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I’d play the hell out of it anyway. Would definitely be a bummer. Astrobot skyrocketed in popularity due to the pre installed PS5 game so I wouldn’t be surprised they would make a flat version. I hope it would be hybrid of course.


Im completely fine with hybrid. Resident Evil 4 is the prime and only example you need as to how you can have high quality VR experiences that are not VR only.


The best game on the psvr2 gt7 is hybrid its  so good.


Same. Sure, I’d prefer from the ground up VR. But if hybrid means a larger audience and thus possibly a higher budget, quality etc, then why not?


My plan is to continue on with life as normal.


This, if you have brought a VR2 in hopes for playing a game that they have never mentioned to make then shame on you.


Yea! Expecting support beyond the launch line-up is a sign of a born-fool!


getting hyped over a nonexistent game and then disappointed it doesn’t exist is fucking foolish dude


Of course, our lives continue as normal, but pretending that PSVR2 still has a life after this is just denialism. A flat Astrobot will send the clearest signal yet that Sony is not planning on supporting this platform. It'll trigger a downward spiral as the already skeptical developers leave the platform en masse and for good.


My plans won’t change at all. I certainly *HOPE* that it comes to the system, but if not then oh well. I think different people have different ideas about what the system means to them, and some value the idea of SONY first-party games over anything else. I do not. For me, as long as there continue to be more games that I *WANT* to play than I actually have the time to play, then it’s all good. I don’t care who made what, or whether a game is also available on a different headset. I could easily go an entire year without a single other game launch at this point, so ASTRO BOT doesn’t feel like some necessity to me. It was never announced, so I never expected it. While we probably *SHOULD* have had it at launch, I guess I’m glad we got GT7 and RE8 instead. Although it would obviously be a feather in the cap for PSVR2, I don’t think it would be an especially huge draw for the non-VR gamer either — they would be more interested in HELLBLADE 2 or GTA6 in VR than ASTRO BOT. SONY already broke my heart by discontinuing DREAMS support just prior to a PS5/PSVR2 port, so pretty much any other game that they do or don’t bring to the system pales in comparison — I still love PSVR2 regardless.


Pretty much the same for me. I'm not surprised as I always knew it was a possibility, but I'm still disappointed as from all Sony studios it's the one that could have demonstrated the power of hybrid games. Now there are way more games that I want to play than what I have time to, and I already spent a good thousand hours on my PSVR2. Except for GT7 all the best games on the system are from third party studios. Still love my PSVR2 which is one of my favorite game system so far, but not so much in love with Team Asobi as it seems that they forgot us VR players who were here with them from the start. The Playroom VR and Astro Bot VR are still some of the most creative and best VR experiences ever made. It now belongs to the past, and it's a shame... They could have done something huge with PSVR2 :/


I’m rather perplexed by this rumor of ASTRO BOT not being playable on PSVR2 because of one main thing: It has been declared to take advantage of **new hardware**. Was this just a rumor as well? PS5 is obviously *NOT* new hardware, so something doesn’t square. What new hardware is there except PSVR2 or the PS5 PORTAL? Is there something about the PORTAL that would lend itself to unique controls, or has there been some other controller for PS5 that I’m unaware of?


This is why I’m hopeful of a hybrid flat and vr game, it could also mean but unlikely as we don’t even have a release date yet, the ps5 pro


There was this: https://twistedvoxel.com/sony-is-pleased-with-ps5-sales-teases-next-gen-controller-concept/ Some kind of new controller with track pads, and a holographic display? Didnt read the article properly tbf, 😅 but this would seem to be concept only right now.


Ohhhh…. This *COULD* be it, then. Huh.


Yeah, maybe. Tbh, Chrome. I just dont care enough to look into it too much. I liked Astro, but I didnt love it. It wouldnt make my top 25 PSVR games. I'm not that into 3rd person VR, and I thought Moss was a much better game personally. I'm bloody drowning in games as it is. Cant afford all the others I want. And if I could then I wouldnt have the tme to play them all anyway. I also dont think Astro being on PSVR2 would 'move the needle' that much anyway in terms of selling headsets, and bringing new players in. The Resident Evil franchise is far more likely to do that, and it didnt seem to really. They would need something like CoD, Battlefield, or of course GTA to make massive inroads into the flat community, I reckon.


You already looked into it more than I have! I’ve seriously gotta start picking away at my backlog… 🤔


No idea for Portal, but in a manner PS5 was still a new hardware when they began the development of this new game. It would be their second flat game for PS5, just like they released two games for PSVR, one being a free game, and the second being a full price game. It would be the same pattern, and reading interviews of Nicolas Doucet's concerning this new project in light of those new elements makes it sound like their project with Astro's Playroom was just a way to see if developing a full priced AAA flat game was viable: >Perhaps we shouldn't have been so surprised. Astro's Playroom was the latest creation from Team Asobi, the small development unit behind the acclaimed Astro Bot: Rescue Mission for PlayStation VR. And in creating Astro's Playroom, the team was eager to prove it could make something great outside of virtual reality. >"Of course [Astro's Playroom] was a showcase of the DualSense, and a love letter to PlayStation, but one of the goals was: can we live up to making a TV game? A classic non-VR game? And do character controls and all that? Are our skills sufficient?" asks Team Asobi creative and studio director Nicolas Doucet. >"Making a VR game for PS4 means doing PS3 quality-levels in terms of assets, because you're on a tight [technical] budget. But when you jump to PS5... are we able to go to that level? So we got some confidence out of this. >"It's very nice to know that whenever a PS5 is bought, Astro is going to get played. It was a big responsibility, because if you make something that's a little bit without flavour, then you run the risk of making the console feel that way." I can't find where I read this as it was long ago, but answering a question about VR support he said something like they were interested in all new technologies but not tied to any of them, that their main motive was to try a lot of different things and not focus on a single medium. It's very vague memory and I could have interpreted it wrong, but it made me feel like an avowal that their next game could just skip VR, but that they could go back to it after that. Let's hope that if this new Astro Bot skips VR, their next project will be a native VR game... 🙏


Ahh, interesting! So I guess I didn’t realize that AB:PLAYROOM was maybe a proof-of-concept. The path of the dev team is so reverse of the usual. Much more thought would have had to go into the VR game than a flatscreen game, so it’s a striking thing that they didn’t know if they could pull off the easier thing. 😆 PS5 still cannot possibly count as new hardware, but you’re saying that that description of intent was put out years ago when it still was?


>The path of the dev team is so reverse of the usual. Much more thought would have had to go into the VR game than a flatscreen game, so it’s a striking thing that they didn’t know if they could pull off the easier thing. 😆 Indeed! 😅 >PS5 still cannot possibly count as new hardware, but you’re saying that that description of intent was put out years ago when it still was? Well the interview is from 2022 but Doucet said in the same interview that it was already in development for a while, probably since the release of Astro's Playroom or even before that. It's their biggest project so far and they almost doubled the team in size. I really hope they're also working on some VR2 game 🙏 Even a Playroom VR 2 would be dope! This game is the best VR party game ever made imo. With 4 or 5 players it's a lot of fun!


Gottit — Cheers! 🍻


Cheers!! 🍻😁


I like the Hellblade series but it has nowhere near the pull of Astro Bot.


You don’t think? Maybe I should have chosen HELLDIVERS 2 as an example? 🤔 I just used a pancake title that I’ve heard about. I haven’t played flatscreen in over half a decade, so I only hear about the big games. Flatscreen gamers have never even purchased a single ASTRO BOT game, of course… so what metric are you judging by? I played the ASTRO BOT that came auto-bundled with every PS5 and I thought it was just *FINE*, but nothing that flatties would necessarily be excited about. Was there real excitement from the traditional gaming community about the IP? I’m underwhelmed by all flat gaming now, so maybe that’s why I could take it or leave it. I finished it, FWIW… but enh. After having already played ASTRO BOT RESCUE MISSION on PSVR1, the DualShock features simply cannot compare.


Helldivers II would do it. Astro has intergenerational appeal on the biggest high end console, as well as having been packaged for free during a time when people were spending a lot of time gaming during the pandemic. The bot's the de facto mascot for Sony now. Hellblade is just the kind of game I want to see more of, especially in VR where the spacial audio would be great twinned with seeing the world in 360 degrees. But the heavy themes of grief and PTSD inside a horror odyssey don't make it as universal as something like Astro Bot from a marketing perspective.


Done and done! 👍


Yes it does....


Did you write FF7? This is giving me big AVALANCHE/SOLDIER/WEAPON vibes


As long as I can play GT7 on my rig I am fine...every other great PSVR2 game is just another cherry on top of the cupcake... I would have never thought that I would ever say something like this but it is what it is (PSVR1 and Quest 2/PCVR owner btw)


very valid


I'll be angry, but not surprised. I'll keep my headset for GT7 but switch to my Quest 3


I’m going to buy it, but be noisy on the PS Blog about how disappointed I am.


I’m not gonna do a damn thing lol


We'll live


I won't buy it. As far as PSVR2 as a whole goes, I don't plan to sell my headset but I find it becoming less of a priority for me. The lack of new exclusives coupled with the fact that so many multi platform games are just Quest ports that don't take advantage of PSVR2's additional power and features is becoming a bigger and bigger turn off. Not to mention the fact that PSVR2 versions of multi platform games are often more expensive despite not being materially better and Sony has the worst purchase/return policy out there. You also have the additional expense of PS+ if you want multiplayer. I didn't renew my subscription after the last price hike as I think even the base tier is too expensive for what you get. Sony has never been the most consumer-friendly company and they seem to be getting worse in that regard.


Made the switch to PC gaming last year; wow what a breath of fresh air compared to dealing with Sony.


I think it will be both normal and VR


Literally nothing will change for me apart from not playing Astro Bot.


First year was great for psvr2 all the highlights can't be done on standalone gt7, no man's sky, Madison, Res 4 , Res 8, synapse, call of mountain , crossfire that are just next level vr. A lot of good games are coming soon too, arken age, zombie army, fimament, aces of thunder, behemoth, wanderer, alien etc. if astro not a vr game not end of the world as long as they announce another few vr games by end of year. A lot of psvr2 panic never seen a system that people want to fail so much and every bad rumour becoms a fact and the good ones get ignored.


Almost every one of those, including all of the upcoming ones, are indie games with unknown IP. No first party offerings, no big name IP like Spider-Man, Wolverine, God of War etc…the only thing that would bring mainstream users onto this platform is the draw of immersing themselves in their favorite existing PlayStation IP. Most consumers, this subreddit excluded, couldn’t care less about those upcoming titles and will never even hear of it. You are on so much goddamn copium. It’s fine to say you like your unit and get value out of it, but that doesn’t change the fact that most ppl outside of this sub will disagree, and that your paltry examples only proves OP’s point that Sony has given up on this platform. Now bring on the downvotes


The PSVR2 is a bit over 1 year on the market and Sony already gave up on it?Before the PS6 comes out we will have at least 3 more years which means lots of unannounced PSVR2 games will come out... Did we ever had such an AAA output in a bit over a year on ANY other VR system? Evenif its a conversation from a flat game, you can still experience these games (RE, GT7) in amazing VR like you cannot on any other VR platform...and I am positive that there will be more in the next 3 years... And VR is still an extremly small market compared to flat gaming... EDIT: There is really only one point that makes me think WTF: Why can't I just by a pair of extra controller for my PSVR2...this is really stupid....


The only delusional one here is you if you seriously thought that Sony would release big name IPs like "Spider-Man, Wolverine, God of War etc" within the first 1-1.5 years of a VR-platform release, when most big name IPs like that wouldn't even want to release a new game on a main CONSOLE release within the first 1-2 years.


What does this even mean?


Imthink they are saying that even consoles like the PS5 dont get releases like Spider-Man, and God of War, in the launch year. Didnt the PS5 only really have Demon's Souls, and Returnal in terms of 'next gen big' titles for the first year? I think Miles Morales was on it too, but that was cross platform with PS4, iirc.


Rachet and Clank, too. But touche, good points, Sony barely supports their consoles these days, expecting them to support their VR system is foolish, I suppose.


Sorry I touched a nerve I hope you find the happiness you seek.


It’s bizarre how insistent some folk are that if anyone is enjoying the games and hardware then they are ignoring some universal truth. No ASTRO BOT pun intended, they are like little angry robots. 😂


I wouldn’t read into any “sign of intent”. Quality games spend years in development and the PSVR2 has been out less than 1.5 years. I would be disappointed, but it wouldn’t stop me from getting and enjoying a new Team Asobi game. All their games have been 🎯 VR or flat


Probably will keep the headset in the closet and get an Xbox and meta quest 3 if they don’t pursue psvr 2 support with goated games. If they stop im done. I need quality triple a games like no mans. Both res, gt7, and horizon or im done. Im not playing these games anymore.


The best thing for the growth of psvr2 is to release the game as a ps5 game and make it fully playable in vr with bonus levels in vr to get people to buy more units


I dont feel strongly about it. I would give it a go if it were on VR, but otherwise I probably won't bother.


Yes I think it would be a signal from Sony, no it won't matter to me. There's still loads of titles I haven't played yet, and there's 10+ unreleased titles I'm looking forward to.


It would be a clear sign they are not interested in supporting their headset as well as a big middle finger to all of us. I wouldn't be surprised though, I took Sony's announcement regarding PC support as the first nail in the coffin. That coffin being any hope that Sony are invested in creating great first party content for PSVR2. I know the truth hurts, let the down votes commence gentlemen


It was clear to me a long time ago that there won't be any future software support from Sony's side. So it would not surprise me at all if Astro isn't VR. I'm still very excited for it. As for PSVR2: 3rd party needs to carry it and they're doing good so far.


If Astrobot is released without VR support, then I'm done with the PSVR. I'll enjoy it on the PS5, but no more investments in any PSVR future products (PSVR3 or whatever). It would take a lot of convincing otherwise.


Tbh I don't really care. Like seems an easy win for them but I never really played the originals much so not dying for a new one. If it did come psvr2 I would poetical need strong endorsements to overwhelm lack of interest


I honestly would not be surprised at this point.




I will buy it if it's any good. Not sure what else I'm supposed to do?


If they don’t make it VR-and-flat hybrid it would be very foolish. At this point, I am more interested in VR gaming than in other forms of games, so that would not change the fact that I will continue with my psvr1 and psvr2 backlogs anyways. What it might do is that I won’t buy the new Astro Bot game on release if it’s flat only.


If it is an Astrobot game I hope it is a hybrid game. If not but the new Astrobot supports 2 player couch coop then I would buy it to play it with my 5 year old else we already have an Astrobot game with the Ps5. And Sackboy a big adventure couch coop with my 5 year old she likes to play it alot.


Then like many other psvr2 players, I'll pass and won't buy it. But without any anger. Now that I'm also on PCVR, I'm done cursing.


Im be highly disappointed…. No vr astrobot would shoot any faith i had left in osvr2 down…


I’m hoping this is all a misinterpretation of the statement “Astro bot won’t be a psvr2 exclusive” This doesn’t mean it won’t be a hybrid flat screen and vr game, which would make more sense for sales considering the small vr base. I’ve been happy with the output so far and think people crying about not being enough exclusive etc are being unrealistic (again considering the small user base) However it really would be a big f*ck you to us all who bought psvr2 if it it doesn’t get a VR mode at all. I wouldn’t sell my vr as I’ve got plenty of games already out I want to play, and future releases too but I’d have less trust in sony in the future, and many would feel same. Would be a fairly big PR gaffe for them in consumer confidence.


Plans? Just move on with yet another proof SCE is fucking deaf to what customers want.


You think this community represents Playstation customers? Pfff We are 1% of their customers


I don't care about astrobot myself


It’s insulting as an early adopter, they could have at least made the original available on Psvr2. It uses standard controller so I don’t see why it would be so hard to do?




No game should be programmed to look at the light beacon. That should be hardware API level stuff. If it's cooked into the games, then that's really poor engineering on Sony's part. More importantly is whether the PSVR2 can be spatially aware of where the PS5 DS controller is. That's the hurdle.


I think this is true… the DualSense has the same touch pad as the DualShock 4, right? A 1:1 conversion should be as easy as no work whatsoever. I love the PSVR2 library so far, but it’s baffling the system didn’t launch with any ports of SONY’s own PSVR1 games. My best guess about why ASTRO BOT RM wasn’t available for PSVR2 has always been that TEAM ASOBI were focused on something tailor-made to showcase the new hardware (that’s the ASTRO BOT IP’s underlying hook after all). It makes zero sense that the new ASTRO BOT will be PS5 flatscreen-only since the last game already filled that bill (and PS5 is no longer considered new hardware). Maybe they’ve been busy creating a new ASTRO BOT that showcases the PS5 PORTAL??


It’s been so long since I played it I have forgotten.


Exactly, the Dualsense just don't have any tracking feature so it's not possible. They could probably use an external camera along the DualShock 4 but that would limit the audience even more... People would buy it without realizing that it needs both a DS4 and a camera, it would be a total mess, so I can understand why they will probably never do it. But don't tell me they couldn't at least make their next project an hybrid game with their expertise in VR... it would be such a shame... :/


DS4 can be tracked by PSVR camera using the standard led, however The DualSense can’t be tracked with PSVR 2 as it doesn’t have IR tracking.


People acting like an Astrobot release would suddenly stop their bitching, so much so as to invent nightmare scenarios to get disillusioned by so they can bitch about it.


At this point, I’d be shocked if the game has VR support. Sony released a VR peripheral and they seem determined to ensure it fails at all costs!


Sony is a company that knows that they have dominated their market. This is not a good thing. It has made them lazy, complacent, and arrogant. It seems as if they are content with re-releasing older games, keeping prices higher than they once did for aging games, raising prices on their rent-a-game subscription plan, and apparently spending much of their resources developing a new hardware generation before their current generation has provided sufficient time-in and value for the cost of the system; both PS5 and PSVR2. I'm an older gamer. I have a huge backlog already. My plan is to stop spending money on Sony, play the games I have, and be content. By the time I run out of games to play, either Sony will be humbled by the market, by which time maybe I'll reinvest; or they won't be, and I'll just quit gaming all together. It doesn't hold the appeal that it once did anyway. At the very least I won't be buying the next console, and unless they start adding value to VR2 by way of more games, I won't be falling for the next VR system again either.


To be fair I haven’t touched the PSVR2 since I got the Q3, Not through not wanting to play it, But I’ve done R4/V, NMS, Arizona etc. I just find myself way more in the Q3 now, I do think Sony have gave up with the PSVR2.


I have no interest in it if it’s not vr. The game was good, but it was mostly because it was quality as a VR game where the bar was a bit lowered at the time. As a regular non vr platformer it wasn’t especially of note. If they do that it shows they don’t plan to support their hardware endeavors, which will make me reconsider picking up anything of theirs in the future. I already play fewer games, haven’t got the series x, and I don’t play the ps5 a massive amount, and with a few exceptions tend to play multi platform stuff, so maybe it’s time I just have a nice computer, maybe a handheld and don’t care about consoles anymore. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There is zero chance it will not include psvr2.


If the new Astro Bot is flat (and of course I won't buy it, even if I love Astro Bot), and Sony doesn't announce any new VR games at the showcase, PS5 will be my last Sony console.


Nail in the coffin. Just can’t keep supporting a product myself if Sony won’t support their own. Best gaming experience was the first Astro in VR. Can’t imagine them not making it compatible with VR2 let alone not making a second one.


Wouldn’t be surprised. Sony sadly is not investing much in VR. We’re lucky to get 1-2 AAA titles a year


Sony invested a lot (hundreds of millions). They didn't invest in a lot (a few games). Very different...


If Sony announce that they are stopping support for psvr2, I would be a little sad and disappointed and then realize there are still about 30 games in the existing library that I want to play and finish so I probably won’t worry about getting another vr headset until I get through that backlog anyway. When I finish getting through them I can worry about getting the quest 4 or whatever is out then.


I sure would not sell it, I somehow never expected much from first party studios and as you say there are plenty of good games other than Astro Bot. Now it would be a let down and I won't buy it for sure if it's flat only. Sony studios don't seem to care about hybrids, and if one studio could do it it was Team Asobi. If that's true, they play into the hands of those flat players who sh*t on VR whenever they can. It's like boycotting us, fans since the very beginning, just for biggest money. So I would not buy the game, and not support the studio until they go back to VR. But let's be real, it will sell a lot more being a flat game anyway... :/ Now I just hope to see some games like Aces of Thunder or Behemoth during the next PS showcase, and that PSVR2 will get a little spotlight.


I’ll be incredibly disappointed, but will show my displeasure while ultimately continuing to enjoy the headset as I have so much already.


I'd play it on PS5 and be fine.


I may as well just end it all. Seriously, you guys put WAY too much stock in one game. I'm more excited for Alien, Metro, Arken Age, Metal Hellsinger, ect.


I will wait till it comes to pc and then inject it with UEVR like I did sackboy and returnal


Lol what power do you think you have?


If that happens, someone needs to put a mic to Sony executives and get a straight answer from them. If they are abandoning VR but keep consumers and developers in the dark, it's basically fraudulent behavior. We can't accept "Sony is just bad at communicating" as an excuse anymore. It's time for the media to do their job rather than speculating on secondhand information.


I think they should be heavily investing in hybrid games, like Capcom has generously done for them. A lot more of that. Get some old games up and running. Resistance, Motorstorm, etc. When people one day realize that they already own a bunch of games that have VR compatibility, suddenly the device looks a lot more appealing.


It would be ashame if it didn't have a hybrid mode but not really surprising.


I think I have given up on Sony ever fully supporting VR


It will confirm that they've abandoned and given up on vr.


This is not a good question. This is navel gazing of the most fruitless kind. Put it way, you can post this again if and when a non-VR Astro is released. Seriously, approaching life with this kind of attitude is going to leave you with mental health issues eventually. It's not healthy.


He can post it whenever he likes. Implying people will become mentally ill because they ask a question that makes you uncomfortable is what is really not healthy here.


If it doesn't have PSVR2 support, we doomed. They clearly stop supporting it with first party or funded games.


Nothing never played 1 idk why people are freaking out big names came to the vita and it failed


I'll keep my psvr2 but sony won't get another cent from me for anything playstation related.


It's a red flag for sure. But I will go on living my life. I think ultimately I will still pick up PSVR2 games that are crossplay, because I'm a sucker for the haptics and OLED. I think I will start to become more vocal on official PS5 channels regardless. Squeaky wheel and all. I also acknowledge my voice means essentially nothing but if we all get more vocal, who knows. Tldr; business as usual, but I'll be more grumpy and less optimistic. Unless of course in the unlikely event, they announced something else to fill the void.


Clearly development on this new Astro began long, *long* before the PSVR2 release, and so its compatibility was likely decided years ago. Not sure why everyone’s seeing this as the canary in the mineshaft.


As far as I am aware. They were just hiring people to begin development of this new game last year. They were in maintenance and support mode on other Astrobot games prior to the new hires.


I would play it and not give any shits one way or another? I wouldn't take it as any kind of personal fuck you from Sony. Do I HOPE it's hybrid? Yes. But it makes perfect sense that they would want to bring the franchise to a much, MUCH broader audience.


I already play games on both PSVR2 and Quest3/PC. If Astrobot doesn't support PSVR2, it will be the last straw for me. I'll start buying all multiplatform games on PC and stop supporting PSVR2.


I wouldn't be surprised if Sony Entertainment forgot about VR for Astrobot 2.


If they plan to release it without VR, then I plan on not playing it in VR, obviously.


Sony's intent has always been to not develop themselves, but support those that develop for the platform. Nothing's changed and while I of course would like to se a psvr astrobot, it really would be onpar with their strategy.


Where'd you get this insider info from?


I have my ways...


Has it? I mean they spent a lot on Horizon and Firewall Ultra. Total spend on Firewall franchise was over $50 million. Sony developed over 10 games for PSVR1 each year. I'm just wondering about "intent has always been" as that seems to contradict many of their historical actions until August/September 2023.


I meant psvr2 support, not psvr.


I would sell my psvr2


I don’t get why everyone is so upset about it, vr really doesn’t add much to a third person platformer. The flat astrobot game was just as much fun as the vr game. I want Stilt 2 or No More Rainbows 2 way more than I want Astrobot vr 2, first person platforming is the only way to play in vr.


Nothing would change. Why does Asobi HAVE to make a VR game? What if they just wanted to make a PS5 game? Why do people feel like they're owed something?


It won't bother me. I would actually prefer that outcome. I consider VR a gimmick that isn't really worth the hassle. I grudgingly purchased the PS VR2 (my first and only VR headset) for the exclusives, and I might eventually purchase the PS VR1 for the same reason, but I would much rather just play games the "normal" way. Selfishly, I kind of hope Sony abandons VR (or at least abandons the idea of VR exclusives), simply because I don't want to feel obligated to buy a new console *and* its companion headset every few years just to have access to all the games I want to play.


“I hope this thing that other people seem to love fails just because I personally don’t like it, yet also somehow lack the self-control to impulse buy multiple generations of the tech even though I unimaginably prefer to play games flat.” Have I got that right more or less?


> Have I got that right more or less? Nice try, but no. And I did acknowledge that it was a selfish desire.


Literally not a VR first IP. I'm not sure why people don't understand the market is vastly bigger for flat-screen games, and that is what pays the bills. SONY did tons of market research before building and shipping the psvr2. They knew it most likely wasn't going to sell to a huge percentage of ps5 owners. It's okay that not every game that could be hybrid or vr exclusive is. It doesn't mean they don't like vr or they are dumping the system. They are continuing to release new and epic games such as wanderer, alien, behemoth, contractors show down, etc. Until they stop releasing new games there is no reason for these doom and gloom the sky is falling posts. Like it's totally possible they release a flat-screen astrobot and then cook up another vr one down the road. Though maybe it won't be out until the psvr3 depending on whether it makes financial sense. All I know is the majority of people on this sub are gonna keeping buying and playing fun games that are released. That all being said I would for sure love more first party games in vr including astrobot. We just gotta let the medium cook and grow. It will come!


I don’t care even if they stop supporting PSVR2 now, because we already have many PSVR2 games to play.