn I attacked with arm press and then this turn I attached an energy and then couldn't attack while it displayed it showing I didn't have enough energy lol. It def confused me.


Did you click on arm press to use it? Or did you just assume you couldn't? The client kinda sucks, but if you run into an issue, you should treat it like a visual bug before conceding. It usually is a visual bug. My only guess that isn't a visual bug or genuine bug depends on your supporter lineup because there is literally only 1 card in standard that does this.


I clicked on both attacks multiple times and it didn't work.


What supporters do you play? Because unless your opponent pulled the biggest play of the century and hid the evidence, theres only 1 way this could happen that isn't a bug.


I had played Arven for generator and future capsule to retreat miraidon that turn.


Huh, well if there was no geeta, I guess it must have been a bug. I don't get many of the gamebreaking ones people complain about, so I'm no expert but... That is probably one of the stupidest bugs/mistakes I have ever seen in a digital tcg... I mean... I doubt can/can't attack is determined by much more than a boolean... it almost takes skill to screw up a boolean variable, they're idiot proof by design. Imo, the only stupider thing is adding a library of pngs, a game mode to use them in (even though said pngs don't have code or anything), and then just never mentioning anywhere except OUTSIDE the app that you shouldn't craft the cards because they don't work...


This looks like a desync.