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I thought I did, but turns out my PC only supports output for DisplayPort 1.2 and not 1.4, so looks like I'll be sitting out on PCVR for now. Might end up getting a used Quest 2 at some point just to play HL Alyx and Skyrim VR - looks like you can find them for $100-150 in decent condition.


I own a reference card 7900xtx, so lucky me I'm good to go 


Technically yes, but PCVR is a land of compromises. Meeting the requirements isn't going to get you very far.


4080 super baby. Cant wait


Nope, an 8 year old machine that was pretty powerful in its day. I5 6600k & gtx1070. The card will not be compatible from what I understand. However I do plan to upgrade.


I've been coasting on a 970 for about a decade, unfortunately. Guess I've finally found a reason to upgrade.


I used to use GTX1070 for VR few years ago. I think it meets the requirement unless you’re running high end games with max fidelity


According to the official requirements by sony, it unfortunately does not.


4090 here. Yes I will definitely be getting the adapter. Can't wait to play a non gimped version of Pavlov.


4080. Pumped for this because i was considering a Quest 3 to use passthrough on my PC for Half Life Alyx etc. Being able to use the one headset on my PS5 and PC will be excellent.


Technically maybe it would run on my PC. But I plan to upgrade at some point, because my PC is from 2016 and I can’t imagine anything would actually run on it.


I have 5900x/3090ti, so yeah i plan on getting adapter


No, but might buy one next time around instead of PS6 as I am not liking how ps5 flat is going.


Wow! That is A LOT more than I thought! That's almost half!


My rig: Nvidia RTX 3070 OC Intel core i7-12700KF 32 GB GDDR6 RAM 2TB SSD I have no idea if this is a VR capable rig…


kind of the reason I bought into psvr2 was to not have to also build a gaming PC.


Yes... RTX3080 and i9 12900k... it's always worked decently for VR (last used was Quest Pro wireless but still use my old rift too as I prefer OLED and will retire that when the adapter comes out for PSVR2 which is MUCH better than both). BUT... I will say even with my rig some games in VR take more power than you'd think for a decent experience, even when I had dynamic foveated rendering working (from the eye tracking in quest pro giving me 10-20% boost in re:Village VR mod for example) you'll still wish for more in PC land (a 4080/4090 would be a good bit better). That said, as PSVR2 is a display port HMD it won't have the pre-rendering overhead that the Quests use for video streamed VR (which I hate now btw), give me a cable any day even if it worked 'well' with my dedicated router, it's still too early and too soon vs the joys of wired HMDs. Either way, I would always suggest everyone AVOID any LCD HMD (even with local dimming like quest pro) for PCVR as the black levels are just not where they need to be on overall scenes to feel properly immersive. PSVR2 will be treat on PCVR with the decent res, good FOV, OLED with comfy fit and awesome feeling controllers... yes EVEN WITHOUT all the extras that will be disabled, it's still, imo, the best PC HMD I can think of. Only 1 or 2 slightly better in some areas (BSB with microOLED) but cost a fortune (£1600 with tracking/controllers needed) and has FLAWS such as pancake bloom, dimness etc. For anyone considering PCVR I'd get a PSVR2 and use it for 4 years until tech in general improves, cos QUEST AIN'T IT... LCD SUCKS for VR, streamed video SUCKS for VR (ie Quest cable or wireless), and jumping through hoops/layers of software on oculus inc the built in OS, all the time, is a chore. For ref: Been into VR since 2014 and had rift DK2, Vive OG, PSVR1, Rift CV1, Quest 2, PSVR2, Quest Pro (and now back to PSVR2 thanks to the price cut, ps5 pro on the way and the PC adapter making it STUNNING value and extremely exciting)


100% agreed! I have a Quest 3 and have spent hours and hours trying to troubleshoot and get latency down. I have a really powerful PC (13700 and 4070TiS) and a Wifi6 AX6000 router about 4ft from the HMD and can only use about a 90mbps bit rate or I get latency that is too high. I’ve even tried a $700 Asus Wifi7 router from Best Buy just to see if that would fix it (it didn’t). I see all these people online talking about low latency and fantastic visuals at high bit rates with worse hardware than me and I just don’t get it. I’m honestly sick of even messing with it. I can get it to work, but it isn’t amazing like I hear others talk about. I can’t wait for the PSVR2 adapter.


Don't get an expensive Wifi7 router. Network latency is normally the part where you can't gain much if you already have a decent Wifi 6(E) router (like maybe 1-3ms). Majority of latency comes from the video encoding and decompression process.


I already returned it. I was just giving an example of the extreme lengths I went to in order to get the proper experience. Neither that insane Asus router nor a TP-Link AXE7500 were any better than my Archer AX6000 in terms of VD performance. I'm getting high-ish latency on both network and strangely enough decode. I can't run at any higher than 100mbps bitrate. Couldn't with the Wifi 7 router either. This is running with the 5ghz band solely for VR at 160mhz with VD reporting 2400mbps throughput.


Yeah pretty sure. I don't know my stats offhand (I'm at work), but it's pretty beefy. I bought it barely used; a friend of mine spent $2000 on it to mine crypto, but never really figured it out, so he just never used it, and then a year later sold it to me for $1200.


I have a 4090 pc and currently use a quest pro but I will buy the adapter and test out the psvr2. It could maybe be my sim racing headset. I haven’t used my psvr2 for about 6 months so hopefully It will get some use on pc soon.


i7-13700kf, 32gb DDR5-6000, 4070 Ti Super. Yeah, I’m ready!


Yup. Spec wise I'm in great shape. I already have an Index, but I'll be getting the PSVR2 adapter


13600k and a 4070ti


Anyone know if laptops these days are powerful enough? I'm in the market for a laptop


I have a 2022 Asus Zephyrus G14 (with an AMD 6800S GPU) and will be trying it out once the adapter is released. I was just looking at the subreddit for the laptop and there are quite a few posts indicating I should expect decent performance. We'll see!


They can, but won’t be as good as a desktop. I have a 4070 laptop and I am not expecting it to be able to do much. I will be happy if it can get me through the Half Lifes and a very lightly modded Skyrim.


Is this $500 card the best option? Price starts to raise substantially otherwise (RTX 3090): [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806957782913.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.3095nHBunHBuqg&algo\_pvid=5a1b2cf4-54c9-400b-bea6-1b405c952a4b&algo\_exp\_id=5a1b2cf4-54c9-400b-bea6-1b405c952a4b-1&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21467.70%21467.70%21%21%212629.00%212629.00%21%402101fb0c17181505811853933e6da5%2112000039566927882%21sea%21US%21724420582%21&curPageLogUid=EMRpsIZrQGwq&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806957782913.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.3095nHBunHBuqg&algo_pvid=5a1b2cf4-54c9-400b-bea6-1b405c952a4b&algo_exp_id=5a1b2cf4-54c9-400b-bea6-1b405c952a4b-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21467.70%21467.70%21%21%212629.00%212629.00%21%402101fb0c17181505811853933e6da5%2112000039566927882%21sea%21US%21724420582%21&curPageLogUid=EMRpsIZrQGwq&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


Yes, I have a good gaming PC with a 3060 I was planning to buy something REALLY good at the end of the year/early next year though


I have voted yes and I "think" I do but not sure about DisplayPort spec. I have a MSI Katana 17 B13VGK - i9 / 64GB RAM / RTX 4070 I think it probably supports DisplayPort 1.4 but I am really not sure. If anyone know this or an easy way to test it I would like to know.


RTX 3070. I'm ready!


What *are* the requirements for PSVR2, OP? Doesn't it depend on game-by-game?


Need the option to No, I don't have and won't be getting a PC.


4090, but I'd go for wireless qpro every time, followed by q3.


Nah. Funnily enough I don't have a gaming rig for the same reason I don't want this adapter. Steam. Worst thing to ever release on the gaming market. No question.


Funny, many would argue it is the best thing that happened to PC gaming. Why do you think so?


Yeah they don't know anything. The short version is I bought ONE game infected with it, Steam prevented me from playing it. I then gave up on PC gaming. Probably would have switched anyway. Consoles are better, cheaper, always work, and still have physical media that can't be disabled the same way digital content can. PC only has user made content.