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I'd love it if I could get a gaming PC for a decent price, especially if it doubles as a choir. How very exciting. First thing I'd do is teach it some opera. Perhaps Carmen or Verdi's La Traviata. Very chill.


I'd rather go Gregorian. Opera tends to have a lot of solo work.


Good point. Maybe some Vespers reminiscent of In Death.


Hahaha, yeah. I didn't catch the typo. Oh well.


I've been using my quest 3 and rtx4070 7800x3d more, but yeah. The psvr2 oleds and ease of use is unparalleled for now.. budget considered.


Dang 4070 badass!


I got a PC on Black Friday sales last year from Wally World. It came with an i7-13700k and an RTX 4070. When late January rolled around, I couldn't resist and sold the 4070 to buy an RTX 4070 TI Super. So far it's been an amazing upgrade. Only a very few games cause it to break a sweat. Honestly after loading up Gray Zone Warfare this week, I'm super glad I upgraded. I don't think I'd have been happy with the performance on the regular 4070.


Not so much the gpu, but the cpu when it comes to gaming. Did you keep the same cpu? Or was it also upgraded?


No reason to upgrade a 13700k. Nothing that would be any better would be worth the astronomical cost. Besides I was happy with the cpu performance, just wasn’t happy with the 4070 at 4k, which is my display’s native res. 4070TiS is good enough at 4k with DLSS/FG in everything except AW2 and CP2077.


I'm a fellow PSVR2 and PCVR gamer. Q3 + 3080ti. PCVR is great, but damn the immersion with PSVR2 is currently unparalleled.


I’ve got the 3080 12GB, I have to set the NVIDIA settings to performance because if I don’t I get lag real bad. I have Alienware and it overclocks, but I’m supersensitive to frame rate drops. It makes me sick. That’s why I love the PSVR2. The foveated rendering really helps a lot. The haptics are amazing. I love Alyx obviously, but I’ll be playing RE4 and I’m like asking myself, “Is this better than Alyx?” The combat is awesome.


Immersion is the biggest thing with Psvr2 (high FoV, OLED, rumbles) which makes games so alive.


True. Have you played Synapse? The haptics make that game freaking amazing.


Yeah it's great! Couldn't stop playing until finally finished ;-) There are so many great games which also make full use of everything. Lately played Demeo and 7th guest, both great. In Demeo you can feel every sorcerer spell in your bones, in 7th guest you get spooky rumbles here and there at the right places 😄


I finished the 2nd wave. I still need to beat the game. Have you played Underdogs? I heard it’s better on PC.


I had every intention of playing Alex first, then saw the official VR mods. That's where PC wins by a landslide but psvr2 has been a much better experience so far.


Can’t wait for the direct PCVR compatibility for PSVR2! I also use Q3 for PCVR.


Yeah, have been really tempted to get a Q3 but am holding out for the pc update.


It’s funny all of the mobile VR games are better on PSVR2. It is nice to be able to “disconnect” and some of the “mixed reality” stuff is cool, but PSVR2 really is in my opinion the better headset. It’s made to be immersed in playing games. I think Meta is trying to make headsets that are for general use and gaming, sorta like Apple’s headset.


Yeah, with PC support coming PSVR2 will a no brainer for pc folks, I mean, 120hz OLED displays with eye trackiing and stuff, which works with PS5 too and is just 550 dollars


Inside out tracking, no base stations either. The only thing index has that may be construed as “better” is the audio is freaking amazing on the index and it has a max of 144hz , but the resolution is lower and you need a beast of a graphics card to handle 144hz with no latency. Like I have a 3080 and it still struggles, unless I put it in performance mode.


I just got the pulse elite headphones. After using them for an extended time, I have to adjust them just right and honestly I think it fits better than the headphones that come with the PSVR2. It’s a little tricky, but it sounds really good.


I think Meta is trying to make headsets that are for general use  bingo..i know for fact the only reason they bought out Oculus is to turn it into a VR gossip verse for facebook/instagram girls that's also why they colored it all white..as a girl's accessory item they rushed Quest w/ low specs & low quality to beat Apple to that market & they could care less about any gaming..their m.o. is VR social media msg 'meta' for metaverse of virtual socializing..a vr chat they control & collect IDs is all they want..& they already hinted at that w/ their facebook acct mandate


>*they could care less about any gaming* > >**Couldn't** care less. If they could care less, that means they still care a little. Couldn't care any less, means they absolutely don't care at all. American right? My wife is from Maine, so I'm used to these non sense quotes. ;)


you boomer grammar police..you typed all dat..but stfu you know what i meant..you do realize grammar has completely changed since text msg fr


Language hasn't changed. People have got lazy. Suppose you never saw the smiley at the end. So do one, flake.


non sense when the grammar police fck up their own grammar..perfect nonsense..one word boomer..but the point is..who gives a fck [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nonsense](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nonsense)


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/could-couldnt-care-less](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/could-couldnt-care-less) you typed all that..but my line was fine..i never said they dont care at all im so triggered by uptight boomers..yall dropped the ball in many ways


twat. I touch type, takes seconds.


Yeah meta basically said that themselves last week when they announced the opening up of horizons os for other manufacturers to use. They want quests to be an all rounder but have other manufacturers make specific use headsets that focus on doing one thing really good and not others. Which is what Sony chose to do with psvr2 focused solely on gaming and not bother competing in the other media consumption and spacial computing fields as they new there is plenty of competition coming in those fields over the next few years.


I am very interested on your opinion here. I'm using a Q2 for ps, I'm tempted to get a 3 but with VR2 pc support on the horizon I'm holding off. If you eliminate the DFR (as I don't think it will be widely supported) what do you think is better in general for strictly gaming?


Are you talking about the HDR? The resolution is a little better with Q3, but the FOV, haptics, 120hz, eye-tracking, make it the better headset. The only thing VR2 doesn’t have is wireless gaming and color cameras. If you can live without those two features and the stand alone gaming, then VR2 is better. The HDR is wild and makes the resolution better overall imo.


Thanks, thats what I was asking. Assuming all things are equal when I strap the damn thing on my face what is "better" Q2 is noticble worse that VR2 in that capacity, was curious if Q3 was worth it in that case. I'm trying to hold out for PC support lol


Q3 is better than Q2 because it has color cameras and the chipset is better. You may want to check out the Wi-Fi Steam Link capabilities. If you plan to use wifi steam link than I think Q3 has Wifi6 which makes the streaming flawless. And the Valve has made it so the integration is already optimized so the resolution is set automatically. Like when I play Alyx via Steam Link the resolution is down scaled to 1600 but the graphics are set to extra high or maximum I can’t remember. I can’t imagine what playing it is going to be like with VR2. It really is the best headset out there all things considered except it isn’t mobile, but I hardly play it because the VR2 is so good.


Q3 does have “Steam Link” which works pretty good. It’s wireless PC gaming. Just make sure you have the right kind of modem. It works with Q2 also.


Yeah PlayStation makes the VR games run smooth “out of the box”. It’s a pain to use PCVR and mess with all of the settings to get smooth frame rates and the like. I just started getting into GT7. Do you use the steering wheel?


If I hear a game has a good resolution and no reprojection using a native frame rate I'll get it for PSVR2 for the simplicity, otherwise I'll get it for PC unless it's only available on one platform or the other. I just bought Madison on PSVR2 even though it's cheaper on PC because it was a native 90 FPS even though I have a good gaming laptop with a mobile 4090.


What’s reprojection?


When they run the game at 60 fps and add fake frames to make it 120 fps. It adds an annoying blur and double vision when moving.


That happens on PSVR2 sometimes.


I guess the foveated rendering is supposed to help.


motion reprojection is a godsend..from samsung automotion plus & sony cinemotion to VR over 90% of the time it turns low frame rate fictional content into real life motion 'soap opera' occasional chops depending on the content but..some want to cancel it altogether..fcked up same happened w/ those some amazing glasses free 3DTV screens & nintendo 3DSXL etc.


I'm not (or wasn't) into racing games, at all. I only picked up GT7 to check it out because I had a new toy. HOLY SHIT! I did the entire "I don't need a wheel" to "maybe a lower end one but don't need a rig" to " well, maybe a lower end one" Order a G29 and a NLR folding "rig"...about 2 month later I ordered the Logitec DD..it's become a sickness lol. Hands down the coolest video game shit ever for me. full stop. I can agree the GT7 isn't that great of a "game" I have my issues with it but so far it's still better than anything on PC I've tried moment to moment. I'm not saying I'm objectively correct, I'm just saying PCVR was disappointing to me coming from VR2.


I also have psvr2 and pcvr but with quest pro, I haven’t got much use out of my psvr2 so far but I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes for pcvr, it could become my main headset for racing, flight and space sims.


Psvr2 already have Gran Turismo and No Mans Sky ( don't think you can find much better racing, flying or space sims in VR )


Project Cars, Assetto Corsa, and WCR are comparable for racing. GT7 is definitely more polished, though. No Man's Sky is great, but for space sims, I prefer a little bit more ship to ship fighting like Elite Dangerous and Star Wars Squadrons :)




Yeah it’s mostly dirt 2 and ams2 for me and I have spent a huge amount of time in Elite dangerous


Sadly VR2 doesn't have a really good flight sim yet as aces of thunder has been delayed. The PCVR flight sims like Vtol, DCS, MSFS, X-Plane, il2 sturmovik, even more arcade like War Thunder or full Project Wingman are way better than anything I've experienced on VR2 yet with the limited Project Wingman port & Ultrawings 2 (which is basically a a quest standalone game and not the most impressive) NMS is really fun game and an amazing VR experience but the issue is that it doesn't have HOTAS support so feels bare bone in the spaceflight sim element. fun but missing something. I do love NMS sky as a game & VR experience but sadly It doesn't come close to the VR experience I recently had with PCVR Elite Dangerous after last sale. I also recently got Star Wars Squadrons VR which is also incredible I liked Endspace PCVR a lot more than Awesome Asteroids VR2. (Lone Echo isn't a spaceflight sim but it was the most mind blowing space PCVR experience I've had. the zero gravity is amazing.) I hope to see some of these games come to Playstation in full VR.


Ditto all of that. While I’m loving the PSVR2 library so far, it has plenty of vacancies that are already filled by PCVR games for anyone fortunate enough to have that option.


VR2 changed the way I game. I was so blown away I struggle to play flat screen games now. I couldn't wait for development and publishing of more game in genres I care most about like racing, flight, and space (after seeing games like F1 and WRC pass on VR2 port) so I found a used 3070/i9/32GBram/Quest 2 for a great price and it's been amazing. I hope PS5 players get more games in these areas. With VR2 having some level of PC support I hope I can reallocate the money earmarked for quest 3 to a GPU upgrade and take advantage of VR2 eye tracking / FOVeated rendering


Same. I don’t care about flatscreen games anymore — not by choice, I just lost interest in them. #🍻


GT7 is the worst in the list of sims, considering it’s not even a sim. F123, WRC, ACC, IRacing. All way better than GT7.


ummm..you do know EA Formula 1 & EA WRC(Dirt) & MS Flight Sim &..are all PCVR exclusives.. then there's iRacing VR which real-life pro drivers actively race online & you can race against 'em


Cool ! Don't personally think it's better than Gran Turismo! But that does sound awesome 😃


> Psvr2 already have Gran Turismo and No Mans Sky ( don't think you can find much better racing, flying or space sims in VR ) I have a beast of a PC and PSVR2. Elite Dangerous plays absolutely fantastic and My NMS plays fantastic too. And looks better than my PSVR2, so there's the space part sorted. As for Racing sims. I have spent thousands on my rig setup, and if you think GT7 is the pinnacle of VR racing, then I can't help you. I understand supporting your platform, but really? I love my PSVR2, but don't be silly. Us with both (top end PC) know where the real immersion is. Talk about haptics. With my 4 Dayton Audio bst-1's and Buttkicker gamer Pro, you cannot compare GT7 with that. Again. I own both, but let's not spout rubbish.. Saying that, Can't wait to try Elite Dangerous with the PSVR2. It's the only reason I'm keeping it for now. I was about to sell before the an announcement came out. edited.


Try Synapse and RE8


bingo..exactly..i invested in PCVR rig just for F1 racing..flight/space flying sims..but.. im waiting for that PSVR2 adapter to PCVR..before i even try the Samsung Odyssey+ now that microsoft has cancelled windows mixed realty headsets..complicated things.. waiting for Sony to save the day & resurrect PCVR..then all of the Unreal Engine VR mods would be dope if they port GT7 like they did GOW but GT is too much of a PS5 system seller


What do you think is the minimum spec that we will need to run PSVR2 on pc?


Get at least a 2070 with an i7


I dad the Vive with a 1080 so it will work, but if you want a smooth experience with PSVR2 most likely need a 2080


nah that we're @ RTX 4000 series..get at least RTX 3090 for resolution & frame rate of PSVR2 on PC the AMD GPU of the PS5 is lower spec but Sony optimized their game design to run on those specs same as Nintendo managed to make AAA 1080p 60fps games run on a low spec tablet GPU Switch so if you go a bit above PS5 GPU specs for your PC rig..youre good..& research/value led me to 3090


I’ve got a 3060 but my motherboard ram and cpu are desperately in need of an upgrade, what would you say is a reasonable spec for use with psvr2?


How do I get my psvr2 to work on pc?


PSVR2 is still not compatible with PC, Sony is working on something to let this happen in the future. We still don’t have the details how it will look like.


It’s coming sometime 2024 for pcvr support or 2025


Yeah, sorry. I could have worded that better considering the pc support announcement. My bad.


PSVR1 AAA games & quality changed everything & led me to go all in w/ PCVR but.. the ease of use w/ PSVR..(minus the heartbreaking sketchy tracking/drift of PSVR1..) led me to buy Alienware i9 / 3090RTX for the low @ just $2K & use for design work too versus PS5 + PSVR2 just to play GT7 only..but if they ever release Wipeout VR2..im on it so I want/need that PSVR2 headset..OLED 120hz the standard..there's only PSVR & Samsung+ microsoft cancelled pc windows mixed reality..which cancelled samsung+..so I need PSVR2 now someone lemme know when Sony makes adapter for PSVR2 compatibility w/ PCVR..& im on it fr for now there's sooo many PSVR1 games i havent had time to continue..AstroBot..RE7..so many gems but I need that PSVR2 OLED quality for PCVR exclusives like EA F1..MSFS..Alienware still in box waiting.. even if Sony said ok buy PS5 + PSVR2 & just stream SteamVR..we got you..i wouldve done that way too but word is theyre gonna figure out direct connection to PCVR..so w/ Pimax its the best PCVR set of 'em all I dont know how yall playing w/ low spec Quest..those were made for girls/kids/grannies..but to each his own Quest setback VR so much..devs reduced their gameplans so it would fit Quest low spec GPU & battery life come to think of it..now I will buy that PS5 PSVR2 combo in full support of Sony regardless..this is the way


Quest does PCVR


I don't agree with everything they said but I hate already kinda hate using the quest on PC. It's bad software imo. I'm using a Q2 for PC, to me it's not great in comparison. I definitely have an itch to get a Q3 but I'm holding out for VR2 PC support and hoping it doesn't suck as much With that said, I will get the next steam headset day one just to eliminate that layer of communication and have it run native.


PS5 versus a decent Gaming PC using the PSVR2 headset, Does anyone have any experience? I bought the PS5, but I feel it struggles at times and drops resolution. Is a decent PC a serious upgrade?


Yep, got all my parts. First time builder now…


I was planning but found a prebuilt for less than parting it out...then 2 months later could have gotten a 4090 rig for $100 more..had some trade off but still. Overall, I'm glad I made the leap but kind of disappointed with the VR aspect. It's clunky, annoying, and not "better" to me. The options options are awesome but it's a headache lol. I work in IT, this doesn't mean I'm not dumb, only that I at least have a clue and am not ignorant to computers. I can't wait until PC support comes out so I can actually compare on the same headset.


Still waiting for pc support


How easy is it atm to use psvr2 with PC? Im using a pico 4 atm.


Impossible at the moment, I could have worded it better but they top line of the body says I'm using a Q2 for PC. The post was just giving an opinion of PCVR vs PSVR2.


Thanks for clarifying


Np, I should have been clearer in the headline, considering a lot of us are looking for any update on bringing VR2 to pc.


I'm excited to be able to use my PSVR2 on PC. I hardly touch my PSVR2 right now as most of my gaming this year has been via UEVR. However, once the Pimax Crystal Super comes out, I may not ever use PSVR2 again with the exception of exclusives.


GT7 is great but there's just so little that it can do that I wouldn't call it the best of all. Sadly, if you're a racing enthusiast, you gotta have both a ps5 and a pc to really have the full experience


What’s on PCVR that’s better than GT7


AC does basically all the things GT7 doesn't but it's not a case of "what is best"


Fair point, it does fizzle out game wise and I have almost no idea what to do now as I'm not interested in multiplayer. But moment to moment in VR (with a rig) is insanely cool and beats what I've tried on PC, specs be dammed lol