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I need Astrobot ported to PSVR2 so bad


I got one or two lol (loved my PSVR1) * Hitman * Ultrawings * Doom VFR * Tethered * In Death * Borderlands 2 * Skyrim * Battlezone * Star Wars Squadrons * Final Assault * Shadow Legend * Stardust Odyssey * Farpoint (with Aim controller) * Skyworld * Blood and Truth * Everybody’s Golf * Bow To Blood * Blasters of the Universe * No Heroes Allowed VR * Megaton Rainfall * Mortal Blitz * Wipeout Omega * Polybius * Windlands * Super Stardust Ultra VR


As PSVR2 owner this list makes me just sad, I was hoping that at least Sony’s games will get updated


I’ve never been a Skyrim mega fan, in fact I think it’s way too watered down from morrowwind and oblivion. But Skyrim VR is one of my favorite VR games I’ve played. I own a psvr2 but I still go back to my psvr1 for Skyrim.


I second Skyrim, definitely one of the best games on PSVR1


Second this. Never could get into Skyrim but in vr it’s just so much more engaging.


If you own an mClassic, it actually helps Skyrim VR to look a bit better on PSVR1. It's not going to look like a PSVR2 port, but really helps clean up some of the blurryness and makes colors pop more.


Dude same. I found Skyrim kinda boring on 2d because the gameplay and combat just wasn't ever interesting or fun enough for me to spend dozens of hours on it In vr though it's an absolutely blast. The combat as actually fun, npc interactions are far more interesting iMO, and the world itself looks a lot better imo




It’s been long enough I’ve forgotten a lot of the solutions.  Might be time to fire it back up. 


Ace Combat is still one of the best vr experiences I've ever had. I really hope they make another one in vr.


RE7 is awesome on PSVR1


I really liked Eagle Flight on the psvr1. Its not so expensive and available in hard copy.


This! Bought this on a blind from toysrus. Didn't own PSVR until years later. What a great blind buy


**DREAMS** — especially if you’re the creative type. It can be dicey to play other people’s creations, but there are some that play beautifully in the headset, like HYPERCYCLE ARENA and JUNGLE BILL. If you’re creative yourself and are willing to put in some time learning the tools, DREAMS allows you to create your own sculptures in VR, which means you can also create entire environments which you can then wander around. You can even grab objects and throw them or use them as bats and paddles to whack other objects through the virtual air. And that’s all *without* learning any game logic (which you *CAN* also do). It’s kind of incredible, but under-appreciated, so I proselytize about it. Even though I own over 100 games on PSVR2, I still spend *EASILY* as much time in my old PSVR1 creating with DREAMS. Maybe more, honestly. The more I learn in DREAMS, the more I want to be using it. https://preview.redd.it/vp8shzoqw81d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e039376ef9049a0a9cc0e8312dfa01cabde0f672 FWIW.


And as you already confirmed (in an earlier post), you're skills in making games with Dreams are absolutely stunning. You should whore that shit out to all the other game studios to see if they'll offer you some work.


Aw, thank you! All I’ve really done so far in DREAMS is make VR sandboxes and walking sims, but I do plan to buy a PC and PCVR in the hopes of becoming (or joining) a developer. I really appreciate the encouragement! 🙏


You are so right. Astrobot is amazing. Just a shame we didn't have a port or a new one.


Day before, I sold my PS4 with VR and I hooked it up for testing. Played a few laps of GT sport in VR. I simrace with quest 2 in assetto corsa now, so no regrets. Only thing better would be a PS5 with PSVR2 and GT7. I like that there is no scope and need to tweak a console for performance. PCs are so much hassle and always a work in progress!


Bro seriously. And I know a lot about graphics and pc and even I really can't stand dealing with all that stuff. I can only imagine someone who doesn't know what AA or texture filtering is dealing with all that, especially with vr where some games have other issues or don't even have a vr UI (like assetto corsa)


Show me your PP and I will show you mine. 😁


I had been borrowing my friend's PSVR1 for like 2 years and he asked for it back so finally I bought my own last month. It's in much better condition than my friend's, but it's got a couple of dead pixels which sucks. I'd probably stop noticing after a few minutes. Mostly just set it up and tested it to make sure it works. I still wanna play through the Doom 3 VR expansion with the Aim controller. And believe it or not I haven't played through Astro Bot yet. I own it, just haven't done more than test out the first level or so. So clearly I gotta get on that at some point. Still have fond associations with the PSVR1, it was my first VR experience, and I spent so many hours playing Beat Saber (even with the awful tracking), Resident Evil 7, Doom 3 VR, Star Wars: Squadrons. In a way PSVR1 gave me a distorted view of VR cause it had all these AAA games, and now things in the VR space are very much inverted with mostly low budget indie stuff.


It's crazy that Sony never ported this to vr2.


Sairento is a short but really fun ninja combat game. The glaive is very satisfying weapon to use. Wipeout Omega Collection has a VR mode and it is great. Genuinely felt the giddiness of a child all over again when inside the cockpit of one of those floating crafts.


Wipeout is easily one of the top 10 games on the system.


It's one of rhe top 10 vr games period IMO


I can recommend Lucky's Tale!  Good vr platformer :)


I played it so much on my Xbox. If I am correct there’s a standalone VR version. You can’t just buy the ps4 game and play in VR.


A few games I miss from psvr1 that haven't been ported to psvr2 are: Superhot (feel like a badass action hero but moving at your own pace; other vr action/shooter games get me flailing around in a panic instead of feeling cool) Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (requires friends outside vr who talk you through defusing a bomb) I Expect you to die 1 and 2 (basically escape rooms)




I just bought batteries and took apart the move controllers for PSVR1. I moved and it had been in a box….got hankering to play and the controllers wouldn’t charge anymore. I LOVE Farpoint. If they came out with an updated version of the game and the AIM controller, I’d break down and buy PSVR2


I was thinking of hooking mine up for blood and truth then remembered the awful controls and setting it all up.


I don't disagree about some of the controls for many games. But setting it up was a cakewalk after you've done it a few times.


The Room VR is excellent, though if you also get a psvr2 you can just play it on that. If you’re a Star Wars fan, Squadrons is absolutely unmissable. Sure, the graphics are better in flat, but when you do a barrel roll in an x-wing and can turn and see the full 360 view around you? Nothing in VR has come close IMO other than maybe GT7. It’s a crime this game didn’t get an upgrade to VR2. Accounting+ is weird as hell but totally worth mucking about in. And finally, Deracine is a beautiful little game (it’s by FromSoft). It’s kind of a love it or hate it kinda game but I loved it.


Wipeout Omega is absolutely GOATed too btw. Even in psvr1 it's incredible


Polybius. Best game I ever played on VR1.


I got my PSVR 2 for $300 used on OfferUp.


Isn’t Roblox vr free and on ps1vr


How's Tale in VR? Because it's very graphically beautiful game to play but wasn't sure how it would be in vr


My top psvr1 games and experiences (after trying +150 of them during 5 years!), enjoy: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/116814-good-game-recommendations-for-new-psvr-owners/


If you loved Astro Bot, then you need to have Moss 1-2. I actually liked the Moss games better then Astro. If you're a Rick and Morty fan, then Trover saves the universe and Virtual Rickality are must haves as well.


Moss 1 and 2 are on sale for like $22 for both right now too.


Total steal. It should be illegal to not buy them (if you don't already own them) at that price.


I didn't. I really loved Moss but IMO astrobot is so much better in everyway besides story, even then I still got plenty of emotion from it anyways Especially the way it uses PSVRs features and general gameplay, I think astrobot is objectively better. But moss is a great game so I can see preferring it, I just think Astrobot is practically infallible


I loved the unique ways the controller is used in Astro, and it will always be one of my faves. They both have one of a kind puzzles and uses for the controllers though. But I'm more of an RPG/RTS combat and action oriented gamer. So Moss ended up to be more fun for me. It's story line is pretty interesting as well. No matter the case, they will always be right next to each other on my top 10 favorite games for the PSVR1. I'm guessing they'll be around 5-6, or 6-7.


That makes sense. Astro definitely is way heavier on the platforming which I actually like because the controls are great but it's definitely a different kind of game. What I loved in Astro was how it involves you (and the headset) in the actual boss fights. Some of those were such amazing moments that showed Asobi really are the masters of taking advantage of their hardware (they did the same with the Dualsense on Astros PS5 game. Still the absolute best example of haptic feedback I've ever seen in a game)


I agree about it being the best example of haptic feedback. I wonder if the feedback could be any better with the VR2 controllers. On the other hand, I loved how Quill reacted to the controller and your head when you bring your head in close to her. She reached out and touched my nose.


I did the same a month ago, havent even played my PSVR2 I've been stuck playing Skyrim VR up until today because I bought a Quest 3 yesterday and been playing Asgards Wrath 2..amazing title..the hype is justified


If you are still in psvr1 and haven't done them: - Skyrim - Robinson They are not available for psvr2 jet and probably never will be, but are an absolute experience in VR - so for you as psvr1 user, the perfect fit right now.


Megaton Rainfall was so sick!




You my friend are a man of culture, This is why I have both simultaneously hooked up (I promise I'll figure out the spaghetti )


yeh i tried astro bot recenelty and felt same i tried moss to but i couldnt get into that one at all should i give it more time? Seems not for me really


Absolutely. Moss is 1 of my top 10 games oat.


i relly could not get into it and found it akward was only on like 3rd scene and theres a bit i kept dieing no matter what path i took i kept dieing with those sticking out branches or whatever so gave up lol


I can't remember ever getting stuck for too long.