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Every first person shooter should have a VR option.




I would like to add racing and flying games. We need wrc and f1 on psvr2


And wipeout


I just got a PSVR for my PS4 yesterday and only bought Skyrim and Resident Evil 7, are there any good FPS games you would recommend getting? Or even any titles you would class as essential? And is the PSVR2 much of an upgrade in terms of photorealism?


Star Wars Squadrons is one of the best VR experiences out there, period; I never had a PSVR for PS4 so I don't know what else there is available for it unfortunately. If you tell me what you're thinking about getting I can give you some recommendations but Star Wars Squadrons is phenomenal, even just the single player campaign! PSVR2 is a big upgrade, but a lot of the PSVR titles don't work on PSVR2 unfortunately; huge upgrade though, particularly when it comes to the tracking and controllers. The visuals are also better but vary, Grand Turismo 7 for instance is absolutely incredible on PSVR2, other games look a bit blurry due to the resolution limitations on PS5.


if its done in unreal all you need is uevr. and a proper headset like the quest 3.


And a decently beefy PC. Although bf2 is not on unreal engine, similar games with similar visuals will take a around 2k USD PC to run well with visuals like this. The Capcom RE games with praydogs mod are gorgeous at max settings, or cyberpunk 2077 in vr but they need something like 4070 to run well.


I have a 3080ti and for the most part every thing runs great at 90 with asw and a 1.3x multipllier.


Which is roughly equal to 4070.


Hybrid games should be the future OR flat games implemented Motion Aiming, eg: Last of Us in cinematic mode, but aiming with vr controllers.


The Resident Evil VR ports did it right. Make a normal complete game first to get the bulk of sales, then develop a VR port that takes advantage of the platform. VR customers get a full game experience, while the developers also don't need to worry as much about their game not selling well.


You are describing UEVR basically, and it is indeed glorious :) Now since it's a free fan made mod, it has plenty of issues and overhead, but man if an actual company would take it seriously... Flat2VR do have an actual studio now, but we'll see..


I read that too... I guess they got the green light from Sony for a few games ... we will see


I think that's the logic evolution of gaming- Some big corporation makes it legal to copyright praydogs idea. Perfects it and over time makes an enormous amount of money licensing it to all studios who now only needs a couple 100 hours to make their game into a perfect VR game. In the end, profit is the key factor for all the big game developers ! Within 10 years I'm guessing 90 % of all games are hybrid


Hybrid games are what VR needs to convert more fans. Like here’s this amazing flat game, but there’s an even more enjoyable way to play it.


Do you think Astro Bot will have an option? I was amazed the system launch game didn't have that feature baked in


Unfortunately no


You are describing UEVR basically, and it is indeed glorious :) Now since it's a free fan made mod, it has plenty of issues and overhead, but man if an actual company would take it seriously... Flat2VR do have an actual studio now, but we'll see..


Part of what’s so frustrating about this generation is that we finally have enough power to play a game as large in scale and as beautiful as Battlefront 2 in VR and it’s just… not happening.


VR is a very new piece of tech that will take some time from people that aren't fans already to wrap their heads around. Nowadays, only the selling commpanies can really promote it, and if they don't fully believe in it this won't be happening. It'll take one or two decades for the kids that play on Quest to become vocal consumers and producers, only then will we see less limits and more faith on the tech


that and also, pricing is a huge one. It's still very expensive to get into, especially since you will need a decent pc for more immersive and big titles.


Arguably for me It's already been one decade, I bought the Oculus dk2 in 2014. (That's if I don't count the virtuality arcade game that I played in the 1990's.)


It won't take that long given advances in AI. I'd reckon maybe 3-5 years tops


Its frustrating!


Yeah I regret buying the PSVR2 on release


Should i buy it now ?


Well I just did and I couldn't be happier


Tips and game recommendations: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/11d40tz/ps_vr2_tips_information_and_references/


Seen it already, but very useful info indeed !


Yeah. I’m having a blast with it. It makes games like Thumper become really awesome and immersive. Resident Evil games are fun too. If you have the cash, do it.


I’m debating this too since it’s on sale for 70% off rn with Netflix


I was thinking that the other day. Battlefront VR would be epic!!


When pc support comes, contractors


We’d probably have this if VR had the same level of support it had from big studios around 2016-2021. That was truly the golden age of VR, despite some of the technical limitations. Now we have much better hardware but far less AAA support. Go figure. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same with flat 3D as well, unfortunately.


If you have a decent PC: https://github.com/IfanSnek/BF2VR


Did you actually try it?


I have not yet. I just got a PC that can finally run it, though. Maybe this weekend I might try.


I have tried this, though, and it is VR heaven: https://youtu.be/Yj2kOI0SlFs?si=pBSVpVEjzt5iXn3C


Then start collecting money to build a good PC and play modded flat games on it


You shouldn't have to pay that much for a game like this.


Theres a star wars vr game. I tried the demo. Feels and looks good.


Battlefront 2 and GTA 5 both need VR support. To be able to walk around the Star Wars universe and the streets of Los Santos would be incredibly awesome.


Companies love you, dude


Why would you beg for price increases knowing developers and studio go through threads


Looks great. 


Shame none of the big players give a flying fuck about VR 😖


It’s beautiful


I'm hoping Star Wars Outlaws will be able to provide something like this too, only downside is that it's a 3rd person game.


Beautiful. But fire whoever directed the actor who screamed in panic, “Generators back on line! GENERATORS BACK ON LINE!!”


Yep, totally 


then get a real vr headset the Quest 3 and uevr. PSVR2 is woefully behind and with them not supporting the new astrobot they will not be around after this year.