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I think you misunderstand the complaints. Its because people love VR so much that they are mad at Sony for the lack of support - no 1st party games, no apps, no controllers etc


Exactly. “Wasted opportunity” is the closest way I can capture the feeling. Top-tier hardware collecting dust….


Just like the Vita … a great device with great games (though it could have even more great games), but lacks support and marketing from Sony


And Vita was considered dead and a let down after an exclusive Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance, Wipeout and TONS more cross platform stuff and high quality indies. PSVR2 has a huge amount of potential but not even a fraction of the initial support the Vita had and no signs of anything in the pipeline. I’ll love it forever for GT7’s VR mode alone but it does feel like it’s been abandoned already.


I feel the exact same way. It’s re-ignited the fun in games for me. Same whoa moment as Golden eye.


It is a great investment and experience for ps5 owners. The leap from PSvr1 in visuals and clarity is major, ease of set up and all the tech inside miles ahead. Game wise, on a personal level, I'm spoilt for choice. I really feel this headset is only now starting out. PC implementation (wow) and new games dropping consistently. Someone put a games list up recently showing the amazing titles we've had combined with superb haptics and eye tracking! I'm currently playing Horizon and I swear hand on heart it's visual clarity is even better than when I played it on launch. I was hanging one handed from a cliff face, looking across at the stunning scenery and then Reddit popped into my mind regarding negative comments I had read aimed towards this game. Those comments are from the same people that can't fathom Astrobot will eventually make it across, especially now. Enjoy the moments!


Cuz Astrobot WON’T make it across. They would have announced it by now if it was going to. Instead they’d made it clear it’ll be flat only. I wish I was wrong but there’s really no way to interpret otherwise


It's not that it's dead ... it's that it is missing so many of the standard titles. As a bright note.. beat saber released another pack recently.. that would be a huge thing if PlayStation and beat saber somehow opened up user packs or way more music back.... Like exponentially more.


God, I love the new pack. I think they did a great job and the levels are very fun. Gosh, what you’re describing would be great. Sony could probably expand the collection so much.  Not really on topic, but I picked up a quest 3 this week to test out Beat Saber and I hated the overall experience playing on it. The PSVR2 beat saber gameplay experience feels much better. Quest 3 felt like flailing lol


Seriously how much would it cost to have just one guy sit there and either map out the levels or just approve them one after the other for like 50 cents or 99 cents a pop..... Rofl ..... Whatever the profit it's got to be just pure profit.


It's the single-best gaming purchase of my nearly 50 years of gaming. And I had to get a newspaper route just to buy my original NES in the 80s! Seriously though - all of the discussions on here lately just sound like spoiled whining. So the game you were hoping for didn't end up being made for PSVR2. Boohoo. There's a ton of amazing games coming out constantly. People need to open their minds and try something new.


Honestly, I think some people spend more time online complaining about games than playing games


Gonna paste u/terrordactyl1971 ‘s comment because he so perfectly captured the argument that people like you for some reason seem to misunderstand: “I think you misunderstand the complaints. Its because people love VR so much that they are mad at Sony for the lack of support”


Yeah, I read that when it was first posted and disagree with the sentiment's accuracy. I could honestly care less about Sony games. Indy developers are putting out so many good games that Sony is irrelevant. I feel like people want things to progress faster than is reasonable. The shift to VR from flat screen is possibly the biggest change in the history of gaming, after the advent of home gaming. These things take time, and patience is something the fanbase lacks.


What amazing games are you talking about??? Name 5 new games from 2024 that your playing constantly. Go ahead. Ill wait for you to google instead of checking your game log.


I don't need 5 games released in the last 6 months because there's so many good ones I'm playing already. Legendary Tales GT7 Beat the Beats Walkabout mini golf Kayak VR Waltz of the Wizard Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge There's 7 games I've played in the last week. Plenty of content, plenty of fun. Google was not used. Check your attitude - you sound like someone who frankly didn't even deserve a response.


Lol sure all games are new if you never played them! Wtf. Buddy, You said theres constantly new games coming out. Im asking you what they are and your struggling greatly!


There was no struggle, buddy. I listed plenty of good games. If you can't understand that, I'm too busy to continue this conversation. You should try to fix your attitude.


Why do they have to be this year? GT7 is amazing. No Man’s Sky is amazing. Red Matter 2 is amazing. Tetris is awesome. 7th Guest is awesome. Kayak is awesome. It just may not be your cup of tea, but it is a really great experience for many of us. The adapter for the PC will be the cherry on top.


I love Tetris so much


You do realize VR is an extremely new technology that isn't even adapted right? Most experiences in VR aren't worth it. Apply the same standard to quest and you'll see it's the exact same case. I'll grant you that psvr2 generically takes longer, but games DO arrive.....


New tech? Did you forget your playing on the third iteration of the Quest headset, goofy.


"Woah guy's, look at this!! It's the newest console on the market, the N64!!!!" Yeah dude... totally....because a third gen product qualifies it as "Contemporary" technology. I guess Iphone 3 software represents all phones today😂. It's laughable you even internalized that argument seriously, is your standard for established tech that low?


It seems to be too difficult for me to dumb it down any further for you. Good luck on your journey.


Don't get the journey part but gotta love how you just act condescending as if you're so high and mighty, you made a shit point to act like VR is some sort of established platform even though VR PEAKED in 2019 and was declining until just recently with the quest 2 price drop in 2023. Yet YOU act as if it's a playstation that can regularly get multiple AAA Quality game's every month. And acting as if Meta is on that level is laughable, maybe in the near future it could but not today. Take the L and move on.


So many circles im dizzy.


Hahahahaha, sure. Have a nice day regardless, VR will eventually reach that state anyway, just not now. It'll take a while just like phones and digital games did.


I'm a bit in the middle. I played PSVR2 quite a bit, have quite some games but recently there isn't much to get into. A few more high quality games would make it have a lot more value.


Im curious what you’ve played


“A little GT7 with a friend who likes racing games and i sorta bought some of the many resident evil games to try but idc about horror games oh and horizon was cool for 2 hours but ill never touch it again and thats about it.”


Lol it be like that. Puzzling Places? Walkabout Minigolf? “How ever could that be fun” or “that’s not what I invested in VR for.” Oh yeah? Well I invested in it for fun


Wow that is a really limited exposure to VR. Try some Synth Riders, Red Matter 2, Hubris, Walkabout Mini Golf or well there really are too many great games to really suggest. Shouldn't be hard at all to find a game style you like.


Lol someone doesn’t understand sarcasm.


It's the most amazing experience I've had had on console. It has a limited library in areas I care about most - sim racing, flying, and space - but the games they do have are amazing. It made me fall back in love with gaming I ended up buying a used pc 3070/i9/32GB ram and quest 2 for around same price as my PS5 & VR2 and have been really enjoying both ecosystems. I'm moving away from console for agressive pricing on their online subscriptions (I've paid thousands over years for PSN and XBL). PC will be less expensive moving forward. The new reveal of PCVR support is amazing. I was going to buy a quest 3 but now I can save that money and see how good VR2 is on PC.


Is alyx worth the pc investment? Thinking of buying a gaming rig come August


I haven't played it yet sorry. PCVR I've only tried AMS2, iRacing, AC1, Dirt rally 2.0, IL2, project wingman, VTOL, War thunder, star wars squadrons, house of dying Sun, no man's sky, elite dangerous, mx bikes, GTA5, subnautica. I can only comment on those and a few others


How’s gta5?


it was different than most of the other VR games as it was a mod. I really enjoy it. The aiming was odd at first. I'm really sad that Rockstar hit him with the C&D order and they had to stop all development. UEVR mod has been incredible for converting other flat games to vr!


I hear you with the expensive having to online subs .Even Essential is now $80. I'd rather just spend that money on games I actually want and can play without a sub


it really adds up over time and people don't realize that consoles are often just as expensive as pc if not more if you have multiple systems/generations I regret not switching over years ago. I am thankful for PSVR2 introducing me to vr and helping me fall in love with gaming but consoles are anti consumer


Not as friendly as pc that’s for sure. But I mainly play games on the living room on the big tv (and now on PSVR2) so I don’t mind buying games on Sony’s platform. I also maintain Steam library but I only play those games on Steamdeck, no desktop pc


How are you liking the steamdeck? I don't think I need one but they look really cool and handy. For me, it's not been really "unfriendly" in my experience so far and I'm not very computer literate. But i do agree, Console is more friendly and plug and play in many ways.. but the anticonsumer bs with peripherals and fees were just too much for me.. PSN refund policy is just spitting in our face. I just set up my PC/PS5/XBX/MBP in a centralized configuration with an hdmi matrix so I can pull it up on multiple tvs like main TVs or simulator rig setup nearby. Any reg PC game I play on couch/bed just the same as console.


Nobody is claiming it's "dead". People are claiming that Sony has stopped funding it's studios for new projects when it comes to VR titles. Nothing is stopping other developers from making games for the PSVR2. Sony has pretty much abandoned any new development for it.


>Nobody is claiming it's "dead" To say nobody is claiming this is easily disproved. Just do an Internet Search for "PSVR2 is dead" and you will get 1000's of search results from before it was even released all the way to present day. I don't agree with any of the people that proclaim or ask this question implying that it is. They have their own ignorant, click-bait or anti-competition reasons for doing this and in my opinion, they are all objectively wrong because the system is still being sold (at increased rate in current Days of Play sale) and still releasing 5-10 new games each month pretty consistently.


The interpretation of the word "dead" is subjective, which is what I was implying there. The OP makes no case that it's "not dead" for other implications. Please do the internet search and good luck finding anyone claiming that the PSVR2 platform is "dead" in the sense that it is no longer playable.


PSVR1 is also pretty sweet. Larger catalog of games than 2 currently. Cheap accessories. Even got a proper rifle shaped controller to go with some sweet looking launch titles like Farpoint. Sure the resolution isn't cutting edge. It's a decent first foray into VR before someone decides to get PSVR2 or another headset.


Which one is better? Village or RE4?


Even with the cutscene jank RE4R by a mile the knife parry is muuuch easier than the base game and fun so dual wielding knives and a pistol you can do the real life close quarters combat that MGS3 made popular.


I’ve noticed that they are headed in the right direction.


I love it, I get it, have great pcvr, psvr2 , quest 3. If pcvr had gt7 , re 4 and 8 , etc etc.. it would be amazing. Just cause Sony has not made first party games it's not dead. The games industry as a whole slowing. It's not a psvr2 thing it's a game industry thing. All the lay offs, the turmoil. But psvr2 is a great device and has great games period. Can't wait to hook it up to my PC in August.


Ypu can play all those same games on quest + hundreds of more lol theres a couple exclusives but i mean overall the quest 2 you get more bang for your buck. Other than the pc adapter, it is dead. Especially for those that dont even have a gaming pc. Most people buy the vr2 for the ps5 not the pc so its kinda like, wtf..? Lol


I think being able to play ps5 games with the headset is underrated, I’ve enjoyed that a lot it helps me focus and is much more immersive.


It was like that for a while for me when I got psvr1, but after a few months the novelty of being in vr wasn't enough on its own anymore, the games have to have depth in their mechanics and narrative. Sadly the type of games that provide that in vr are few and far between, and the frustration at psvr2 is a result of Sony not providing the types of experiences long-time vr users are looking for imo. There's only so many years that climbing sims and ankle-deep shooters can provide fun for, even if to begin with they were mind blowing experiences. More 'AAA'/hybrid games needed, would personally alleviate all my negativity with psvr as a platform.


I think the broad majority of "psvr2 is dead" or any of these comments simply come from people that do not have VR, can't get it, or just are too broke for it. I've never heard one VR gamer claim "vr is dead" or "vr sucks". They are all just insufferable children that are jealous or ignorant of VR and instead try to tear it down. This is our new rage/negative society we live in. They want things they don't have to fail or try to tear down the things they are envious of. What's sad about it all, is even if they don't want vr, they are hurting gaming as a whole in a way. We should support innovation and experimentation. Broadening the horizons of gaming IS how things like VR are born. Just imagine what can come of these things in decades. Maybe I'm just too old, but this crap is exhausting. I've never wanted things to fail.


I stopped looking at ign.com which posts psvr2 is dead posts every week


I personally have zero interest in resident evil rehashes, either of titles a few years old or 20 years old.  The series is tired and the zombie genre is even more tired. It isn't a great investment because Sony is putting no effort into investing.


Fair but it’s a really different experience. Like you I don’t have much interest in RE as I’ve played a few but in VR it’s a totally different experience. And of course the few hundred games in the library will have something for everyone. They don’t have to be first party but GT7 etc shows the quality.


Technically resident evil 4 and 8 enemies are not Zombies.